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All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights

Dear young men and women, it is an honor to address you today to discuss an extremely
important issue: how we can combat discrimination more effectively. Discrimination, in all its
forms, is the foundation of our society, preventing equality and justice, and generating division
and conflict. The question at hand is: what is better to combat discrimination, laws or
education? Today, I position myself firmly on the side of education as the most powerful and
effective tool to eradicate discrimination.

Before arguing in favor of education, it is essential to recognize the crucial role that laws have
played an d continue to play in the fight against discrimination. Laws prohibiting
discrimination in employment, housing, education and other areas of life are essential.
However, laws alone have significant limitations.

Laws require effective enforcement and oversight mechanisms. Without these, they can be
easily ignored or applied inconsistently.

Laws can change external behavior without necessarily changing underlying attitudes and
beliefs. People may comply with the law for fear of sanctions, but this does not mean that they
have stopped being discriminatory in their thoughts.

Now, education, in contrast, has the power to transform not only behavior but also people's
attitudes, values and core beliefs.

Education can challenge and change the stereotypes and prejudices that underlie
discrimination. Through inclusive curricula and educational programs that promote diversity
and empathy, we can teach future generations to value and respect difference.

Education empowers individuals by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to
challenge and resist discrimination. Educated people are more likely to recognize
discrimination when they see it and act accordingly to combat it.

By educating people from a young age about the importance of equality and respect for all
human beings, we can prevent discriminatory attitudes from forming before they take hold.

While I maintain that education is the most powerful tool to combat discrimination, it is
important to recognize that it should not act alone. Laws and education must work together.
Laws establish the legal framework and social norm against discrimination, while education
cultivates the attitudes and behaviors necessary to sustain and deepen these legal advances.

In conclusion, while laws are crucial in setting a standard and providing a remedy against
discrimination, it is through education that we can achieve lasting and profound change.
Education has the ability to shape minds and hearts, to empower individuals and to prevent
discrimination before it begins. By investing in education that promotes equality, diversity and
inclusion, we are building a more just and equitable society from the ground up.

Thank you for your time.

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