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Subject: Health

Grade Level: Grade 9

1. Discusses strategies in the prevention and control of substance use and abuse.
2. Applies decision-making and resistance skills to prevent substance use and
3. Suggests healthy alternatives to substance use and abuse.

Learning Across Curriculum:

1) Mathematics: Students can analyze statistics related to substance use and abuse,
such as the percentage of youth affected, the cost of substance abuse treatment,
etc. This connects with health as it helps students understand the impact of
substance abuse on society and the importance of prevention strategies.
2) English: Students can read and analyze literary works that tackle substance
abuse and its consequences. This helps them develop empathy and understanding
of the challenges faced by individuals struggling with addiction, supporting the
objective of discussing prevention and control strategies.
3) Physical Education: Students can engage in physical activities and sports as
healthy alternatives to substance use and abuse. This promotes the objective of
suggesting healthy alternatives and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a
healthy and active lifestyle.

1) Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Scenario cards, props

- Divide the class into groups and provide each group with a scenario card related to
substance use and abuse.
- Ask the groups to act out the scenario, highlighting strategies to prevent and control
substance abuse.
- After each performance, facilitate a class discussion on the effectiveness of the
strategies portrayed.
2) Teaching Strategy: Debates

Instructional Materials: Debate topics, timer

- Assign students into two groups and provide them with debate topics related to
substance use and abuse.
- Each group will take turns presenting arguments for and against the topic.
- Encourage students to use decision-making and resistance skills to support their
- After the debate, facilitate a reflection session where students can share their
insights and learnings.

Activity 1: Creating a Substance Abuse Prevention Poster

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Art supplies, poster boards

Significance: This activity allows students to explore different prevention strategies

and creatively communicate them through visual representations.

1) Assign students into pairs or small groups.
2) Provide art supplies and poster boards.
3) Instruct students to create a poster that promotes strategies in the prevention and
control of substance use and abuse.
4) Emphasize the importance of including decision-making and resistance skills, as
well as healthy alternatives, in their designs.

- Creativity: 15 pts
- Clarity of Message: 15 pts
- Inclusion of Prevention Strategies: 15 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What prevention strategies did you include in your poster and why?
2) How did you incorporate decision-making and resistance skills in your design?
3) Explain the importance of promoting healthy alternatives to substance use and
abuse in your poster.

Activity 2: Case Study Analysis

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Materials: Case study scenarios, writing materials

Significance: This activity allows students to apply their knowledge of prevention

and control strategies to real-life situations.

1) Provide students with case study scenarios related to substance use and abuse.
2) Instruct students to analyze the scenarios and identify the strategies that could
have been used to prevent or control substance abuse.
3) Encourage students to write a reflection on the effectiveness of the strategies and
suggest additional strategies if needed.

- Analysis of Prevention Strategies: 20 pts
- Reflection on Effectiveness: 15 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What prevention strategies were effective in the case study? Why?
2) What additional strategies could have been used to prevent or control substance
abuse in the scenario?

Activity 3: Guest Speaker Presentation

Teaching Strategy: Guest Speaker

Materials: Presentation materials, projector

Significance: Inviting a guest speaker who has expertise in substance abuse

prevention and control provides students with real-world insights and experiences.

1) Invite a guest speaker who can share their knowledge and experiences in
substance abuse prevention and control.
2) Prior to the presentation, provide students with a list of questions to ask the guest
3) During the presentation, encourage students to actively listen, take notes, and
engage in a Q&A session.

- Active Listening and Participation: 20 pts
- Quality of Questions: 15 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What were the key strategies discussed by the guest speaker in preventing and
controlling substance abuse?
2) How did the guest speaker's insights and experiences impact your understanding
of the topic?

Teaching the concept can be done through a combination of lecture and discussion.
The teacher can present information on different strategies in the prevention and
control of substance use and abuse, decision-making and resistance skills, and
healthy alternatives. After the lecture, the teacher can facilitate a class discussion to
reinforce the concepts and allow students to ask questions and share their insights.

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Role-Play Scenarios

Task 2: Group Project - Creating a Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, writing materials

Question 1: Explain two strategies in the prevention and control of substance use
and abuse. Provide real-life examples to support your answer. (15 pts)

Question 2: How can decision-making and resistance skills contribute to the

prevention of substance use and abuse? Provide a personal reflection on how you
can apply these skills in your own life. (15 pts)
Question 3: Suggest three healthy alternatives to substance use and abuse and
explain why they are effective. (15 pts)

Assignment 1: Research and Write a Reflection

Assignment 2: Create a Healthy Alternatives Guidebook

Please note that the specific content and activities should be tailored to the
resources and capabilities of the teacher and the school.

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