Student 2 - For Portfolio

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Institution: Manchester University


Preceptor: Jason Isch

Site: St Joseph Regional Medical Center Family Medicine Center
Type: PHRM 630 APPE Ambulatory Care (Family Medicine (DPC))

APPE DPC Evaluation (Midpoint & Final)

General overview

This document and its contents are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which
prohibits the disclosure of students’ educational information to individuals who do not have a legitimate educational
purpose in receiving such information. This form and its contents shall not be disclosed to any person or entity other
than the student or the Office of Experiential Education of Manchester University Pharmacy program.

How to apply scoring

For Section 1 (Patient Care Provider Domain – Self-Developer Domain):

Exceeds Expectations: Ready for supervision at a distance. I trust the learner to completely and accurately….

Meets Expectations: Ready for reactive supervision. I trust the learner, with limited correction, to….

Below Expectations: Ready for direct, proactive supervision. I trust the learner, with direct supervision and
frequent correction, to….

Fail: I do not trust the learner to…

Section Weight: 0%

Patient Care Provider Domain MIDPOINT FINAL

Collect information to identify a patient’s Meets – Student is efficient and Meets – Student continues to be
medication-related problems and health-related thorough. He is learning to dig efficient and thorough. He is
needs. deeper in the chart (especially navigating the EMR with more
in HF clinic) to gather ease.
information that can be used to
Question Comments Question Comments assess the patient’s current
(Midpoint): (Final): treatment plan and to identify
gaps/inappropriate therapies.

Identify medication related problems. Meets – Student is passionate Meets – see midpoint
about identifying problems comments
and/or identifying interventions
Question Comments Question Comments that could provide greater
(Midpoint): (Final): benefit for the patient.

Compile a prioritized health-related problem list Meets – Like all students on an Meets – Student makes sure to
for a patient. ambulatory care rotation, he address all concerns of a patient
wants to address all concerns of and appropriately refers to other
a patient, but he is able to providers if it is beyond the
Question Comments Question Comments appropriately prioritize based scope of the visit/practice. For
(Midpoint): (Final): on the chief complaint and the example, there was a patient in
purpose of the visit. DM clinic who was struggling
with constipation and burning
from a nicotine patch. Although
the appointment was for DM,
Student provided
recommendations and
counseling to address his

Evaluate an existing drug therapy regimen for Meets – Student is familiar with Meets – see midpoint
its effectiveness. treatment goals and can comments
estimate if current therapy plans
may/may not get patients to
Question Comments Question Comments goal. He has solid baseline
(Midpoint): (Final): knowledge of the efficacy of
diabetes medications, in

Develop an evidence-based treatment plan for Meets – Student often Meets – Student has integrated
a patient. references guidelines and patient-specific factors into his
makes treatment plans based on treatment plans and this will be
first-line therapies. He can a continual focus if he decides
Question Comments Question Comments continue to work on to pursue ambulatory care in
(Midpoint): (Final): individualizing therapy based the future.
on patient-specific parameters.

Collaborate with the patient, caregiver(s) and Below/Meets – Student is goal- Below/Meets – Student has
other health professionals to establish patient- driven, caring, enthusiastic, and worked to incorporate patient
centered goals. matter-of-fact. We will work on preferences and can continue to
bringing the patient into the work on reflecting/mirroring
treatment plan, especially when patients’ concerns and on
Question Comments Question Comments they may be hesitant or motivational interviewing. As
(Midpoint): (Final): skeptical of our providers, we often have to
recommendations. meet patients where they are
and walk alongside them to get
them to goals.

Implement a treatment plan in collaboration with Below/Meets – In HF clinic, Below/Meets – Student is

other health professionals. Student worked effectively with confident and outspoken in his
the cardiologist to develop recommendations. He is often
treatment plans. We discussed on the right track but can
Question Comments Question Comments the importance of developing continue to work on
(Midpoint): (Final): respectful and productive incorporating perspectives and
relationships, even when experiences of other providers.
opinions may differ slightly on There is always something to
the plan. learn!

Educate a patient and caregiver(s) in the Meets – On multiple occasions, Meets – Can continue to work
implementation of their treatment plan. Student has educated patients on using patient-friendly
(Examples – medications, devices, etc.) on changes to therapy, insulin language, but he is detailed and
pens, CGMS, etc. He identifies thorough in his explanations.
that he sometimes uses
Question Comments Question Comments “medical jargon” but he is
(Midpoint): (Final): actively working on teaching to
the patient in front of him.
Assess patient adherence to the treatment plan Meets – When Student Meets – successfully performed
and assist with behavior change as needed. performs med recs, he is multiple medication adherence
thorough and assess their PDC calls and solved issues where
to deepen the discussion. He they arose.
Question Comments Question Comments has and will perform more
(Midpoint): (Final): medication adherence calls and
suggest solutions for

Recommend modifications or adjustments to an Meets – Student has been able Meets – Student provides
existing medication therapy regimen based on to identify when patients are thoughtful recommendations
patient response. not responding to therapy as for adjustments, he can work on
expected and has helped decide providing explanation of his
next steps. For example, we had decisions/thought process when
Question Comments Question Comments a patient on Trulicity who had presenting a patient to a
(Midpoint): (Final): not lost much weight nor had preceptor.
much BG lowering, so we
decided we would try to switch
them to Mounjaro to see if there
was additional benefit before
adding other agents.

Assist in a patient’s transition to different N/A – Student is eager to N/A – the opportunity did not
level(s) of care or care setting(s). (Example - participate in TOC. We have arise to assess this directly, but
admission or discharge from a hospital or not yet had the opportunity, but Student has shown he can work
nursing facility or transfer to a different level of I anticipate that it will come in up all of a patient’s problems
care within the same facility)
the next couple of weeks and and address them clearly and
expect that he will be thorough with organization.
and efficient like usual.
Question Comments Question Comments
(Midpoint): (Final):

Section Weight: 0%

Interprofessional Team
Collaborate as the medication expert as part of Meets - In HF clinic, Student Meets – Student is an engaged
an interprofessional team. worked effectively with the expert. He makes strong
cardiologist and reviewed notes recommendations with clear
from nephrologists to develop reasoning. He can continue to
Question Comments Question Comments treatment plans. We discussed work on his approach to
(Midpoint): (Final): the importance of developing presenting treatment plans to
respectful and productive other providers.
relationships, even when
opinions may differ slightly on
the plan.

Section Weight: 0%

Population Health Promoter

Review and document adverse drug events and N/A N/A
medication errors within a medication use
Question Comments Question Comments
(Midpoint): (Final):

Determine CDC-recommended immunizations Meets – Student is familiar with Meets – see midpoint
for a specific patient, then administer and vaccine recommendations but comments
document as applicable. took it upon himself to become
even more familiar with billing
restrictions for HepB
Question Comments Question Comments specifically.
(Midpoint): (Final):

Section Weight: 0%

Information Master Domain MIDPOINT FINAL

Educate professional colleagues or lay N/A – Student will do a patient Exceeds – Student’s patient
audience(s) based on the evaluation of case presentation in the second case presentation was standout.
scientific literature and its application. half of this rotation. He assessed literature
appropriately to inform his final
recommendation. He was an
Question Comments Question Comments engaging teacher as well and
(Midpoint): (Final): actively incorporated the
audience into his teaching

Use setting appropriate verbal communication Meets – Student has identified Meets – Student works hard to
skills. that he is often eager to jump build rapport with patients. We
into conversation and offer have discussed the importance
input, but he making an effort of “reading the room” and
Question Comments Question Comments to intentionally listen and adjusting our approach to the
(Midpoint): (Final): observe more. He is able to patient in front of us and I have
build rapport with patients seen improvement in the few
especially and shows them with short weeks he has been here.
body language and words alike This is a self-identified area of
that he is invested in their care. improvement as well.

Use setting appropriate written communication Meets – Student has started Meets – We have worked on
skills. documenting patient encounters improving documentation and
and is succinct. We will focus writing a note as if the person
on separating subjective who reads it was not present in
Question Comments Question Comments information from the encounter. His
(Midpoint): (Final): assessment/plan in HF clinic. documentation is at the level I
would expect from his rotation
experiences. His written
communication is always
professional and succinct.

Retrieve and analyze scientific literature to Meets – Student is quick to go Meets – See midpoint
make a patient-specific recommendation and/or searching for answers and uses comments. Student also
answer a drug information question. appropriate sources. He is able appropriately assessed Kerendia
to analyze if results are literature for a patient who was
statistically significant and/or unable to be on an ACE/ARB
Question Comments Question Comments clinically significant. or SGLT2 for
(Midpoint): (Final): microalbuminuria.
Section Weight: 0%

Practice Manager Domain MIDPOINT FINAL

Appropriately use common automated systems N/A N/A
to fulfill a medication order. (Example –
Automated dispensing cabinets, sterile
compounding systems, pill counting equipment)

Question Comments Question Comments

(Midpoint): (Final):

Section Weight: 0%

Self-Developer Domain MIDPOINT FINAL

Perform a self-evaluation to identify Meets – As seen above, Student Meets – see midpoint
professional strengths and weaknesses. has been able to identify areas comments
for improvement and has
reported real growth since the
Question Comments Question Comments beginning of his rotation year.
(Midpoint): (Final):

Section Weight: 0%

Professionalism and Work

Grading Scale: Consistently, Inconsistently,
Appearance exemplifies that of a professional Meets Meets
(i.e. dress, hygiene).

Question Comments Question Comments

(Midpoint): (Final):

The student is self-motivated and eager to Exceeds – Student is always Exceeds – see midpoint
learn. engaged, enthusiastic, and comments
focused! He takes great
initiative to jump into clinic,
Question Comments Question Comments more than most!
(Midpoint): (Final):

Demonstrates punctuality in attendance. Meets Meets

Question Comments Question Comments

(Midpoint): (Final):

Demonstrates dependability in all assigned Meets – Student was very well Meets – Student is dependable,
tasks and projects. prepared for his DM topic and all work has been thorough
discussion and rarely relied on and complete. We did discuss
notes during the presentation. that it is beneficial to get a
Question Comments Question Comments rough draft to preceptors prior
to the presentation for feedback
(Midpoint): (Final): and to ensure we are on the
right track and have the same

The student is professional and ethical in Meets Meets

attitude and behavior.

Question Comments Question Comments

(Midpoint): (Final):

The student accepts constructive criticism and Meets Meets – Student has worked on
appropriately modifies behavior. individualizing treatment plans
and on his approach in patient
visits. There has been
Question Comments Question Comments noticeable improvement.
(Midpoint): (Final):

Open Ended Feedback

Please enter comments as appropriate. MIDPOINT FINAL
Please list specific strengths of the student Student’s clinical knowledge is See midpoint!
noted during this rotation. solid. He makes guideline-
directed recommendations. He
takes initiative, has a great
Question Comments attitude, is engaged, and has
Question Comments
(Final): *Comment meaningful patient interactions.
Required Everyone has enjoyed having
him in their different clinic sites
and appreciates his

Please list specific areas needing improvement Student can continue to work as See midpoint comments.
which future preceptors should focus on during his communication style, as he
subsequent rotations. has identified. He can focus on
developing his motivational
interviewing skills and meeting
Question Comments patients where they are at. He
Question Comments
(Final): *Comment can also work on strengthening
collaboration when working
with other providers. We will
continue focusing on creating
treatment plans that are
individualized based on patient-
specific factors (labs, income,
other comorbidities, etc.) and
will work on identifying
appropriate follow up windows.

What specific activities would you suggest for Student will begin leading Continue leading appointments
this student during future rotations which would patient appointments this next to find his flow and manage the
complement his or her experience(s) to date? week. I also think he will have unexpected situations that arise
good opportunity to continue to in patient care! Also continue
develop interprofessional on with motivational
Question Comments relationships as he will return to interviewing and nonpharm
Question Comments
(Final): *Comment HF clinic next week. We will recommendations. Always a
Required also focus on nonpharm and spot for students to work on.
lifestyle modifications for
diabetes appointments, in
particular (lots of motivational

Section Weight: 0%

MIDPOINT Status: Student should receive a
ON TRACK grade if they are on track to
demonstrate proficiency and consistent
performance at or above expectations by the
end of their experience. Student should receive
a NOT ON TRACK grade if they are not on
track to demonstrate proficiency and consistent
performance at or above expectations by the
end of their experience, unethical (e.g.
consistent attendance/punctuality issues,
inappropriate language or communication). MIDPOINT FINAL
Based on the student's performance and the ON TRACK! Really appreciate PASS! Student has been
preceding criteria, recommend the student's Student’s flexibility, “can do” fantastic to have in clinic. He
MIDPOINT rotation grade. attitude, energy, and genuine brings energy and enthusiasm
interest in patient care. As to his interactions. He has a
noted by another pharmacist solid foundation of knowledge
Question Comments Question Comments “wish he was actively pursuing and the drive to keep pursuing
(Midpoint): (Final): amb care!” learning. Excited to see where
he goes! And thrilled for him
that he already knows his next

Section Weight: 100%


for Rotation
FINAL Grade: Student should receive a PASS
grade if they are proficient and consistently
perform at or above expectations. The student
displays attributes that are consistent with
readiness to enter general practice. Student
should receive a NO PASS grade if they
perform below expectations consistently,
require significant improvement, and/or does
not display attributes consistent with readiness
to enter general practice. Please note areas in
need of improvement in Comment Box.


 Breaches patient confidentiality or

knowingly violates policies of the site
 Does not meet requirements and
expectations outlined by the preceptor
 Displays skills, abilities, and/or
knowledge deficiencies that are a
concern for patient care
 Professional behavior is inappropriate
and/or unethical (e.g. consistent
attendance/punctuality issues,
inappropriate language or

Based on the student's performance and the PASS PASS

preceding criteria, recommend the student's
FINAL rotation grade.

Question Comments Question Comments

(Midpoint): (Final):

Additional Monitoring by OEE Recommended

If the student has received one or more “below expectations/inconsistently/never” or "Fail", please check which, if
any, of the following the Office of Experiential Education should monitor for the student.



Time Management
Time Management


Referral to OEE for Performance Improvement Plan

If the student has received one or more “below expectations/inconsistently/never” or "Fail", please check which, if
any, of the following improvement plans should be developed for the student.


Time Management Skills
Time Management Skills

Organizational Skills
Organizational Skills


Drug Information Skills
Drug Information Skills

Therapeutics Drug Knowledge
Therapeutics Drug Knowledge

Therapeutic Knowledge Deficits

For students who received a no pass recommendation due to therapeutic knowledge deficits, please list the specific
therapeutic topics for review prior to restarting patient care experiences.

Comments (Midpoint): Comments (Final):

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