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1. -------- is the art and applied science of data and information. ICT
2. ISTE means International Society for Technology in Education
3. NETS means National Education Technology Standards
4. ISTE was formally known as NETS
5. CFT means Competency Framework for teachers
6. ICT CFT aims to inform policy makers, providers of professional learning and
working teachers on the _________________________ as well as help member states
in developing national competency standards. the role of ICT in educational reform
7. ICT CFT helps in three major area. Digital Literacy, Knowledge Deepening and
Knowledge Creation
8. ISTE have how many roles expected of teachers to perform 7 roles
9. ------------ role emphasizes on helping students to manage their learning Facilitation
10. ISTE focus on five main component which are? Curriculum and assessment,
Pedagogy, Organization and Administration, ICT, Teacher professional learning
11. __________ is a social learning that is networked Connectivism
12. _______ is the orchestration of complex disarray of ideas networked to form specific
information set Connectivism
13. In connectivism, learning and knowledge rests on diversity of opinion YES/NO
14. What you have access to is more important than what you know. Which theory relies
on this? Connectivism
15. ---------- theory helps in the management of knowledge Connectivism
16. ICT teachers are concerned more with efficiency rather than effectiveness
17. _______ learning is via electronic media E-Learning
18. E-learning can be seen in three ways which are? Adult learning, Cooperate
Learning, College Learning
19. E-learning started in which year 1999
20. What are the examples of E-learning under distance education? Correspondence,
Courses, Telecourses, Computer-Assisted Instruction, School on the Web
21. _________ see E-learning as not a learning goal per se but rather a structure or
context for technology-supported learning. Jegbert
22. Give 3 instances when e-learning occurs Learning environment is enhanced with
digital technologies, Learning Environment involves learning situations where
interaction between the student and instructor is mediated, or bridged by
technology, in some way, Learning Environment is Learner Centered
23. Programme instruction gave birth to ________ Computer Assisted Instruction CAI
24. The proper online learning started in the ______ through ______ Late 90s, 2000s
25. Online learning that allows real time teacher to learner interaction and occur
simultaneously is referred to as _______ Synchronous
26. In ______ Online courses instruction to learner interaction is by the way of
announcements on the webpage or comment board built into the site Online Tutorial
27. Types of asynchronous e learning are? Self-paced online courses, Discussion
forums & groups, Message boards
28. Types of synchronous online learning are? Virtual Classroom, Audio and Video
Conferencing, Chat, Webinars
29. In _______ online course, traffic is free and there is no certification Online Tutorial
30. Virtual Classroom, Audio and Video Conferencing, Chat, Webinars are learning
source from _________ e-learning Synchronous
31. __________ e learning is also referred to as student centred and self-paced
32. __________ e learning is also referred to as pause and resume kind of learning
33. The growth in e-Learning has been fueled by the growth in importance of _________
Lifelong Learning
34. E- learning can be the forms of Adult Learning, Online College, and ________
Cooperate Learning
35. E-learning sometimes result into Increased risk of cheating during assessments
36. The tool usually used to create content for online course where the teacher does not
need to write any code is known as _______ Smartbuilder
37. ________ tool is usually used to create and manage online learning content with just a
couple of clicks Clickclass
38. _______ tools provide teacher with a high-quality video conferencing tool and a high-
definition camera so that a teacher can feel more engaged with his student ezTalks
39. Teachers transform his/her PowerPoint presentation into an online course using
_______ Articulate Studio
40. _________ is a virtual whiteboard that is capable of transforming any presentation, so
that students can better see, understand and remember ideas Prezi
41. _________ is referred to as the next generation presentation Prezi
42. ________ e learning is a faster process of designing and developing online-based
learning courses Rapid E-learning
43. There are how many approaches to e-learning 4
44. In ‘typical’ e-learning, more importance is given to the presentation of the content and
utilizing technology TRUE/FALSE
45. One size fit all learning situation as a characteristic of typical e-learning means
A. The teacher ignores the students’ differences
B. *The teacher fit the learning into students need
C. The teacher collaborates with the students
D. The teacher is student cantered
46. Blogs and wikis are based on________ technology Web 2.0
47. Individual articles on a blog are called blog post, post or __________ Entries
48. ADDIE means ________ Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and
49. Student remember how many percent of what they hear in class? 5 percent
50. Student remember how many percent of what they practice? 75 percent
51. We remember how many percentages of what we teach others 90 percent
52. CBT means Computer based Training
53. WBT means Web based Training
54. Learning content types are divided into three which are? Learner centered content,
Engaging Content, Interactive Content
55. Captivate 8 is a/an _______ tool Authoring
56. ___________ learning is an example of e learning where students learn from each
other through a process of small groups using critical problem-solving Flipped
57. Mindmeister or Brainstormer is an example of __________ software Mindmapping
58. _________ make learning interactive and multi-dimensional instead of unidirectional
and passive Mind maps
59. MOOC means Massive Open Online Courses
60. MOOC was coined by who in what year Dave Cormier 2008
61. The first MOOC course was offered by who at where? Stephen Downes and George
Siemens University of Manitoba
62. The first MOOC courses was? Connectivism and Connective Knowledge
63. The types of MOOC are ________ and _________ CMOOC and XMOOC
64. XMOOCS means Extended MOOCs
65. CMMOCS means Connectivist MOOCs
66. _______ MOOC takes more traditional approach to learning XMOOC
67. _________ provides web-based tutorials as open educational resources QUASI
68. _________ is not really an MOOC QUASI MOOC
69. MOOC have its root in ________ Long tradition of Distance Education
70. Extended classroom falls into the _________ Cognitive behaviourist Pedagogy
71. CMOOC falls into the__________Connectivist Pedagogy category
72. OER means Open Educational Resources
73. UNESCO means United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
74. Assessment is a two side of a coin TRUE/FALSE
75. IBE International Bureau of Education
76. All but one is classroom technology
A. Computer Aided Instruction
B. Creative spaces
C. Blogs and Wikis
D. Smart boards
E. *Twitter


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