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06 March 2022



I am writing to you to demand the return or payment of the TWO

HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 250, 000.00), that I gave to
you as part of the downpayment for the purchase of a real property.

You have executed promissory notes to return the aforesaid amount on

different dates, but you repeatedly failed to comply when the promissory
notes become due. You even issued a check for the aforesaid amount, but
when the check was presented for clearance and encashment, it turned out
to be unfunded. Despite repeated demands, you failed and continuously fail
to pay the aforesaid amount.

Accordingly, FINAL DEMAND is hereby made upon you to settle the amount
of Php250, 000.00 within FIVE (5) days from receipt of this letter.
Otherwise, I will be constrained to file the necessary legal action against you
to protect my interest.

I trust that you will give this matter your prompt and preferential attention
to avoid the expense and inconvenience of litigation.

Truly yours,


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