Chapter 6

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1. Forms of Energy
2. History of Energy consumption and present global energy use
3. Fossil fuels and use
4. Nuclear energy
5. Renewable energy ( solar, geothermal and wind)
6. Energy Conservation
@Sherlove Abadilla-Bandong
@Maj Ramos
@Marivic Fernando Miranda
@Mary-an Roux Obispo

Forms of Energy
Source: CK-12

This musician’s electric guitar wails at a concert, as colored lights wash over the band. It’s hot on stage
because of the lights, but they really add to the show. The fans are thrilled and screaming with
excitement. The exciting concert wouldn’t be possible without several different forms of energy. Do you
know what they are?
Introducing Forms of Energy
Energy, or the ability to cause changes in matter, can exist in many different forms. Energy can also
change from one form to another. The photo above of the guitar player represents six forms of energy:
mechanical, chemical, electrical, light, thermal, and sound energy. Another form of energy is nuclear
Q: Can you find the six different forms of energy in the photo of the guitar player (See opening image)?
A: The guitarist uses mechanical energy to pluck the strings of the guitar. He gets the energy he needs to
perform from chemical energy in food he ate earlier in the day. The stage lights use electrical energy, which
they change to light energy and thermal energy (commonly called heat). The guitar produces sound
energy when the guitarist plucks the strings.
Seven Forms of Energy
The different forms of energy are defined and illustrated below.
1. Mechanical energy is the energy of movement. It is found in objects that are moving or have the
potential to move.
[Figure 2]
This drummer has mechanical energy as he moves the drumsticks to hit the drums and cymbals. The moving
drumsticks also have mechanical energy, but they would have mechanical energy even if they weren't moving.
That's because they have the potential to fall when the drummer is holding them above the floor. This potential
energy is due to gravity.
2. Chemical energy is energy that is stored in the bonds between the atoms of compounds. If the bonds
are broken, the energy is released and can be converted to other forms of energy.

[Figure 3]
This portable guitar amplifier can run on batteries. Batteries store chemical energy and change it to electrical energy.
3. Electrical energy is the energy of moving electrons. Electrons flow through wires to create electric
[Figure 4]
The bright lights on this stage use electrical energy. They are wired into the electrical system of the of the hall. The
guitars and microphone also use electrical energy. You can see the electrical cords running from them to the outlet
on the floor below the musicians.
4. Electromagnetic energy is energy that travels through space as electrical and magnetic waves. The light
flooding the stage in the Figure above is one type of electromagnetic energy. Other types include radio
waves, microwaves, X rays, and gamma rays.
5. Thermal energy is the energy of moving atoms of matter. All matter has thermal energy because atoms
of all matter are constantly moving. An object with more mass has greater thermal energy than an object
with less mass because it has more atoms.
[Figure 5]
Why is this jogger sweating so much? His shirt is soaking up his sweat because he has so much thermal energy. The
jogger is hot because of the heat from the sun and the hard work he puts into his run.
6. Sound energy is a form of mechanical energy that starts with a vibration in matter. For example, the
singer’s voice starts with vibrations of his vocal cords, which are folds of tissue in his throat. The
vibrations pass to surrounding particles of matter and then from one particle to another in waves. Sound
waves can travel through air, water, and other substances, but not through empty space.
7. Nuclear energy is energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms because of the strong forces that hold the
nucleus together. The energy can be released in nuclear power plants by splitting nuclei apart. It is also
released when unstable (radioactive) nuclei break down, or decay.
Q: The fans at a rock concert also produce or use several forms of energy. What are they?
A: The fans see the concert because of electromagnetic energy (light) that enters their eyes from the well-lit
musicians on stage. They hear the music because of the sound energy that reaches their ears from the
amplifiers. They use mechanical energy when they clap their hands and jump from their seats in
excitement. Their bodies generate thermal energy, using the chemical energy stored in food they have
Energy, or the ability to cause changes in matter, can exist in many different forms. Energy can also change from
one form to another.
Forms of energy include mechanical, chemical, electrical, electromagnetic, thermal, sound, and nuclear energy.

Mary is studying how items that produce light also produce heat, such as the sun. She wants to make a
list of things that produce both light energy and heat energy. Which of these is the BEST example of an
item that produces both heat and light?
Flash light
Ans: B.
Which form of energy is due to electrons moving through wire?
Ans: C
What is the energy that is possessed by an object due to its motion or due to its position?
Ans: C
What is the energy that is possessed by moving electrons?
Ans: B
What is the energy that is stored in our foods?
Ans: A

2. History of Energy consumption and present global energy use

Energy Production and Consumption
By: Hannah Ritchie, Pablo Rosado and Max Roser
This page was first published in July 2020 and last revised in January 2024.
Global energy consumption
How much energy does the world consume?
Philippines: Energy Country Profile
Philippines: Energy Country Profile
HomeEnergyBy country
by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser
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Energy consumption serves as a vital indicator of societal development and economic progress. Understanding the
historical trajectory of global energy consumption provides valuable insights into the factors shaping modern energy
Data for this analysis was obtained from the "Encyclopedie de l'Energie" dataset, focusing on global energy
consumption trends from 1800 to 2000. The dataset includes information on primary energy consumption by source,
allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of energy systems over two centuries.
Understanding this dynamic requires a careful, and therefore critical, examination of the evolution of the
consumption of each energy source, region by region. In order not to make the article too long, the chronicles will
only be presented in decennial steps, even though they have been reconstituted on an annual basis.
World consumption by primary energy source
The adoption of decadal steps and counting in million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) introduces some bias (Table 1):
natural gas only appears in 1890, whereas 75 toe appear in the statistical series as early as 1882 and this fuel was
used locally as early as the first half of the 19th century; hydroelectricity, and even more so water power (water
mills), are much earlier than the 1 Mtoe that the table shows in 1910; in a series presented at the Geneva Conference
(1955), the United Nations counted 6 billion kWh in 1860, i.e., 0.5 Mtoe, and 34 in 1910, i.e., 2.9 Mtoe.

Table 1: World consumption by energy source (Mtoe)

Years Coal Oil Natural Gas Electricity Biomass Total
1800 7 298 305
1810 9 323 332
1820 12 352 364
1830 17 375 391
1840 28 403 431
1850 45 438 483
1860 82 459 541
1870 131 1 476 607
1880 207 3 518 728
1890 309 10 5 555 880
1900 480 25 5 581 1092
1910 731 53 11 1 599 1395
1920 712 91 19 4 589 1415
1930 816 207 46 10 576 1655
1940 898 292 67 17 558 1833
1950 925 505 153 29 545 2158
1960 1252 1030 374 59 608 3323
1970 1387 2237 815 107 643 5189
1980 1748 3010 1158 211 789 6916
1990 2146 3135 1618 364 938 8200
2000 2116 3542 2026 465 1096 9242
Note. It should be remembered that primary electricity is counted in Mtoe on the basis of its consumption
equivalence, which divides its share in total energy consumption by 2.5 compared to its production equivalence.
From 1960 onward, comparing data from the World Energy Conference (WEC) and the World Energy Council
(WEC) reveals a similar starting point of 3,323 Mtoe (million tons of oil equivalent) and 3,306 Mtoe, respectively,
followed by a growing discrepancy, reaching 10,714 Mtoe instead of 9,242 Mtoe in 2000. This difference can be
attributed to varying thermal equivalence choices for primary electricity. The WEC's biomass consumption from
traditional means, standing at 930 Mtoe in 1990, supports this observation, aligning closely with assessments
obtained by other methods. However, the accuracy of this biomass series requires further examination through
regional series analysis.
When focusing solely on commercial sources, comparisons are more viable, as global consumption differs
minimally from production, albeit with some reservations. Notable points include:
• Consumption of commercial sources is consistently lower than global production throughout the study
• The difference remains below 7%, typically between 3% and 5%, from 1800 onwards, largely due to the
choice of equivalence coefficients for primary electricity.
• Discrepancies may arise from incomplete treatment of consumption attributable to bunkers, including ship
bunkers, excluded from national consumption in UN statistics.
• Larger discrepancies in 19th-century coal consumption highlight gaps in information regarding English
coal exports, necessitating corrections, particularly in regions like Asia, Oceania, and Latin America.
Despite statistical imprecisions, some key trends emerge:
• Biomass, primarily wood used for cooking, heating, and industrial purposes, dominated energy
consumption until the mid-19th century, declining steadily thereafter.
• Mineral coal consumption surged post-World War I, peaking in 1913 before undergoing relative declines
and resurgences, contributing significantly to total energy consumption growth.
• The growth of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) and primary electricity (hydraulic and nuclear) surpassed
coal in the latter half of the 20th century, with shares in total energy consumption reaching 36% for oil, 20% for
natural gas, and 10% for electricity by 2000.
World consumption by region
The evolution of the world energy balance is difficult to understand without disaggregating it at the level of the
major regions of the world, whose consumption has varied considerably from one period to another.
How have the trends by region been constructed? Since 1950, the data are those of the United Nations, after slight
modifications to make the United Nations and Angus Maddison regional breakdowns coincide and to replace certain
equivalence coefficients by others deemed more realistic. Prior to 1950, the data were the result of a search for
consistency between three approaches:
• summing up national chronicles, whenever a long series of primary consumption by a country could be
reconstructed; this approach is sufficient in itself when these chronicles are of good quality and when the
consumption of the countries represents almost all of the regional consumption.
• direct estimation of regional biomass trends using expert or historical accounts and demographic series.
An examination of these reconstructions, region by region, reveals extreme inequality in the quality of the data and
therefore in the reliability of the series (Table 2).
Table 2: World consumption by region (Mtoe)
Years Africa North America South America Asia Eastern Europe Western Europe Oceania World
1800 21 16 9 151 50 59 0.1 305
1810 22 22 9 163 54 51 0.1 332
1820 22 30 10 178 59 65 0.1 364
1830 23 41 11 180 66 69 0.2 391
1840 24 57 13 184 72 80 0.2 431
1850 25 82 15 187 79 94 0.3 483
1860 26 101 16 189 86 122 0.6 541
1870 27 118 18 191 96 156 0.9 607
1880 28 144 21 205 122 206 1.2 728
1890 30 191 25 222 148 261 2.1 880
1900 33 238 30 242 209 335 4.3 1091
1910 41 397 42 264 233 409 7.3 1394
1920 51 506 51 286 144 365 11 1413
1930 63 572 67 320 184 433 14 1653
1940 77 601 88 359 243 441 18 1827
1950 94 861 115 369 263 428 24 2153
1960 125 1112 166 707 542 634 38 3323
1970 181 1684 238 1057 924 1047 58 5189
1980 289 1890 399 1615 1419 1225 83 6916
1990 395 2002 474 2392 1576 1255 106 8200
2000 480 2392 593 3145 1153 1361 119 9242

Regional disparities in energy consumption were evident throughout the two centuries, reflecting differences in
industrialization, economic development, and resource availability. Developed regions such as North America and
Europe exhibited higher per capita energy consumption levels compared to developing regions.
Energy consumption varied across different sectors, including transportation, industry, residential, and commercial.
Table 2 provides a sectoral breakdown of global energy consumption in 2000, highlighting the significant share of
each sector in total energy usage.
The historical analysis of global energy consumption underscores the complex interplay between technological
innovation, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. As we transition into the 21st century, the
imperative for sustainable energy solutions becomes increasingly apparent, necessitating investments in renewable
energy, energy efficiency, and decarbonization efforts.
The history of global energy consumption is a testament to human ingenuity and adaptability in harnessing energy
resources to drive progress. By examining the trends and patterns of the past, we can better navigate the challenges
and opportunities that lie ahead in building a sustainable energy future.

Quiz: History of Energy Consumption

1. What was the primary energy source dominating global consumption until the mid-19th century?
A) Oil
B) Natural Gas
C) Biomass
D) Coal
2. Which organization's data was compared to reveal discrepancies in global energy consumption trends from
1960 onwards?
A) United Nations
B) World Energy Conference (WEC)
C) International Energy Agency (IEA)
D) World Health Organization (WHO)
3. What was the primary reason for discrepancies in global energy consumption data, particularly from 1960
A) Varying thermal equivalence choices for primary electricity
B) Incomplete treatment of consumption attributable to bunkers
C) Statistical imprecisions in data collection
D) Gaps in information regarding English coal exports
4. Which region exhibited the highest per capita energy consumption levels throughout the two centuries?
A) Asia
B) North America
C) Africa
D) South America
5. What sector accounted for the largest share of global energy consumption in 2000?
A) Transportation
B) Industry
C) Residential
D) Commercial
Answer Key:
1. C) Biomass
2. B) World Energy Conference (WEC)
3. A) Varying thermal equivalence choices for primary electricity
4. B) North America
5. B) Industry

3. Fossil fuels and use

Source: Canva and CK12

Where is the energy coming from to power this bumper car?
Bumper cars usually run on electricity. Much of the electricity we use comes from fossil fuels. Coal or other fuels
are burned in a power plant. This powers a generator and creates electricity. So the car is probably running
on fossil fuels!
Formation of Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are made from plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. The plants
used energy from the Sun to form energy-rich carbon compounds. As the plants and animals died, their remains
settled onto the ground and at the bottom of the sea. Layer upon layer of organic material was laid down. Eventually,
the layers were buried very deeply. They experienced intense heat and pressure. Over millions of years, the organic
material turned into fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are compounds of carbon and hydrogen, called hydrocarbons (Figure below).

[Figure 2]
Hydrocarbons are made of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This molecule with one carbon and four hydrogen atoms is
Hydrocarbons can be solid, liquid, or gas. The solid form is coal. The liquid form is petroleum, or crude oil. The
gaseous form is natural gas.
The solar energy stored in fossil fuels is a rich source of energy. But because they take so long to form, they are
Fossil fuels — including coal, petroleum, and natural gas — account for about 80 percent of the world’s total energy
consumption. Fossil fuels form from living things, which are themselves renewable. However, fossil fuels
are nonrenewable resources, because they take millions of years to form.
Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock layers or veins. Coal is
extracted from rocks by coal mining. Coal is currently the most abundant and widely used fossil fuel. It is burned to
produce heat in homes and factories and also to generate electricity. In fact, coal is the largest single source of
energy for electricity generation (see the photo below). Coal has been used as a fuel for millennia, and recently, rates
of coal use have been increasing. At current rates of use worldwide, coal reserves will last more than a century, but if
use of coal continues to increase, reserves will run out much sooner.

[Figure 3]
Smoke billows from a coal-fired power plant in China, the world’s largest user of coal.
Petroleum (or crude oil) is a naturally occurring, yellow-to-black liquid found in geological formations beneath
Earth's surface. Most oil is extracted from underground reservoirs by oil drilling, but oil can also be obtained from
oil shale or tar sands. Oil shale, for example, can be mined, and then heated to high temperatures to release the oil it
Petroleum is refined into various types of fuels, including gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel. It is the world’s
primary fuel source for transportation. It is also used to make many non-fuel products, including asphalt, plastics,
pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and fertilizers. The world consumes about 95 million barrels of petroleum each day. At
the present rate of use, petroleum is expected to run out in the next few decades.
Natural Gas
Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane. It is found in deep
underground rock formations, often in close proximity to petroleum reservoirs. Natural gas may also be found in
shale rocks, from which it can be removed by pumping liquid into the ground to fracture the rocks (called hydraulic
fracturing, or fracking) so they release the gas.
Natural gas is used as a source of energy for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. In much of the developed
world, natural gas is supplied through pipes to homes, where it is used for ranges, ovens, clothes dryers, boilers, and
furnaces. Natural gas is also used to a limited extent as fuel for vehicles, especially commercial vehicles (like buses
and vans, see the photo below). More than 20 percent of the world’s energy comes from natural gas. Our
planet's reserves of natural gas could last for at least a century at current rates of use if shale gas continues to be
exploited through fracking.

[Figure 4]
This commercial van is fueled by natural gas.

Burning Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels causes equally great environmental problems, including the release of pollutants
and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Combustion of fossil fuels produces air pollutants, such as nitrogen
oxides, sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals. Coal produces the greatest quantity of
pollutants when it burns, followed by oil, and then by natural gas, which produces the least. Some of the pollutants
released by burning fossil fuels combine with water in the atmosphere to produce acid rain, which negatively
impacts both natural areas and the built environment.
Fossil fuel combustion also releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide. Coal is the largest contributor to the human-
made increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Oil also releases large amounts of carbon dioxide when it burns.
Natural gas, in comparison, releases about 30 percent less carbon dioxide than oil, and 43 percent less than coal. The
increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases caused by fossil fuel consumption is a major contributor to
Earth’s enhanced greenhouse effect and global climate change.

Hydrocarbons are molecules made of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
Ancient living organisms died and were buried quickly. Their remains were altered by intense heat and pressure.
This formed fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels include solid coal, liquid petroleum, and liquid natural gas.
Fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Coal is the most abundant and widely used fossil fuel, and the
single largest source of energy used to generate electricity. Natural gas is used for many purposes, including heating
and cooking. Petroleum is the world’s primary fuel for transportation and is also used to make many nonfuel

Fossil fuels are compounds of ____________________?
Calcium and Nitrogen
Nitrogen and Carbon
Carbon and Hydrogen
Nitrogen and Hydrogen
Ans: C
Plant materials that are buried beneath so much sediment that they are altered by heat and pressure over millions of
years can become_______________.
Natural gas
All of the above
Ans: D
Burning of fossil fuels releases energy. What are the consequences it can cause in our environment?
Releases pollutants into the atmosphere
Results in acid rain
Releases greenhouse gases
All of the above
Ans: D
Which of the following is made from crude oil?
All of the above
Ans: D
What fossil fuel is most widely used?
Nuclear gas
Natural gas
Ans: B

4. Nuclear energy

What happen to Bataan Nuclear Power Plant?

The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) is a nuclear power plant on the Bataan Peninsula, 100 kilometers
(62 mi) west of Manila, Philippines. Completed but never fueled, it is located on a 3.57 km2 (1.38 sq mi)
government reservation at Napot Point in Morong, Bataan. It was the Philippines' only attempt at building a nuclear
power plant. It was mothballed due to safety concerns in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986[1][2][3]
and issues regarding corruption.[5][6][7] The Letter of Instruction No. 957, s. 1979[8] was signed by the late
President Ferdinand Marcos and was published on November 13, 1979, in which it states that the continuation of the
construction was not possible due to potential hazards to the health and safety of the public; however, the Marcos
administration eventually supported the project.
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is produced by splitting the nucleus of an atom. This releases a huge amount of energy.
How Nuclear Power Plants Work
Nuclear power plants use uranium that has been concentrated in fuel rods (Figure below). The uranium atoms are
split apart when they are hit by other extremely tiny particles. Nuclear power plants use the energy they produce
to heat water. The water turns into steam, which causes a turbine to spin. This, in turn, produces electricity. To avoid
the release of radiation into the surrounding environment, this process is regulated carefully by the systems in the
power plant and can be quickly stopped in the event of dangerous conditions.

[Figure 2]
Nuclear power plants like this one provide France with almost 80% of its electricity. The only thing they release into
the atmosphere is clean, non-radioactive steam.
Nuclear Power as a Resource
Many countries around the world use nuclear energy as a source of electricity. For example, France gets about 80%
of its electricity from nuclear energy. In the United States, a little less than 20% of electricity comes from nuclear
Nuclear energy does not pollute. If there are no accidents, a nuclear power plant releases nothing but steam into the
air. But nuclear energy does create other environmental problems. Splitting atoms creates
dangerous radioactive waste. These wastes can remain dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years. Scientists and
engineers are still looking for ways to keep this waste safely away from people.
Consequences of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is clean. It does not pollute the air. However, the use of nuclear energy does create other
environmental problems. Uranium must be mined (Figure below). The process of splitting atoms creates radioactive
waste. This waste may be dangerous for thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. As yet, there is no long-term
solution for storing the radioactive waste.

[Figure 3]
Uranium mine in the Czech Republic.
For three decades new nuclear power plants were not built in the U.S. Accidents at Three Mile Island and
Chernobyl, Ukraine made people nervous about harnessing nuclear power (Figure below).

[Figure 4]
Abandoned bunker near the site of the Chernobyl disaster.
Because nuclear energy is clean, nuclear power was making a comeback. But the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan changed attitudes back. This accident seems to have resulted in a new fear of
nuclear power. The disaster was caused by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami. These events seriously
damaged the plant.
Nuclear power is a controversial subject. Nuclear power has no pollutants. Nuclear power does not
produce greenhouse gases. However, accidents do happen, and they can be devastating. The long-term disposal of
wastes is a problem that has not yet been solved. The future of nuclear power is murky.
Nuclear energy is released when the nucleus of an atom is split.
Nuclear power plants use uranium in fuel rods. The fuel rods become nuclear waste. Nuclear waste can be
dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years.
Periodic accidents involving nuclear power plants scare people. These accidents slow down the development of
nuclear power in many countries.

Nuclear energy is the energy released in nuclear reactions. Two types of reactions that release huge amounts of
energy are nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
Energy from Nuclear Fission
Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of an atom into two smaller nuclei. This type of reaction releases a
great deal of energy from a very small amount of matter. For example, nuclear fission of a tiny pellet of uranium-
235, like the one pictured in Figure below, can release as much energy as burning 1,000 kilograms of coal!

[Figure 1]
This pellet of uranium-235 can release a huge amount of energy if it undergoes nuclear fission.
Nuclear fission of uranium-235 can be represented by this equation:
235 92U+1 Neutron→9236Kr+141 56Ba+3 Neutrons+Energy
As shown in Figure below, the reaction begins when a nucleus of uranium-235 absorbs a neutron. This can happen
naturally or when a neutron is deliberately crashed into a uranium nucleus in a nuclear power plant. In either case,
the nucleus of uranium becomes very unstable and splits in two. In this example, it forms krypton-92 and barium-
141. The reaction also releases three neutrons and a great deal of energy.
[Figure 2]
The fissioning of a nucleus of uranium-235 begins when it captures a neutron.
Nuclear Chain Reaction
The neutrons released in this nuclear fission reaction may be captured by other uranium nuclei and cause them to
fission as well. This can start a nuclear chain reaction (see Figure below). In a chain reaction, one fission reaction
leads to others, which lead to others, and so on. A nuclear chain reaction is similar to a pile of wood burning. If you
start one piece of wood burning, enough heat is produced by the burning wood to start the rest of the pile burning
without any further help from you. You can see another example of a chain reaction at this
URL: (2:54).
Using Energy from Nuclear Fission
If a nuclear chain reaction is uncontrolled, it produces a lot of energy all at once. This is what happens in an atomic
bomb. If a nuclear chain reaction is controlled, it produces energy more slowly. This is what occurs in a nuclear
power plant. The reaction may be controlled by inserting rods of material that do not undergo fission into the core of
fissioning material (see Figure below). The radiation from the controlled fission is used to heat water and turn it to
steam. The steam is under pressure and causes a turbine to spin. The spinning turbine runs a generator, which
produces electricity.
[Figure 4]
This diagram shows the main parts of a nuclear power plant.
Pros and Cons of Nuclear Fission
In the U.S., the majority of electricity is produced by burning coal or other fossil fuels. This causes air pollution,
acid rain, and global warming. Fossil fuels are also limited and may eventually run out. Like fossil fuels, radioactive
elements are limited. In fact, they are relatively rare, so they could run out sooner rather than later. On the other
hand, nuclear fission does not release air pollution or cause the other environmental problems associated with
burning fossil fuels. This is the major advantage of using nuclear fission as a source of energy.
The main concern over the use of nuclear fission is the risk of radiation. Accidents at nuclear power plants can
release harmful radiation that endangers people and other living things. Even without accidents, the used fuel that is
left after nuclear fission reactions is still radioactive and very dangerous. It takes thousands of years for it to decay
until it no longer releases harmful radiation. Therefore, used fuel must be stored securely to people and other living
things. You can learn more about the problem of radioactive waste at this URL:
Energy from Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion is the opposite of nuclear fission. In fusion, two or more small nuclei combine to form a single,
larger nucleus. An example is shown in Figure below. In this example, two hydrogen nuclei fuse to form a helium
nucleus. A neutron and a great deal of energy are also released. In fact, fusion releases even more energy than fission
[Figure 5]
In this nuclear fusion reaction, nuclei of two hydrogen isotopes (tritium and deuterium) fuse together. They form a
helium nucleus, a neutron, and energy.

Which element is mined, processed and concentrated into fuel rods to be used at nuclear power plants?
Ans: C
To generate power
Are hit by tiny particles so that they split apart
Are safe as long as the uranium stays in the rods
Fuses into lead, which releases energy
All of the above
Ans: A
The energy in a nuclear power plant creates __________, which causes a turbine to spin.
Ans: B
Negative environmental consequences of nuclear power includes ___________
Ozone depletion
Air pollution
Waste that is radioactive active for hundreds of thousands of years
All of the above
Ans: C
Water in a nuclear reactor is never heated.
Ans: B

Renewable energy ( solar, geothermal and wind)

What Are Renewable Resources?
Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replaced in a relatively short period of time or are
virtually limitless in supply. In addition to wind, renewable energy resources include sunlight, moving
water, biomass, and geothermal energy. All of these resources are freely available and won’t run out.
Most of them also have the advantage of producing little if any pollution or carbon dioxide, which
contributes to global climate change. Nonetheless, these energy resources are used far less
than nonrenewable energy resources, especially fossil fuels.
Wind is moving air, so it has mechanical energy that can do work. People have been using wind for
energy for thousands of years. The wind turbines in the opening photo above are a much newer way of
using wind energy. They change the kinetic energy of the wind to electrical energy. However, only certain
areas of the world get enough steady wind to produce much electricity. Many people also think that wind
turbines are noisy, dangerous to birds, and unattractive in the landscape.
Energy from the Sun also creates wind, which can be used as wind power. The Sun heats different
locations on Earth by different amounts. Air that becomes warm rises and then sucks cooler air into that
spot. The movement of air from one spot to another along the ground creates wind. Since wind is moving,
it has kinetic energy.
Wind power is the fastest growing renewable energy source in the world. Windmills are now seen in many
locations, either individually or, more commonly, in large fields.

Q: Where does the energy of the wind come from? Why does air move in the atmosphere?
A: Wind is caused by unequal heating of the atmosphere by the sun. In other words, differences
in thermal energy cause air to move in the atmosphere.
The sunlight that reaches Earth is the planet’s most important source of energy. The energy in sunlight, called solar
energy, is electromagnetic energy. This is a form of energy that travels through space in electric and magnetic waves.
Solar energy can be used to heat homes and produce electricity in solar cells like those on the roof seen in
the Figure below. Sunny areas receive plenty of sunlight to generate electricity, but solar energy may not be
practical in areas that are often cloudy.
Solar energy has many benefits. It does not produce any pollution, and there is plenty of it available—much more
than we could possibly use.

[Figure 3]
Solar panels on the roof of this family home generate enough electricity to supply the family’s needs.
Q: In addition to the roofs of homes and other buildings, where else can you find solar cells?
A: Calculators often have solar cells. Solar-powered outdoor lights are very common as well.
Top five solar PV plants in operation in the Philippines
olar PV capacity accounted for 13.0% of total power plant installations globally in 2022, according to GlobalData,
with total recorded solar PV capacity of 1,109GW. This is expected to contribute 30% by the end of 2030 with
capacity of installations aggregating up to 4,002GW. Of the total global solar PV capacity, 0.18% is in the
Philippines. Listed below are the five largest active solar PV power plants by capacity in the Philippines, according
to GlobalData’s power plants database. GlobalData uses proprietary data and analytics to provide a complete picture
of the global solar PV power segment. Buy the latest solar PV plant profiles here.
1. Solar Philippines Concepcion Solar PV Park
The Solar Philippines Concepcion Solar PV Park is a 150MW solar PV power project located in Central Luzon, the
Philippines. Post completion of construction, the project was commissioned in 2019. The project was developed by
Solar Philippines Tarlac. Solar Philippines Tarlac own the project. Buy the profile here.
2. Cadiz Solar PV Park
See Also:
How residential PV storage is paving the way for net-zero living
First Westinghouse nuclear fuel at Bulgaria’s Kozloduy plant
The 132.50MW Cadiz Solar PV Park solar PV power project is located in Western Visayas, the Philippines. Helios
Solar Energy has developed the project. It was commissioned in 2016. The project is owned by Vena Energy. Buy
the profile here.
3. Alaminos Solar PV Park
The Alaminos Solar PV Park is a 120MW solar PV project. ACEN owns the project. It was commissioned in 2021.
The project was developed by ACEN. It is located in Calabarzon, the Philippines. Buy the profile here.
4. Subic Bay Solar PV Park
The Subic Bay Solar PV Park solar PV project with a capacity of 100MW came online in 2016. The project was
developed by Emerging Power. Emerging Power have the equity stakes in the project. It is located in Central Luzon,
the Philippines. Buy the profile here.
5. Ilocos Norte Solar PV Park
The Ilocos Norte Solar PV Park has been operating since 2023. The 83.30MW solar PV project is located in Ilocos,
the Philippines. The project has been developed by Vena Energy; MGEN Renewable Energy. Vena Energy; MGEN
Renewable Energy have the equity stakes in this project. Buy the profile here.

Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is thermal (“heat”) energy from below Earth’s surface. It can be used to heat homes or generate
electricity. A geothermal system pumps water underground where it is heated and then pumps the warm water back
to the home or power plant (see Figure below). The thermal energy of the water can be used directly to heat the
home. Or it can be used to produce steam and generate electricity. Installing a geothermal system can be expensive
because of the need to drill through underground rocks, but the energy it uses is free.
Geothermal energy stems from Earth's internal heat. Hot springs and geysers are produced by water that is heated
by magma or hot rock below the surface.
At a geothermal power plant, engineers drill wells into the hot rocks. Hot water or steam may come up through the
wells. Alternatively, water may be put down into the well to be heated. It then comes up. The hot water or steam
makes a turbine spin. This makes electricity. Pictured below is an example of a geothermal power plant
(Figure below).

[Figure 2]
A geothermal power plant in operation.
Geothermal Energy as a Resource
Because the hot water or steam can be used directly to make a turbine spin, geothermal energy can be used without
processing. Geothermal energy is clean and safe. It is renewable. There will always be hot rocks, and water can be
pumped down into a well. There, the water can be heated again to make more steam.
Geothermal energy is an excellent resource in some parts of the world. Iceland gets about one fourth of its electricity
from geothermal sources. In the United States, California leads all states in producing geothermal energy.
Geothermal energy in California is concentrated in the northern part of the state. The largest plant is in the Geysers
Geothermal Resource Area. Geothermal energy is not economical everywhere. Many parts of the world do not have
underground sources of heat that are close enough to the surface for building geothermal power plants.
[Figure 6]
This phere are some of the top geothermal plants in the Philippines along with their locations:
Tiwi Geothermal Power Plant - Located in Tiwi, Albay province on the island of Luzon.
Makban Geothermal Power Plant - Located in Laguna and Batangas provinces on the island of Luzon.
Palinpinon Geothermal Power Plant - Located in Valencia, Negros Oriental province in the Visayas region.
Tongonan Geothermal Power Plant - Located in Kananga, Leyte province in the Visayas region.
Mt. Apo Geothermal Power Plant - Located in Kidapawan, North Cotabato province on the island of Mindanao.
Bacman Geothermal Power Plant - Located in Sorsogon province on the island of Luzon
ower plant uses geothermal energy.

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replaced in a relatively short period of time or are virtually
limitless in supply.
Renewable energy resources include wind, sunlight, and geothermal energy. Except for biomass, which is burned,
these renewable energy resources produce little if any pollution.

1. Which type of energy is primarily harnessed by wind turbines?

A) Thermal energy
B) Kinetic energy
C) Electrical energy
D) Potential energy
Correct Answer: C) Electrical energy
2. What natural phenomenon primarily creates wind?
A) Earth's rotation
B) Solar radiation
C) Tidal forces
D) Temperature differences
Correct Answer: D) Temperature differences
3. What form of energy does solar energy primarily belong to?
A) Chemical energy
B) Mechanical energy
C) Electromagnetic energy
D) Nuclear energy
Correct Answer: C) Electromagnetic energy
4. How is geothermal energy primarily used to generate electricity?
A) By converting thermal energy into mechanical energy
B) By harnessing wind power
C) By capturing solar radiation
D) By utilizing steam to turn turbines
Correct Answer: D) By utilizing steam to turn turbines
5. Why might solar energy not be practical in areas that are often cloudy?
A) Clouds block the sunlight needed to generate electricity
B) Cloudy areas have higher air pollution levels, reducing solar panel efficiency
C) Solar panels are more prone to damage in cloudy regions
D) Cloud cover increases the risk of lightning strikes, posing a safety hazard
Correct Answer: A) Clouds block the sunlight needed to generate electricity

Energy Conservation

10 practical tips for saving energy both at home and in school:

1. Switch to LED bulbs: LED bulbs use significantly less energy compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, and
they last much longer. This simple switch can lead to significant energy savings over time.
2. Unplug electronics when not in use: Many electronic devices consume energy even when they're turned off but
still plugged in. Unplug chargers, appliances, and electronics when they're not being used to prevent this "phantom"
energy usage.
3. Use natural lighting: Make the most of natural daylight by opening curtains and blinds during the day. This
reduces the need for artificial lighting and can save a considerable amount of energy.
4. Install programmable thermostats: Programmable thermostats allow you to set temperatures according to your
schedule, so you're not heating or cooling your home or school unnecessarily when it's not in use.
5. Seal drafts: Check doors, windows, and other openings for drafts, and seal them with weather stripping or
caulking. This helps maintain indoor temperatures more efficiently, reducing the need for heating or cooling.
6. Insulate properly: Good insulation keeps your home or school warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer,
reducing the energy needed for heating and cooling.
7.Use energy-efficient appliances: When purchasing new appliances, opt for those with Energy Star ratings or other
energy-efficient certifications. These appliances are designed to consume less energy without sacrificing
8. Encourage energy-saving habits: Educate students and household members about the importance of energy
conservation. Simple habits like turning off lights when leaving a room, using appliances efficiently, and minimizing
water usage can add up to significant energy savings over time.
9. Utilize power-saving settings: Many electronics and appliances have power-saving or sleep modes that reduce
energy consumption when they're not in active use. Enable these settings whenever possible to conserve energy.
10. Promote alternative transportation: Encourage walking, biking, carpooling, or using public transportation to
reduce energy consumption associated with driving. This not only saves energy but also reduces carbon emissions
and promotes healthier lifestyles.

What type of bulbs should you switch to for more energy-efficient lighting?
a) Incandescent bulbs
b) Fluorescent bulbs
c) LED bulbs
d) Halogen bulbs
What should you do with electronics when they're not in use to prevent phantom energy usage?
a) Keep them plugged in
b) Turn them off using the remote
c) Unplug them
d) Leave them on standby mode
How can you make the most of natural daylight to save energy?
a) Keep curtains closed during the day
b) Use only artificial lighting
c) Open curtains and blinds
d) Use tinted windows
What feature do programmable thermostats have that helps save energy?
a) They regulate indoor humidity
b) They control indoor air quality
c) They adjust temperatures according to schedule
d) They provide remote access via smartphone apps
Which certification should you look for when purchasing energy-efficient appliances?
a) Green Certification
b) Energy Saver Certification
c) Energy Star Certification
d) Eco-Friendly Certification
What habit can help conserve energy when leaving a room?
a) Keeping lights and electronics on
b) Turning off lights and electronics
c) Leaving windows open
d) Increasing thermostat temperature

c) LED bulbs
c) Unplug them
c) Open curtains and blinds
c) They adjust temperatures according to schedule
c) Energy Star Certification
b) Turning off lights and electronics

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