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English Language


Dosen Pengampu: Ridhani Fizi M.Pd

Compiled by:

Group VII

Name NPM

Ahmadianoor 20.12.5316

Muhammad wildan Mursyid 23.12.5891

Nur Azia Hafizah 23.12.6031

Rizky Nurkhalisa Azizah 23.12.5880




Praise be to god almighty for the blessing of his grace, and that we were given the opportunity to
be able to compile a working paper entitled “adverb” is properly and correctly, and on time.

This paper is structured so that readers can know how important application of English language in
daily life. This paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties come form outside as well
as form parties concerned itself. And because the aid and help of god almighty, these papers can be finally

This is paper about “adverb” and deliberately chosen because in this day and age the use of English
need to have the support of all those who care about the world education.
The compilers also thanked to Mr.Ridhani Fizi, M.pd as the teachers\tutors in English subject. Who
have many professors help compilers in order to complete this paper.

Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although tthis paper has advantages
and disadvantages, criticism and suggestions are very much expected for the perfection of the next task.

Martapura , 9 Desember 2023

Kelompok 7


COVER .................................................................................................................................. i

PREFACE .............................................................................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... iii


A. Background of the paper .............................................................................. 1

B. Problem formulation .................................................................................... 3
C. Purpose of the paper .................................................................................... 3


A. Definition of Adverb of time ...................................................................... 4

B. Characteristics of Adverb of time ............................................................... 8
C. Formation of Adverbs of time .................................................................... 10
D. Definition of Adverbs of modality ............................................................. 12
E. Characteristic of Adverbs of modality........................................................ 14
F. Formation of adverb of modality ................................................................ 16
G. Definition of adverb of certainty ................................................................ 17
H. Characteristic of adverb of certainty........................................................... 19
I. Formation of adverb of certainty ................................................................ 20


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 23
Lis of References ......................................................................................


A. Background of the paper

If you are learning English at a college, school or further education
institution, you join approximately one billion other people around the
world who are involved in the same pursuit. However, because you are
trying to memorize proper grammar, and try to avoid the common mistake
for students learning English, you might be wondering why you can learn
English in the first place.

Language plays an important role in human life. One seeks to

acquire, learn and use the language as a means of communication, and social
as well as a symbol of humanity. By using the language a person can make
statements, convey facts and knowledge, explain or report something, and
maintaining social relationships between the users of the language. This
shows that by using language, people can express their ideas, feelings, etc.
of information through communication.

In developing countries such as Indonesia, the UK has a vital role in

all aspects of life, especially in science and technology. Furthermore, it can
be used to develop relationships in international forums, to read English
books (especially for students from elementary school to college/university
), to strengthen the relationship between the nations of the world, etc. As
students, we learn English intended to acquire a variety of knowledge, to
understand and comprehend textbooks in English learning, to acquire
knowledge and skills, and ready to go to university, as one of the
requirements of the test for senior high school students ( high School), etc.
Given the critical role of the language in, which is why English is very

important to understand and master by every people around the world since
the previous year.

As global or universal language, English is not only enables us to

communicate and interact with everyone around the world, but also can
change our lives for the better. In addition, we also have to realize that the
western countries played a remarkable role in developing and maintaining
science and technology. So, if we wanted to be skilled scientists understand
linguists, and able to compete with other countries in the world, we have to
master and learn their language, namely English.

Lastly, if you study English at school, college or university,

remember that getting an A in English is almost worthless, in terms of
communication, if you can not speak the language Spoken English is the
best career, the best universities, and is increasingly being used at job
interviews. So like it or not, English is the language that is very important
to learn how to talk.

English is spoken as a first language by around 375 million, as a

second language by many people and as a foreign language by around 750
million. It has official or special status in at least 70 countries and is being
studied by an estimated one billion people. These figures alone make the
English language is important to learn in tourism, media, internet, business.

B. Problem formulation
To direct this paper, the author formulates the problem as follows :
1. What is the definition of Adverbs?
2. Characteristics of Adverbs?
3. Types of Adverbs?
4. What is definition of Adverbs of time?
5. What is definition of Adverbs of modality?
6. What is definition of Adverbs of certainty?

C. Purpose of the paper
Based on the above problems, the objectives of writing this paper
are as follows :
1. To know the meaning of Adverbs
2. To know the characteristics of adverbs
3. To know the types of adverbs
4. To know the meaning of Adverbs of time
5. To know the meaning of Adverbs of modality
6. To know the meaning of Adverbs of certainty

A. Definition of Adverb of time
Several adverbs express time and they are called as adverbs of time
(Sargeant, 2007; Payne, 2011; Torres-Gouzerh, 2016). This kind of adverb
expands the meaning of a sentence by provide information about when an
action happens. As Cookson and Stirk (2019) stated that when making a
statement, it is important to make it clear whether a situation exists now,
existed in the past, or is likely to exist in the future. Beside tenses, the use
of time adverbials or adverb of time is another. Although sometimes the
tense may already provide a clear time period and no other time reference
is required, the use of adverb of time is important to draw attention to the
time of the action. Some examples of adverbs of time are tomorrow, today,
never, soon, yesterday, and yet.
(1) They will arrive tomorrow.
(2) Will you come home soon?

In sentence (1), the adverb tomorrow give information on when the

arrival will happen. It will be on the next day, not yesterday, not today nor
on other time. Example (2) also shows when the action "come" is expected
to happen in a short time after the present moment.

An adverb of time can be a definite word as in (1) and can be an

indefinite word as in (2) (DeCapua, 2017). The definite adverb of time is
typically designating a clear unquestionnable time or period of time of when
something happens, such as yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next
month, and a year ago. Examples are shown below.
(3) The students visited the museum last week.
(4) We moved here a year ago.
(5) We are going to a vacation in Bali next month.

Meanwhile, indefinite adverbs are those which do not indicate the
exact or precise time period such as now, then, soon, just, before, still,
already, and next. In these 3 examples below, the exact time when the action
happens or is carried out is not clearly stated.
(6) Andy must submit the paper and then contact the professor.
(7) The bell just rang.
(8) The train has already left.

Adverbs of time, as its definition, are those words modifying other

words to state when something takes place. It should be separated from other
kinds of adverbs which describe how long an action occur, the adverb of
duration (i.e. for two weeks, all afternoon, one week), and which express an
exact number of times the action happens, the adverb of frequency (i.e.
weekly, daily, annually).

When modifying a verb, the adverb of time used in a sentence must

concord with the tense of the sentence. For example, the time adverb
yesterday can only be used with the simple past tense, while tomorrow can
only be used with the future tense.
(9) We will go to the party tomorrow.
(10) We will go to the party yesterday.
(11) We went to the party yesterday.
(12) We went to the party tomorrow.

The examples in (9) and (11) are the correct formula since the use
of time adverbs tomorrow and yesterday concord with the tenses of each
sentence. The verb will go is a future action indicating that the action has
not occurred yet and will happen in a future time. The adverb tomorrow
gives exact timeof when it will happen. In (11), the verb went is the past
form of the verb go which indicates that the action has occurred in a time in
the past. The adverb yesterday provides a precise time of when it occurred.

The sentences in (10) and (12) are the incorrect ones since the adverbs does
not in accordance with the tenses.

Adverbs of time can be divided into two groups, namely:

1) Adverb of Definite Time

Adverbs of definite time are used to express a specific time, for example:
at 7 o'clock, at half past seven, a week ago, every morning etc.
Some examples of their use in sentences:
• We get up at 7 o'clock.
• He returned from Mataram a week ago.
• I sweep the floor every day.
• You can see me in the morning.

2) Adverb of Indefinite Time Adverb of indefinite time is used to express

an indefinite time, for example: already, always, before etc.
Some examples of their use in sentences:
• Arvin always gets up early.
• He doesn't always get upearly.
• Armed is always late.

B. Characteristics of Adverb of time

One of the main characteristics of adverb form is that they end in -ly (Torres-
Gouzerh, 2016; DeCapua, 2017; Swick, 2018). It is a quick way to identify most
adverbs. Some examples are regularly (in a regular manner), happily (in a happy
manner), and locally (in a local area).

(13) My daughter calls me regularly.

(14) They are happily married.

(15) They only shopped locally.

However, adverbs including adverbs of time not always end in -ly, as punctually,
quickly, suddenly, early, and those in the examples above. Some are in the form of
these words today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, late, early, and never. For detailed
form of adverbs that do not end in -ly, they may appear in form of adverb word and
adverb phrase.

An Adverb:

(16) The boys will come home late.

(17) I will call her immediately.

(18) We are going to the party tonight.

A Prepositional Phrase:

A prepositional phrase can also modify a verb. If a phrase modifies a verb, it is

considered adverbial. When a prepositional phrase of time modifies a verb, it is
acting as time adverbial. An adverb or adverb prepositional phrase is a prepositional
phrase that modifies a verb.

(19) The plane will depart at eight o'clock.

(20) The ceremony was held on Monday.

(21) Our family always go to the beach on the weekend.

The prepositional phrase in the examples above are acting as time adverbial because
they modify the verb by giving information on when the action happens. In sentence
(15), the prepositional phrase at eight o'clock modifies the verb "depart" and
provide information on when the departure is going to happen. The phrase on
Monday and on the weekend also act the same for the passive verb "was held" and
for the verb "go".

A Noun Phrase:

(22) He goes to school this morning.

(23) I went early the next day to submit the paper.

(24) Randy bought a new laptop last week.

In the examples above, the noun phrases this morning, the next day, and last week
are acting as adverbs of time because they modify the verb in each sentence "goes",
"went" and "bought". They provide information on when the actions happen.

C. Formation of Adverb of Time in Sentences

Adverbs of time provide information about when or for how long an

action takes place. The formation of adverbs of time can vary, and they are
often created from other words or phrases. Here are some common ways
adverbs of time are formed:

1. Simple Adverbs:

Formation: Some adverbs of time are simple words without any

modification. Examples: Now, then, today, tomorrow, yesterday

2. Adverbs with "-ly" Suffix:

Formation: Many adverbs of time are formed by adding the "-ly" suffix to
adjectives or nouns. Examples: Daily, weekly, yearly, hourly

3. Adverbs from Adjective + "ly":

Formation: Adverbs of time can be formed by adding the "-ly" suffix to

certain adjectives. Examples: Quick → Quickly, sudden → Suddenly

4. Adverbs from Prepositions:

Formation: Some adverbs of time are formed from prepositions. Examples:
Before, after, during, soon

5. Adverbial Phrases:

Formation: Adverbs of time can also be formed by using phrases.

Examples: In the morning, at night, for hours, during the day

6. Using Specific Time Words:

Formation: Adverbs of time can be specific words indicating a particular

point in time. Examples: Now, then, soon, later, today, yesterday, tomorrow

7. Frequency Adverbs:

Formation: Some adverbs of time indicate how often an action occurs.

Examples: Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely

8. Temporal Connectors:

Formation: Certain words function as adverbs of time when used to

connect sentences or clauses. Examples: Meanwhile, subsequently,

Remember that adverbs of time help specify when an action occurs,

and their formation can depend on the context and the specific details of the
time being described.

D. Definition of Adverbs of modality

An adverb of modality is a type of adverb that expresses the speaker's
attitude, opinion, or assessment regarding the likelihood, necessity,
certainty, or possibility of an action or event in a sentence. These adverbs
provide additional information about the speaker's perspective on the verb,
conveying the degree of certainty, obligation, or permission associated with
the action.

Function of Adverb of Modality:

The primary function of adverbs of modality is to modify verbs, adjectives,
or other adverbs by indicating the speaker's viewpoint or attitude. They help

convey the nuances of meaning related to how certain, probable, necessary,
or possible the speaker considers a particular action or state to be. Here are
some key functions:

1. Expressing Certainty:
- Examples: Certainly, definitely, surely, absolutely.
- Function: Used to indicate a high level of certainty or confidence in the
truth or occurrence of an action.

2. Expressing Probability:
- Examples: Probably, likely, possibly, perhaps.
- Function: Used to convey the likelihood or probability of an action or
event happening.

3. Expressing Necessity:
- Examples: Must, should, ought to.
- Function: Conveys a sense of obligation, necessity, or duty regarding the
action expressed in the sentence.

4. Expressing Possibility:
- Examples: Maybe, possibly, perhaps.
- Function: Indicates the potential for an action or event to occur without
making a definitive statement.

5. Expressing Permission:
- Examples: May, might, can.
- Function: Indicates the level of permission or allowance for a particular

Example Sentences:
1. She will definitely attend the meeting. (Expressing certainty)
2. They are probably going to finish the project by Friday. (Expressing
3. You should submit your assignment by tomorrow. (Expressing necessity)
4. It might rain later, so bring an umbrella. (Expressing possibility)
5. May I come in? (Expressing permission)

In summary, adverbs of modality play a crucial role in shaping the speaker's

perspective on the actions or events described in a sentence, adding nuance
and conveying the speaker's attitude toward the information being

E. Characteristics of Adverb of modality

The main characteristics of adverbs of modality include their ability to

convey the speaker's attitude or opinion about the likelihood, necessity, certainty,
or possibility of an action or event. Here are some key characteristics:

1. Expressive Function:

Adverbs of modality are primarily used to express the speaker's attitude or

viewpoint. They provide information about the speaker's certainty, probability,
necessity, or permission regarding the action in the sentence.

2. Categories:

Adverbs of modality can be categorized into different types based on their

functions, such as certainty (e.g., definitely, certainly), probability (e.g., probably,
likely), necessity (e.g., must, should), possibility (e.g., perhaps, possibly), and
permission (e.g., may, might).

3. Degrees:

Adverbs of modality often indicate degrees or levels of certainty,

probability, or necessity. For example, they can express strong certainty (e.g.,
certainly), moderate probability (e.g., probably), or mild possibility (e.g., perhaps).

4. Modification of Verbs:

These adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs in a sentence.

They provide additional information about the action or state described, helping to
clarify the speaker's stance.

5. Subjectivity:

Adverbs of modality introduce an element of subjectivity into the sentence,

reflecting the speaker's personal judgment or assessment of the situation. They
reveal the speaker's perspective rather than presenting objective facts.

6. Position in a Sentence:

Adverbs of modality can be placed in different positions within a sentence,
including the mid-position (between the subject and the main verb), the initial
position (at the beginning of the sentence), or the end position (at the end of the
sentence). The placement can vary based on factors such as emphasis and formality.

7. Flexibility:

These adverbs offer flexibility in expressing a range of attitudes or opinions,

allowing speakers to communicate varying degrees of certainty, probability,
necessity, or permission.

8. Impact on Meaning:

The choice of adverb of modality can significantly impact the meaning of a

sentence, influencing how the information is perceived by the listener or reader. For
example, using "certainly" instead of "possibly" changes the tone of the statement.

Understanding these characteristics can help learners and users of a

language use adverbs of modality effectively to convey nuanced meanings and
accurately reflect their attitudes or opinions in communication.

F. Formation of adverb of modality

Adverbs of modality express the speaker's attitude or the degree of certainty,

obligation, or possibility associated with an action. The formation of adverbs of
modality can vary, and they can be created in different ways. Here are some
common ways adverbs of modality are formed:

1. Using Adjective + "-ly":

Many adverbs of modality are formed by adding the "-ly" suffix to certain
adjectives. Examples: Certain → Certainly, probable → Probably, possible →

2. Using Adjective + "enough":

Some adverbs of modality are formed by combining an adjective with "enough"
to indicate sufficiency. Examples: Clear → Clearly enough, loud → Loudly enough

3. Using Adjective + "to":

Adverbs of modality can be formed by combining an adjective with "to."

Examples: Easy → Easy to, difficult → Difficult to

4. Using Modal Verbs:

Some adverbs of modality are formed by using modal verbs (e.g., must, should,
may) directly.

Examples: You must study hard. (modifying the verb "study")

Examples: It may rain tomorrow. (modifying the verb "rain")

5. Using Modal Adverbs:

Certain adverbs, often called modal adverbs, function as adverbs of modality.

Examples: Certainly, definitely, probably, possibly

6. Using Phrases:

Adverbs of modality can also be formed using phrases that convey a sense of
possibility, necessity, or probability. Examples: In all likelihood, to a certain extent,
in all probability

7. Using Specific Words:

Some adverbs of modality are specific words that convey a particular modality.
Examples: Surely, undoubtedly, perhaps, maybe

It's important to note that adverbs of modality play a crucial role in expressing
the speaker's attitude toward the likelihood, necessity, or possibility of an action.
The formation of these adverbs allows for a nuanced expression of the speaker's
perspective in various contexts.

G. Definition of adverb of certainty

Adverb of certainty is an adverb used to express affirmation. In other words, a

sentence that asserts or denies something. An adverb of certainty can also be called
an adverb of affirmation. Adverbs of certainty are words that modify verbs,
adjectives, or other adverbs to indicate the level of confidence, assurance, or
certainty associated with a particular statement. They provide information about the
speaker's belief or conviction regarding the truth or likelihood of an action or

Which includes the adverb of certainty : Absolutely, Apparently, certainly,

clearly, decidedly, definitely, entirely, evidently, indeed, naturally, obviously, of
course, perhaps, precisely, presumably, surely, yes.

Function: The primary function of adverbs of certainty is to qualify or

modify the degree of certainty or confidence in a statement. They help communicate
the speaker's viewpoint on the likelihood of an action or the truthfulness of a
statement. Adverbs of certainty fall into different categories based on the degree of
certainty they convey. Here are some common examples:

1. High certainty:

• Examples: certainly, definitely, absolutely, undoubtedly

• Function: Expresses a high level of confidence or certainty in the truth or

occurrence of an action.

2. Moderate certainty:

• Examples: probably, likely, most likely, almost certainly

• Function: Indicates a moderate level of confidence or probability without

absolute certainty.

3. Low certainty or doubt:

• Examples: perhaps, maybe, possibly, could

• Function: Implies a lower level of confidence or introduces an element of
doubt regarding the truth or likelihood of an action.

H. Characteristic of adverb of certainty

The main characteristics of adverbs of certainty include their ability to convey

the speaker's confidence or assurance about the truth or likelihood of a statement.
Here are some key characteristics of adverbs of certainty:

1. Expression of Confidence:

Adverbs of certainty express the speaker's level of confidence or assurance

regarding the information presented in a sentence.

2. Subjectivity:

These adverbs often reflect the subjective viewpoint of the speaker, indicating
their personal belief, conviction, or certainty about a statement.

3. Modifying Function:

Adverbs of certainty modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, influencing the

meaning of the words they accompany.

4. Degrees of Certainty:

Adverbs of certainty can convey varying degrees of confidence, ranging from

absolute certainty to complete doubt. This allows for nuanced expression.

5. Categories:

Adverbs of certainty can be categorized based on the level of certainty they

express, such as high certainty (e.g., certainly, definitely), moderate certainty (e.g.,
probably, likely), or low certainty (e.g., perhaps, maybe).

6. Impact on Communication:

The choice of adverbs of certainty significantly influences how a statement is
perceived and understood. They help manage expectations and convey the speaker's
level of conviction.

7. Placement in a Sentence:

Adverbs of certainty can be placed in different positions within a sentence,

including the mid-position (between subject and verb), the initial position (at the
beginning of the sentence), or the end position (at the end of the sentence).

8. Flexibility:

These adverbs provide flexibility in expressing a range of attitudes, allowing

speakers to communicate their certainty or doubt effectively in various contexts.

Example Sentences:

1. She will definitely finish the project on time. (High certainty)

2. I am probably going to attend the conference next week. (Moderate certainty)

3. Perhaps we can reschedule the meeting for tomorrow. (Low certainty)

In summary, adverbs of certainty play a crucial role in expressing the speaker's

confidence levels and influencing the overall tone and meaning of a statement.

I. Formation of adverb of certainty

Adverbs of certainty convey the degree of confidence or assurance the speaker

has about the truth or likelihood of a statement. Here are common ways adverbs of
certainty are formed:

1. Using Adjective + "-ly":

Many adverbs of certainty are formed by adding the "-ly" suffix to certain
adjectives. Examples: Sure → Surely, certain → Certainly, definite → Definitely

2. Using Specific Words:

Some adverbs of certainty are specific words that directly convey a certain degree
of certainty. Examples: Absolutely, positively, unequivocally

3. Using Modal Verbs:

Adverbs of certainty can be formed by using modal verbs (modal adverbs)

directly. Examples: Certainly, definitely, probably, possibly

4. Using Adverbs + "enough":

Certain adverbs of certainty can be formed by adding "enough" to the end of other
adverbs. Examples: Clearly → Clearly enough, loud → Loudly enough

5. Using Intensifiers:

Adverbs of certainty can be intensified using words that emphasize the degree of
certainty. Examples: Absolutely certain, completely sure, utterly convinced

6. Using Phrases:

Adverbs of certainty can also be formed using phrases that express a high or low
level of confidence. Examples: Beyond a doubt, without a doubt, in all likelihood

7. Using Modal Adverbs:

Certain adverbs inherently express a sense of certainty or likelihood. Examples:

Surely, certainly, definitely, probably

8. Using Specific Time Adverbs:

Some adverbs of time can be used to indicate certainty or confidence in the timing
of an action. Examples: Surely, certainly, definitely by tomorrow

Remember that the choice of adverbs of certainty can significantly impact

the tone and meaning of a statement, indicating whether the speaker is expressing
strong confidence, moderate certainty, or introducing an element of doubt.

A. Conclusion
The main characteristic of an adverb is that it is not directly
integrated in the sentence, it acts as an additional description of a word or
phrase in a sentence. So, a sentence should still be able to stand even without
an adverb. Although the information of the sentence is reduced, the absence
of an adverb does not turn a sentence into an imperfect one. Adverbs
themselves are divided into several types such as, Adverbs of time, Adverbs
of modality, Adverbs of certainty, and others.

List of References
Kurnianwan Andri,(2022) Adjectives and Adverbs,Padang:, PT Global
Eksekutif Teknologi.
Arif Muhammad,(2012) Easy English Grammar, Nganjuk: Ires Press

Www. adverb


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