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Materi Sumatif Akhir Semester

Bahasa Inggris
Kelas 4


A. British time
New vocabs :
O'clock : pas (tepat tidak
lebih/kurang 1 detik pun ) 00.00
A half : 30 menit
A quarter : 15 menit
Past : lewat
To : kurang
Example :
Jam 10.00 = it is Ten o'clock
Jam 10. 10 = it is Ten past Ten
Jam 10.15 = at a quarter past Ten
Jam 10.30 = it is a half past Ten
Jam 10.45 = at a quarter to Ten
Jam 10.50 = it is Ten to Ten

B. American Time
Example :
Jam 10.00 = it is Ten o'clock
Jam 10.10 = it is Ten Ten
Jam 10.15 = it is Ten fifteen
Jam 10.30 = it is Ten thirty
Jam 10.45 = it is Ten forty five
Materi Sumatif Akhir Semester
Bahasa Inggris
Kelas 4

2. My activity

New vocabs :

Get up : bangun tidur

Take a bath : mandi
Brush my teeth : sikat gigi
Water the flowers : menyiram
Have breakfast : sarapan
Go to school : pergi ke sekolah
Study : belajar
Cook : masak
Play :bermain
Always : selalu
Usually : biasanya
Never : tidak pernah
Sometimes : kadang - kadang
Example :
* You go to school at six o'clock

* I always get up at a quarter past

four in the morning.
Materi Sumatif Akhir Semester
Bahasa Inggris
Kelas 4

3. Transportation

New vocabs :

Bus : bus
Truck : truk
Plane : pesawat
Helicopter : helikopter
Pedicap: becak
Ship : kapal laut
Bike : sepeda
Motor cycle : sepeda motor
Car : mobil
Canoe : perahu
Example :
* How do you go to school?

* I go to school by motor cycle

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