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1. Awali kegiatan dengan berdoa, bersikap tenang dan tidak terburu – buru
2. Simak dan pahami semua penjelasan dan intruksi dari pengawas. Jika ada yang
kurang jelas, tanyakan pada pengawas.
3. Pastikan semua kolom pada LJK sudah terisi dengan benar.
4. Baca dan pahami baik – baik soal, hingga kalian yakin telah memahami isi
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal soal yang menurut kalian mudah.
6. Kerjakan dengan tenang dan teliti
7. Waktu yang disediakan adalah 60 menit
8. Jika masih cukup waktu, periksa kembali semua jawaban, apakah sudah sesuai.



1. Father : Can you get me the newspaper?

Dana : . . .
Father : Thanks
A. It’s not here C. Here it is
B. No thanks D. I’m busy
2. When we meet somebody at 5pm, we greet him by saying . . .
A. Good Morning C. good afternoon
B. Good Evening D. good night
3. Rino : Hey, you step on my toes!
Joni : . . .
A. I’m sorry C. Yes, I can do it
B. Hey, look at me D. I don’t understand

4. Arrange the following utterances into a good dialogue.

1. Very well, mom. What about you?
2. Good morning, mom
3. Morning, Andi. How’s everything?
4. I’m fine. Thanks
A. 2-3-4-1 C. 2-3-1-4
B. 2-1-4-3 D. 2-4-3-1
5. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.
for – Thank you – helping- my homework – me – do
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. 2-1-3-5-6-4 C. 2-1-4-5-6-3
B. 2-1-3-6-5-4 D. 2-1-3-4-6-5
For questions number 6 to 8, complete the following dialogue by choosing the correct
words below.
Mr Haris : Hello, Fery
Fery : Hello, Mr Haris. How are you?
Mr Haris : I’m fine, Thanks, and you?
Fery : (6). . . Mr Haris, This is my mother. Mom, (7) . . . Mr Haris, my new head
Mr Haris : Pleased to meet you.
Mrs Firman : Pleased to meet you, too. (8). . . Sumatera, Mr Haris?
Mr Haris : Yes, from Bukittinggi, West Sumatera. Are you from Surabaya?
Mrs Firman : No, I’m from Malang, but I live in Surabaya now.
Mr Haris : Alright. Goodbye Mrs Firman and Fery. It was nice to see you.
Mrs Firman : Yes, goodbye.

6. a. How are you c. don’t ask

b. Not too bad d. very bad

7. a. come here c. this is

b. look d. hey

8. a. Are you from c. Listen

b. Are you d. Yes
9. Shiva meets Lia, her old friend, on her way walking to her office. Shiva greets her.
Shiva : You are Lia, aren’t you ? Hi ….
Lia : Hi, Shiva. Oh I am Just fine . How about yourself ?
Shiva : I am fine too. I am working for that office now
Lia : Really ? How luck you are !
a. Where do you live now ? c. Do you remember me ?
b. How have you been ? d. Do I look great?
10. Mr. Handoyo is eager to know about Anton’s condition. He is not cheerful as usual.
Mr. Handoyo :Anton, what is the matter with you ? You do not look well this morning
Anton : You are right, Sir ….. I think I get cold
Mr. Handoyo : You’d better take a rest at home , then
a. I am okay c. I do not feel to wel this morning
b. I am just fine d. I do not feel bad
11. The little girl speech was very moving. It touched the hearts of everyone ... as present.
a. Who c. Whom
b. Which d. Whose
12. .... the rain, the football match has been canceled.
a. Since c. Owing to
b. Despite d. Regardless of
13. They didn’t ___ John when he explained his decision.
a. Agree to c. Agree
b. Agree with d. Agree about
14. Our company didn’t pay ___ for that banner advertisement.
a. Much funds c. Many money
b. Many funds d. Much money
15. “what happened to them last night? They look depressed”
“I don’t think ____ happened.”
a. Nothing c. Something
b. Everything d. Anything
16. From the image, it could be concluded that....
a. It is an observation site for venomous snake
b. Venemous snakes are found in this area
c. The area is free of venemous snake
d. The area is full of snakes
17. Dayu : Many people have come out to our table. They like my cookies.
They are sold out.
Lina : Great. Your cookies are very popular now.
In which situation will the dialog take place?
a. In the library c. In the school bazar
b. In the classroom d. In the market

18. Clark : I heard that you won the dancing contest.

Jeb : That’s true.
Clark : congratulation. I’m so _____ for you.
a. Delighted c. Desirous
b. Disgraceful d. Destested
19. The smallest deed is _____ that the grandest intention.”
a. Good c. Bigger
b. Worse d. Greater
20. We couldn’t play outside _____ the rain.
a. Since c. Due to
b. Though d. Because
The following text is for question number 21 to 23

21. The invitation is addressed in order to....

a. Welcome Maria Sharpova to the community
b. Celebrate Maria Sharpova’s birthday
c. Rejoice Maria Sharpova’s bachelorette party
d. Say good bye to Maria Sharpova
22. The party is scheduled on...
a. 5 January at 11.30 am
b. 15 January at 12 pm
c. 5 January at 12.30 pm
d. 15 January at 13.00 pm
23. “RSVP to Reza” it means that...
a. Reza invited you to the party
b. Reza is the event organizer
c. Contact Reza for more information
d. Confirmation of attendance should be addressed to Reza
24. Linda : Come! Join me for breakfast.
Clara : Thanks. I’m full. I _____ my breakfast.
a. Have c. Have had
b. Had d. Had had

The dialogue for number 25 to 26 !

Mr. Martin : Hello, students. (25).... ?
Students : Fine, thanks. And you, Sir?
Mr. Martin : Pretty well, thanks. (26) ... ?
Students : No one, Sir.
Mr. Martin : Excellent! Well, let's start our English lesson. Open your book page 12 !
Students : OK, Sir!
25. ........................
a. How do you go to school ? c. How about you ?
b. How do you do? d. How is everything with you?
26. .........................
a. Are you absent today ? c. Who is absent today ?
b. Who are you ? d. Who is checking the absent?
Complete the text to answer question 27 to 29
Hello! My name's Anisa. I'm a (27) . . . .I work in a laboratory. I wear a white lab coat,
rubber gloves and a hat to cover my (28) . . . Sometimes, I wear goggles to protect my eyes and a
mask to (29).... my mouth and nose.
27. ......
a. Journalist c. Scientist
b. Teacher d. Cook
28. ......
a. Hair c. Eyes
b. Face d. Hands

29. ......
a. Stay c. See
b. Open d. Cover
30. Arrange the words below into the correct sentence
The plates - Adnan – the – meal – was ordering – when – broke – I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 2-5-1-6-8-7-3-4 c. 6-8-5-1-2-7-3-4
b. 8-5-3-4-6-2-7-1 d. 7-8-3-4-6-2-5-1

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