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Wrong word (The word in the sentence is not the appropriate choice)

E.g. As our plane flew on the mountains we saw snow.

Sentence construction (verb conjugation; word order)
E.g. As our plane over the mountain flew, we saw snow.
Spelling and Capitalization
As our plane flue over the mountains we saw snow.
Extra word (the word is NOT necessary in the sentence)
As our plane flew over to the mountains we saw snow.
____ (There is a word missing in the sentence) E.g. As our plane flew over the mountains ____ saw

Due date Oct 22 Oct 29 Nov 05

Guide 1 2 3

Task completion 0.25/8 7.27/8 6,63/10

Language use

Due date Nov 12 Nov 19 Nov 26

Guide 4 5 6

Task completion 7,2/10 0/5 6.5/7

Language use pay attention to how

you use capital

Due date Dic 03 Dic 10 Dic 17

Guide 7 8 9

Task completion 9.55/10 8.55/10 6.55/10

Language use

Due date

Guide 10 11 12

Task completion 5.6/6

Language use

Guide 1: TV

1. Before watching this video, explore the YouTube site where it is and answer the
following questions: (0)

a. Where does the video come from? … … ...

b. You will watch an episode of what show? … … … …
c. So… what do you think is the purpose of this video? ...

2. Watch the video and notice that the narrator does not say the name of the machine at
the beginning. Watch until he mentions the name of the machine, and write the
following: (0)

a. Minute: second where the name is mentioned: …

b. The name of the machine: … … ...

3. Go back to the beginning of the video and write the problem the narrator mentions
and the related question that the video answers in its first part: (0)

a. Problem: When you’re hungry, ...

b. First question: ...

4. There is a second part of the video, marked by a different question. Watch the video
until that second part begins and the second question is mentioned, and write the
following: (0)

a. Minute:second where the second question is mentioned: …

b. Second question: …

5. Now, focus on the answer to the first question and watch it several times. Identify the
two parts of the system that identify different coins. Write the parts and their
corresponding function. (0)

a. Part: Light ...

Function: measure … …

b. Part: Electro...
Function: detect … … …

6. What other function do these two parts do? Write a complete SVC sentence to
express it. (0)

Answer: …

7. Now go to the second part and find the problem that the second question is related
to. Then re-write the second question.
a. Problem: When you’re hungry, …
b. First question: …

8. The answer to this second question is given in two (2) steps. Complete the two steps.
Mention the parts that work and their function. (0.25)

a. Parts involved in step one: a computer, 32 tiny motors, and spirals (or coils)
b. Functions: the computer … t he motors to… the spiral … degrees, to make
the snack … .
c. Parts involved in step two: a line of … and the computer
d. Functions: - the beams tell the computer …
- the computer … the coils (or spirals) …, if ...

Guide 2: Reading

Movie Review: Shrek

1. Explore the website where the text is found and identify the following

- Type of text: … ___ Review(0.165)

- Movie reviewed: ...Shrek (2001)(0.165)
- Name of the source: ...BBC(0.165)
- Section of the web page where the text is: ...Film reviews(0)
- Reviewer’s name: ...Ben falk(0.165)
- Date of the review: ...11 june 2001(0.165)

2. A review is a short text containing the personal opinion of a reviewer about a movie,
book, etc. Read this review very quickly and find the general opinion of the author
about this movie. Then write the following:(1/1p)

a. The general opinion of the author about the movie: … The film is
b. Where in the text did you find it? … In the last line of the first paragraph(0.50)

3. A review of a movie, book, etc. also includes a short summary of the plot. Read very
quickly again and find the short summary the author makes of the movie Shrek. Then
write the following:(0.75/1p)
a. The short summary: …____ an oddball Scottish ogre hooking up with a flip,
donkey sidekick to rescue a princess and defeat an evil overlord, while finding
himself in the process.(0.25)
b. Where in the text did you find it? …in the last four lines of the second

4. Now, read again and find how many arguments the author gives to support his
opinion of the movie. Write the NUMBER of arguments you find. (1/1p)

Answer: …I found four(4) arguments.(1)

5. Now write each argument in a simple SVC sentence each.(0.70/1p)

a. Argument 1, about the script: …The script is superb(0.25)

b. Argument 2, about the tone: …The tone is a mix of witty cynicism and a
sense of fun.(0.20)
c. Argument 3, about the voice artists: …The voice artists inject both warmth
and comedy into their characters(0.25)
d. Argument 4, about the music: ...The soundtrack contains tracks by Leonard
Cohen and The Proclaimers(0)

6. The second argument is complex, because there is a consequence to it. Write the
second argument again, but now connect it to its consequence with the expression
you find in the text, that marks this relation between the two ideas.(1/1p)

Answer: … This fable structure is allied to both a witty cynicism and sense of fun,
which pervades the entire movie in equal measure. As a result, the film appeals to
both adults and children(1)

7. And about that same second argument, according to the author, what in the movie
appeals to children?(1/1p)

Answer: …kids will love the colourful, cutting-edge computer animation(1)

8. And what in the movie appeals to adults?(1/1p)

Answer: …adults should get a kick out of the tirade of visual and vocal gags, which
often step into the realm of both dark and crude humour - many far too naughty to retell on a
family website.(1)

Guide 3: Reading

OPINION: How listening treats mental illness

1. Explore the website where this article is found and write the following information:

- Name of the source: ...The red and black (0.166)

- Purpose of the source: …To communicate and expressing a position on a specific
topic. (0)
- Section where the article is published: …Opinion (0.166)
- Date of publication of the article: …December 6, 2019 (0.166)
- Author: …Raveena Chaudhary (0.166)
- Possible occupation of the author: …Staff writer (0.166)

2. Read the title and the first paragraph of the article very quickly and answer the
following question: What do you think is the purpose of this article?

Answer: The purpose of the article is, probably, to …show how listening can help to
deal with mental illnesses. (0)

3. Now read the first idea of each of the other paragraphs in the article to check what
you answered in question #1. Do you think you got the purpose of the article or not
and why?

a. Yes / No
b. Why? What idea in the first paragraph connects to all these first ideas in each
of the other paragraphs? Write it:
… (0)
c. So what is the relation between this idea and the first ideas in the other
Answer: .... (0)

4. Look at the image at the beginning of the article and identify the paragraph where the
message in the image is developed. Find in that paragraph and write the following
information: (1)

- Person who said the message: Julius Boatwright (0.50)

- Organization he works for: Steel Smiling (0.50)

5. Look this organization up on the internet and write its purpose.

Answer: ...Steel Smiling bridges the gap between Black people and mental health
support through education, advocacy and awareness. (1)

6. According to the CEO of this organization, what are examples of people who need
listening to, because they may have mental health issues?

Answer: the struggling teenagers, the kids from broken families or the young women
facing the burden of motherhood. (1)
7. Why does this CEO say that listening can save lives?

Answer: ...Because listening to those around us makes them feel loved, valued and
appreciated. (1)

8. A study by Harvard Business Review is also used by the author to support the idea
that listening can help people with mental health issues. What does this study say
about listening, to indicate that the author can use it in her argument?

Answer: ...The study said that good listeners can help people become more
self-assured and confident in their ideals and goals. (0)

9. In paragraph 5, the argument supporting the author’s opinion is more difficult

because it begins saying that listening can be “tricky”. The complete argument, then,
is that only listening is not enough. What kind of listening is the best? Identify it and
define it. (1)

a. The best type of listening: …Empathetic listening (0.50)

b. Definition: …Trying to put yourself in the speaker’s shoes and feel what they
feel makes the speaker feel like their problems matter. (0.50)

10. To finish, read the first paragraph again: At the beginning, the author presents a
problem, because her opinion, the thesis she is supporting, is an action that all
people can do to help. What is the problem? Write one simple SVC sentence to
express it.

Answer: …The nation is experiencing a mental health epidemic. (0.80)

Guide 4: Radio
Glowing Watch Hands

1. Listen to the audio from the 0:30 to 0:37 and identify the name of the podcast and the
name of the host: (0.0)

a. Podcast: ...HowStuffWorks (0.0)

b. Host: ...Brain Stuff (0.0)

2. Now listen from 0:38 to 1:02 and complete the following idea with the two types of
commercial products that the host compares.

Answer: The glow-in-the-dark toys are compared to others expensive watches (1.0)

3. Listen to the same part several times and write the similarity and the difference
between these two types of products. (0.5)

a. Similarity: …The toys and expensive watches glow-in-the-dark.(0.50)

b. Difference: ...the glow in the dark toys need charging unlike hands of
expensive watches that don't need charging. (0.0)

4. Explain “charging” according to what the host says in the same part of the podcast.

Answer: Allowing an object to absorb light so that it can produce glow. (0.75)

5. Now listen to the rest of the podcast and write its purpose. Be sure to indicate the
specific product that the podcast talks about.

Answer: The purpose of the podcast is to explain how Glowing Watch Hands work

6. According to the podcast, how do the hands of expensive watches glow?

Answer: ... these products are produced by the emission of the mix of phosphorus
and a radioactive element. (0.0)

7. At 1:03 there is a question and a short answer for it in the podcast. Listen to them
and write them here.(1.0)

Question:Does it last forever? (0.50)

Answer: No, but it can last pretty long time (0.50)
8. In GOOGLE, write the following to look up the meaning of LAST, which is a word with
many meanings in English: LAST meaning. When GOOGLE gives you several
possibilities to look up the word, choose the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and choose
the best meaning for LAST in this question and answer. Write it here.
Answer: …To continue in time (1.0)

9. So how long does the glow last, in general, in products like watch hands?

Answer: ...It can last a pretty long time. (1.0)

10. Listen to the rest of the answer to the question and fill in the following table with the
radioactive elements used in glow-in-the-dark watch hands.(0.95)

Radioactive elements used in glowing watch hands.

Time Radioactive Element Duration (years)

In the past -Radium (0.166) - Sixteen Hundred (0.166)

Now -tritium (0.166) - twelve years

-man made radioactive - Three years(0.166)
element (0.125)
Guide 5: Reading

OPINION: The One-Sided Gun War of the Sexes

1. Explore the website where this article is found and write the following information:

- Name of the source: ... The New York Times.

- Section where the article is published: …Opinion.
- Date of publication of the article: …April 14, 2017.
- Authors: …The Editorial Board.
- Purpose of the authors in the text: ...To explain the problem of intimate partner
violence in the USA.

2. Read the title and check the image below. Then, read the first two paragraphs of the
article and write the following information:

- The side of the victim in the “One-sided gun war of the sexes”:...Women.
- The side of the aggressor: …Husbands, boyfriends or former dating partners.
- The acronym for the problem in the title and image and what it stands for:...“I.P.V.” Intimate
Partner Violence.
- The statistics that define the problem:...Each week close to 10 women are shot to
death by their husbands, boyfriends or former dating partners.

- The reason why the problem is usually ignored:...The victims and gunmen go
unnoticed on the national scene unless the shooting turns into a larger tragedy.
- The reason why the problem happens, according to the authors:...The nation’s
shameful gun control laws, weak enforcement and loopholes.

3. Read the complete third paragraph and write the main opinion the authors support in
the text (the thesis), in one single sentence.

- Thesis: ...Federal and state laws designed to rein in the problem are spotty
and need to be strengthened.

4. Now, read each of the next paragraphs except the last one. In each one the authors
develop an argument to support the thesis. Write each argument in one single

a. Argument that supports the thesis in paragraph 4: …

Approximately half of the mass shootings in recent years with four or
more victims had at their core the shooter's killing of a current or former
b. Argument that supports the thesis in paragraph 5: …Varying circumstances
and resources too often undermine enforcement.
c. Argument that supports the thesis in paragraph 6: …The rights of potential
gun victims, not those of aberrant gun owners, must be paramount.
d. Argument that supports the thesis in paragraph 7: …The grim statistics of
I.P.V. homicide shows it’s a one-sided war of the sexes.
e. Argument that supports the thesis in paragraph 8: …Federal laws were
passed in the 1990s to protect women by denying firearms to domestic

5. Finally, go to the last paragraph and identify the idea that expresses the thesis from
paragraph 3 in different words. Write it.

Answer:....Intimate partner violence.

Guide 6: TV

Concrete Canvas Shelters

1. Watch the video and write its purpose:

Answer: The purpose of the video is to ...explain how to make operational a concrete
canvas shelter. (0.50)

2. Watch the beginning of the video (until 0:08) where they define Concrete Canvas
Shelters, and write the definition. (1)

Answer: Concrete Canvas Shelters are … an award-winning technology that has

been described as buildings in a bag.

3. Starting at 0:26 the narrator gives a second definition of Concrete Canvas Shelters.
Write it too. (Non-gradable)

Answer: Concrete Canvas Shelters are …rapidly deployable hard structures.

4. Between both definitions you find the definition of the material used in concrete
canvas shelters. Find it and write it. (Non-gradable)

Answer: … is …Concrete cloth.

5. Listen to the whole beginning part of the video (from 0:00 to 0:33) and answer the
following questions: (1)

a. Why are Concrete Canvas Shelters called “buildings in a bag”? (0.50)

Answer: …Because concrete canvas shelters can be stored in a bag and they
came in an airtight sac.

b. What is convenient about Concrete Canvas Shelters? (0.50)

Answer: ...They can be easily deployed and built.

6. Complete the following table with the steps needed to deploy these shelters, and the
description of each one. (1)

Steps: Description:

a. Delivery The shelter is delivered ...folded and sealed in an

airtight sac. (0.125)

b. Inflation The shelter is ….inflated using an electric fan.

(0.125) Once inflated, it is..pegged down around the
base and it’s now ready for step three. (0.125)

c. Hydration Water is … spread(WW) onto the shelter until its

(0.125) surface is saturated. (0.125)

d. Setting (0.125) The concrete cloth ….cures in a shape of the inflated

inner (0.125) And 24 hours ….later the concrete
canvas shelter is operational. (0.125)

7. Once these structures are finished, they can be covered with other materials which
provide them with additional characteristics. Write the material and the
characteristics: (1)

a. Materials used to cover the shelter: Earth, sand or snow. (0.50)

b. Additional characteristics:
- Excellent … thermal ...Performance (0.25)
- A force …protection ...capability, (0.125) protecting against
…small…arms …fire …and …shell …fragments. (0.125)

8. Finally, write the characteristics of the material and the advantages that these
characteristics offer. (1)

a. Characteristics: Hard and fireproof shell… (0.125)(Because concrete cloth is

…a ceramic, so It will not …burn). (0.125)
Advantages: The shelter provides …a ...level … of…security … (0.125) not
possible …with …soft …skin … structures. (0.125)

b. Characteristic: sealed …plastic … inner (0.25)

Advantages: The inner enables a sterile environment useful for …increasing
Frontline medical capability. (0.25)

9. Listen to the end of the video and write one sentence that summarizes the
information about Concrete Canvas Shelters. (1)

Answer: ...Concrete canvas shelters are a hardened sterilizable space of 54 square

meters that can last over ten years and it can be quickly built.

Guide 7: Radio

Neanderthal Dental Plaque

1. Listen to the audio from the second 0:00 to 0:07 and identify the name of the host
and the name of the podcast:(1)

Host: … Bob ...Hirshon(0.50)

Podcast: … Science ...update(0.50)

2. Listen to that section again and write down the title of the episode(1)

Title of the episode: …Prehistoric …dental … forensics.

3. Listen from 0:08 to 0:16 and identify the following information: A profession related to
the word DENTAL and a substance found on everybody’s teeth; and a profession
related to prehistoric forensics.(1)

a. Profession related to DENTAL: …Dentist.(0.33)

b. The substance found on everybody’s teeth: …Dental plaque.(0.33)
c. Profession related to prehistoric forensics: ... Paleomicrobiologist.(0.33)

4. Now listen to the podcast from seconds 0:17 to 0:25 and find the name of a
PREHISTORIC human species. Write the information below.(1)

Answer: ...Neanderthals.

5. Listen to the same section of the podcast again several times and write what the
scientists in this podcast report and where they report it..

a. What the scientists report: … analyzing food and microbe DNA preserved in
plaque from ancient Neanderthals. X(They discovered that Neanderthal diets
varied substantially. They also found that an individual with a painful dental
abscess and intestinal parasite was medicating himself.)(0.50)
b. Name of a scientific publication: ...(__)Nature.(0.25)

6. According to this information, what is the purpose of this podcast?(1)

Answer: ...the purpose is to report a scientific study.

7. Now listen to the section between seconds 0:25 and 0:36 and write the findings of
the research.(1)

Finding #1, related to the analysis of Neanderthal diets varied substantially,

food from carnivorous to nearly

Finding #2, related to the analysis of They also found that an individual with a
microbe DNA painful dental abscess and intestinal
parasite was medicating himself.(0.50)
8. From second 00:37 to 00:45, the scientist gives specific information about the second
finding. Complete the table below with this specific information.(0.8)

Name of plant that an Substance contained or Modern medicine

individual was consuming produced by the plant
to medicate himself

______Poplar____ ___Salicylic ______Aspirin________(0.1

bark(0.16) acid____(0.16) 6)

____Penicillium___ ___ Penicillin ____(0.16) ______Penicillin________

mold(0.16) (0)

9. In the conclusion of the podcast, the host says that a different type of study can be
done, to compare two things. What are they?(1)

Answer: the Neandental’s …oral ...environment(0.50) and …that …of …modern

…humans.. (0.50)

10. The host indicates that studies like this can help scientists understand the role or
contribution of three factors in maintaining human health. Write the name of those
three factors below.(1)

a. …The role of diet.(0.33)

b. …Microbes.(0.33)
c. …Lifestyle.(0.33)
Guide 8: Reading

1. Look at the acronym that is the name of the web site, and then google it. From what
you find, write the following information. (0.85)

a. Name of the website (what the acronym stands for): ...IFLScience and the
acronym stands for I Fucking Love Science. (0.25)
b. Purpose of the website: ...To share science news with readings in a funny and
easy way to understand. (0.1)
c. Author of the article: …Benjamin Taub. (0.25)
d. Date of publication: …23 December 2020. (0.25)

2. Read the title and the first idea in the first paragraph. Something is ALARMING,
according to this text!!!! What is alarming?

Answer: A new… study… is alarming. It was published in … the…journal …

environmental…international . It says that …they …detected …microplastics …inside
…the …human …placenta . (1)

3. Now read the complete first paragraph and look for an idea that says the same as
this alarming fact. Copy this idea.

Answer: ...An alarming new study in the journal Environmental International

documents the first ever detection of microplastics inside the human placenta. (0)

4. Now, read the next two paragraphs of the text. Look for and write the following
information about microplastics in one simple SVC sentence for each item. (1)

a. Definition: ...Microplastics are particles that have a size less than five mm,
which are produced as larger plastic objects degrade. (0.33)
b. Environmental hazard: ...microplastics are present in the oceans and in the
land and rivers, in great quantities. (0.33)
c. Hazard for humans: ...microplastics are hazardous because these particles
can penetrate the placenta. (0.33)

5. According to what you have read and to the beginning of the 4th paragraph, what is
the purpose of this article:
Answer: …To show(WW) the existence of microplastics and the presence of these
particles inside the human placenta. (0.25)

6. Write the methodology of the study found in paragraph 4, in three steps. Use one
complete SVC sentence for each step. (0.45)

a. First step: ...Researchers collected small sections of placentas from six

women. (0.33)
b. Second step: ...They dissolved and filtered the samples. (0.125)
c. Third step: ...They acquired 12 microplastics in 4 of 6 placentas. (0)

7. Read paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 and write three results of the study, each in a simple
SVC sentence. (1)

a. First result: ...The researchers found 12 microplastic particles in four of the six
placentas. (0.33)
d. Second result: ...The researchers only analyzed about four percent of each
placenta, so it’s likely that more particles may be present in these placentas.
e. Third result: ...Microplastics measured less than ten micrometers in diameter
meaning they could easily be transported in the blood. (0.33)

8. Now write the general result in paragraph 7, and then fill in the table with the
numbers of microplastics found at each level of placental tissue. (1)

General finding: ...Microplastics can reach all levels of placental tissue. (0.20)

Levels of placental tissue Number of microplastics

fetal side of the placenta (0.13) 5(0.13)

maternal side(0.13) 4(0.13)

membranes that protect the amniotic 3(0.13)

fluid (0.13)

9. The text indicates several important functions of the human placenta. Find them in
paragraphs 3 and 10 and write them in one simple SVC sentence each.(1)

a. Function 1: The placenta … monitors the transfer of material between a fetus

and its mother. (0.33)
b. Function 2: The placenta … acts as an interface between the fetus and the
external environment. (0.33)
d. Function 3: The placenta ...supports the fetus development. (0.33)
10. These functions explain why the results of this study are alarming. Paragraphs 1 and
11 indicate the problems that microplastics in the placenta may possibly cause. They
are only POSSIBLE, because more research is needed. Read both paragraphs again
and write these possible negative effects, each in a simple SVC sentence indicating

a. General negative effect: Microplastics in the placenta …could harm the

developing fetus (0.33)
c. Specific possible effects:
- Microplastics in the placenta …may trigger immune responses. (0.33)
- Microplastics in the placenta …may lead to the release of toxic
contaminants (0.33)

Guide 9: Reading
Your Brain on Music

1. Explore the website where this article is found and complete the following
information: 0.75

a. Name of the website: …Live science 0.25

b. Purpose of the website: …To report a study. 0
c. Author's name: …Sara G. Miller. 0.25
d. Date of publication: ...February 08, 2017. 0.25

2. Read paragraphs one and two of the article and write the purpose of the article. 0

Answer: The purpose of this article is report a study

3. In paragraphs three and five you find the theoretical background of the study. Read it
and complete the following ideas. 0.8

a. The theoretical background of this study explains how … pleasure is

experienced in the brain. 0.2
b. This occurs in two …phases. 0.2
c. In phase one, we … feel …“wanting” . This is determined by …the
neurotransmitter dopamine. 0.1
d. In phase two, we … feel…“liking” . This is determined by …opioids in the
brain 0.1
e. The theoretical background also indicates findings from previous studies.
These studies have found that …opioids has to do with the …pleasure we get
when we have sex, …food … and …drugs … . 0.2

4. Find the following information in paragraph four. 1

a. Main objective of the study: To demonstrate if the brain's own opioids are
directly involved in musical pleasure. 0.33
b. Discipline that guided the study: Psychology. 0.33
c. Place where the study was done: McGill University in Canada. 0.33

4. Now read paragraph six and write one complete SVP sentence for the main
treatment that participants in the study received and another SVP sentence for the
effect of this treatment. 1

a. Treatment: …The treatment is a drug called naltrexone. 0.5

b. Effect: ...The drug blocks the effects of opioids in the brain. 0.5

5. Read paragraph 7 and complete the three steps followed in the methodology of the
study with as few words as possible. 1

- Step 1: 15 participants …were asked to select two songs they

considered very pleasurable, while the researchers …also selected
"emotionally neutral" music . 0.33
- Step 2: The participants …were given either naltrexone or a placebo,
and the researchers …measured the participants' reactions as they
listened to the music . 0.33
- Step 3: One week later, the participants …returned to repeat the
experiment , and the researchers … give them the opposite treatment.

6. According to paragraph 8, three different aspects of the participants’ reactions were

measured in the study. Which are they? Do NOT use complete sentences. 1

Answer: -facial-muscle activity

-Physiological factors
-emotional responses

9. Talking about the findings of the study, senior study author Levitin says: “The
findings, themselves, were what we hypothesized…” Review the article again from
the beginning and write the hypothesis of the study. Then write the main finding of
the study. Use complete SVP sentences. 0

a. Hypothesis: …
b. Main finding: ...
10. In the last 2 paragraphs the limitations of the study are presented. Write them. 1

a. Limitation 1: The researchers noted that because the study was small,
more research is needed before the results can be applied to a general
population. 0.5
b. Limitation 2: The researchers blocked only one part of the reward
system in the brain. 0.5

Guide 10: TV

A cold phenomenon and our brains.

1. Watch the video from the beginning until 0:21, several times. Maddie, the host, asks
some questions while she eats an ice cream cone. According to those questions,
what do you predict is the purpose of the video? (1)

Answer: The purpose of the video is to explain why X(do) we get brain freeze.

2. Now watch from 0:24 until 0:35 and find the phenomenon that is explained and its
several names. (1)

a. Write two common names for the phenomenon: … Brain freeze and ice
cream headache. (0.50)
b. Write the scientific term for the phenomenon: …Sphenopalatine
ganglioneuralgia (0.50)

3. Watch the video from the beginning to 0:35 again and find the following information:

a. What is brain freeze? It is a phenomenon in our brain that occurs when you
eat cold treats in a quick way, so that can cause an instant stabbing pain.
b. When does it happen? We experience it when we eat or drink something cold
that bit too quickly. (0.50)

4. From 0:36 to 1:03, the presenter indicates the beginning of the process by which
brain freeze is produced. The structure of blood vessels that go into our brain
explains why we feel pain in our head. Why is that? (1)
Answer: …Because when we lower the temperature in our mouth and the
backs of our throats, it hits the juncture where we have a key blood vessel.

5. Now, watch the video from 1:04 until 1:45 and complete the steps of brain freeze
from the moment you eat something cold too quickly. (1)

a. As we eat something cold, the temperature of …our mouth and throat lows …
b. The lower temperature …causes the artery to rapidly expand … (0.25)
c. More size means more … blood flow…, flooding …the brain with blood … .
d. This sudden flood of blood causes ....the pressure that is the source of that
stabbing pain. (0.25)

6. Finally, how does the brain stop the pain itself? In your answer, use the scientific term
used to call what the brain does, and explain it. (1)

Answer: ...The brain will stop the pain itself through vasoconstriction of the
blood vessels, narrowing them down and regulating the blood flow.

Guide 11: Reading

Love at First Sight? It's Probably Just Lust

1. Explore the website where this article is found and complete the following

a. Name of the website: …

b. Purpose of the website: …
c. Author's name: …
d. Date of publication: …

2. Read the first two paragraphs and predict the possible purpose of the article.

Answer: …

3. Read paragraph 3 and find the 2 main research questions of the study. Each one
includes two options. Write them.
a. Question # 1: … … … or … … … ?
b. Question # 2: … … … or … … … ?

4. How did the authors get to that general finding? Answer the following questions
according to paragraphs 7 & 8.

a. Who were the participants in the study?

b. In what three stages did the researchers collect the data?
c. What were the data about?
d. What key components of love were considered?

5. Read paragraph 9 about the results and conclusion of the study and decide if the
following statements are true (T) or false (F).

a. None of the participants of the study who reported LAFS found their potential
partner physically attractive. (__)
b. Men reported feeling more LAFS in the first encounter with their potential
partner than women. (__)
c. The results of the study suggest that LAFS is a mutual feeling in most of the
participants in their first encounter. (__)

6. Read paragraph 10 and identify the general finding of the study. Write it down below:

Answer: LAFS is simply …

7. Now read the title of the article again and find an expression from the general finding
in paragraph 10 that has a similar meaning to the word “lust”.

Answer: Lust is similar to … .

Guide 12: TV

The Science of Love

1. Find the name and symbol for SEEKER under the video; SEEKER is the website where
the video comes from. Pinch on the name or symbol and find out the purpose of the web site
and the kind of material it contains.
a. Purpose of the web site: ...
b. Kind of material SEEKER contains: ...

2. Watch the introduction of the video (from the beginning to second 0:22) and find the name
of the show, the purpose of the show and the video, the name of the host, and the two (2)
types of people who do compare or may compare love to a drug.

a. Name of the show: …

b. Purpose of the show and of the video: …
c. Name of host: …
d. Two (2) types of people who do or may compare love to a drug: ...

3. Completes the sentences that contain these two types of people:

It was Kesha who said: “... … … … ...”, and you … ...? … might … … … … .

4. What is the meaning that the word ‘might’ gives to the last idea? Have neurobiologists
REALLY compared love to a drug?

Answer: ...

5. Watch and listen to the video up to the second 0:36. What is the neurobiological
explanation given for the idea that “the highs and lows of love are the one of the main
inspirations for art and music”?

Answer: …

6. The rest of the video explains a theory. Listen to it and write the following information.

c. This is a theory of … …
d. Type of theory: …
e. Who posited this theory: …
f. The general idea of what the theory says about love: ...

7. Now listen to the specific information in the theory and complete the following table.

Stage of Explanation Hormone(s) important at

romantic love each stage an what
it(they) is(are) responsible

... People ... - Hormone: …

- Responsible for ...

... People ... - Hormone #1: ...

- Responsible for …

- Hormone #2: ...

- Responsible for …

- Hormone #3: ...

- Responsible for …

... People ... - Hormone: …

- Responsible for ...

8. At the end of the video the host mentions two (2= possible opinions about this
neurobiological theory: hers and other people’s. Complete each one.

a. The host’s opinion: Understanding the neurobiology behind love makes it …

… … because … … …
b. Other people’s opinion: This neurobiological theory is … … … because … …

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