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12 where hf is +ve when the flow is into the shaft and changes to –ve when the flow
SURGE TANKS reverses after level in the tank has reached its peak.
Force opposing motion of water in the supply tunnel,
= ρga y  h f 
Rate of change of momentum in the supply tunnel,
12.1 Introduction12.2 Frictionless Analysis 12.3 Frictional Analysis 12.4 Surge Tank Operation Typical dv
examples. Highlights. Theoretical problems. Numerical problems. = ρaL
Assuming water is incompressible and the pipe is inelastic,
dv dv
12. 1 Introduction ρga y  h f   ρaL (minus sign introduced since is deceleration)
dt dt
Fig 12.1 shows a typical arrangement for a surge tank (or surge shaft installed L dv
in a hydro– power generation plant.   y  hf  0 …(i)
g dt
4fL v 2
where h f    Cv 2
d 2g
Static level y
Equation (i) is referred to as the dynamic equation. At the entrance to the surge
Supply H.G.L. hf tank, continuity of flow must apply i.e. flow along the supply tunnel at time t must
Reservoir Supply tunnel equal the flow Q to the turbines plus the flow up into the surge tank.
Area, a Surge shaft (tank) dy
Dia, d Area A, Dia D Surface velocity into surge tank =
Flow, Q Penstock dy
v Control
Flow into surge tank= A 
L valves Tail race
If v and Q are the pipe velocity and turbine demand at time t and considering
Ports Discharge continuity of flow,
Turbine Flow down pipe = flow into surge tank + flow to turbine
Fig 12.1: Surge Tank dy
Lower reservoir  av  A  Q
For the arrangement shown, let: Equation (ii) is termed the continuity equation. To solve equations (i) and (ii), it
L = length of supply tunnel is necessary to make assumptions about the variation of friction factor and the rate of
a = area of supply tunnel of diameter ‘d’ flow reduction to the turbine. Even under total load rejection when Q=0, the variable
v = velocity of flow in supply tunnel friction factor still prevents an analytical solution and so it is usual to use a step by
Q = Turbine demand step numerical integration, preferably utilizing a digital computer.
A = area of surge tank of diameter ‘D’ If friction is ignored, then an approximation to the maximum surge level and its
hf = frictional head loss in supply tunnel period can be made at the point of sudden stoppage. Then, when hf and Q = 0,
y = rise of level in surge tank equations (i) and (ii) become;
Sudden changes in demand for turbines could cause high inertia pressures in the L dv
supply tunnel. The function of a surge tank is thus to prevent excessive pressures  y  0 , and
g dt
occurring when the demand is reduced, by providing a storage volume into which the
flow can pass. As the level in the surge tank rises, the back pressure increases and the …(iii)
flow in the pipeline is gradually decelerated. The surge tank also provides a subsidiary dy
av  A 
supply to ensure that sufficient water is immediately available close to the turbine dt
when there is a sudden increase of load. …(iv)

12.2 Frictionless Analysis Differentiating equation (iv),

If at any time t the surface of water in the surge tank is y above the static level dv A d 2 y
 
and the friction head is hf as shown in Fig 12.1, dt a dt 2
Head opposing flow = y+ hf …(v)

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Combining equations (iii) and (v), The maximum amplitude C1 is obtainable from;
LA d 2 y av
 y0 u  C1 Ω where u is the orbital velocity which in this case is and v is the
ga dt 2 A
…(vi) steady pipeline velocity.
2 u av LA
d y ga
 y0  C1   
dt 2 LA Ω A ga
…(vii) when t = 0, v = vo so that av = QO
d2y Q0 A L  a g
 2  Ω2 y  0  y     sin   t
dt A  a g A L
…(viii) …(xii)
ga Qo A L
where Ω  y max    
LA A a g
Equation (viii) is a linear homogeneous second order differential equation with
constant coefficients. The equation may also be recognized as that of an undamped …(xiii)
simple harmonic motion (SHM). The displacement curve is sinusoidal, and the surge tank water level moves
The solution of this differential equation is, sinusoidally in relation to time as shown in Fig 12.2.
y  C1 sin Ωt  C 2 cos Ωt
12.3 Frictional Analysis
…(ix) To obtain a comparable result when friction is considered, the sudden complete
where C1 and C2 are constants of integration. shut – down must be considered as before (Q=0), but unfortunately the resulting
When t = 0, y = 0, hence C2 = 0 differential equation becomes unintegrable.
Then y  C1 sin Ωt In steady state, the water level in the surge tank will be at A, an amount yi
…(x) below the reservoir static water level as shown in Fig 12.3 and
T 4fL v12
Also when t  ,y=0 yi   
2 d 2g
Then 0  C1 sin Ω   Cv in
 T where vi = steady state velocity, that is initial velocity
As C1 cannot be zero, sin  Ω    0
 2
Or Ωπ yf
2π LA CVn B
 T  2π yi
Ω ga A
where T is the periodic time of surge (or oscillation).
Rise, y
T/2 T/2 Fig 12.3

Negative sign is introduced since y is measured positively upwards from the

reservoir static water level.
Time, T When valve closure occurs,
av  A  , as in equation (iv).
The dynamic equation must however be modified to allow for friction. If in
time t the water level has risen to C due to valve closure, and velocity in pipe at that
Fig 12.2 : Periodic Time of Oscillation
instant is v, the difference in level between the actual position of water surface and
position it would be in if the flow were steady at velocity v (position B) is y  Cv n .

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This means that the pressure applied to the pipe by water in the surge tank is greater L dv
y  Cv n  
than that required for steady flow by an amount y  Cv n and so the water in the pipe g dt
must experience a deceleration given by, (b) Sudden valve opening or turbine start up
L dv L dv
y  Cv  
or  Cv n  y  0
g dt g dt Initial state
From equation (iv),
dy A dy y Cv2
av  A  or v  
dt a dt
n n v
 A   dy 
 Cv  C    

 a   dt 
From equation (v), Q
dv A d 2 y Fig 12.5
 
dt a dt 2
L A d2 y
 A   dy 
n Initially the water levels in the reservoir and surge tank are the same. When the
So  C     y  0 turbine starts up the flow down the penstock takes the value Q.
g a dt 2  a   dt 
At a time t, then
If n = 2, then dy
d2 y  A   A  ga  dy  ga
2 Q  A   av
 C       LA y  0 dt
dt 2  a   a  LA  dt  (Negative sign indicates that y is taking progressively larger negative values)
d2 y  gA   dy 
ga The flow Q is partly supplied by flow out of the surge tank and partly by flow
or  C     LA y  0 … (xiv)
dt 2  La   dt  from the pipeline. Initially there is no flow out of the pipe and all the flow comes from
Note: By putting C=0 in the above equation, the frictionless result is the surge tank. Finally all the flow comes from the pipeline and none from the surge
obtained. tank.
The above expression is used for a rising surge but for a falling surge, the The dynamic equation is,
friction changes sign. The equation cannot be integrated but finite difference L dv
y  Cv n   (as before).
computations have to be undertaken to estimate the magnitude of any surges. g dt
(c) Partial opening of a valve turbine
12.4 Surge Tank Operation If the initial state of the system is total shut-down there is no difference
The following cases arise in conjunction with surge tank operations: between a sudden complete and sudden partial opening. If the initial state is that the
(a) Partial sudden closure of a downstream valve or turbine gate system is running under part load then a further partial opening up needs separate
Let the flow in the pipeline at time t be Q and the final flow Qf. Then
A  Qf  Q
dy Q  Q f
So  , and the dynamic equation is the same as before, and the
Q dt A
result is the same as for a partial shut-down.

Fig 12.4
(d) Slow opening or closing
The initial steady flow is denoted by Q, and the final flow by Qf as shown in At any time t after a valve has begun to close the flow through it is a function
Fig 12.4. Then, of time,
dy Q t  Q( t )
Q  QF  A 
dt If this valve is then substituted for Qf, the equation becomes,
dy  Q  Qf 
 dy Q  Q(t)
 
dt  A  dt A
The dynamic equation remains unchanged so that, The dynamic equation remains unaltered.

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From the foregoing, it can be seen that all cases can be described by the two Qo A L
y max  
equations, A a g
dy Q  Q(t) Q o =2.27m3/s, A= 10.17m2, a= 1.13m2, L=150m
(i)  , and
dt A
2.27 10.17  150
L dv  ymax   2.62m
(ii) y  Cv n   10.17 1.13  9.81
g dt
Periodic time of surge,
For a sudden closure, Q(t) = 0
AL 10.1`7  150
For a partial closure, Q(t) = Qf T  2  2  73.8s
ag 1.13  9.81
For sudden opening, Qi = 0 and Q(t) = Qf
and so on. The surge follows a sign wave and the maximum rise in level occurs at
T  18.45s after start.
Example 12.1: In a hydro-electric scheme, the supply pipeline is 1.2m in diameter 4
and has a resistance coefficient f=0.01. At 150 m along the pipeline from the More Accurate Analysis
reservoir, there is an open surge tank, 3.6m in diameter with no restriction. The This can be made using step-by-step integration of equations (1) and (2).
steady flow to the turbine is 2.27m3/s. For total load rejection, Q = 0
(a) Develop the basic equations for mass oscillation in the surge tank due to a sudden Replace dy, dt and dv by finite integrals y, t and v so that equation (2)
change of flow. becomes,
(b) Show by giving a few stages of step-by step integration how to estimate the Δy
maximum rise of water level in the surge tank for a sudden full flow rejection. Δt
Solution and equation (1) for upsurge is,
(a) From equation (i),  Δv 
y   0.255v 2  15.3 
L dv 4fL v 2  Δt 
 y  h f  0 , where h f    Cv 2
g dt d 2g …(4)
4  0.01  150v
At start, when t = 0
  0.255v 2 Q O 2.27
1.2  2  9.81 vo    2.01m / s
From equation (ii), a 1.13
dy y o  0.255v  0.255  2.012  1.03m

av  A  Q,
dt Working in steps of Δt =5s, work out mean values of v and y. If vi and yi are
π the
where a   1.2 2  1.13m 2 values of v and y at the beginning of each step, mean values for the step are:
π 1
A   3.6 2  10.17 m 2 v m  vi  Δv
4 2
Substitute values in equation (i): …(5)
150 dv 1
 y  0.255v 2  0 y m  yi  Δy
9.81 dt 2
…(1) …(6)
The procedure for each step is as follows:
Substitute values in equation (ii): (i) Estimate Δy , then calculate v m from equation (3):
dy Δy
1.13v  10.17 Q vm  9
dt Δt
v9  0.866Q
dt (ii) Using this value of v m , calculate
…(2) Δv  2v m  v i  , based on Eq. (5).
Equations (1) and (2) are the basic equations for this problem. Then from equation (6), evaluate
(b) An approximate estimate of the maximum surge level and the time it  Δv 
occurs y m   0.255v 2  15.3 
 Δt 
can be obtained by neglecting friction.

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(iii) Compare the values of y m from step (ii) with the value of y m from
equation Example 12.2: A surge chamber 10m in diameter is situated at the downstream end of
(6). If the two values do not agree, re-estimate Δy and repeat the step. a low pressure tunnel 10km long and 3m in diameter. At a steady discharge of 36m3/s,
If agreement is satisfactory, proceed to the next step with initial the flow to the turbine is suddenly stopped by closure of the turbine inlet valves.
conditions Determine using the approximate method the maximum rise in level in the surge
y i  Δy and v i  Δv from previous step. The working is carried out as chamber, and its time of occurrence.
in Table 12.1. As the peak value of y is approached, the time interval Δt
Qo A L
is y max  
A a g
π π
Q o =36m3/s, L=10 000m, A   10 2  78.54m 2 , a   32  7.069m 2
Table 12.1 4 4
36 78.54  10 000
 ymax   48.78m
78.54 7.069  9.81
Periodic time of surge,

LA 10 000  78.54
T  2π  2π  668.67s
ga 9.81  7.069
vm= 9 y/t (m/s)

The surge follows a sign wave and the maximum rise in level occurs at
Estimated y

v = 2(vm -vi)

{ Eq. (4)}
t seconds


T  167.17s from start.
vi (m/s)

yi (m/s)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Δy  Δv 
Using a 5 seconds interval, vm= 9  1.8Δy and 15.3   3.06Δv
5  5 
0 5
-1.030 2.01
1.10 1.980 -0.060 -0.184 1.000 -0.816 -0.480 ym values unequal
1.05 1.890 -0.240 -0.734 0.911 -0.177 -0.505 ym values unequal
1.075 1.935 -0.150 -0.459 0.955 -0.496 -0.493 ym values ≈ equal
5 5 0.045 1.86
0.92 1.656 -0.408 -1.248 0.699 0.549 0.505 ym values unequal
0.924 1.663 -0.394 -1.204 0.705 0.499 0.507 ym values unequal
0.923 1.661 -0.397 -1.215 0.704 0.511 0.507 ym values ≈ equal
10 5 0.968 1.463
0.650 1.17 -0.586 -1.793 0.349 1.444 1.293 ym values unequal
0.660 1.188 -0.550 -1.683 0.360 1.323 1.298 ym values unequal
0.662 1.192 -0.543 -1.661 0.362 1.299 1.299 ym values ≈ equal
15 5 1.630 0.920
0.330 0.594 -0.652 -1.995 0.090 1.905 1.795 ym values unequal
0.340 0.612 -0.616 -1.885 0.096 1.789 1.800 ym values unequal
0.339 0.610 -0.620 -1.896 -0.095 1.801 1.800 ym values ≈ equal
20 2 1.969 0.30

Δy  Δv 
Peak level is close; reduce Δt to 2 seconds: vm= 9   4.5Δy ; 15.3   7.65Δv
2  2 
0.040 0.180 -0.240 -1.836 0.008 1.828 1.989 ym values unequal
0.037 0.167 -0.267 -2.043 0.007 2.036 1.988 ym values unequal
0.038 0.171 -0.258 -1.974 0.007 1.967 1.988 ym values ≈ equal
22 2.007 0.042 This is effectively the maximum rise of water level (yi seems to stabilize) = 2.007m at
22 s from closure of valve.

Notes: (i) Column 3: yi (first value) = yo=-0.255v2=-0.255×(2.01)2 =-1.030m

(ii) Column 4: vi (first value) = =2.01m/s
(iii) Subsequent value of yi =-1.030+ 1.075 = 0.045m
(iv) Subsequent value of vi =2.01-0.150=1.86m/s

p.m.k. p.m.k.

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