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Read the text below!

Akhlakul Karimah
Akhlakul Karimah or known as commendable morals is one of the types of morals that every Muslim
must have. Akhlaq is number one. Akhlak is very important in our lives. Smart people but not moral will be in
vain. Conversely, good morals but simple people will be pleasing to the eye an much love by people. Among
the commendable morals are obedience to Allah, obedience to prophet of Allah, obedience to parents,
obedience to ulil amri (leaders), obedience to teachers and obedience to good people.
People who have commendable characters will feel calm and comfortable to their live wherever with
whoever. People feel happy with the existence. They will feel the happiness in the world and the hereafter.
Obedient to God means accept and carry out all that Allah commanded and abandon all that is forbidden by
Treachery means to cheat and not to be trusted. The opposite is mandate which means honest and
trustworthy. Someone who is treacherous is the worst of human beings who do not have responsibility for the
safety of his friends and the community. The examples of treacherous behaviors are likes to lie, love to renege
on promises, and do not want to pay debt. Envy is feeling which expects a loss of favor from somone. Jealousy
is an attitude of being unhappy to see other people get pleasure and grace of Allah.

A. In questions 1-5, Put a cross (X) on the letter a, b, c or d on the correct answer!
1. Read to the following statements!
1. People who like to help when they experience difficulties or calamities, there is no person who give
help sincerely
2. Dislike and does not respect by everyone
3. Facing a difficult life alone, hard to find work, hard to make friends, and always upset
4. Be loved by Allah, all its affairs are facilitated by Allah, and Allah SWT will give him sustenance that
flows from all directions and is not unexpected
Statements above that show the wisdom of being mutual help is ….
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
2. Read to the following statements!
1. Always do bad with neighbours
2. Provide the comfort of neighbours
3. Always hurt neighbours
4. Do not divulge secrets
The ways in order to establish a harmonious relationship with neighbours are ....
a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 4 c. 1 and 4 d. 1 and 3
3. Allah is the loving, Allah loves all of his creatures. We have to love fellow muslims, because ...
a. One’s faith is incomplete if one does not love fellow human beings
b. So that life is not in harmony
c. Fighting with neighbors
d. Bullied by classmates
4. Read to the following statements!
1. Believing that everyone has advantages
2. Unbelieving that we can and certainly can
3. Not recalling the success that has been achieved
4. Being optimistic
5. Always remember Allah SWT and pray
Statements above that show the things that can keep us excited are ....
a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 4 c. 4 and 5 d. 1 and 3
5. Read to the following statements!
1. People who like to help when they experience dificulties or calamities, there is no person who give help
2. Dislike and does not respect by everyone
3. Facing a difficult life alone, hard to find work, hard to make friends, and always upset
4. Be loved by Allah, all its affairs are facilitated by Allah, and Allah SWT will give him sustenance that
flows from all directions and is not unexpected
Statements above that show the result if not having the mutual help are ....
b. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

B. In questions 6-10, Put a cross (X) on the letter a, b, c or d on the correct answer!
6. Al-Kabiir means Allah is Greatness. Al-Kabiir is one of the Asmaul Husna which menas Allah is Great.
The greatness of Allah is evidenced by His various creations which are very beneficial for the survival of
humans and other creatures. Al-Adziim means The Almighty. Examples of Allah SWT al-adziim’s
character is the creation of the digestive organs in humans.
Some implementations of Asmaul Husna “Al Adziim” are…….
□ Allah has created man and woman with different characteristics and physics

□ Complain on the hot and rain weather

□ Allah has created rain and hot

□ Cut the trees illegally for self necessities

7. The implementations of Asmaul Husna “Al Kabiir” are…….
□ When the sun rises, we start the activities, such as going to work, look for knowledge, cleaning the
house and etc.
□ Allah has created rain and hot

□ The creation of a very hot sun with light that illuminates the uiverse

□ The spread of the vast sea and the high mountains

8. Learning the name and nature of Allah Ta'ala has a big influence on the life of a servant.Both physically
and mentally, his words and deeds will be guided by understanding and carrying out the demands of
worship contained in the name and nature of Allah.
The special of Asmaul Husna are:
□ Easy to read

□ Long, heavy and incomplete

□ Involving the world and hereafter affairs

□ Making work difficult

9. Put a check mark (√) on the correct statement about how to respect and obey parents who are still alive ....
□ Listening all of his words with respect and humility
□ Connecting the ropes of friendship with relatives and friends of parents

□ Helping the homework or other work that can lighten the burden on parents

□ Continuing the ideals of parents

10. Put a check mark (√) on the correct statement about the reason we must obey our parents.
□ Parents are people who take care us from babies to adults.

□ Orders of Allah SWT and the Messenger of Allah.

□ Parents are where we depend.

□ Parents are the ones who gave birth to us

C. In questions 11 – 15, match the statement with the right answer!

11. Match the asmaul husnah with the proof by drawing a line!

Asmaul Husnah Proof

The creation of a very hot sun with light that illuminates the universe
Al - Adziim
Allah has created rain and hot
The spread of the vast sea and high mountains
Al - Kabiir Allah has created man and woman with different characteristics and physics
Man would not be able to count the amount of Allah’s gift to him

12. Match the statements about the story of Kan’an by drawing a line!
When the prophet Nuh AS built his His son’s response is reject him
boat his followers mocked him.
When there was a flood, the Prophet Because barren and arid areas are
Nuh AS invited his son to get on the unlikely to experience flooding
The son of the Prophet Nuh who did Not taking care of parents and
not want to obey his parents. prioritizing other people
Which of the following is a form of Kan’an is a child who disobedient
disobedience to parents

13. Draw a line in the appropriate column A and B about Akhlakul Karimah!
No A B
Performing prayer at the beginning of time,
and it is more important if it is carried out
regularly   1. Obeying to messenger
Imitating the life of the messenger   2. Obeying to Allah
3. Diligently in praying for the safety of parents
both in this world and in the hereafter.   3. Obeying to teacher
4. Completing all assignments given by the
teacher.   4. Obeying to parents.

14. Match statements the good manner with the iplementation by drawing line!
Good Manner Use
Never give up   Someone is caring and sensitive to
neighbours who need help
Courage   Someone dares to be responsible for what he
has done
Mutual help   Someone wants to be a pilot. Pilot school is
very expensive. He is classified as a simple
peson or not rich, but he is still passionate
about becoming a pilot by lookin for
Adab   Someone speaks politely and friendly. Bow
when walking in front of people
15. Someone who is treacherous is the worst of human beings who do not have responsibility for the safety of
his friends and the community. Give a checklist (√) True or False about treachery and jealously:

The Statements T F
Treachery means to cheat and not to be trusted. The opposite is mandate which
means honest and trustworthy
Jealousy is an attitude of being unhappy to see other people get pleasure and
grace of Allah
The characteristics of people who are treachery are honest, keep promises, and
want to pay debt
The effects of jealousy are liked by community and his life is blessed

D. Answer these following questions correctly (no 16 – 20)!

The Story of Kan’an
The story of Kan’an is an example of a child who does not want to obey his parents until he is injured
at the end of his life. This incident should serve as a warning for us not to be a child who is disobedient to
both parents. Every parent always wants the good for their children. Therefore children must respect and
obey their parents, so that their lives are safe in this world and the hereafter. In the teachings of Islam are
known two terms of morality, namely morality mahmudah (praiseworthy morality) and akhlaq mazmumah
(reprehensible morality). One example of reprehensible morals is disobedience to parents. Thus we as
Muslims must be obedient and devoted to both parents as long as they invite for good. Arguing and
speaking rudely to both parents is a reprehensible act. A child who disobeys his parents will be punish ed in
this world and the hereafter.
Of his four sons, Kan'an is the oldest child and the one who disobeys his own father. Kan'an hides his
hatred for his father and pretends to be a believer. When the time came for disaster to come, Kan'an, who
was a disbeliever, did not want to come even though his father had asked him to. Allah SWT exposed his
hypocrisy and did not include him among the safe. When Noah's ark started sailing, Kan'an didn't want to
get into the ship and still wanted to escape to the top of a mountain. Prophet Nuh called his son, "O my
son, come on board the ship with us. Do not be with people who disbelieve." Kan'an answered, "I will seek
refuge in a mountain that can save me from the flood." Prophet Nuh then answered, "no one protects you
from Allah's punishment today except Allah, the Most Merciful. And the wave became a barrier between
the two, so the child was among those drowned," (QS Hud: 42-43)
Soon, the water level exceeded the peak of the world's highest mountain. The surface of the earth is flat
with water. Not a single creature is safe from Allah's punishment.

16. Examine the lessons can be taken from the story Kan’an?
17. How are the ways to obey parents?
18. Examine the attitude of the son of the Prophet Nuh AS whe he was called to board the ship with the
19. Akhlak is top priority in daily life. How are the ways to have akhlakul karimah?
20. Why do we may not be arrogant?

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