Lesson 3

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Lesson 3

Part I

1. Claudia and I were told that we’re a lot alike.

2. My sister and I have the same appearance although we don’t look much
3. Everyone says we’re alike with my sister, but I don’t think so.

4. I like folk music because it is very quiet, but my boyfriend likes music
more like heavy metal.

5. My dog Tomate likes it very much when I bathe it, but my dog Camilo
never likes to bathe.

6. My boyfriend and I when it comes to pumpkin pie we both like to buy it

for when Halloween comes.

7. My sister and I love the same hair style, although we have different
types of hair we always keep the same haircut.

8. My sister and her husband like the same kind of food, when I go home
they are always preparing oriental food.

10.When Carlos and his mom are together they don’t look alike no matter
how much I see them, Carlos is identical to his dad.

11.Although Santiago and Lara get along are very different, but Santiago
and Lara’s brother like the same things as music, film and sport, but
they have never gotten along because they have different personalities
but the same tastes.
Part II
Oscar: Hey, Alejandro, I’m curious. How is your girlfriend’s sister? I’ve never met her.
Alejandro: Well, they’re very similar physically. They have the same color of hair, eyes
and even the same height. You could easily confuse them.
Oscar: Really? That sounds incredible, so they’re identical, I wouldn’t have imagined that!
Alejandro: No, not at all! That’s where they differ. My girlfriend loves classical music and
gourmet food, while her sister likes rock and spicy street food.
Oscar: Wow, that’s interesting. What about his hobbies?
Alejandro: They are also very different. My girlfriend likes reading and enjoys hiking in
nature. Her sister, on the other hand, prefers video games but likes to go to the gym.
Oscar: Wow! So, although they look a lot alike, they definitely have very different
personalities and tastes.
Alejandro: Yes, exactly. It is curious how genetics can give rise to two people so similar
physically but with such different personalities and preferences.
Oscar: Well it sounds like someone you meet, you should introduce me.
Alejandor: Sure, you’ll get a surprise when you see two people who look the same but are
completely different.

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