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Title One: Crimes Against National Security and the Law of Nations

Which of the following is NOT considered a crime against national security under Title One of the
Revised Penal Code?

a) Espionage

b) Treason

c) Piracy

d) Inciting to War

What is the penalty for the crime of espionage under the Revised Penal Code?

a) Reclusion temporal

b) Reclusion perpetua

c) Death

d) Prision correccional

In the Philippines, what act constitutes the crime of inciting to war?

a) Selling arms to a hostile country

b) Recruiting soldiers for an enemy force

c) Encouraging hostilities between nations

d) Spreading propaganda in favor of peace

Which of the following is NOT an element of the crime of treason under Philippine law?

a) Allegiance to the enemy

b) Overt acts of betrayal

c) Intent to betray the government

d) None of the above

What penalty may be imposed upon those who commit acts of piracy under Philippine law?

a) Reclusion temporal
b) Reclusion perpetua

c) Death

d) Prision correccional

Title Two: Crimes Against the Fundamental Laws of the State

Which crime under Title Two involves the usurpation of official functions and authority?

a) Usurpation of authority

b) Usurpation of judicial functions

c) Unlawful appointment

d) Disobedience to summons issued by the National Assembly

What penalty is prescribed for those who knowingly join or maintain membership in any unlawful

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

Which of the following is NOT considered a crime against public order?

a) Direct assaults

b) Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority

c) Alarm and scandal

d) Evasion of service of sentence

What is the penalty for the crime of sedition under the Revised Penal Code?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor
d) Reclusion temporal

Which crime involves the conspiracy to commit rebellion or insurrection?

a) Sedition

b) Conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d'etat

c) Direct assault

d) Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority

Title Three: Crimes Against Public Order

What crime involves the making or distribution of obscene materials?

a) Alarm and scandal

b) Grave scandal

c) Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions, and indecent shows

d) Inciting to sedition

Which of the following is NOT an element of the crime of alarms and scandals?

a) The act is committed in a public place

b) The act is not necessary to accomplish a purpose

c) The act causes alarm or scandal

d) The act is done secretly

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of tumults and other disturbances of public order?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

Which of the following acts is considered a violation of the Anti-Fencing Law?

a) Buying stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen

b) Selling goods without proper authorization

c) Possessing stolen goods without intent to profit

d) Trading goods with neighboring countries without proper documentation

What crime involves the illegal possession and use of prohibited drugs?

a) Illegal possession of firearms

b) Illegal gambling

c) Illegal drugs

d) Illegal logging

Title Four: Crimes Against Public Interest

What crime involves the falsification by private individuals and use of falsified documents?

a) Falsification of legislative documents

b) Falsification of public documents

c) Falsification of private documents

d) Falsification of certificates of merit or service

Which of the following is NOT considered a crime against public interest under Title Four?

a) Usurpation of authority, rank, title, and improper use of names

b) False medical certificates

c) Simulation of birth

d) Using fictitious names

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of falsification of public documents?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor
d) Reclusion perpetua

What crime involves the act of altering trade marks, among others, to deceive the public?

a) Forgery

b) Counterfeiting

c) Cheating the Government

d) Manufacturing and possession of instruments or implements for falsification

Which of the following is NOT an element of the crime of counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting,
signature or rubric?

a) That any of the acts be committed on any private document

b) That the offender knows that he does not have authority to do so

c) That the acts be committed in order to prejudice a third party

d) That the acts be done with intent to cause damage

What crime involves making use of fictitious names, or concealing true name, and use of different

a) Using fictitious names and concealing true names

b) False medical certificates

c) Simulation of birth

d) Other acts of falsification

Which of the following is NOT a crime against public interest under Title Four?

a) False medical certificates

b) Concealing real names

c) Usurpation of authority

d) Cheating the Government

What crime involves counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting, signature, or rubric?

a) False medical certificates

b) Usurpation of authority

c) Other acts of falsification

d) Manufacturing and possession of instruments or implements for falsification

Which crime involves the use of simulated birth certificates?

a) False medical certificates

b) Usurpation of authority

c) Other acts of falsification

d) Simulation of birth

What penalty is prescribed for those found guilty of the crime of using false certificates?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

What is the penalty for the crime of falsification of legislative documents?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion perpetua

Which crime involves obtaining money or goods by false pretenses?

a) False medical certificates

b) Other fraudulent practices

c) Cheating the Government

d) Concealing real names

What penalty is prescribed for those found guilty of the crime of falsification of private documents?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

What crime involves making false entries in the accounts of a corporation or partnership?

a) Falsification of legislative documents

b) Falsification of public documents

c) Falsification of private documents

d) Falsification of commercial documents

Which of the following is NOT an element of the crime of using false certificates?

a) That the offender knew that the certificate was false

b) That the certificate was actually used

c) That the use of the certificate was public and official

d) That the use of the certificate caused damage to a third party

Title One: Crimes Against National Security and the Law of Nations

What crime involves the act of levying war against the government or adhering to its enemies, giving
them aid or comfort within the Philippines or elsewhere?

a) Espionage

b) Treason

c) Piracy

d) Inciting to War

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of inciting to rebellion or insurrection?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional
c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

Which crime involves the publication of acts of treason, rebellion, or insurrection, or which tend to give
aid and comfort to the enemies of the Philippines?

a) Espionage

b) Inciting to war

c) Alarms and scandals

d) Inciting to rebellion or insurrection

What is the penalty for the crime of piracy under Philippine law?

a) Reclusion temporal

b) Reclusion perpetua

c) Death

d) Prision correccional

Which of the following is NOT considered a crime against national security under Title One of the
Revised Penal Code?

a) Espionage

b) Inciting to sedition

c) Piracy

d) Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority

Title Two: Crimes Against the Fundamental Laws of the State

What crime involves the act of creating a disturbance in public places by tumultuous conduct or by
creating a scandal?

a) Alarm and scandal

b) Tumults and other disturbances of public order

c) Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority

d) Direct assaults

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of unlawful assemblies?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

Which of the following is NOT considered a crime against the fundamental laws of the state under Title

a) Rebellion

b) Coup d'etat

c) Direct assault

d) Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority

What crime involves the act of recruiting persons to enter into any rebellion or insurrection against the

a) Direct assault

b) Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority

c) Inciting to rebellion or insurrection

d) Inciting to sedition

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of rebellion or insurrection under Philippine law?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion perpetua to death

Title Three: Crimes Against Public Order

Which crime involves the act of unlawfully restraining another, whether by force, intimidation, or

a) Kidnapping and failure to return a minor

b) Serious physical injuries

c) Illegal detention

d) Grave coercion

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of illegal gambling under Philippine law?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

Which of the following is NOT considered a crime against public order under Title Three?

a) Grave scandal

b) Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority

c) Direct assault

d) Sedition

What crime involves the act of intentionally and maliciously publishing, through any print or broadcast
media, anything offensive to the honor, virtue, and reputation of another person?

a) Libel

b) Slander

c) Grave scandal

d) Inciting to sedition

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of grave scandal?

a) Arresto mayor
b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

Title Four: Crimes Against Public Interest

What crime involves the act of using falsified documents or instruments to defraud another?

a) Falsification of public documents

b) Falsification of private documents

c) Falsification of commercial documents

d) Falsification of legislative documents

Which of the following is NOT considered a crime against public interest under Title Four?

a) Usurpation of authority

b) Illegal possession of firearms

c) Falsification of public documents

d) Cheating the Government

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of falsification of commercial documents?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

What crime involves the act of misappropriating public funds or property entrusted to one's custody?

a) Falsification of public documents

b) Malversation of public funds or property

c) Usurpation of authority

d) Cheating the Government

What penalty is prescribed for the crime of cheating the Government?

a) Arresto mayor

b) Prision correccional

c) Prision mayor

d) Reclusion temporal

Now, here are the answers:

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