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PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)


Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery

Yuri Alexeev ,1 Dave Bacon,2 Kenneth R. Brown,3,4,5 Robert Calderbank,3,6 Lincoln D. Carr ,7
Frederic T. Chong,8 Brian DeMarco,9 Dirk Englund,10 Edward Farhi,11,12 Bill Fefferman ,8
Alexey V. Gorshkov ,13,14 Andrew Houck,15 Jungsang Kim,3,5,16 Shelby Kimmel ,17 Michael
Lange,18 Seth Lloyd,19 Mikhail D. Lukin,20 Dmitri Maslov ,21 Peter Maunz,22
Christopher Monroe,13,16,* John Preskill,23 Martin Roetteler,24 Martin J. Savage,25 and Jeff Thompson15
Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois, USA
Google, Inc., Seattle, Washington, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Department of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics, Duke University, Durham,
North Carolina, USA
Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA
Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Department of Physics and IQUIST, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Google, Inc., Venice, California, USA
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Joint Quantum Institute, Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science, and Department of
Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
IonQ, Inc., College Park, Maryland, USA
Department of Computer Science, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, USA
L3Harris Technologies, Melborune, Florida, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Institute for Quantum Information and Matter and Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA
Microsoft Quantum, Redmond, Washington, USA
Institute for Nuclear Theory and Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

(Received 4 February 2020; accepted 21 October 2020; published 24 February 2021)

The great promise of quantum computers comes with the dual challenges of building them and finding their use-
ful applications. We argue that these two challenges should be considered together, by codesigning full-stack quan-
tum computer systems along with their applications in order to hasten their development and potential for scientific
discovery. In this context, we identify scientific and community needs, opportunities, a sampling of a few use case
studies, and significant challenges for the development of quantum computers for science over the next 2–10 years.
This document is written by a community of university, national laboratory, and industrial researchers in the
field of Quantum Information Science and Technology, and is based on a summary from a U.S. National Science
Foundation workshop on Quantum Computing held on October 21–22, 2019 in Alexandria, VA.

DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.017001

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

2691-3399/21/2(1)/017001(19) 017001-1 Published by the American Physical Society

YURI ALEXEEV et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY consideration of the complete quantum computer stack

using existing quantum system technologies. At the bottom
The quantum computer promises enormous informa-
of the stack, device-specific qubit control considerations
tion storage and processing capacity that can eclipse any
will impact the engineering of native interactions or gate
possible conventional computer [1]. This stems from quan-
sets, connectivity, and thus net performance on high-level
tum entangled superpositions of individual quantum sys-
quantum computer applications. In the middle of the stack,
tems, usually expressed as a collection of quantum bits or
compilation of native gates into standard gate sets and
qubits, whose full description requires exponentially many
higher-level quantum subroutines can be compressed and
parameters. However, there are two critical challenges in
compiled further using techniques from quantum computer
bringing quantum computers to fruition.
science. Quantum error-correction encoding of qubits, a
Challenge 1. The vast amount of information contained in relatively new field in its own right, will become ever more
massively entangled quantum systems is itself not directly important as the systems grow in the number of qubits
accessible, due to the reduction of quantum superposi- and their circuit depth. At the top of the stack, the exe-
tions upon measurement. Instead, useful quantum com- cution of quantum circuits can simulate difficult quantum
puter algorithms guide a quantum state to a much simpler problems, from molecular properties, chemistry, and mate-
form to produce some type of global property of the infor- rials science [6] to nuclear and particle physics models
mation that can be directly measured. However, the full beyond the reach of conventional computers [7]. They may
scope of applications that can exploit entangled superposi- also find use as general optimizers of generic models [8]
tions in this way and how exactly quantum computers will that could be applied to logistics, economics, and climate
be used in the future remains unclear. science.
Challenge 2. Quantum computers are notoriously difficult We advocate for the continual development and opera-
to build, requiring extreme isolation of a large number tion of multiple generations of quantum computer systems
of individual qubits, while also allowing exquisite control using current technology specifically designed with the
of their quantum states and high-accuracy measurements. above types of opportunities in mind. We propose iterating
Quantum computer technology is nothing like classical between building and using the devices, with a full-stack
computer hardware and involves unconventional infor- scientific mission that can be fulfilled by a unified effort
mation carriers in exotic environments like high vacuum at universities, at national laboratories, and in industry. As
or very low temperature. Ultimately, large-scale quantum future qubit technologies are developed, we expect they
computers will utilize error-correction techniques that are will be integrated into the stack. While there is grow-
much more complex than their classical counterparts. ing industrial interest in building quantum computers, we
note that these efforts may not be focused on codesign-
In this paper we combine these two challenges by ing quantum computers that will have sufficient flexibility
promoting the idea of codesigning quantum computers to address scientific opportunities at the various levels of
with their scientific applications in a vertically integrated the quantum computer stack. Over the next 2–10 years,
approach that addresses scientific opportunities at all levels the research and development approach we propose here is
of the quantum computer stack. expected to generate new science, stimulate the transition
Since the birth of quantum computing in the 1990s, of academic and national laboratory programs in quan-
there has been enormous progress in the isolation and tum computing to industry, and also train future quantum
control of good qubit platforms [2]. Some of these quan- engineers. The overriding high-level aim of this proposed
tum technologies, based on individual atoms controlled path is to hasten the development of a wide range of con-
by laser beams [3,4] or superconducting circuitry coupled crete scientific applications for quantum computers, with
with microwave fields [5], are now being built into small parallel efforts in quantum simulation [9] and quantum
systems. This has led to a new era of quantum comput- communication [10].
ing, paralleling the transition from transistors to integrated
circuits many decades ago, which is expected to lead to
significant scientific opportunities. In this position paper, II. INTRODUCTION
we therefore do not focus on the physics or development Quantum computers represent a fundamental departure
of qubit technologies at the component level. We also do from the way we process information. At its core, a quan-
not speculate on new qubit technologies that may emerge tum computer consists of quantum bits (qubits) or equiv-
in the coming years. These are important and foundational alent quantum information carriers that allow the storage
research activities, but they are also typically divorced and processing of quantum superpositions of data. A sin-
from systems-level considerations of operating quantum gle qubit |xi  is a quantum two-level system that can store
computers. a superposition of both xi = 0 and xi = 1. A collection
Here we concentrate on the near-term prospects of n qubits can be represented by a quantum state |
and scientific opportunities generated by an integrated that stores an arbitrary entangled superposition of all n-bit


binary numbers, (a) (b)

n −1
| = αk |k

= αxn−1 xn−2 ···x0 |xn−1  |xn−2  · · · |x0  , (1)
xi ∈{0,1}

where the 2n weights or amplitudes of each basis state

|k are given by complex numbers αk , whose index k can
FIG. 1. The rotation and CNOT gates are an example of a uni-
also be expressed as a string of bit values xn−1 xn−2 · · · x0 . versal quantum gate family when available on all qubits, with
The superposition amplitudes αk evolve according to the explicit evolution (top) and quantum circuit block schematics
unitary (time-reversible) Schrödinger wave equation that (bottom). (a) The single-qubit rotation gate R(θ, φ), with two
dictates how the amplitudes of the various basis states continuous parameters θ and φ, evolves input qubit state |x to
can be controlled, governed by an underlying Hamilto- output state |x̃. (b) The CNOT (or reversible XOR) gate on two
nian or energy functional. When the qubits are measured, qubits evolves two (control and target) input qubit states |xC  and
they assume definite values with probabilities P(k) = |αk |2 |xT  to output states |x̃C = xC  and |x̃T = xC ⊕ xT , where “⊕” is
given by the corresponding amplitudes of the underly- addition modulo 2, or, equivalently, the XOR operation.
ing quantum state. The entanglement of the above general
quantum superposition represents a complex web of natu-
ral links between qubits, giving rise to a network of cor-
relations while maintaining the character of superposition the NAND gate in classical CMOS technology, the particu-
within individual qubits. Quantum entanglement allows an lar choice of universal gate set or even mode of quantum
efficient “wiring” of qubit states without any real wires computing is best determined by the quantum hardware
or physical connections between the qubits, and it has no itself and its native interactions and available controls.
classical analog. The structure of the algorithm itself may also impact the
There are several known quantum algorithms that offer optimal choice of gate set or quantum computing mode.
various advantages or speedups over classical computing Another interesting quantum model worth mentioning is
approaches, some even reducing the complexity class of the “quantum walks” model [13], which is a natural math-
the problem. These algorithms generally proceed by con- ematical framework to construct quantum gates in qubit
trolling the quantum interference between the components systems controlled via pulses.
of the underlying entangled superpositions in such a way There are other modes of quantum computation that are
that only one or relatively few quantum states have a sig- not universal, involving subsets of universal gate opera-
nificant amplitude in the end. A subsequent measurement tions, or certain global gate operations with less control
can, therefore, provide global information on a massive over the entire space of quantum states. These can be use-
superposition state with significant probability. ful for specific routines or quantum simulations that may
The coherent manipulation of quantum states that not demand full universality. Although global adiabatic
defines a quantum algorithm can be expressed through dif- Hamiltonian quantum computing [14] can be made uni-
ferent quantum computational modes with varying degrees versal in certain cases [15], it is often better implemented
of tunability and control. The most expressive quantum as nonuniversal subroutines for specific state preparation.
computing mode presently known is the universal gate Quantum annealing models [16,17] do not appear to be
model, similar to universal gate models of classical com- universal, and there is a current debate over the advantage
putation. Here, a quantum algorithm is broken down to a such models can have over classical computation [18]. We
sequence of modular quantum operations or gates between consider gates that explicitly include error or decoherence
individual qubits. There are many universal quantum gate processes [19] as a quantum simulation of the environment
families operating on single and pairwise qubits [11], akin [9] to be outside the scope of this discussion.
to the NAND gate family in classical computing. One pop- Given the continuous amplitudes that define their quan-
ular universal quantum gate family is the grouping of tum states (Eq. 1), quantum computers have characteristics
two-qubit controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates on every pair of akin to classical analog computers, where errors can accu-
qubits along with rotation gates on every single qubit [1], mulate over time and lead to computational instability. It is
as displayed in Fig. 1. With universal gates, an arbitrary thus critical that quantum computers exploit the technique
entangled state and thus any quantum algorithm can be of quantum error correction (QEC) [20,21], or at least have
expressed. Alternative modes such as measurement-based sufficiently small native errors that allow the system to
or cluster-state quantum computing [12] can be shown to complete the algorithm [22]. QEC is an extension of clas-
be formally equivalent to the universal gate model. Like sical error correction, where ancilla qubits are added to the

YURI ALEXEEV et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)

Quantum Computer Stack

system and encoded in certain ways to stabilize a compu-
tation through the measurement of a subset of qubits that
is fed back to the remaining computational qubits. There
are many forms of QEC, but the most remarkable result is Algorithms
the existence of fault-tolerant QEC [23,24], allowing arbi-
trarily long quantum computations with subexponential Idenfy problem
overhead in the number of required additional qubits and Map to qubits and gates
gate operations. Qubit systems typically have native noise
properties that are neither symmetric nor static, so match-
ing QEC methods to specific qubit hardware noise profiles Quantum Soware
will play a crucial role in the successful deployment of Express in nave gates & connecvity
quantum computers. Compile & compress circuits
The general requirements for quantum computer Deploy error correcon strategy
hardware [25] are that the physical qubits (or equivalent
quantum information carriers) must support (i) coherent
Hamiltonian control with sufficient gate expression and Control Engineering
fidelity for the application at hand, and (ii) highly efficient Implement Hamiltonian
initialization and measurement. These seemingly conflict-
ing requirements limit the available physical hardware
control with external fields
candidates to just a few at this time. Below we describe
those platforms that are currently being built into multi-
qubit quantum computer systems and are expected to have
Qubit Technology
the largest impact in the next decade. As we will see below Interface control fields
in a definition of levels of the quantum computer stack and with qubit system
a sampling of vertical implementations and applications,
the near-term advances in quantum computer science and FIG. 2. Advances in all levels of the quantum computer stack,
technology will rely on algorithm designers understand- from algorithms and quantum software down to control engi-
ing the intricacies of the quantum hardware, and quantum neering and qubit technology, will be required to bring quantum
computer builders understanding the natural structure of computers to fruition. We expect scientific opportunities at every
algorithms and applications. level and at the interfaces between levels. At the highest lev-
els, quantum computer algorithms are expected to advance many
fields of science and technology. At the middle levels (software
III. THE QUANTUM COMPUTER STACK stack), the compilation and translation of quantum gates will
allow for algorithmic compression to accelerate performance,
Computer architectures are often defined in terms of while error-correction techniques will mitigate quantum comput-
their various levels of abstraction or “stack,” from the user ing errors. At the lowest levels, new ways to control interactions
interface and compiler down to the low-level gate opera- between qubit technologies may lead to better performance.
tions on the physical hardware itself. The quantum com- Future capable qubit technologies will require tight integration
puter stack can be defined similarly, as depicted in Fig. 2. with the other layers of the stack to realize their potential.
However, the various levels of the quantum computer stack
(especially the qubits themselves) are not yet cheap and interdisciplinarity between the physical sciences, engineer-
commoditized like classical computer technology. So it is ing, and computer science. In the next section, we illustrate
critical that quantum computers be designed and operated how various levels of the quantum computer stack will be
with the entire stack in mind, with a vertical approach of exploited for several use cases.
codesigning quantum computer applications to their spe-
cific hardware and all levels in between for maximum
efficiency. Indeed, early quantum computer system devel- A. Quantum algorithms
opment may parallel current classical application-specific Practical interest in quantum computing arose from the
integrated circuits (ASICs) used for specific and inten- discovery that there are certain computational problems
sive computations such as molecular structure or machine that can be solved more efficiently on a quantum computer
learning. than on a classical computer, notably number factoring
In this section, we list the levels of the quantum com- (Shor’s algorithm [26]) and searching unstructured data
puter stack and point to various approaches at each level. (Grover’s algorithm [27]). Quantum algorithms typically
The key to codesigning quantum computers is to acknowl- start at a very high level of description, often as a pseu-
edge the great opportunities at the interfaces between docode. These algorithms are usually distinguished at this
different levels of the stack, which requires a high level of level of abstraction by very coarse scaling of resources


such as time and number of qubits, as well as success met- approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) [8] are
rics, such as success probabilities or the distance between recent developments. Here, the quantum computer pro-
a solution and the optimal value. Quantum algorithms can duces a complex entangled quantum state representing the
be broadly divided into those with provable success guar- answer to some problem, for example, the ground state
antees and those that have no such proofs and must be run of a Hamiltonian model of a molecule. The procedure
with heuristic characterizations of success. for generating the quantum state is characterized by a set
Once a quantum algorithm has been conceptualized with of classical control parameters that are varied in order to
the promise of outperforming a classical algorithm, it is optimize an objective function, such as minimizing the
common to consider whether the algorithm can be run energy of the state. One particular area of active explo-
on near-term devices or require future architectures that ration is the use of the VQE or QAOA for tasks in machine
rely on quantum error correction. A central challenge for learning [36] or combinatorial optimization [37,38], as dis-
the entire field is to determine whether algorithms on cur- cussed below. Variational quantum solvers are a workhorse
rent, relatively small quantum processors can outperform in near-term quantum hardware, partly because they can
classical computers, a goal called quantum advantage. For be relatively insensitive to systematic gate errors. How-
fault-tolerant quantum algorithms, on the other hand, there ever, these algorithms are usually heuristic: one cannot
is a larger focus on improving the asymptotic performance generally prove that they converge. Instead, they must
of the algorithm in the limit of large numbers of qubits and be tested on real quantum hardware to study and vali-
gates. date their performance and compare to the best classical
Shor’s factoring [26] and Grover’s unstructured search approaches.
algorithms [27] are examples of “textbook” quantum algo- Quantum algorithms are typically expressed at a high
rithms with provable performance guarantees. These guar- level with the need to estimate actual resources for imple-
antees include a provable quadratic speedup for Grover mentation. This often starts with a resource estimate
and a superpolynomial speedup for Shor over known for fault-tolerant error-corrected quantum computers [39],
classical algorithms. A handy guide to known quantum where the quantum information is encoded into highly
algorithms is the quantum algorithm zoo [29]. Another entangled states with additional qubits in order to protect
important example is the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) the system from noise. Fault-tolerant quantum computing
algorithm [29] that is a primitive for solving systems of is a method for reliably processing this encoded informa-
linear equations. Factoring, unstructured search, and the tion even when physical gates and qubit measurements
HHL algorithm are generally thought to be relevant only are imperfect. The catch is that quantum error correc-
for larger fault-tolerant quantum computers. tion has a high overhead cost in the number of required
Another class of quantum algorithms are quantum simu- additional qubits and gates. How high a cost depends on
lations [9,30,31], which use a quantum computer to simu- both the quality of the hardware and the algorithm under
late models of a candidate physical system of interest, such study. A recent estimate is that running Shor’s algorithm
as molecules, materials, or quantum field theories whose to factor a 2048-bit number using gates with a 10−3 error
models are intractable using classical computers. Quan- rate could be achieved with currently known methods
tum simulators often determine the physical properties of using 20 × 106 physical qubits [40,41]. As the hardware
a system such as energy levels, phase diagrams, or ther- improves, the overhead cost of fault-tolerant processing
malization times, and can explore both static and dynamic will drop significantly; nevertheless, fully fault-tolerant
behaviors. There is a continuum of quantum simulator scalable quantum computing is presently a distant goal.
types, sorted generally by their degree of system control. When estimating resources for fault-tolerant implementa-
Fully universal simulators have arbitrary tunability of the tions of quantum algorithms, a discrete set of available
interaction graph and may even be fault tolerant, allowing quantum gates is assumed, which derive from the details of
the scaling to various versions of the same class of prob- the particular error-correcting code used. There are many
lems. Some quantum simulations do not require the full different techniques for trading off space (qubit number)
universal programmability of a quantum computer and are for time (circuit depth), resembling conventional computer
thus easier to realize. Such quantum simulators will likely architecture challenges. It is expected that optimal error
have the most significant impact on society in the short correction encoding will depend critically upon specific
run. Example simulator algorithms range from molecular attributes of the underlying quantum computing architec-
structure calculations applied to drug design and delivery ture, such as qubit coherence, quantum gate fidelity, and
or energy-efficient production of fertilizers [32], to new qubit connectivity and parallelism.
types of models of materials for improving batteries or Estimating resources for quantum algorithms using real-
solar cells well beyond what is accessible with classical istic quantum computing architectures is an important
computers [33]. near-term challenge. Here, the focus is generally on reduc-
Variational quantum algorithms such as the variational ing the gate count and quantum circuit depth to avoid errors
quantum eigensolver (VQE) [6,34,35] and the quantum from qubit decoherence or slow drifts in the qubit control

YURI ALEXEEV et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)

system. Different types of quantum hardware support all hardware resources to ensure that the quantum com-
different gate sets and connectivity, and native operations puter hardware runs without critical errors, a task manager
are often more flexible than fault-tolerant gate sets for cer- that prioritizes and executes user-provided programs using
tain algorithms. This optimizing of specific algorithms to the hardware resources, and the peripheral manager that
specific hardware is the highest and most important level handles peripheral resources such as cloud and network
of quantum computer codesign. interfaces. Given the nature of qubit control in near-term
devices that requires careful calibration of the qubit proper-
ties and controller outputs, the kernel will consist of auto-
B. Quantum software mated calibration procedures to ensure that high-fidelity
A quantum computer will consist of hardware and soft- logic gate operation is possible in the qubit system of
ware. Key components of the software stack include com- choice.
pilers, simulators, verifiers, and benchmarking protocols,
as well as the operating system. Compilers—interpreted
to include synthesizers, optimizers, transpilers, and the C. Control engineering
placement and scheduling of operations—play an impor- Advancing the control functions of most quantum com-
tant role in mapping abstract quantum algorithms onto puting implementations is largely considered an engi-
efficient pulse sequences via a series of progressive decom- neering and economic problem. Current implementations
positions from higher to lower levels of abstraction. The comprise racks of test equipment to drive the qubit gate
problem of optimal compilation is provably intractable operations, calibrate the qubit transitions and related con-
[42], suggesting a need for continuous improvement via trol, and calibrate the measurement equipment. While
sustained research and development. Since optimal synthe- appropriate for the early stages of laboratory research and
sis cannot be guaranteed, heuristic approaches to quantum development, this configuration will limit scalability, sys-
resource optimization (such as gate counts and the depth of tems integration, and applicability for fielded applications
the quantum circuit) frequently become the only feasible and mobile platforms, and affordability and attractiveness
option. Classical compilers cannot be easily applied in the for future applications.
quantum computing domain, so quantum compilers must The quantum gate operations for most qubit technolo-
generally be developed from scratch. Classical simulators gies require precise synthesis of analog control pulses
are a very important component of the quantum computer that implement the gates. These take the form of mod-
stack. There is a range of approaches, from simulating ulated electromagnetic waves at relevant carrier frequen-
partial or entire state vector evolution during the com- cies, which are typically in the microwave or optical
putation to full unitary simulation (including by the sub- domain. Depending on the architecture of the quantum
groups of the group of all unitaries), with or without noise. computer, a very large number of such control chan-
Simulators are needed to verify quantum computations, nels might be necessary for a given system. While the
model noise, develop and test quantum algorithms, pro- advances in communication technologies can be lever-
totype experiments, and establish computational evidence aged, these have to be adapted for quantum applica-
of a possible advantage of the given quantum compu- tions. A significant level of flexibility and programmabil-
tation. Classical simulators generally require exponential ity to generate the required pulses with adequate fidelity
resources (otherwise, the need for a quantum computer is must be designed into the control system for quantum
obviated) and thus are only useful for simulating small computers.
quantum processors with less than 100 qubits, even using The advancement of controls in quantum computing
high-performance supercomputers. Simulators used to ver- will ultimately require high-speed and application-specific
ify the equivalence of quantum circuits or test output optimized controls and processing. This situation mir-
samples of a given implementation of a quantum algorithm rors the explosive advancement of the telecommunica-
can be thought of as verifiers. tions industry in its implementation of 100 to 400+
Benchmarking protocols are needed to test components Gb/s coherent digital optics formats and integrated radio
as well as entire quantum computer systems. Quantum frequency and microwave signal processing for mobile
algorithm design, resource trade-offs (space versus gate applications. In the short run, however, the challenge we
count versus depth versus connectivity versus fidelity, face is defining the control functions and features rel-
etc.) [43], hardware and software codesign, efficient archi- evant for the target qubit applications and deriving the
tectures, and circuit complexity are examples of important required performance specifications. This work is neces-
areas of study that directly advance the power of software. sary before a dedicated, integrated, and scalable imple-
The quantum operating system (QOS) is the core soft- mentation, such as ASIC development, becomes viable.
ware that manages the critical resources for the quantum Near-term applications in quantum computing and full sys-
computer system. Similar to the OS for classical com- tem design activities are critical in identifying and defining
puters, the QOS will consist of a kernel that manages these needs. There are strong opportunities to engage


engineering communities—in academia, national laborato- An essential consideration of the control engineering for
ries, and industry—with expertise ranging from computer high-performance quantum computers is noise. The noise
architecture to chip design to make substantial advances in a quantum system has two distinct sources: one is the
on this front. To foster such efforts, it will be necessary intrinsic noise in the qubits arising from their coupling to
to encourage codesign approaches and to identify common the environment, known as decoherence, and the other is
engineering needs and standards. the control errors. Control errors can be either systematic
Generating the types of signals needed can benefit sig- in nature, such as drift or crosstalk, or stochastic, such as
nificantly from digital radio frequency techniques that thermal and shot noise on the control sources. The key is
have seen dramatic advances in the last decade. We to design the controller in a way such that the impact of
envision commercially available chipsets based on field- stochastic noise on the qubits is less than the intrinsic noise
programmable gate arrays and ASICs that incorporate of the qubits, and the systematic noise is fully character-
“system-on-a-chip” technology, where processing power is ized and mitigated. Possible mitigation approaches include
integrated with programmable digital circuits and analog better hardware design, control loops, and quantum control
input and output functions. techniques.
Besides the signal generation necessary for implement- A key element in optimizing control is the character-
ing the gates, other control needs include passive and ization of the quantum system. For small systems, full
active (servo) stability, maintenance of the system oper- characterization is possible, but as the system size grows,
ation environment (vacuum, temperature, etc.), and man- this becomes impractical. For single- and two-qubit gates,
aging the startup, calibration, and operational sequences. methods like randomized benchmarking [45–47] and gate-
Calibration and drift control [44] are important to both set tomography [48,49] can be used to determine the
atomic and superconducting systems, though in somewhat quality of gates with a trade-off between information and
different ways. In fixed-frequency superconducting sys- speed of the benchmark. For larger systems, system-level
tems, maintaining fidelities above 99% requires periodic benchmarks have been developed based on random circuits
calibration of radio frequency pulse amplitudes; for tun- [43,50]. It is not clear what the best approach is for char-
able transmons, low-frequency tuning of magnetic flux acterizing quantum systems whose scale prevents direct
is required to maintain operation at qubit sweet spots. simulation. Research into characterization of quantum sys-
For atomic qubits, calibrating local trapping potentials tems is an important component for being able to optimize
and slow drifts in laser intensities delivered to the qubits system-level control.
is necessary. These calibration procedures, which can be
optimized, automated, and built into the operating mode
of the quantum computer system with the help of software D. Qubit technology platforms
controls, are candidates for implementation in system-on- We view the various quantum computer technology
a-chip technologies. The development of optimal operating platforms in terms of their ability to be integrated into
procedures for drift control and calibration processes will a multiqubit system architecture. To date, only a few
require innovation at a higher level of the stack. For exam- qubit technologies have been assembled and engineered
ple, dynamically understanding how control parameter in this way, including superconducting circuits [50,51],
drifts can be tracked and compensated, and when recal- trapped atomic ions [52–54], and neutral atoms [55,56].
ibration is needed (if not done on a fixed schedule) will While there are many other promising qubit technolo-
require high-level integration. gies, such as spins in silicon, quantum dots, or topological
Specific performance requirements will help drive quantum systems, none of these technologies have been
progress, by codesign of engineering capabilities and developed beyond the component level. The research and
quantum control needs. For example, there is a need for development of new qubit technologies should continue
electronic control systems encompassing: (i) analog out- aggressively in materials-fabrication laboratories and facil-
puts with faster than 1 Gsamples/s; (ii) synchronized and ities. However, their maturity as good qubits may not be
coherent output with over 100 channels and extensible hastened by integrating them with the modular full-stack
to above 1000 channels; (iii) outputs switchable among quantum systems development proposed here, so we do
multiple predetermined states; and (iv) proportional- not focus this roadmap on new qubit development. In any
integrative-derivative feedback control on each channel case, once alternative qubit technologies reach maturity,
with at least kilohertz bandwidth. Common needs for opti- we expect their integration will benefit from the full-stack
cal control systems include (i) phase and/or amplitude quantum computer approach considered here.
modulation with a bandwidth of approximately 100 MHz; It is generally believed that fully fault-tolerant qubits
(ii) over 100 channels and extensibility to above 1000 will not likely be available soon. Therefore, specific qubit
channels; (iii) precision better than 12 bits (phase or technologies and their native decoherence and noise mech-
amplitude); and (iv) operating wavelengths to match qubit anisms will play a crucial role in the development of
splittings. near-term quantum computer systems. There are several

YURI ALEXEEV et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)

systems-level attributes that arise when considering multi- Increasing the number of qubits from hundreds to thou-
qubit systems as opposed to single- or dual-qubit systems. sands will be challenging because current systems cannot
Each of these critical attributes should be optimized and easily be increased in size via brute force. Instead, a new
improved in future system generations. way of thinking on how to reduce the number of exter-
nal controls of the system will be needed to achieve a
(i) Native quantum gate expression. Not only must large number of qubits. This could be approached by fur-
the available physical interactions allow universal ther integrating control into the core parts of the system
control, but high levels of gate expression will be or by multiplexing a smaller number of external control
critical to the efficient compilation and compression signals to a larger number of qubits. In addition, modular-
of algorithms so that the algorithm can be com- izing subsystems to be produced at scale and integrating
pleted before noise and decoherence take hold. This these into a networked quantum computer may well turn
includes developing overcomplete gate libraries, as out to be the optimal way to achieve the necessary system
well as enabling single-instruction, multiple-data size [10,59]. Many challenges and possible solutions will
operations such as those given by global entangling only become visible once we start to design and engineer
and multiqubit control gates [57]. systems of such a size, which will, in turn, be motivated by
(ii) Quantum gate speed. Faster gates are always desired scientific applications.
and may even be necessary for algorithms that
require extreme repetition, such as variational opti-
mizers [6,8,35] or sampling circuits [58]. However, IV. QUANTUM COMPUTER CASE STUDIES
faster gates may also degrade their fidelity and Below we briefly illustrate the use of the quantum com-
crosstalk, and in these cases, the speed to complete puter full stack in several case studies, from optimization
the higher-level algorithmic solution should take problems and programmable simulations of quantum prob-
precedence. lems to quantum error-correcting codes and “textbook”
(iii) Specific qubit noise and crosstalk properties. Qubit algorithms. These examples are not meant to be exhaus-
noise properties should be detailed and constantly tive, but may indicate how any future quantum application
monitored for there are many error mitigation tech- might be realized and codesigned. Mapping these prob-
niques for specific or biased error processes that can lems onto particular quantum computing modes and spe-
improve algorithmic success in the software layer. cific hardware platforms illustrates the critical translation
Quantum gate crosstalk is usually unavoidable in a from cost functions or hard problems to native interactions
large collection of qubits, and apart from passive between qubit systems. A full-stack systems approach to
isolation of gate operations based on better engi- any quantum computation is also expected to inform other
neering and control, there are software solutions that scientific applications, even those not yet discovered. In
exploit the coherent nature of such crosstalk and the use cases below, we highlight particular computing
allow for its cancelation by design. modes and qubit technologies that are available now, are
(iv) Qubit connectivity. The ability to implement quan- expected to scale up significantly in the next 2–10 years,
tum gate operations across the qubit collection is and appear well matched to the application.
critical to algorithmic success. While full connec-
tivity is obviously optimal, this may not only lead to
higher levels of crosstalk, but ultimately resolving A. Gate-based quantum simulation
the many available connection channels may sig- The brute-force classical simulation of n interacting
nificantly decrease the gate and algorithmic speeds. qubits requires a solution to 2n complex differential equa-
Such a trade-off will depend on details of the tions, limiting classical computers to simulate arbitrary
algorithm, and a good software layer will optimize dynamics on no more than about 50 qubits. One of the most
this trade-off. A connection graph that is software promising near-term applications of quantum computers is
reconfigurable will also be useful. thus the simulation of difficult quantum Hamiltonian mod-
(v) High-level qubit modularity. For very large-scale els [30] such as frustrated magnetism, superconductivity,
qubit systems, a modular architecture may be nec- and topological dynamics in condensed matter physics or
essary [3,5,59]. Just as for multicore classical CPU quantum field theories in nuclear and high-energy physics.
systems, the ability to operate separated groups There are many specialized approaches to quantum simula-
of qubits with quantum communication channels tion [9] that may have limited tunability but may be easier
between the modules will allow the continual scal- to implement because of symmetries or natural interac-
ing of quantum computers. Modularity necessarily tions in the experimental system. However, the flexibility
limits the connectivity between qubits, but impor- of universal gate-based quantum simulators may allow the
tantly allows a hierarchy of quantum gate technolo- full power of quantum computers to solve entire classes of
gies to allow indefinite scaling, in principle. models without necessarily specializing in particular cases.


General Hamiltonian simulation evolves an initial state

according to the given Hamiltonian model of the system
under study. The goal is to minimize the gate count as a
function of system size, evolution time, desired precision,
and other parameters. There is a wide range of polynomial-
time quantum algorithms that solve this problem. They
roughly fall into two types: product formulas [31,60–63]
and linear combinations of unitaries [64,65]. Apart from
theoretical studies aiming to discover new efficient quan-
tum algorithms and improve asymptotic upper bounds,
there are also resource count and empirical performance FIG. 3. Schematic of the measurement and feedback optimiza-
studies [63,66,67] as well as approaches that take advan- tion in the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm (from
tage of the spatial locality of the Hamiltonian to reduce the Ref. [35]).
gate count [68,69].
Recent results have provided strong evidence that sam- such as the electronic structure in molecules or materi-
pling from the distribution obtained by evolving some als, this step typically involves a transformation from the
initial state with a Hamiltonian and then measuring can- native fermionic electron operators to spin or qubit opera-
not be solved by any polynomial-time classical algorithm tors through the Jordan-Wigner or Bravyi-Kitaev transfor-
[50,70,71]. This suggests that the simulation of quantum mation [77]. The binary occupancy of a fermionic lattice
dynamics is a problem well suited for a solution by a quan- site is replaced by an effective qubit through this substitu-
tum computer. The major open problem is to understand tion. This transformation results in nonlocal “string” oper-
how robust this exponential speedup is to experimentally ators between the effective qubits [6,77], which typically
relevant noise. represent the most expensive part of the quantum circuit
Here we consider universal gate-based approaches to and are best expressed with highly connected qubit graphs
quantum simulation, in its original spirit of attacking a [78]. The second (operational) step directly evaluates the
general class of quantum problems [30]. We assume that Hamiltonian expectation with respect to an initial quantum
a model quantum Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of state parameterized in terms of variables that are classi-
controllable interactions or gates on a collection of qubits, cally optimized to minimize the Hamiltonian function, as
allowing the simulation of arbitrary quantum processes depicted in Fig. 3.
[31]. Such universal quantum simulations can be used to
find equilibrium properties of arbitrary Hamiltonians but
also allow the more difficult problem of evolving them in 2. Simulating dynamics in quantum field theories
time for simulations of quantum dynamics and nonequi- An important class of gate-based quantum simulation is
librium processes in physical systems. Below we consider the modeling of classically intractable dynamics of quan-
two gate-based quantum simulation applications: varia- tum field theories (QFTs) at the heart of many phenomena
tional simulations of Hamiltonian ground states and the in condensed matter, high-energy, and nuclear physics.
simulation of quantum field theories. Quantum simulations of QFT dynamics could shed light on
many important scientific problems, including phase tran-
sitions in the early universe, the response of new exotic
1. Variational estimation of ground states materials, explosive astrophysical events and the inner
For many problems in quantum chemistry and materials structure of neutron stars, studies of topological features
science, it is of great interest to understand the structure in quantum systems, and high-energy collisions used to
of the system’s electronic ground state or thermal state search for new fundamental physics.
under a given Hamiltonian. While preparing the ground For scalar quantum field theories, such as those used
state of a general Hamiltonian (even if it is spatially local) to describe electron densities in materials or spontaneous
is believed to be hard even on a quantum computer [72,73], symmetry breaking responsible for generating the masses
there are algorithms for preparing ground states in spe- of subatomic particles, the resource estimates for map-
cial cases [74,75]. QAOAs [8] discussed further in the ping the problem onto qubit registers and the entangling
next section, may also be used to heuristically approach gates have been performed [79–81]. Early estimates for
Hamiltonian ground states [76]. a one-dimensional (1D) lattice scalar field theory shows
Here we concentrate on the implementation of the that some small-scale problems can be mapped onto quan-
VQE algorithm [6] of an electronic Hamiltonian using a tum computers that might become available within the
gate-based approach. The general procedure of the VQE next decade. Non-Abelian gauge field theories require
involves two steps. The first (preparation) step maps the even more control, although the first SU(2) calcula-
problem Hamiltonian to a collection of qubits. In cases tions has been performed on IBM’s QExperience [82].

YURI ALEXEEV et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)

Resource estimates for qubits and entangling gates are extended to higher dimensions. Early implementations on
currently being determined for both SU(2) and SU(3) mod- advanced quantum systems are expected to lead to new
els. The resource requirement estimates are complicated physical insights in reliable calculations of dynamic SU(2)
by the need to explicitly enforce Gauss’s law. Quan- and QCD processes, including at finite density, into new
tum chromodynamic (QCD) theory with six flavors of and exotic materials, and into the design of quantum
quarks—each with four Dirac degrees of freedom and three memories for quantum devices.
colors—requires a much larger number of qubits per site.
Low-dimensional quantum field theories that share fea-
tures of the standard model are beginning to be explored 3. Physical platform
with available quantum hardware [83–88]. For the above gate-based quantum simulations, we focus
Gate-based universal quantum simulators may be on the trapped ion quantum computer architecture [78,89]
preferable over analog simulation methods for QFT cal- owing to its high gate fidelities, long-range connectivity,
culations in the longer term, given the need for quanti- and flexible gate expression. Other architectures such as
fying uncertainties. However, there is significant value in neutral atoms [90] and superconducting qubits [91–93] can
performing simulations on near-term devices until error- also be considered as potential leading candidates. The
corrected quantum computers become available for simu- noise in trapped ion experiments appears to scale sublin-
lation. Computations performed on present-day supercon- early [94], indicating that the dominant source of error
ducting devices are limited by the qubit coherence time, may be due to a coherent source, which can be suppressed
and the time-dependent behavior of the communication through calibration procedures and pulse-shaping tech-
fabric. Measurement errors can be mitigated for modest- niques. This allows for larger quantum circuit depths and
sized Hilbert spaces, but this may become challenging permits an extension of the practical lifespan of computa-
at larger scales due to the required classical computing tional experiments, compared to physical platforms where
resources. the error is dominated by native qubit decoherence.
Given the current status of the hardware capabilities and More flexible and expressive gate sets allow a given
the resource requirements for QFT methods, codesign is unitary operation to be compiled down to a shorter depth
expected to play a key role in closing the gap. Starting quantum circuit, thus increasing performance. Trapped ion
in the 1980s, codesign played an essential role in devel- quantum computing allows parallel nonoverlapping gates
oping high-performance computing capabilities for high- [95], native long-range interactions (all-to-all connectiv-
energy physics theories, such as calculating lattice QCD ity that obviates SWAP operations), small-angle two-qubit
models. An example is the codesign team of Columbia- rotations, and global gates that act on multiple qubits [96].
Brookhaven-IBM that led the design and development of The above features are instrumental in pushing the abil-
customized computational engines for QCD simulations. ity to implement deep algorithms for gate-based quantum
In their approach, RAM was integrated onto the floating simulations and other applications in practice.
point unit, with a four-dimensional toroidal communi- A good example of this reduction in circuit complex-
cation fabric. This effort led to IBM’s Blue-Gene/L,P,Q ity is a key subroutine in a variational quantum algorithm
series of supercomputers. We anticipate that similar code- that takes small steps through the Hilbert space, as shown
sign efforts will be required for the development of quan- in Fig. 4. Here, rotation operations with a small angle dθ
tum devices for lattice QFT, e.g., for an efficient evaluation sandwiched by the CNOT gates can be replaced by full
of the sequence of Trotter steps required in time evolution. rotation operations and entangling Ising XX gates evolv-
This task requires close collaboration among a number ing with a small angle. Because the single-qubit rotations
of experts in a range of areas. First, particle, nuclear, and are generally much higher quality than the entangling gates
condensed matter theorists with expertise in QFT and phe- in ion traps, translating the small evolution time from the
nomenology are required to prioritize target observables. rotation gates to the entangling gates leads to significantly
These problems must be mapped onto target hardware, ini- lower errors [67,78].
tial states prepared and evolved forward in time, which Many gate-based quantum simulations have been per-
requires efforts from quantum computer scientists, devel- formed with ion trap quantum computers. These include
opers, and engineers with detailed knowledge and hands- the simulation of many-body spin dynamics [97], real-time
on access to the devices. Circuit optimization will be key dynamics of a lattice gauge theory (the Schwinger model)
in the near term to accomplish the goals of the project. [83], and simulations of Fermi-Hubbard ground states [98].
Over the course of the next decade, we expect new To make efficient use of quantum resources, these demon-
quantum algorithms to be developed to tackle problems strations map the original problem to a spin model by
including real-time dynamics, scattering and inelastic pro- exploiting the native long-range interactions, which can be
cesses in low-dimensional gauge theories, such as the directly and efficiently implemented on an ion trap archi-
1D Schwinger model and Z2 models, interacting scalar tecture. The second class of gate-based simulations based
field theories and SU(N) gauge theories, and subsequently on the VQE algorithm has been performed with trapped


a device that implements quantum approximate optimiza-

tion. Identifying optimal embeddings of the problem to
be solved into particular architectures of connections is a
widely studied problem in quantum software.
FIG. 4. In the variational quantum eigensolver algorithm com-
monly applied to chemistry simulations, small changes in the 1. Maximum independent set problem
quantum state induced by controlled rotation involve CNOT
gates between qubits (left). However, with the Ising or XX gate To illustrate these considerations, we focus on a spe-
native to ion trap quantum computers [94], these small con- cific graph optimization problem known as the maximum
trolled rotations can be expressed as a small-angle Ising gate independent set (MIS), a well-known problem involving
accompanied by single-qubit rotation operations as written. This the search for the maximum set of vertices in a graph that
expression greatly reduces noise [78]. The rotation operations share no connection [101]. Finding the MIS is a canoni-
are Rx (θ) = R(θ, φ = 0), Ry (θ) = R(θ, φ = π/2), and Rz (θ) = cal optimization problem in the NP-hard complexity class.
Rx (π/2)Ry (θ)Rx (−π/2). The most advanced classical algorithms designed to solve
such problems exactly often display exponential scaling
for vertex sizes above 100. In particular, there are known
ion quantum computers to calculate the ground state of instances of graphs with N above 300 for which classical
molecules, from H2 and LiH [89] to H2 O [78]. Related supercomputers cannot find the MIS. The MIS problem
experiments calculated the binding energy of the deuteron has practical applications in areas such as signal routing
(bound proton and neutron) in both superconducting [99] in ad-hoc wireless networks such as 5G mobile networks,
and ion trap systems [100]. finance, social network analysis, and machine learning.
The MIS problem can be encoded into the Hamiltonian
B. Combinatorial optimization with the QAOA  
Combinatorial optimization describes a broad class of HMIS = − nv + U nv nw , (2)
v∈V (v,w)∈E
problems aimed at minimizing a cost function over a
combinatorially large set of possible solutions. Examples
where each vertex in the set of all vertices V is represented
include problems such as route finding (e.g., the trav-
by a qubit, nv = |1v 1|, E denotes the edges connecting
eling salesman and other graph optimization problems),
vertices, and U is the energy cost to excite connected ver-
cost minimization, and portfolio optimization. Optimiza-
tices. When U  0, the ground state of the Hamiltonian
tion applications may ultimately become the most general
encodes the solution to the MIS problem specified by the
use case for quantum computers, as they appear in nearly
vertices and edges V, E.
all areas of the natural sciences, engineering, and social
Here we concentrate on the use of the QAOA [8] to 2. Physical platform
solve a particular graph optimization problem. While the The QAOA for the MIS problems can be efficiently
QAOA can be implemented on a universal gate-based encoded in the Rydberg atom platform. For example, on
quantum computer, the simple form of its dynamics sug- a subset of graphs, the unit disk graphs, the MIS prob-
gests that the QAOA could be implemented on near-term lem can be natively represented with neutral trapped atoms
quantum information processors using simpler and more interacting via Rydberg states, without encoding overhead.
direct techniques than are required for building universal As shown in Fig. 5, every vertex maps directly onto one
systems. In what follows, we discuss the implementation atom [102], and the edge cost U comes from the Rydberg
of the QAOA on the platform of optically addressed Ryd- blockade constraint. Here, the strong Rydberg-Rydberg
berg atoms. This platform offers different forms of inter- interaction impresses a large energy penalty for having two
actions and controls and so is suitable for various classes atoms both in excited Rydberg states, represented by the
of geometries for the graph of interactions in the prob- last term of Eq. (2).
lem Hamiltonian. This point is crucial: even though any Crucially, the specific MIS problem can be directly
NP-complete problem can be encoded in the ground state encoded in the positions of the atoms (see Fig. 5), which
of a programmable Ising model, and even with nearest- can be arbitrarily specified in two or three dimensions
neighbor interactions on a two-dimensional lattice, the using reconfigurable optical tweezer arrays based on exist-
extra overhead required to map any given problem onto ing control hardware such as liquid crystal spatial light
such an architecture can be large, which can strongly limit modulators or digital micromirror devices [103–105]. The
the class of problems that can be encoded with a given driving laser pulses that execute the QAOA can then
pattern of interactions. The long-range and nonlocal inter- be global, significantly reducing the control complexity.
actions available in the Rydberg atom system can greatly More general MIS problems can be approached with more
expand the range of problems that can be addressed using sophisticated control and local addressing capabilities. For

YURI ALEXEEV et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)

of NP-complete problems such as the MIS can be mapped

onto other problem classes with near-term devices. For
example, how generally applicable would a fast sampling
algorithm for the unit disk MIS problem be? Another is
to understand the optimal parameters and Hamiltonian H0
for implementing the QAOA for a particular type of prob-
lem. A final opportunity is to extend the QAOA beyond
solving optimization problems, to the rapid preparation of
entangled states for other applications [76].

C. Quantum error correction and architectures

Current quantum algorithms are limited by the number
of qubits and the quality of gate operations. The physical
nature of current qubit technologies and their lack of mod-
ularization can limit high-level systems engineering and
computer architecture approaches to scaling. In this use
FIG. 5. The MIS problem on a random unit disk graph, which case, we present a vision for an interdisciplinary architec-
is natively represented in an array of atoms with a Rydberg block- tural goal of the “virtualization” of qubits, or their abstract
ade interaction. The MIS of this instance is labeled in red. With representation, through quantum error corrected memories
variable weights on each vertex, the problem can be generalized [39]. This activity requires computer architects to design
to the maximum-weight independent set problem. The legend the virtualization strategy, systems engineers to define and
shows the encoding of qubits in the ground and excited Rydberg
design key modules, hardware engineers to improve the
states of a neutral atom. The detuning i of a driving field with
resonant Rabi frequency  controls the Rydberg blockade radius,
classical control and reliability of the system, classical and
which is denoted by the green dashed circles surrounding each quantum information theorists to optimize error correction
atom and is assumed uniform (i = ). protocols for the platform, and physicists to design new
qubits and gate protocols. The team requires academics
to explore the design space, industrial partners to develop
equipment and scale promising ideas, and national labora-
example, local light shifts can be used to realize vari-
tories to aid in the characterization of materials and testing
able weights i on each vertex by addressing each atom
of devices.
with a unique driving field frequency and thereby gener-
alizing this situation to the maximum-weight independent
set problem [101]. Locally programmed interactions using 1. Qubit virtualization
site-resolved excitations to Rydberg states can add addi- The architecture we envision separates more volatile
tional edges beyond the unit disk graphs, allowing more qubits involved in operations from highly stable qubits
general instances of the MIS problem to be efficiently stored in memory. This availability of high-quality mem-
encoded. ory can simplify device design at the cost of requiring
Current demonstrations of optical tweezer arrays for more serial operations. We can study the performance of
neutral atoms have realized coherent evolution in 51-atom algorithms implemented on this architecture as the ratio
chains [55], and scaling to larger arrays of 100–1000 atoms of active and memory qubit changes, and estimate the
is within the reach of current technology. This opens the required fidelity of operations and memory for achieving
door to testing for quantum advantage enabled by the key scientific goals such as simulation of molecules, mate-
QAOA for practically relevant problems. Trapped ion sys- rials, and high-energy physics. Furthermore, virtualization
tems [106] and coherent superconducting circuits [93] also provides an abstraction to enable computer sciences to
represent natural platforms for performing the QAOA. use different devices without the need to understand the
Existing superconducting systems support programmable physical layers.
Ising models with local connectivity over 50 superconduct- In the near term, virtualization can be performed using a
ing qubits [50], while programmable spin models featuring heterogeneous quantum architecture where certain qubits
long-range interactions have been implemented in systems are designed for fast operations, and other qubits are
exceeding 50 trapped ion qubits [54]. Such systems can designed for long lifetimes. The cost and benefits of trans-
also be employed for realizing and testing the QAOA on ferring quantum information to and from memory can
problems of increasing complexity. already be tested and optimized at this stage. In the long
Beyond realizing large-scale combinatorial optimiza- term, we envision that the two qubits could correspond to
tion experimentally, there are several open challenges and two quantum error correction codes; for example, a color
opportunities in this area. One is to identify how subsets code for efficient operation [107] and a finite-rate code for


efficient data storage [108]. The first step in this direction could consider a system that combines transmons, cavity-
is implementing a fault-tolerant quantum memory with a encoded qubits [112], “0-π ” qubits [113], and other
quantum error correction code. designs [109], each with its own role in the system.
For universal quantum computing, a broader control We envision that this heterogeneous design incorporat-
space is needed, but the control problem becomes sim- ing noise suppression at the device level will be fed
pler if our goal is to implement a fault-tolerant quantum into a quantum error-correcting code arrayed on a two-
memory. By optimizing the use of these simple controls, dimensional lattice, which provides further protection at
we should be able to study how the performance of the the software level. For error correction via quantum coding
memory improves as it scales up under realistic conditions. to work effectively, improvements will be needed in both
As the memory is built, we can employ engineering the underlying physics and the engineering of the control
principles to improve the lifetime of the quantum states. systems.
A natural strategy is to develop models that track the Separate from the challenge of memory and more dif-
most likely errors at regular time intervals. Adopting the ficult is the implementation of universal fault-tolerant
language of wireless communications, we might refer to operations. We expect that this is a place where hardware-
this time interval as the channel coherence time and to dependent solutions can yield a significant advantage. For
this process as the channel estimation phase. To optimize superconductors, a promising area of research is to develop
for the next time interval, we might develop strategies fault-tolerant gates in the context of the bosonic codes.
to efficiently synthesize a quantum error correction code An alternate approach is to design a circuit that imple-
that possesses logical operators that are resilient to those ments the light-weight universal gate sets on small block
errors identified by the previous channel estimation phase, codes. Realizing two universal fault-tolerant qubits is a
thereby relaxing full fault tolerance. Note that the few grand challenge that will stretch our ability to make large
well-known quantum error correction codes will always be and reliable systems.
feasible solutions, and our strategy can only do better. Architectural requirements for abstract quantum sys-
tems place constraints and design requirements on engi-
neered quantum systems. The construction of systems that
2. Virtualization at the hardware level achieve these goals requires tight collaboration between
In this use case, we lay out a vertically integrated project computer scientists, engineers, and physicists.
to develop virtualized qubits based on physical super-
conducting qubits combined into fault-tolerant qubits. We
emphasize that both the specific choices of the top archi- D. Standard quantum algorithms
tecture and the physical platform are only examples for Historically, Shor’s [26] and Grover’s [27] algorithms,
concreteness. which are sometimes referred to as “textbook algorithms,”
Superconducting qubits occupy a large design space were the first algorithms of practical relevance where a
with potential trade-offs among gate speed, coherence quantum computer offered a dramatic speedup over the
time, and readout fidelity [109]. Recent work has examined best-known classical approaches. Here we consider code-
transferring quantum information from transmon qubits sign problems and full-stack development opportunities
that can be controlled and processed to cavity qubits with that arise from mapping these textbook algorithms to
long memory times [110]. This design space allows us quantum computing platforms.
to test the ideas of modularization and virtualization with At the top of the stack, challenges that both algorithms
devices that can be built immediately. face include implementing classical oracles with quantum
Consider, for example, a system of two coupled trans- gates. In Grover’s algorithm, the oracle can be imple-
mons and two multimode cavities. The cavities can store mented using Bennett’s pebbling game [114]. However,
N qubits of information that can be readily swapped to it is a nontrivial task to find an efficient reversible cir-
each transmon, and two-qubit quantum gates can act on the cuit, since the most efficient implementation on a quantum
pair of transmons. Computer scientists can study extended computer may not follow the structure suggested by a
models of the system to examine trade-offs (with approx- given classical algorithmic description, even when the lat-
imately fixed physics parameters) as the number of qubits ter is efficient. There are also intriguing questions in terms
and cavities increases. Meanwhile, physicists can con- of how we can use classical resources to aid in quan-
tinue to develop better methods for transferring informa- tum algorithms. For example, in Shor’s algorithm we can
tion between cavities and transmons [111]. This approach leverage classical optimizations such as windowed arith-
could be combined with bosonic codes that can further metic [115], or trade-off quantum circuit complexity with
extend the memory times of cavity qubits [112]. classical postprocessing complexity [40,116].
A heterogeneous design for superconducting quantum One of the key challenges in implementing textbook
circuits, combining a variety of qubits and devices, could algorithms in physical systems is to optimize these algo-
be more powerful than any single-qubit approach. One rithms for a given qubit connectivity and native gate

YURI ALEXEEV et al. PRX QUANTUM 2, 017001 (2021)

set. While these technology-dependent factors will not be applied by using library functions that encapsulate cir-
affect asymptotic scaling, they could greatly influence cuits for which an optimized implementation was derived
whether these algorithms can be implemented on near-term earlier. Examples include quantum Fourier transforms [1,
devices. For instance, high connectivity between qubits 125,126], multiple-control gates [127,128], libraries for
can provide significant advantages in algorithm implemen- integer arithmetic and finite fields, and many domain-
tation [94]. Also, in this vein, work has been done to specific applications such as chemistry, optimization, and
implement Shor’s algorithm with a constrained geometry finance [129–131]. All major quantum computing pro-
(1D nearest neighbor [41,117,118]), but there are many gramming languages are open source, including Google’s
open questions that involve collaborations across the stack. Cirq, IBM’s QisKit, Microsoft’s Quantum Development
Developing implementations of Shor’s algorithm and Kit, and Rigetti’s Quil, which facilitates the develop-
Grover’s algorithm will provide exciting avenues for ment and contribution of such libraries. Highly optimized
improved error correction, detection, and mitigation. libraries that are adapted to specific target architectures,
While error correction codes are often designed to cor- as well as compilers that can leverage such libraries and
rect specific types of errors for particular physical systems, further optimize code, are great opportunities for large-
considering error correction for textbook algorithms pro- scale collaborative efforts between academia, industry, and
vides a basis for designing error correction for both appli- national labs.
cation and hardware. Because the output of these textbook Like libraries, programming patterns provide oppor-
algorithms is easily verifiable, they are good testbeds for tunities for modularity. Programming patterns capture a
error mitigation and characterization. For example, simple recurring quantum circuit design solution that is applicable
error correction-mitigation circuits, including randomized in a broad range of situations. Typically, a pattern consists
compiling [119,120], could be implemented in the context of a skeleton circuit with subroutines that can be instan-
of small implementations of Grover’s algorithm and Shor’s tiated independently. Examples of patterns are various
algorithm to better understand the challenges in integrat- forms of quantum phase estimation [132–135], amplitude
ing these protocols into more complex ones. While this amplification [27], period finding [136], hidden subgroup
approach has been used in the quantum annealing commu- problems [137], hidden shift problems [138], and quantum
nity [121], it could be fruitful to explore in more detail for walks [139].
textbook gate-based algorithms. Finally, we expect that implementing textbook algo-
Grover’s algorithm seems to break down in the pres- rithms will become important benchmarks for the quantum
ence of a particular type of error [122,123] that appears computing stack as a whole and also at the level of individ-
to be unrealistic in actual physical systems. For other algo- ual components. The need for such benchmarks is evident
rithms, realistic errors do not appear to be as detrimental in the recent proliferation of a variety of benchmarks that
[124]. Testing textbook algorithms on different architec- test various aspects and components of quantum systems
tures with and without error mitigation would provide us and entire systems, such as quantum volume [140], two-
with a way to explore the space of errors relative to a spe- qubit fidelity, cross-entropy [98,141,142], probability of
cific algorithm, and give insight into which realistic errors success, reversible computing [143], and the active IEEE
are critical. This would inform error mitigation (not neces- working group project [144]. It is not likely that any sin-
sarily correction) techniques at both the code and hardware gle benchmark will characterize all relevant aspects of a
levels, tailored to specific algorithms. This way of viewing quantum computer system. However, implementing text-
error correction calls for a full integration of experts at the book algorithms provides an easy-to-verify test of the full
hardware, software, and algorithm design levels. quantum system from hardware to software, as all aspects
We also expect that the work on these textbook algo- of the system must work in concert to produce the desired
rithms will lead to improved modularity in the quantum output.
computing stack. In software design, modularity refers
to the idea of decomposing a large program into smaller
functional units that are independent and whose implemen-
tations can be interchanged. Modular design is a scalable The field of quantum computing is now in an era
technique that allows the development of complex algo- of quantum systems development, where full-stack con-
rithms while focusing on small modules, each containing a sideration is poised to accelerate progress in building,
specific and well-isolated functionality. These modules can using, and optimizing quantum computers. The birth and
exist both at the software level as well as at the hardware development of quantum computers have taken place in
level. As an example in classical computing, the increased a scientific atmosphere, and we believe that the largest
use of machine learning algorithms and cryptocurrency opportunities in quantum computing applications in the
mining has led to a repurposing of GPUs. coming decade will continue in the realm of scientific dis-
In the design of full implementations of quantum algo- covery. This stems from the physics of good qubit systems,
rithms such as Shor’s and Grover’s, modular design can and the electrical and systems engineering of controlling


them to computer science approaches in optimizing the But the QCLabs would also provide the capabilities to
expression of algorithms, finally to be used for nearly all realize these complex systems and enable collaboration
areas of science that will reap the benefits of a new type of to feature quantum computer codesign up and down the
computing tool. quantum stack, continually iterating on device design, soft-
ware optimization, and use cases. These facilities would
A. Community building and engagement feature a deep bench of scientists and engineers perma-
nently on site (faculty, staff engineers, etc.), but would also
Quantum computing pulls the rug out from underneath
support visitors from all levels: from theorists and algorith-
the principles of conventional computing, and its progress
mic designers, computer scientists, electrical and computer
will be accelerated by the active engagement of a broad
engineers, to physicists, chemists, and materials scientists.
society of users. One mechanism is to underwrite various
Each level would be expected to contribute to not just the
forms of challenge competitions, which have been suc-
use of the devices, but also in the continual building of next
cessful in stimulating interest and engagement in conven-
generations of quantum computers at the QCLab.
tional computing platforms while reaching a large group
QCLabs are expected to be highly leveraged by indus-
of coders (e.g., Google Jams, Facebook, and Topcoder
trial efforts in quantum computing. There are many indus-
competitions). In the quantum computing world, such chal-
trial teams now building ever more powerful quantum
lenges have already been successfully held, such as the
computing systems, with many of these efforts providing
IBM layout and computation challenges, the Microsoft
cloud access to their systems. We expect the availabil-
Q# coding challenges, and the meQuanics quantum cir-
ity of various types of industrial quantum computers to
cuit minimization challenge. Supporting more challenges
grow rapidly in the coming years. These services will have
like these might help to engage a future quantum work-
varying characteristics, such as qubit platform, qubit num-
force around concrete and small-scale problems as well as
ber, gate depth, and level of connectivity and expression,
stimulate a cultural shift toward quantum computational
that can be exploited by the scientific community. How-
thinking. These events can also exploit the growing quan-
ever, these cloud services will not likely allow users to dig
tum cloud presence by running routines on real hardware
deep into the stack to potentially optimize the low-level
and their virtual simulators.
control of qubits in order to achieve a particular scien-
Universities and national laboratories across the coun-
tific application, and such systems will not likely be built
try are setting up quantum information science and tech-
for scientific research goals having no obvious commer-
nology centers to grow their faculty, unify with their
cial use. Moreover, commercial quantum computer cloud
researchers and students, and engage with an increasingly
providers may not want much flexibility in their system
fascinated and enthusiastic general public. These centers,
design, as this could degrade high-level performance for
often regional in nature, might play an important role in
a widely available and reliable cloud service. We envision
the future, growing to become large research hubs and
that the QCLabs would leverage industrial cloud quantum
advancing state-of-the-art quantum information science.
computers in order to assist and benchmark aspects of the
However, they currently play a limited role in consolidat-
QCLab activity itself. The industry should be very inter-
ing resources, coordinating efforts, and developing collab-
ested in this interaction, as QCLabs may help find quantum
orative research programs between industry, academia, and
killer applications of the future.
national laboratories. All efforts discussed in this roadmap
to accelerate the progress in quantum computing should
coordinate with these centers of excellence, stimulating the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
exchange of people and ideas, and growing their potential.
We acknowledge useful discussions with Jay Lowell
(Boeing, Inc.), David Wineland (University of Oregon),
B. Quantum computing laboratory user facilities Umesh Vazirani (University of California, Berkeley), and
The grand challenges of quantum computing, from find- Abhinav Deshpande (University of Maryland). The partic-
ing useful quantum applications to building the machines ipants are thankful to Ms. Samantha Suplee (University of
themselves, are well motivated by the vast potential sci- Maryland) for the organization of the workshop. This work
entific and technological opportunities that lie ahead. It is is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and
the consensus of the quantum computing community as based on a summary of an NSF Convergence Accelerator
represented by our workshop that scientific quantum com- Workshop on “Scalable Quantum Computing Laborato-
puting user facilities (QCLabs), bringing all of the science, ries” held on October 21–22, 2019 in Alexandria, VA.
computer science, and engineering of the quantum com- It complements and supports parallel goals of two recent
puter stack together in one place, may best address these related NSF Convergence Accelerator Workshops: “Quan-
challenges and opportunities. tum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities” in the
Each QCLab could have its own type of qubit system, area of quantum simulation [9] and “Quantum Intercon-
scaling architecture plans, or use-case family, for instance. nects” in the area of quantum communication [10]. Any

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