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Conjunction & Preposition

Conjunction (Kata Hubung)
1. Compound Conjunction
A. Coordinative Conjunction

4 Conjunction yang paling sering muncul di soal TOEFL

Conjunction Function Example
For (Karena)
And Addition He washes his car and cleans the garage. And (Dan
Nor (dan …tidak)
Or Choice This flower can be planted in a garden or in house.
But (tetapi
Or (atau
But Contrast She buys a dress but forgets to bring wallet.
Yet (tetapi)
So (Jadi)
So Result They study hard, so they can pass the exam.
Conjunction (Kata Hubung)
1. Compound Conjunction
B. Correlative Conjunction

Conjunction Function Example

Both . . . And . . Addition Both wolves and coyotes are members of the dog family

Not Only . . . But Also . . . Addition Dino studied not only mathematic but also biology

Either . . . Or . . . We need either a nail or a screw to hang up this picture

Neither . . . Nor . . . Result Neither the television nor the radio had been turned off
Conjunction VS Preposition

Conj. + S + V Prep. + Noun/Gerund

Noun/Pronoun/Noun Phrase/Noun Clause

Because you are late, you get punishment.

We go to the museum during holiday.
Because of you, you get punishment
We go to the museum when we are in holiday.
Because of your failure, we get punishment
Conjunction X Preposition Conjunction = Preposition
Because Because of
Due to After

On account of Since
When During
Although In spite of
Before you go to the school, you sleep.
Even though Despite
Before night, you clean the room.
Conditional Sentence
3 IF Clauses

1. If you meet me tomorrow, I will be happy.

Sp. Present Sp. Future


2. If I had wings now, I would fly.

Sp. Past Past Future


3. If you had met me yesterday, I would have treated you.

Past Perfect Past Future Perfect
TOEFL Practice
With Updated Version
TOEFL Practice
1. Although both political parties wanted Dwight D. Eisenhower as their presidential
nominee in 1952, he became a Republican candidate and _____.

A. President was electing

B. was elected President
C. to elect the President
D. being elected president

2. If an act is rewarded many times, immediately and with strong reinforces, it will rapidly
become _____.

A. a habit
B. into a habit
C. that which a habit
D. a habit can be
TOEFL Practice
3. _____ the diffusion of heat upward to the Earth’s surface, the temperature within the
Earth remains constant.

A. That
B. Despite
C. If
D. When

4. Asteroids are small and therefore very difficult to identify, even when _____ to Earth.

A. quite closely
B. are being quite close
C. are they quite closely
D. they are quite close
TOEFL Practice
5. Mary Eliza McDowell’s introduction to social service came _____, when she assisted
victims of the great Chicago Fire of 1871.

A. was sixteen years old

B. had sixteen years
C. at age sixteen
D. Sixteen

6. Young herons are helpless for a weeks _____ they learn to fly.

A. how
B. before
C. despite
D. since
TOEFL Practice
7. _____ choose to live in or near metropolitan areas simply because they like the rapid
pace of city life.

A. So large numbers of people to

B. There are large numbers of people
C. Large numbers of people
D. Large numbers of people who

8. Some metropolitan newspapers would make sizable volumes _____ in book form.

A. than the print

B. print them
C. if printed
D. they are printed
TOEFL Practice
9. Blindfish, which spend their whole lives in caves, have ______ eyes nor body pigments.

____ (A) not any

____ (B) neither
____ (C) nor
____ (D) without

10. Thomas Eakins studied not only painting ______ anatomy when he was training to become
an artist.

____ (A) moreover

____ (B) but also
____ (C) as well
____ (D) and
TOEFL Practice
11. Although topology is the youngest branch of geometry, _______ is considered the most

____ (A) but it

____ (B) so it
____ (C) it
____ (D) however it

12. In 1923 Jean Toomer wrote a book titled Cane which combined fiction ______ poetry
to describe the experience of being black in the United States.

____ (A) and

____ (B) to
____ (C) also
____ (D) or
TOEFL Practice
13. Endive can be used ______ as a salad green or as a cooking vegetable.

____ (A) such

____ (B) both
____ (C) either
____ (D) neither

14. Glucose does not have to be digested, ______ it can be put directly into the bloodstream.

____ (A) so
____ (B) while
____ (C) and since
____ (D) nor
TOEFL Practice
15. Natural fiber comes from either animal ______ plant sources.

____ (A) or
____ (B) otherwise
____ (C) and
____ (D) nor

16. Paint is ____________ used to protect wood.

____ (A) not only the substance

____ (B) the substance which is not only
____ (C) not only a substance which is
____ (D) not the only substance
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