07 OK2SF 07 Risk Management Imp. Gui. OK2SF CRD 017

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ኦሞ ኩራዝ ሁለት ስኳር ፋብሪካ OK2SF-CRD-XXX
Document Title: Issue No. Page No.:
Risk Management Implementation Guidelines 1 1 of 16

Issue Description of change Originator Effective Date
1 Initial release

Document Number Document Title
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9000:2015


OA ISSUE HISTORY..........................................................1
OB REFERENCE DOCUMENTS..........................................1
OC CONTENTS.................................................................1
Risk Management Guidelines...........................................2
1 PURPOSE......................................................................2
2 SCOPE..........................................................................2
3 INVOLVED....................................................................2
4 DEFINITIONS................................................................2
4.1 RISK............................................................................................................2

4.2 RISK MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................2

4.3 STRATEGIC RISK...........................................................................................2

4.4 OPERATIONAL RISK........................................................................................2

4.5 RISK MEASUREMENT......................................................................................2

4.6 GROSS RISK.................................................................................................2

4.7 NET RISK.....................................................................................................2

4.8 INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM...........................................................................3

4.9 INTERNAL AUDIT............................................................................................3

4.10 RISK BASED INTERNAL AUDITING.....................................................................3

5 CRITERION...................................................................3
5.1 THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS...................................................................3

5.2 THE RISK MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY..........................................................7

5.3 RISK CATEGORY............................................................................................9

5.4 QUALITATIVE MEASURES OF CONSEQUENCE OR IMPACT....................................10




6.1 RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................................................18

7 DIFFUSIONS................................................................20



 To increase confidence in achieving strategic & operational plans.

 To efficiently and effectively constrain threats to acceptable and possible level; and
 To exploit opportunities.


These guidelines are prepared to describe the risk management process and the methodology, which will be applied to
conduct the operational risk reviews across the Organization. The guidelines are based on the Organization's risk policy
& strategy, with the approach taken from experience of other countries, which have already implemented risk
management system. These guidelines are draft and will be developed in the future as we learn from our practical
experiences of operational risk reviews.


All Divisions & Services


4.1 Risk
Risk is the chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives. Risk is the chance or possibility of
loss, damage or injury or failure to achieve objectives caused by an unwanted or uncertain action or event.
4.2 Risk Management
Risk management is the planned and systematic approach to the identification, evaluation and control of risk.
4.3 Strategic Risk
Strategic risks are the risks that need to be taken into account in judgments about the medium to long-term goals and
objectives of the Organization.
4.4 Operational Risk
Operational risks are the risks that managers and staff will encounter and deal with in the daily course of their work.
4.5 Risk Measurement
Risk is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood.
4.6 Gross Risk
Gross risk, or inherent risk, is the status of the risk without taking account of any risk management activities that the
business unit may already have in place. Gross risk is the assessed likelihood and impact of an event in the absence of
any controls.
4.7 Net Risk
Net risk, or residual risk, is the status of the risk after taking account of any risk management activities that the
business unit may have in place. Net risk is a reassessment of the gross risk taking into account existing controls, which
may reduce the likelihood or impact of an event.

4.8 Internal Control System

The main aim of any internal control system is to manage the risks that are significant to the achievement of
organization's objectives. The internal control system established in MSF is therefore aimed at assurance of
organizational objectives with particular reference to:
 The effectiveness of operations
 The economical and efficient use of resources
 Compliance with applicable policies, procedures, laws and regulations
 The safeguarding of assets and interests from losses of all kinds
 The integrity and reliability of information, accounts and data.
4.9 Internal Audit
Internal audit is an independent appraisal function within an organization, which operates as a service to management
by measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system.
4.10Risk Based Internal Auditing
The objective of Risk Based Internal Auditing is to provide independent assurance that:
 The risk management processes which management has put in place across the organization and at all
levels are operating as intended.
 These risk management processes are of proper design
 The responses which management has made to risks which they wish to treat are both adequate and
effective in reducing those risks to an acceptable level

5.1 The Risk Management Process
The Risk Management Process steps are described as follows:
5.1.1Risk Identification
This means Identifying the service/operation's exposure to uncertainty, by determining what can happen, why and how.
The aim will be to produce a comprehensive list of events, which might affect the service/operation. Risk identification
will be approached in a methodical way to ensure that all significant activities within the service/operational unit have
been identified and all the risks flowing from these activities are defined.
The key elements for the identification and recording of operational risks are:
 Division of the organization into Operational Units
 Setting Objectives
 Categorization of Risks
 Assign Risk owners
The risks are identified by breaking down each of the Organization's Services into a number of “Operational units ". The
risks identified for each "Operational unit" will be recorded and described in a Risk Register. The Risk Register will be
compiled and maintained.
It is important that proper emphasis is given to the identification of Service / Operational Unit objectives and that a clear
link is made between objectives and risks. Accordingly, each identified risk will relate to a specific objective, which in
turn is linked to the Organization's Corporate Plan.
Strategic and operational risks will also be categorized as defined below in the risk management methodology.
Responsibility for managing risk needs to be spread across those responsible for managing the different business
activities. Risks cannot be effectively managed unless they are owned. Accordingly, each risk identified and recorded in
the risk register will have a risk owner. Each risk owner will ultimately be responsible for risk action plans and
correcting control weaknesses.
The risk identification should consider not only risks in cost, time and product quality but also understands and identify
the risks associated with:
- Technological trends
- Availability of resources
- The capabilities needed to realize objectives
- Security,
- Professional liability
- Information technology
- Environment, etc.
Answering the following questions identifies the risk:
– What can happen?

– How can it happen?

– Why could it happen?

Types of Risks
Risks may be retrospective or prospective. Retrospective Risks are those that have previously occurred, such as incidents
and accidents. Prospective Risks are those risks that have not yet happened, but might happen sometime in the future.

The following source of information may be used in identifying Retrospective Risks:

– Hazard/incident logs or registers;
– Audit reports;
– Customer complaints;
– Accreditation documents and reports;
– Past staff or client survey;
– Newspaper, professional media, etc

Methods for identifying prospective risks:

– Brainstorming;
– Researching the environment;
– Interviewing people and/or organizations;
– Staff Survey;
– Flow Charting Process;
– Reviewing system design;
– SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity threats) Analysis:

Risk Register
You should document all identified risks in a Risk Register.
• What can happen;
• When and where can it happen;
• How and why it occurs; and existing controls.

5.1.2 Risk Analysis

The objective of risk analysis is to separate the minor, acceptable risks from the major risks, by combining estimates of
consequences and likelihood in the context of existing control measures. Risk estimation can be a quantitative or
qualitative. For the Organization's operational risk assessments, determining the likelihood that specified events may
occur and the magnitude of their consequences will be a qualitative. For example, qualitative degrees of likelihood may
range from "Almost Certain" to " very rare", whilst consequences may range from "extreme "or "catastrophic" to
"negligible" or "insignificant".

The first stage in risk analysis is to determine "gross risk" which is the combined likelihood and impact of an event in the
absence of any controls or mitigations.

The second stage is to identify and record those controls or mitigations, which have been put in place to reduce the
likelihood or impact of an event, resulting in an assessment of the "net risk". The combination of likelihood and
consequence will determine the position of each risk in a risk matrix or risk profile.

The result of the risk analysis process for each business unit or service will be a risk profile, presenting risks in a 6 X 4
matrix, which will highlight the most significant risks, which need to be addressed. As an example, a simplistic risk
profile is shown below, using High / Medium / Low indicators to prioritize risks. Risk Matrix / Profile


Likelihood 1 2 3 4

6 Medium Medium High High

5 Medium Medium High High

4 Medium Medium High High

3 Low Low Medium Medium

2 Low Low Medium Medium

1 Low Low Medium Medium

Those risks falling in the top right hand corner are significant and immediate or urgent action needs to be
taken to reduce exposure

The risks falling in the top left and bottom right quarters are medium and under control, but need to be
kept under managerial and audit review

The risks falling in the bottom left quarter are likely to be managed by routine procedures or are trivial
and unlikely to need any specific application of resources.

The qualitative measures of consequence and likelihood which will be applied in the conduct of the Organization's
operational risk assessments are detailed below in the risk management methodology, along with the risk profile and
priority parameters set up.
5.1.3 Risk Evaluation
This step is about deciding whether risks are acceptable or unacceptable.
Risk evaluation is the process used to determine risk management priorities by comparing the level of risk against the
risk appetite or tolerance to decide whether risks are acceptable or unacceptable. Each business unit or service will
determine its own tolerance line, which defines the appetite for risk and indicates whether each specific risk should be
accepted or treated. An example is shown in the following chart. Risk Matrix / Profile

Likelihood 1 2 3 4

6 Accept Treat Treat Treat

5 Accept Treat Treat Treat

4 Accept Accept Treat Treat

3 Accept Accept Treat Treat

2 Accept Accept Accept Treat

1 Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept or terminate?

Risks in the green area below the tolerance line are considered to be acceptable. The level of risk is so low that specific
treatment is not appropriate within available resources, or the cost of treatment is excessive compared to the benefit.
Either way, we are prepared to tolerate the risk by understanding and living with the risk.

Where a risk is accepted it will still be subject to periodic review to ensure that changing circumstances do not alter its
priority level.

Risks in the red area above the tolerance line are not considered acceptable. The risk can be terminated or avoided by
not proceeding with the activity likely to generate risk.

The other option is to treat the risk.

5.1.4Risk Treatment
This is the process of identifying and selecting treatment options and the preparation and implementing of risk action
plans. Risks to be treated are those, which were considered not acceptable during the risk evaluation stage.
Risk treatment options include:
 Risk control / mitigation.
Control / mitigation measures may be aimed at reducing the likelihood, reducing the consequences or both.
Examples of actions to reduce or control likelihood include audit reviews, use of contracts, project management,
preventative maintenance and quality management and standards, training and supervision.
Procedures to reduce or control consequences include contingency planning, use of contracts, disaster recovery plans
and public relations.
 Transfer the Risk
This involves another party bearing or sharing part of the risk. Mechanisms include the use of contracts, insurance
arrangements and organizational structures such as partnerships.
Where risks are transferred in whole or in part, the organization transferring the risk has acquired a new risk, in that
the organization to which the risk has been transferred may not manage the risk effectively.
5.1.5 Risk Reporting and Monitoring Reporting
Risk management is an iterative or cyclical process, rather than a one-time exercise. Therefore, the established Risk
Management Realization Team will communicate and report the output of the risk management process; that is the risks
which have been identified, the action plans which have been implemented and the risk events which have occurred.
The Guidelines will be extended to include what risks are reported, when, where, how and who is responsible for
reporting on risks? Monitoring
The risk management process will be reviewed and refreshed as a whole on an ongoing basis. This is an overall review of
the risk management system, which will be carried out by internal audit at specified intervals. The purpose is to ensure
the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the risk management system and to identify any opportunities for
. The Guidelines will be extended to include the intervals at which the internal audit takes place.

5.2 The Risk Management Methodology

The key elements of the risk management methodology include:
5.2.1 Division of the Organization into Business/Functional Units
Division of the organization into service/operational units are required to structure the risk recording and analysis,
allowing risks to be allocated to specific services, sections and risk owners.
5.2.2Categorization of Risks
 While undertaking risk reviews identify the risks first and then decide which category they fit into.
 Assigning a category to each identified risk will facilitate the reporting of the various types of risks which are faced
across the organization, such as "operational", financial", "environmental" or "political" risks" .
5.2.3 Qualitative Measures of Impact and Likelihood
Our measurement of the likelihood and impact of risk events will be qualitative, in assessing gross risk and then in
assessing net risk. The methodology includes four levels / descriptions of impact, from "Negligible" to "Catastrophic". It
includes 6 measures of likelihood from "Almost Impossible" to "Very High". (table – 3.7.1, 3.7.2)
5.2.4 Risk Priorities
The combination of impact and likelihood results in 5 levels of risk priority, which are automatically assigned to gross
and net risk. The priority levels range from "Very Low “to "Catastrophic". (table 3.7.3)
5.2.5 Risk Profile
The qualitative risk assessment produces a 6 X 4 risk matrix or Risk profile which depicts the priority of each risk
identified in the operational unit / service. (table 3.7.4)
The risk management methodology is set out in the following section.
5.2.6 Operational Units
Operation Operation Manager Ref. Operational Unit
General Manager’s Office GM 0100
0101 Audit Service
0102 Legal Service
0103 Finance Department
0104 Quality Management Service
0105 Head of the General Manager's Office
Planning, Information and Communication
0107 Public relations and participation
Environmental protection and occupational
Factory Sector FS 0200
0201 Production Department
0205 Technical Department
Agricultural Sector AS 0300
0301 LPCT-Land Preparation and Cultivation Team

0302 FEMT-Field Equipment Maintenance Team

0303 Cane And Plantation Care Team

0304 Cane Harvesting and Care Team
0305 Irrigation & Civil Engineering Team
Human Resource Management and Supply Sector HRMS 0400
Human Resources Management Institutional
Procedures Department
Supply and Facility Management
0409 Medical Service

5.3 Risk Category

Those associated with a failure to deliver either local or central government policy or failure to meet
1 Political

2 Economic Those affecting the ability of the organization to meet its financial commitments.

Those relating to the effects of changes in socio-economic trends on the organization's ability to
3 Social
deliver its objectives

Those associated with the capacity of the organization to deal with the pace/scale of technological
change, or its ability to use technology to address changing demands. They may also include the
4 Technological consequences of internal technological failures on the organization's ability to deliver its objectives.

Those relating to a reliance on operational equipment (for example, IT systems or equipment and

5 Environmental Those relating to the environmental consequences of progressing the organization's strategic
objectives (for example in terms of energy efficiency, pollution, recycling, emissions etc.)

Those relating to pollution, noise or the energy efficiency of ongoing service operations

6 Legislative Those associated with current or potential changes in national or international law.

7 Competitive Those affecting the competitiveness of the service and/or its ability to deliver best value

Those associated with the failure of contractors to deliver services or products to the agreed cost and
8 Contractual

Those associated with the failure to meet the current and changing needs and expectations of
9 Stakeholder
customers, citizens and staff.

10 Professional Those associated with the particular nature of each profession

11 Financial Those associated with financial planning and control and the adequacy of insurance cover

12 Legal Those related to possible breaches of legislation

Those related to fire, security, accident prevention and health and safety (for example, hazards /
13 Physical
risks associated with buildings, vehicles, plant and equipment etc.)

5.4 Qualitative Measures of Consequence or Impact

5.4.1Consequence or Impact

Score Level Description

1 Negligible Minor or insignificant. No external effect and quick recovery.

2 Marginal Moderate or significant.

3 Critical Major or very serious. Dangerous. At the limit / on the edge

4 Catastrophic Disastrous. A great and sudden disaster, an accident or event causing great grief or destruction.

5.4.2 Qualitative Measures of Likelihood

Score Level Description

Almost certain / inevitable: Is expected to occur in most circumstances. Will occur once a
6 Very High
year or more frequently.

5 High Likely: Will probably occur in most circumstances.

Medium /
4 Possible: Quite likely to occur some time

3 Low Unlikely: could occur some time

2 Very Low Remote; Not much chance that this would happen

Very Rare: Very little chance and only in exceptional circumstances. Have never known of
1 Almost Impossible
this to happen.

The following impact and likelihood may be used to facilitate the assessment of risks at section / service level.
5.4.3Likelihood – Examples
Probability Timing

Very High > 90% This year

High 55% - 90% Next year

Significant 15% - 55% In the next two years

Low 5% - 15% In next three years

Very Low 1% - 5% In the next 5 years

Almost Impossible < 1% In the next ten years

NB. The timing may vary as per own condition.

5.4.4Consequence or Impacts – Examples
Area of Negligible Marginal Critical Catastrophic
Financial Up to Br10,000 Br10,000 – 200,000 Br200,000 - 1M Br1M - 10M

Service suspended long term.

Service Quality of service slightly Service reduced or
No effect Statutory obligations not
Provision reduced suspended short term

Health and Loss of Life / Serious Major loss of life / large scale
first aid Broken bones/ Illness
Safety Illness outbreak of serious illness

Objectives at
Objectives of one Objectives of one Organizational level objectives
Objectives operational level not
section not met service/department not met not met

No media Adverse local media Adverse national

Reputation Remembered for years.
attention reporting publicity

Service taken over Service taken over

Regulatory No change Poor assessments
temporarily permanently

By combining these assessments of likelihood and consequence, the risks can be prioritized as follows:
5.4.5Risk Priorities
Impact Likelihood Score Priority

Negligible Almost Impossible 1 VL

Negligible Very Low 2 VL

Negligible Low 3 VL

Marginal Almost Impossible 4 VL

Negligible Significant 5 L

Negligible High 6 L

Negligible Very High 7 L

Marginal Very Low 8 L

Marginal Low 9 L

Critical Almost Impossible 10 L

Marginal Significant 11 M

Marginal High 12 M

Marginal Very High 13 M

Critical Very Low 14 M

Critical Low 15 M

Catastrophic Almost Impossible 16 M

Critical Significant 17 H
Critical High 18 H

Critical Very High 19 H

Catastrophic Very Low 20 H

Catastrophic Low 21 H

Catastrophic Significant 22 C

Catastrophic High 23 C

Catastrophic Very High 24 C

5.4.6Risk Profile
6 7 13 19 24

5 6 12 18 23

4 5 11 17 22

3 3 9 15 21

2 2 8 14 20

1 1 4 10 16

1 2 3 4


Score Priority Response

22 - 24 C Extreme Risk - Immediate action is required

16 - 21 H High Risk - Urgent action is required

10 - 15 M Medium Risk - under control, but keep under managerial / audit review. -

4-9 L Low risk - easily and effectively managed by routine operating procedures

Very Low Risk - Trivial and unlikely to require any specific application of resources. Common
1-3 VL

5.5 Application of Risk Management Process and Methodology

5.5.1Operational Risk Reviews
Each service/department can undertake an initial survey of operational risks. These reviews will take place in the 3-
month period from February to April 2008. The process will then be rolled out across the planned programme of
operational risk reviews in accordance with an agreed timetable.

The risk reviews will apply the risk management process and methodology set out in these guidelines. It is envisaged
that this will involve risk identification and assessment training operational level similar to the way that was conducted
in December 2007 for management group.

The objectives will be:

1. To identify and record the objectives of each section / service.
2. To identify the key operational risks in each area of activity / service delivery across the Organization. The
risks should be directly linked to objectives - that is what could happen which would affect the ability to
deliver objectives
3. To record risks. Risks should be recorded as risk scenarios,
4. Including the exposure, the set off and the consequences.
5. To categorize the operational risks using the types of risk shown in the risk methodology.
6. To identify risk ownership so that there is clear responsibility for managing operational risks.
7. To assess gross risks in terms of consequences and likelihood
8. To identify and record the existing controls which are in place to mitigate risks.
9. To reassess residual risk in terms of likelihood and impact, that is how effective do exist controls in
mitigating the risk?
10. To evaluate those risks and determine risk priorities.
11. To treat key risks by producing and implementing risk action plans.
12. To record operational risk data.
13. To compile a comprehensive risk register and risk profiles for sections / services across the Organization
14. To report on the key operational risks in each area of service delivery / support activity and produce a
consolidated report for the organization as a whole.

Thereafter, the objective will be to set in operational risk management planning and control arrangements at Service
Internal audit will incorporate risk assessment in the audit planning process and will adopt a risk-based approach to
audit work where appropriate.

5.6 Timetable for Operational Risk Management Implementation & Reviews

A provisional timetable is as follows:
5.6.1 Risk Management Implementation Plan
RISK IMPLEMENTATION 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2004 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009
TIMETABLE Jan Feb. Mar. April May June July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Jan Feb
Establish RM
implementation structure
Prepare general guideline for
RM implementation
Formulate RM policy and
4 objectives & communicate
for implementation
Identify & describe the
operational risks
6 Risk assessment
Define risk
7 control/mitigation plans &


5.6.3Risk Review Plan

2007/2008 2009
Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
100 General Manager’s Office
101 Internal Audit Service

102 Legal Service

103 QMS

104 Ethics & Anti-corruption

105 Management Service

106 Procurement Team

200 Factory Division

201 Production Department

202 Technical Department

203 Inventory Team

204 Quality Control

300 Agricultural Division

301 LPCD Team

302 FEMD

303 Agriculture Department

304 Harvesting Team

Irrigation & Civil Engineering


400 Procurement & Human Resources

Human Resources Mgmt.


402 Finance Department

403 Medical Service

500 P & PI Office

501 Technical Department

502 Production Department

503 Agricultural Department




Agricultural Procurement Project &

Services Division & Human Productivity
Resources Improvement

Procurement Agricultural
Plantation RM Finance RM Expansion Project
RM realization Factory RM
realization team realization team RM realization
tem realization team team

Estate Service
Human Factory Expansion
RM LPCD RM Inventory RM
resource RM Project RM
management realization team realization team realization team
realization team
realization tem

MS RM FES RM Medical RM Productivity

realization team realization team realization team Improvement RM
realization team

Other services
Harvesting RM
RM realization
realization team

&Civil RM
realization team

6.1 Responsibilities
6.1.1Responsibilities of Risk Management Steering Committee
 Plan & determine the scope of the Risk Management
 Identify the basis upon which risks will be evaluated
 Approval of the Risk Management Policy
 Assign chairman to Risk Management Realization Team
 Review & Approval of Risk Response Plan
 Allocate budget to request
 Assign Risk Management Auditors
 Follow up the Implementation Progress
 Ensure audits & reviews are undertaken

5.1.2. Responsibilities of Risk Management Adhoc Committee

 Monitor & follow up the activities of the realization team
 Evaluates & approves the objectives set by the realization team
 Ensures that the right people are involved in each risk realization teams
 Conduct preliminary review of the identified risk, probability of occurrence, its impact & & proposed response plans
 Estimates & identifies resources needed for each risk response plan, including its source
 Ensures that the recourses approved & allocated for each risk response/management is properly utilized
 Sets or approves risk management performance evaluation criteria for each risk
 Periodically analyze the risk trend
 Give the necessary technical support to the realization teams, as required

5.1.3. Responsibilities of Quality Management Representative

 Coordination of Activities of Teams
 Follow Progress of RMS Implementation
 Drafting of Risk Management Policy
 Update Risk Management Documents
 Maintain Risk Management Records & Documents
 Synchronize Plans of Teams

5.1.4. Responsibilities of Risk Management Realization Team

 Plan & determine the scope of Risk Management of own area
 Objective, Target & Program setting
 Identify the Risks
 Document preparation
 Awareness & Training
 Risk Assessment
 Prepare Risk Response Plan
 Implementation of the Plan when Approved
 Risk Evaluation
 Risk Reporting
 Monitor the Risks

RM realization steering committee

 General Manager – Chairman

 Management Team Members, and
 All service & Department heads - members

RM realization adhoc committee

 QMR – Chairman
 All service & Department heads - members

RM realization teams -Services

Commercial RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads - members

Estate Service RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

Management Service RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

Other Services RM realization team

 Legal Advisor – Chairman
 Internal Audit Service Head – members
 Ethics & Anti-corruption Officer _ member
 QMR – member
 Other Section Heads - members

RM realization teams – Finance & Human Resources

Finance RM realization team

 Department Head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

Human Resources RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

RM realization teams – Agricultural Operations

Plantation Department RM realization team

 A/Agricultural Operations Manager – Chairman
 Department heads – member
 All section heads - members

LPCD RM realization team Department head – Chairman

 All section heads – members
FES RM realization team
 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

Harvesting Department RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

Civil Engineering RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

RM realization teams –Factory & Logistics

Factory RM realization team

 Technical Department – Chairman
 Production Department – member
 Quality Control head – member
 All Seniors & section heads – members

Logistics Department RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 All section heads – members

RM realization teams –Project & Productivity Improvement Office

Factory Expansion Project RM realization team

 Department Head – Chairman
 Section heads – members

Agriculture Expansion Project RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 Section heads – members

Productivity Improvement RM realization team

 Department head – Chairman
 Section heads – members

 General Manager
 Management team members
 All Department & Service Heads

Name Signature: Date:

RM realization teams -Services

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