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Year : 6 to Teacher: Lemos Natalia

Structure review:

Unit 1:

1. Past Simple
2. First Conditional
3. Second Conditional

Unit 2:

1. Conditionals Type 1 and Type 2 (Review)

Past Simple:

The Past Simple is used to describe actions or events completed at a definite time in
the past:

I started the job four months ago.

To describe actions or events completed in the past where the time is understood but
not mentioned (typically in narrative)

We flew to Cairo, and then took a local flight to Abu Simbel.

To describe repeated or habitual actions or behavior in the past (often with adverbs of

He wrote to her every day.

Richard Harold never spent any of his money.

Type 1

Conditional Clauses

They are commonly introduced by if. There are three basic types of conditional

Conditional Clause Main Clause

If + present tense future

Must/can/ may/ etc, + infinitive

This type of conditional is used to indicate open conditions when speculating about the
future, often when considering options or discussing consequences. The action or
event is quite likely to happen.

If they build new offices, they’ll pull down part of Crannog.

If you see James, ask him to phone me.

If it’s raining tomorrow, I can give you a lift.

Type 2

Conditional Clause Main Clause

If+ past tense would + infinite




This type of conditional is used for:

a. The hypothetical future, where the action or event isn’t expected to happen.

If I lost my job I’d be frightened.

If I had a shorter working week, I wouldn’t mind.

b. Imaginary situations which are contrary to present fact.

If I had my way, schoolchildren would have more freedom.

If I were you, I’d change my job. (Advice)

1. Note: “were” is preferable in conditional clauses.

2. “Would” may occur in the conditional clause: I should be grateful if you
would send me an application form.

Exercise 1:

Read the text and correct these false sentences about Lucy:
Last year, Lucy had a disastrous holiday. She was delayed in a traffic jam and missed her
flight to Tremolo. As a result, she had to wait at the airport for seven hours. She arrived
in Tremolo so late that she missed the last bus to her hotel, and she had to take an
expensive taxi ride. She was so tired the next day that she fell asleep in the sun and got
badly burnt. The sea was rough so she couldn’t go swimming. She wanted to try
windsurfing, but the wind was so strong. There weren’t any young people in the hotel,
so she didn’t make any friends. She was planning to go on a sightseeing tour one day,
but she changed her mind because it was pouring with rain. She enjoyed the disco on
the last evening, and she went to dance all night, but she had to leave early in the
morning so she went to bed. Unfortunately the music was so loud that she couldn’t
possibly oversleep. This year Lucy thinks she’ll stay at home!

Correct these sentences about Lucy, write the answers in your notebook.

Example: Lucy had a wonderful holiday last year.

Answer: Lucy had a disastrous holiday last year.

1. Lucy missed her flight to Venice.

2. She had to wait at the airport for one hour.
3. She arrived in Tremolo so early that she had time to drink a cup of coffee.
4. Lucy was so relaxed the next day that she fell asleep immediately.
5 As the sea was calm, she could go swimming.
6 She tried windsurfing because the wind was not so strong.
7 Lucy made many friends because there were many young people in the hotel.
8 She went on a sightseeing tour because the weather was wonderful.
9 She danced all night in the disco with her friends.
10 She could oversleep because the music was so low.
11 This year Lucy thinks she’ll have another holiday again!

Exercise 2

Write sensible conditionals sentences based on the information given:

Example: Lucy will probably arrive early.

If Lucy arrives early at the airport, she will not miss the flight to Tremolo.

Conditionals Type 1
1. Lucy will probably take a bus.
2. She will probably get badly burnt.
3. Lucy will probably go swimming.
4. She can try windsurfing in the evening.
5. She may go on a sightseeing tour one of these days.

Conditionals Type 2

Example: Lucy was delayed in a traffic jam and missed her flight.

If Lucy wasn’t delayed in a traffic jam she wouldn’t miss her flight.

1. Lucy got badly burnt in the sun.

2. She couldn’t go swimming because the sea was rough.
3. She didn’t enjoy the disco on the last evening because she had to leave early in
the morning.
4. She didn’t make friends in the hotel because there weren’t any young people.
5. She couldn’t oversleep because the music was so loud.

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