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Philippine Advent College


How athletes as professional compare to other jobs in the market of your country?

Name: Mark N. Paculanang - Student

Course: Bachelor of Physical Education

Riza Garcia – Instructor

Date: December 20, 2022



Giving participation trophies helps to build self-esteem at an impressionable age. Watching other
kids receive a trophy and not receiving one yourself can be degrading. Awards build excitement
in the kids for the game and the desire to comeback and try harder the next time. Self-esteem is
defined by the degree worth and competence that we attribute to ourselves. Through sport, we
may enhance our self-esteem by having a positive image of our bodies and the physical skills and
abilities that we develop. Sport might be one of the best ways to help you develop the skill of
confidence. As your strength, skills, and stamina increase through training, you’ll have more
confidence in your ability because you’ll see them visibly improve. Whether it’s soccer,
swimming or even individual sports like tennis and martial arts, your child will develop skills
that will inherently make them more confident and build leadership skills and both physical and
mental thoughness.

Through sports, we work on both our physical and mental angles, which permits us to
work on our picture and our mindset, as well as make positive improves on in our day-to-
day propensities. The cozy relationship that exists between sports and confidence helps
individuals both actually and intellectually concerning character, discipline, and
obligation, notwithstanding the objectives they've decided to accomplish. This assists us
with zeroing in a greater degree toward the truly significant errands and connections in
our lives. In addition to the fact that sports address a possibility for us to save our
wellbeing, yet additionally to keep up with and draw out our physical and mental youth.
This implies that it reinforces our confidence from youth, pre-adulthood, and lastly,
during our adulthood.

Sports and confidence remain closely connected. Sports favor the accomplishment of
objectives and detectable headway in the limits of a particular discipline. Then again, the
acknowledgment and acknowledgment of this accomplishment by the family, a friend or
family member, or a companion bunch advances an individual's fearlessness. It's critical
to realize that disappointments in specific conditions aren't conclusive losses. It's
fundamental for our youngsters to grasp that, while rehearsing sports, disappointment is a
typical encounter and it doesn't mean we ought to surrender. In actuality, misfortunes
demonstrate that we should endeavor more to accomplish what we long for. We gain
important examples from our disappointments, which assist us in trying not to commit
errors later on. Subsequently, this reinforces our self-idea.


Relation Between Sports Trophies And Self-Esteem

Through sports, we work on both our physical and mental angles, which permits us to
work on our picture and our mindset, as well as make positive improves on in our day-to-
day propensities. The cozy relationship that exists between sports and confidence helps
individuals both actually and intellectually concerning character, discipline, and obligation,
notwithstanding the objectives they've decided to accomplish. This assists us with zeroing
in a greater degree toward the truly significant errands and connections in our lives. In
addition to the fact that sports address a possibility for us to save our wellbeing, yet
additionally to keep up with and draw out our physical and mental youth. This implies that
it reinforces our confidence from youth, pre-adulthood, and lastly, during our adulthood.
Sports and confidence remain closely connected. Sports favor the accomplishment of
objectives and detectable headway in the limits of a particular discipline. Then again, the
acknowledgment and acknowledgment of this accomplishment by the family, a friend or
family member, or a companion bunch advances an individual's fearlessness. It's critical to
realize that disappointments in specific conditions aren't conclusive losses. It's fundamental
for our youngsters to grasp that, while rehearsing sports, disappointment is a typical
encounter and it doesn't mean we ought to surrender. In actuality, misfortunes
demonstrate that we should endeavor more to accomplish what we long for. We gain
important examples from our disappointments, which assist us in trying not to commit
errors later on. Subsequently, this reinforces our self-idea.
By : Shalu

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