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Roman Superhighway, Balanga City, Bataan

Criminal Justice Education Department
(CA 3 Final Examination)

I. Identification: Identify what is asked for. (1 point each)

_____________________________1. It is an approach that focuses on the learning and relearning of
behavioral skills, attitudes, and values, associated with socialized living, and is the avenue for the PDL
which fosters their personality and attitude in jail while preparing for their reintegration to the society they
_____________________________2. Under regular circumstances, the resident is expected at this stage
to have internalized the TC values and concept to start life afresh. However, in the jail setting where entry
and release are not within the jail control, residents may not have reached this phase of treatment before
they even leave the jail facility.
_____________________________3. It is an outpatient program requiring clients to report to an outreach
center twice a week. They are required to attend group sessions to ensure their adjustment to life outside
jail to reduce recidivism. For clients released from jail, they are referred to the Parole and Probation
Administration and Local Government Units for follow-up and aftercare.
_____________________________4. In the ideal setting, a resident at this stage is now ready to be
released back to society as he has demonstrated adequate self-control and discipline. The inmate is now
preparing for his life outside of jail and is focused on making himself a productive citizen.
_____________________________5. Once a PDL is committed to jail, he undergoes a series of
examinations to determine his physical, social, and psychological status.
_____________________________6. These pertain to the aggregate of privileges, claims, benefits,
entitlements, and moral guarantees that pertain to man because of his humanity, system of values or
elements that are inherent to human dignity, and legal and moral entitlements that have evolved as a basis
for constructing how state power is used and particularly to limit its use against the rights of citizens.
Therapeutic Modality Program is an approach that focuses on the learning and
relearning of behavioral skills, attitudes and values, associated with socialized living of
persons deprived of liberty in a jail setting.It is the avenue for the PDLs which fosters
their personality and attitude in jail while preparing for their reintegration to the society
they belong. The success of the Therapeutic Community treatment model is also
anchored on the implementation of restorative justice. To highlight the principles of
restorative justice,offenders are recognized to indemnify victims and render community
services to facilitate the healing of the broken relationship caused by offending the
concerned parties. Mediation and conferencing are also utilized in special cases to mend
and/ or restore clients' relationship with their victim and the community.
This module also intends to discuss the importance of human rights of every
person in the community.People behind bars are noted to be not all sinners, so this is so
timely and significant to discuss these programs of the government that focuses on the
welfare of persons deprived of liberty. This is the only last resort they need to have as
preparation for them to be reunited with their loved ones outside of prison cells. It also
emphasized the different rules to be observed under the United Nations Standard
Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners or The Nelson Mandela Rules. Its
covenants are very significant in the total rehabilitation and reshaping of the PDL's
behavior while inside the jail.

I am here because there is no refuge finally, from myself.
Until I confront myself in the eyes and hearts of others,
I am running.
Until I suffer them to share my secrets,
I have no safety from them.
Afraid to be known,
I can know neither myself nor any other,
I will be alone.
Where else but in our common ground can I see such a mirror?
Here, together, I can at last appear clearly to myself,
not as the giant of my dreams nor the dwarf of my fears,
but as a person, part of the whole, with my share in its purpose.
In this ground, I can take root and grow, not alone anymore,
as in death but alive to myself and to others.
Therapeutic Modality Program is an approach that focuses on the learning and
relearning of behavioral skills, attitudes and values, associated with socialized living of
persons deprived of liberty in a jail setting.It is the avenue for the PDLs which fosters
their personality and attitude in jail while preparing for their reintegration to the society
they belong. The success of the Therapeutic Community treatment model is also
anchored on the implementation of restorative justice. To highlight the principles of
restorative justice,offenders are recognized to indemnify victims and render community
services to facilitate the healing of the broken relationship caused by offending the
concerned parties. Mediation and conferencing are also utilized in special cases to mend
and/ or restore clients' relationship with their victim and the community.
This module also intends to discuss the importance of human rights of every
person in the community.People behind bars are noted to be not all sinners, so this is so
timely and significant to discuss these programs of the government that focuses on the
welfare of persons deprived of liberty. This is the only last resort they need to have as
preparation for them to be reunited with their loved ones outside of prison cells. It also
emphasized the different rules to be observed under the United Nations Standard
Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners or The Nelson Mandela Rules. Its
covenants are very significant in the total rehabilitation and reshaping of the PDL's
behavior while inside the jail.

I am here because there is no refuge finally, from myself.
Until I confront myself in the eyes and hearts of others,
I am running.
Until I suffer them to share my secrets,
I have no safety from them.
Afraid to be known,
I can know neither myself nor any other,
I will be alone.
Where else but in our common ground can I see such a mirror?
Here, together, I can at last appear clearly to myself,
not as the giant of my dreams nor the dwarf of my fears,
but as a person, part of the whole, with my share in its purpose.
In this ground, I can take root and grow, not alone anymore,
as in death but alive to myself and to others.
Therapeutic Modality Program is an approach that focuses on the learning and
relearning of behavioral skills, attitudes and values, associated with socialized living of
persons deprived of liberty in a jail setting.It is the avenue for the PDLs which fosters
their personality and attitude in jail while preparing for their reintegration to the society
they belong. The success of the Therapeutic Community treatment model is also
anchored on the implementation of restorative justice. To highlight the principles of
restorative justice,offenders are recognized to indemnify victims and render community
services to facilitate the healing of the broken relationship caused by offending the
concerned parties. Mediation and conferencing are also utilized in special cases to mend
and/ or restore clients' relationship with their victim and the community.
This module also intends to discuss the importance of human rights of every
person in the community.People behind bars are noted to be not all sinners, so this is so
timely and significant to discuss these programs of the government that focuses on the
welfare of persons deprived of liberty. This is the only last resort they need to have as
preparation for them to be reunited with their loved ones outside of prison cells. It also
emphasized the different rules to be observed under the United Nations Standard
Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners or The Nelson Mandela Rules. Its
covenants are very significant in the total rehabilitation and reshaping of the PDL's
behavior while inside the jail.

I am here because there is no refuge finally, from myself.
Until I confront myself in the eyes and hearts of others,
I am running.
Until I suffer them to share my secrets,
I have no safety from them.
Afraid to be known,
I can know neither myself nor any other,
I will be alone.
Where else but in our common ground can I see such a mirror?
Here, together, I can at last appear clearly to myself,
not as the giant of my dreams nor the dwarf of my fears,
but as a person, part of the whole, with my share in its purpose.
In this ground, I can take root and grow, not alone anymore,
as in death but alive to myself and to others.
_____________________________7. It is a component of the Therapeutic Community Modality Program
(TCMP) that introduces the concept and mechanics of the various shaping tools including Morning Meeting
to facilitate the management of and shape the behavior of the residents.
_____________________________8. Under this behavior-shaping tool, in extreme cases, when a resident
is incorrigible and becomes a threat to the community (Instigator, initiator of jail disturbances), the Director
with the recommendation of the Disciplinary Board may transfer him/her to the nearest jail facility with an
appropriate Court Order.
_____________________________9. Under this phase, after proper orientation on the different TC
concepts and tools, the norms and rules of the community, and the staff members, the resident is now
ready to undergo the treatment proper. He becomes a part of the community starting as a crew member of
the housekeeping department until he gradually ascends in the hierarchy.
_____________________________10. This is necessary if there is a repeated breach of the Cardinal
_____________________________11. These are sanctions to members who commit repeatedly
infractions or violations of the Cardinal Rules by prohibiting, disallowing, or limiting an activity or affiliation to
a group. _____________________________12. It is an action or activity given to a resident who was
subjected to a Haircut or General Meeting and did an infraction to correct or modify a behavior. It may be
task–oriented, written task, or peer interactions.
_____________________________13. It is done when negative behaviors or infractions to the House
Rules/Norms in the same offense are done for the third time or more or first-time grave offenses.
_____________________________14. It is done as a result of lack, missed or lapses in awareness in a
_____________________________15. It is any action or activity that reflects or brings out the goodness in
a man.

II. TRUE OR FALSE: (1 point each)

_____________1. Rehabilitation is an approach that focuses on the learning and relearning of behavioral
skills, attitudes, and values, associated with socialized living of persons deprived of liberty in a jail setting.
_____________2. The success of the Therapeutic Community treatment model is also anchored on the
implementation of restorative justice.
_____________3. The TCMP believes that a person needs to have a strong sense of personal and social
responsibility to live a fully functional healthy lifestyle.
_____________4. Under the Therapeutic Environment of TCMP, the residents treat each other with
respect at all times regardless of age, religion, cultural diversity, etc.
_____________5. The Therapeutic Community Modality Program is adopted by the bureau in attaining one
of its mandates, the “Development of PDL” however there are issues and concerns attributed to the
program implementation that need to be addressed to ensure its effectiveness.
_____________6. For the development aspects of TCMP, each component has very discrete sets of
activities, methodologies philosophies, and underlying theories that help promote change in the members
of the community, and the use of various behavior-shaping tools are interconnected/interrelated with one
_____________7. Rights are the birthright of all human beings. These exist independently of the will of
either individual human beings or group and are not obtained and granted through any human action or
intervention. When one is born, he carries with him these rights, they cannot be separated or detached
from him and these are not granted by any person or authority.
_____________8. Governments must treat all their citizens equally. For this purpose, the government must
intervene to advance general welfare.
_____________9. Treatment typically involves sanctions such as incarceration, fines, community service,
probation, or other forms of punitive measures imposed by the legal system.
_____________10. Human rights are not subject to the commerce of man, cannot be rightfully taken away
from a free individual, and cannot be given away or be forfeited.
_____________11. TCMP in the BJMP setup is unique because PDL are in custody while undergoing trial
for their cases. Though the different phases of treatment are observed, it cannot be fully implemented or
may not be followed as scheduled due to the uniqueness of the status of the residents.
_____________12. The intellectual and Spiritual Component hopes to enhance the spiritual and intellectual
dimensions of the residents by providing opportunities for them to develop self-worth and productivity.
_____________13. Recovery programs for victims of human rights violations aim to provide various forms
of support and assistance to help individuals and communities affected by such abuses to heal and rebuild
their lives.
_____________14. A “Talk To” is an outright correction done by any member of the TC community to
another member who has done a minor infraction but is not aware of it. It is a friendly reminder/advice
about unacceptable behavior and must be done privately.
_____________15. A legitimate state should exist to ensure that in the discharge of governmental
functions, the dignity that is the birthright of every human being is duly safeguarded.

III. Enumeration: (20 points)

1. Four aspects of Development under TCMP


2. Seven Behavior Shaping Tools following the given Hierarchy

Hierarchy of Behavior-Shaping Tools


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