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Issues In Travl Blog AdSense Approval

1. Use Premium Theme

Premium theme can be beneficial for Google AdSense approval for several reasons:

 Professional Appearance
 Optimized for Performance
 Responsive Design
 Code Quality and Security

2. Compliance with AdSense Policies:

Use 40 plus unique articles of 1500 words.

AdSense has strict policies regarding content quality, originality, and user experience. A 1500-
word unique content demonstrates your commitment to creating valuable, original material
that complies with AdSense guidelines, increasing your chances of approval.

3. Important pages
Important pages like these following should be in Footer:

 About Us
 Contact Us
 Privacy Policy
 Terms and Conditions
4. Do not use affiliate ads while Appling for AdSense Approval
While affiliate ads themselves may not violate AdSense policies, they can sometimes lead to
issues if they conflict with AdSense guidelines, such as promoting prohibited content or

5. Plagiarism
Do not use the same article on Medium or another website until the website is approved by

5. Thin Content Not Meeting Ad Sense Criteria

Based on the review of the “travl blog”, here are some insights into why Google might consider
the content as "thin" and not meeting the criteria for AdSense approval:

 Lack of In-depth Content: The articles, while descriptive and engaging, tend to focus more on storytelling and
personal experiences rather than providing in-depth, informative content. Google often looks for content that
offers substantial information, unique insights, or detailed analysis.
 Limited Use of External Sources or References: The posts do not extensively reference authoritative external
sources, studies, or data. Including such references can enhance the credibility and depth of the content.
 Similarity Across Posts: The articles have a similar style and structure, focusing on travel experiences and
narratives. Diversifying the types of content (such as including guides, how-to articles, in-depth reviews, etc.)
might help in meeting Google's content requirements.
 User Engagement and Value: While the posts are interesting, they might not be providing enough practical
value or engagement opportunities for readers. Content that encourages interaction, provides solutions, or
addresses specific queries tends to be valued higher by Google.

To summarize concise manner:

The website's content, while engaging and well-written, may not fully align with Google's
AdSense requirements. Google prefers content that is not only unique and high-quality but also
informative and in-depth. Currently, the articles are more narrative-driven and could benefit
from including more detailed information, diverse content types, and authoritative references.
Enhancing SEO practices and focusing on providing practical value to readers could also improve
the chances of AdSense approval.

6. No Of Posts & Formatting


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