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‭ABB 6 Week Progressive Overload Mesocycle‬

‭Standards Addressed:‬

‭1.2‬ ‭Observe and analyze the lifting techniques of another person (or oneself through video.‬

‭1.3‬ ‭Demonstrate proper spotting techniques for all lifts and exercises that require spotting.‬

‭1.7‬ ‭List the safety equipment required for participation in weight training; describe and demonstrate the use of such equipment.‬

‭2.7‬ ‭Develop and use a personal physical fitness log to record all workout data on a daily basis.‬

‭2.8‬ ‭Meet increasingly higher levels of speed, strength, power, and endurance.‬

‭3.1‬ ‭Display safe responsible behavior while training.‬

‭3.3‬ ‭Describe how the perception of effort and quality is a personal assessment and describe the role that perception plays in achieving fitness goals.‬

‭3.4‬ ‭Develop personal goals to improve performance in weight training and fitness.‬

‭3.9‬ ‭Assist others in the achievement of their fitness goals.‬

‭Unit Expectations:‬
‭ . Strength Training‬‭FREQUENCY‬‭2-3 Times A Week‬
‭B. This Strength Program is Foundationally based on BENCH PRESS, SQUATS, DEADLIFT;‬
‭including various other Complementary Lifts.‬
‭C. RECORD ALL LIFTS AND AMOUNTS ( [Weight] Sets x Reps)‬
‭D. The Weight or Goal You choose must be adequate enough to complete ALL sets and reps‬
‭required at the given‬‭TEMPOS‬‭of‬‭TRIPHASIC TRAINING.‬
‭E. Strict‬‭TECHNIQUE‬‭and‬‭FORM‬‭is mandatory; For SAFETY‬‭as well as optimal progress‬
‭F. A Specific Percentage (%) of your‬‭*GOAL*‬‭will be‬‭performed with each lift according to what‬
‭week of the cycle we are on. Use the chart below to keep track of what percentage (Intensity)‬
‭and sets x reps (Volume) to use for each given Week.‬
‭Week‬ ‭Intensity‬ ‭Volume‬

‭Week 1‬ ‭75%‬ ‭5x5‬

‭Week 2‬ ‭80%‬ ‭5x5‬

‭Week 3‬ ‭85%‬ ‭5x5‬

‭Week 4‬ ‭88%‬ ‭4x4‬

‭Week 5‬ ‭90%‬ ‭4x3‬

‭Week 6‬ ‭96%‬ ‭4x2‬

‭ . Increase weight progressively on all complementary and‬‭CONTRAST TRAINING‬‭exercises.‬

‭H. Warm up and stretching routine performed every day you run.‬
‭Exercises To Spot For‬
‭Bench Press‬ ‭Alternated grip (One hand‬‭PRONATED‬‭, One hand‬‭SUPINATED‬‭)‬

‭Squat‬ ‭From behind, Support upright torso. If possible, 2 @ sides.‬

‭Dumbbell Bench‬ ‭Spot close to the load as possible (Wrist)‬

‭Define the terms below and utilize this table as a word bank.‬

‭Word Bank‬















‭Contrast Training‬


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