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Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my enthusiasm to assist with this year's festival in our


Firstly, I want to commend you and the organizing team for the fantastic job you
did with last year's festival. It was an unforgettable experience for both residents
and visitors alike. The variety of activities, performances, and vendors created a
vibrant atmosphere that truly showcased the spirit of our community.

I am eager to contribute to this year's festival and lend a helping hand wherever
needed. With my background in event planning and volunteer coordination, I
believe I could assist in various areas such as organizing entertainment, managing
vendor logistics, or coordinating volunteer schedules. I am also open to any other
tasks or responsibilities you see fit for me.

Furthermore, I have a few questions about this year's festival. Could you please
provide information on the theme or focus of the event? Are there any new
initiatives or attractions planned? Additionally, I would like to inquire about
volunteer opportunities and how I can get involved in the planning process.
Thank you for considering my offer to help with the festival. I am looking forward
to working together to make this year's event even more successful than the last.

Best regards,

Kola Kazeem.

It is the view of some that a ban should be placed on extreme sports. I agree with
this view.

Firstly, the primary concern with dangerous sports is the inherent risk of severe
injury or even death. Activities such as base jumping, free solo climbing, and
extreme skiing involve high levels of physical danger where the margin for error is
minimal. Despite safety precautions, accidents can still occur due to equipment
failure, adverse weather conditions, or human error. For instance, the tragic
deaths of renowned climbers like Russell Crow and Tom Hanks highlight the perils
associated with extreme sports.

Furthermore, the aftermath of injuries sustained during dangerous sports can

place a significant strain on healthcare resources. Emergency responders and
medical professionals are frequently called upon to provide assistance to injured
athletes, diverting resources away from other critical cases. Moreover, the long-
term rehabilitation and healthcare costs associated with severe injuries can be
financially burdensome for both individuals and society as a whole.

Another compelling reason to ban dangerous sports is to protect the younger

generation from undue influence and pressure to engage in risky behaviors.
Extreme sports are often glorified in the media, leading impressionable
individuals, particularly adolescents, to emulate their idols without fully
understanding the potential dangers involved. By prohibiting these activities, we
can promote safer and more constructive forms of recreation for young people.

In conclusion, I agree that a ban be placed on extreme sports. This is because it

will promote safety ansafeguarding public safety, alleviating pressure on
healthcare systems, and support responsible recreational activities.

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