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External Outpatient Setting Assessment

Austin Notter
August 14 – August 18, 2023
Wright Avenue Physical Therapy

General Performance
Please use the attached checklist to identify how Austin performed in terms of required
competencies. Using the CPI for thought and consideration, please identify if you believe he is
at least at the level of Advanced Beginner.

Please identify if Austin meets the following for Clinical Reasoning, Examination, Evaluation,

Diagnosis & Prognosis, Outcomes Assessment: X

• About 75-90% assistance for managing care of patients who are “simple” with consistency; X
• 100% assistance for managing care of patients who are “complex”; X
• Student is not expected to handle a caseload without supervision. X

Clinical Reasoning

Meets above expectations __X___

Does Not Meet above expectations _____


Meets above expectations __X___

Does Not Meet above expectations _____


Meets above expectations __X___

Does Not Meet above expectations _____

Diagnosis & Prognosis

Meets above expectations __X___

Does Not Meet above expectations _____

Outcomes Assessment

Meets above expectations __X___

Does Not Meet above expectations _____
Austin is expected to demonstrate professional behaviors expected of a physical therapist. Please
comment on his professional behaviors.
My professional behaviors during this clinical experience have been to and above the
expectations of a physical therapist. Concerning timeliness, I have arrived before Dr. Blick and
sometimes Eric who manages the front desk in the morning. This set the expectation I am ready
for patients. I have worn professional attire every day. I have been caring, compassionate, and
empathetic to patients which helps patients feel heard and understood. I have done much better
about being open to feedback and new concepts to develop my skillset. Patient privacy has
always been maintained. I address patients with respect. I communicate very well with Dr. Blick
and appropriately to adhere to HIPAA guidelines. My conversation with patients has also been
appropriate to help build rapport to improve efficiency of treatment. Additionally, I played music
this week that was clinic appropriate with clean language for comfortable listening and energy.
Please identify things that Austin is doing well:
Throughout the week, I have done well with learning how Wright Avenue Physical Therapy
functions such as office policies and familiarity with supply locations. I have also learned how to
use WebPT more efficiently for documentation with descriptive detail. Furthermore, I have been
eager to learn new exercises and intervention strategies such as soft tissue and joint
mobilizations. This has continued with improving skills pertaining to modalities such as IFC for
pain modulation. Maintaining a clean environment has been great including wiping down tables
and changing pillow cases after patients. I communicated well with Dr. Blick and staff to
understand plans and address concerns in a polite manner. Concerning evaluations, my attention
to detail and confidence have improved. Dr. Blick trusted me with handling the subjective
individually and majority of the objective measurements which have been thorough. Dr. Blick
has not had any major complaints and only recommendations to further investigate the patient’s
condition. Furthermore, my clinical reasoning has been solid when explaining diagnosis such as
lateral epicondylitis and total knee arthroplasty intervention strategies related to the diagnosis.
This has also been evident during typical treatments when patient’s have asked me about the
reasoning behind doing certain exercises.
Please identify areas that Austin needs improvement:
Concerning improvement, I can continue to be creative and develop interventions based on
different conditions. This is what I am looking forward to with further clinical experiences. I
need to continue deepening my understanding of some conditions and how I can optimally apply
appropriate interventions. Concerning evaluations, I need to improve my efficiency and continue
to think about prescribing interventions the first day to start the patient off on the right track. I
can always get better thinking about how to help patient’s in flare-ups and change the plan of
care for the day.
Please identify any red flag concerns:
At this time, I do not feel I have any red flag concerns.
Do you feel Austin has satisfied met the minimum expectation of Advanced Beginner in your
setting with competency? Briefly provide rationale.
I do feel I have met the minimum expectations for advanced beginner concerning the
reassessment categories. I have demonstrated good clinical reasoning for interventions and
examination to determine the best plan of care. My examination and evaluation skills have been
thorough with minor recommendations. For outcomes, I have correctly interpreted the meaning
of measurements such as the BERG and Quick Dash for Upper Extremities.
Do you have any concerns about his performance that should warrant further remediation?
I do not have any of concerns about my performance.

Signature(s) of Evaluator(s): Austin D Notter

Date: 08/18/2023

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