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Chapter One

Katherine's eyes were fixed on the wall clock as she paced around the
room with a frown on her face. She hissed countless times and sat down at
intervals confused of what next to do.
Katherine had called her husband countless times but he refused to pick
his call. The text messages she sent to him were also unrepelled and that
frightened her a lot as she wondered what could have gone wrong. It
wasn't like it was Katherine's husband first time of coming home late
but he picked calls and replied messages at least.
Katherine was soon getting weary of looking at the wall clock and pacing
around the room so she decided to rest her aching back a bit .
Katherine was almost dozing off when her husband entered into the room
the sound of his footsteps jolted Katherine into consciousness.
Katherine looked at her husband contemptuously and hissed at him.
"Where are you coming from Stephen?"
Katherine asked with a raised eyebrow. She was angry that her husband
didn't bother to pick her calls or reply her messages thereby getting her
unnecessarily worried.
"From work dear. Traffic held me up I would have arrived earlier."
Stephen retorted .
"Traffic indeed!! Everyday it's the same excuse. Which day have you ever
returned home early from work? Which day?"
"Then you shouldn't have stayed up waiting for me. At least you were
dozing off when I entered in. Spare me your drama today Katherine I have
a headache work was hectic today."
"Is that the response to a woman who cared to figure out why you came
late? By the way why didn't you pick my calls or reply my text messages?"
"Nothing really. I just didn't feel like it."
Stephen replied and made into the bedroom avoiding Katherine's further
Katherine who was relentless and determined to hear from her husband why
he had refused to pick her call or reply her text messages went into the
bedroom following her husband suit with determination.
"You haven't cared to give me a reasonable response as to why you didn't
pick my calls or respond to my messages Stephen. Start talking right away
else you wouldn't find my next reaction funny."
"What reaction?"
Stephen asked on an impulse.
He clapped his hands in mockery and left the room after offing his shirt
and trouser . Thereafter he put them on the bed.
Katherine who was getting irritated with her husband's nonchalant
attitude with every further actions and face expressions got more annoyed
and left the bedroom after him in anger. She stood akimbo giving it a
feat to get the answers she needed. Katherine's husband attitude was
getting worse every day that passed by and that bothered Katherine a lot.
She had tried several times to get Stephen to talk about what was going
wrong so she could make amends where necessary but Stephen wouldn't talk
rather continue in his nonchalant behaviors. Each passing day revealed
to Katherine that she wasn't the one with the problem but her strong
headed husband who believed he could do as he wishes.
Stephen sat down on the chair and opened the food on the dinning table
after he left the bedroom.
Katherine sighed heavily when she saw her husband take one spoonful of
meal from his plate and dropped the spoon abruptly after giving a
ridiculous look then he went into the bathroom.
Stephen's actions were purposely to spite Katherine and she wondered why.
Katherine went into the bedroom after resolving within that it was
useless to keep bothering her husband with questions regarding what had
went wrong since he wasn't even ready to give a response to the questions
she had popped earlier.
She applied her night skincare and laid on the bed in expectation of
sleep but sleep was far . Katherine kept on reminsicing on the earlier
days in marriage with Stephen before he got his new job. Stephen had just
spent three months in the profitable company he was presently working in
when he began to misbehave. Before Stephen got the job Katherine had been
his backbone and a constant shield . She geared her husband up even when
he showed signs that he was exhausted and tired of giving things a trial
. Katherine never stopped praying or doing everything humanly possible
for her husband in his trying times. It was an amazement to her that her
supposed happiness could turn out to be a nightmare.
"He has change so much."
Katherine whispered to herself and sobbed.
Chapter Two

10pm In the afternoon Katherine was seen gulping alcoholic beverage in

the parlor non-stop.
Katherine had already taken three bottles of beer before her friend came
She was belching umpteenth times and aiming to take another bottle when
her friend came in.
"Babe what are you doing? Why are you drinking alcohol like your life
depends on it like this?"
Katherine's friend asked with a worried look on her face but Katherine
didn't respond. She shook her head and made to open another bottle of
Katherine's friend halted her and immediately she did that Katherine
started sobbing.
"Please allow me drown my sorrows."
Katherine sobbed.
"I will allow you drown your sorrows in my arms dear not through drinking
yourself to stupor like this. Tell me what's wrong babe. I am here and
willing to give you a listening ear."
"It's Stephen my husband."
Katherine retorted out loud.
"And what about him? Did something bad happen to him? Is that why you are
drinking like this?"
Katherine's friend asked on an impulse.
"No nothing bad happened to him just that I am hurt, I am hurt extremely
hurt by my husband who doesn’t give a hoot about my well-being but takes
pleasure in maltreating me."
"Maltreat? Gush!! Don't tell me Stephen has been raising his hands on you
"No he hasn't. He hasn't crossed that line but the torture he has been
inflicting on me recently is more than physical abuse. What worse is I
have tried everything in my power to make Stephen talk what I did wrong
but he refused to speak. I don't know why I have a feeling that his
attitude is for the sole purpose of spiting me reason why is what I don't
"You know what babe. I don't get a thing first of all what attitude has
he been exhibiting recently?"
Katherine's friend asked utterly confused.
"He doesn’t eat my food. If at all he manages to take a spoonful he spits
on the floor in disgust and abruptly leave the dining table. Dear,
Stephen returns from work anytime he likes and last night he didn't pick
my calls or bother to reply my text messages. Guess his response when I
asked him why he didn't pick or reply my text messages last night?"
"what response did he give you?"
Katherine's friend asked out loud.
"He didn't feel like it. My own husband told me he didn't feel like
picking my calls or text messages reason why he ignored them."
"Are you being serious here babe? But wait that isn't enough for you to
ruin yourself with alcohol like this. Babe chill it's not the first time
in history a man misbehaves in marriage."
"But babe you know I have suffered to keep things together in my home. If
there's a time I should be enjoying my marriage to the fullest it's now.
Stephen shouldn't be maltreating me this way not after all I have done
for him."
"Sorry babe. Men easily forget good deeds done to them I'm not surprised
and won't be amazed if your husband already has a side chick. This is
exactly how men misbehave once they start keeping a strange woman
"Ahh!! A side chick? But Stephen isn't like that he doesn’t get himself
involved in those things. No no, I trust my husband I think maybe
something else is up.."
"Yen yen yennn I trust my husband. Listen sister Katherine you had better
wake up and smell the toffee. The earlier you admit the reality the
earlier you will find a solution."
"Okay what do you suggest I do to bring my husband back?"
Katherine asked in helplessness.
"Nothing dear. Absolutely nothing. This men just do as it pleases them.
Well I will advise you find a way to make yourself happy too that way you
won't be bothered anymore or notice his misbehaviors."
"Make myself happy in what way?"
Katherine asked on an impulse.
"Like this....."
Katherine's friend whispered into her friend's ears and her friend opened
her mouth in shock.
Maxwell was keen on getting the best set of skincare for his wife Helen.
He had offended her the other night by not coming home as early as
promised thereby ruining their anniversary. Maxwell's way of apologizing
to his wife Helen was by buying her gifts and showering her account with
money it was a way of apologizing his wife had accepted for a long while
in their marriage.
After Maxwell had taken the best skincare set and other stuffs for women
he headed to pay for the goods he had bought with his ATM card in his
hands and went into his car after a successful payment.
Maxwell was surprised when his wife did not return home after an hour he
arrived at home. It was unlike Helen not to be back home as at that time.
Maxwell had branch to the shopping mall while driving home to get stuffs
he knew his wife would like and would aid her to forgive him faster.
Maxwell went into the bathroom to take a shower after waiting for some
minutes and his wife had not returned from work.
He was wearing his singlet in the bedroom when he heard his wife's voice.
Helen was singing like she had brought home a good news.
Amazed Maxwell ran out of the bedroom to give his wife a huge hug but was
shocked when she turned him down with a bluff on her face.
"Excuse me."
Helen said and dusted her husband's touch off her.
Chapter Three

Helen's attitude left her husband in utter bewilderment as his further

attempt of lovingly touching her was bluntly refused. Maxwell shook his
head when Helen shoved him aside and walked away in anger. He had almost
lost his stance when Helen did that in flight.
"But what in the world could be happening? I mean i only came late but I
still showed up didn't I?"
Maxwell soliloquized.
Maxwell made into the bedroom after engaging himself in a soliloquy
wondering what could have fueled up his wife's anger against him to that
level. He was certain it wasn't about him coming late to the anniversary
that made his wife behave like that. The Helen he know would rather keep
mum than act aggressive. Moreover lastnight she had given him a wry smile
before sleeping when he continuously pestered her with the reason he
returned home late.
The stuffs he had gotten were with the intentions of aiding the
forgiveness faster but how would he approach someone who utterly wasn't
in for business as usual?
Maxwell said to himself expecting an answer to surface from within.
Soon while Maxwell was trying to figure out what could have fueled his
wife up to react like that he heard her footsteps.
Maxwell pretended he was deeply asleep when his wife opened the door.
Maxwell felt his heart beating faster immediately his wife started
rubbing lotion on her skin. She rubbed it in a way that drove him nuts
like it was set on purpose.
"I'm definitely not missing out on this."
Maxwell muttered under his breath.
He checked his third leg under the bedsheet and smiled to himself.
Maxwell nodded to himself in approval when he felt the throbbing
sensations within. The sensations were as a result of him being aroused.
Helen was at the perfect position Maxwell ever imagined when he threw
himself at her.
"Babe I know you are angry at me but I promise I will be a good boy from
now on. Common babe please smile at me I don't feel comfortable with the
look on your face ."
Maxwell said to his wife with a wry look on his face .
At the same time while making use of his mouth he was using his hands to
do justice on his wife's sensitive spot.
"Babe you know what? I got you some stuffs while coming back from work. I
am pretty sure you will love them. Meanwhile I will be transferring a
token to your account now for your care ever since this union was
Maxwell spoke trying to make the atmosphere comly and to ease the
nervousness he felt with his wife's silence.
He stood up from the bed and made to get the items he bought from the
shopping mall for Helen.
"This is the problem with you Maxwell. You think everything can be
amended with money and gifts. This is the sole reason you keep getting it
all wrong."
Helen said to Maxwell immediately he brought out the stuffs he got for
her at the shopping mall.
"But I apologized last night didn't I?"
Maxwell retorted on an impulse.
"Yes you did and I should be grateful because you rarely apologize except
it comes with excuse. The most annoying fact is that you think everything
is all right once you buy me gift and shower me with money then it's all
set. Tell me why I should accept this knowing fully well the offence will
be repeated again. You know what? I am done with all this."
Helen threw the bag containing the stuffs on the floor and laid on the
bed. Closing her ears to her husband's rants.
Katherine pondered on what her friend said while on the bed in the night.
The advice had been ringing a bell in her head annoyingly. It seemed
pleasing to the ear to use but had immense risk. The thought of getting
caught and bringing everything to an absolute end scared Katherine so

Katherine was brooding over what her friend said in unconsciousness that
she didn't feel her husband tapping her.
She jolted on the bed when her husband yelled at her.

"Ohhh!! Why are you yelling at me like that?"

Katherine asked her husband.

"Never mind. I thought it was sensible to hold a reasonable conversation

with you but I realize it isn't. Goodnight."

Stephen covered himself with a blanket and rested on his side.

Katherine sighed and shook her head.

"I'm definitely going to do as my friend as advised ."

Katherine muttered under her breathe.

"What did you just say?"

Stephen asked in a raised voice.

"Nothing absolutely nothing you should hear of."

Katherine responded and closed her eyes shut.

Katherine knew fully well that Stephen wasn't willing to engage in a

discussion with her but he just did that to make her feel bad.
While Katherine's eyes were closed shut in a posture to depict that she
was sleeping, she reflected on her life and decided it was best to get
her groove back and the first way around it was to start working again.
Katherine had obeyed her husband to resign in the job she was doing
because he had complained the job was too stressful and draining for her
as she never had time for the home and her self.
Katherine agreed that she would drop the job as soon as her husband get a
profitable job in anticipation of him opening a business for her by
supporting her with some amount with the one she had at hand.
Unknown to her that her husband would change within a space of days the
decision dawned on Katherine in regret as she reminisced on her husband's
sudden ill treatments towards her.
Chapter Four

Katherine dashed into the bathroom as soon as her husband left the house.
She wore an official dress and made out in search of job. Her friend had
told her that she needed to use her tongue to count her teeth.
"When men begin to behave like this. You got to create your own happiness
for the sake of your sanity. However ensure you have a plan b incase yawa
bursts you know men hardly tolerate what they give out."
The words of Katherine's friend constantly rang a bell in Katherine's
After going from so many company to another, Katherine sat down under a
shade as she was exhausted and extremely famished.
Katherine bought a bottle of water and gulped it within a minute. She
gasped for breath due to the stress she had faced.
"So much to get a job in this country. If I had known Stephen would turn
out this way I would never have agreed to quit my job I would never have
agreed to do such a stupid thing. To think I quit a job that gives me six
digits figures in a month just to please a man who never loved me.
Because if he ever loved me he wouldn't be doing all he's doing to spite
me now."
Katherine soliloquized with her hands folded.
She hissed umpteenth times and looked around for a spot she could get a
food not seeing any restaurant in sight, Katherine made to cross to the
other side but suddenly she heard a voice coo behind her.
"Hello beautiful."
A man who looked exactly as a man in his late forties said in a soft
sweet voice almost sounding feminine to Katherine with a giggle on his
Katherine said and forced a smile.
"Oh my manners!! My name is Kolawole and you?"
"And what's so special about your name? As you can see I am married."
Katherine walked further trying her best to avoid Kolawole's gaze.
"I guess you are in search of what to eat."
Kolawole said with a smile on his face.
"Apparently I am famished. You have an idea of any restaurant around
Katherine asked.
"Now would you kindly tell me your name?"
Kolawole asked.
"Okay you got me. My name is Katherine."
"And you are beautiful."
"Keep your flatteries to yourself like I said earlier I am married."
"That doesn’t stop your groove. Come on let's hop in to my car I will
take you to the best restaurant in town there we can seat down and
discuss if you wish."
"Discuss what exactly if I may ask?"
Katherine retorted with a frown on her face.
"Well I came here to get something and when I returned to this spot after
successfully getting what I came here to do I observed you were
preoccupied with thoughts. At first I wanted to approach you but I was
scared of your reaction. I had to take the big step when you were about
to cross to the other side of the road."
"And for how long have you been watching me?"
Katherine retorted surprisingly.
"For thirty minutes I think."
"Yes let's hop in to my car already. I don't bite except you want me to."
Kolawole teased naughtily.
"Whatever. I am only accepting your invite because I am famished and
extremely bored."
Katherine said and set to walk.
"Ladies first."
Kolawole said and Katherine entered into the car then kolawole followed
Kolawole took Katherine to the best restaurant and after they finished
eating they settled down to engage in a dialogue over a bottle of beer.
Katherine divulged everything that was going on in her home and kolawole
didn't hesitate to give her a listening ear.
He listened attentively to her rants and offered to help her out with a
Katherine was surprised when Kolawole made her aware that there was no
vacancy in his company but he would try his maximum effort to ensure that
Katherine get a job in a reputable company at no cost.
Katherine exclaimed in awe and kolawole smiled.
"I hope there's no hidden price I will have to pay for the efforts you
are willing to make? Remember I told you I am married."
Katherine showed kolawole her wedding ring.
"Yes I remember you've said it countless times already. Get the job first
then every other thing will unveil itself later."
Kolawole smiled and Katherine frowned her face.
"I'm drinking no more beer."
Katherine said and dusted her cloth in anticipation of leaving the
"I have to go Sir kolawole I am tired and I call it a day."
Katherine said .
"Alright no problem. Let's go already then."
Kolawole said and stood up following Katherine suit.
Katherine dropped down from Kolawole's car when she was almost
approaching her house. She didn't want to be sighted coming out of a
man's car by anyone within the neighborhood.
"You haven't given me your number."
Kolawole said when Kathrine came down from his car in a haste.
"Yes I need your number to reach you if you can give me your WhatsApp
number precisely I will be glad."
Kolawole said and chuckled.
"You know what just give me yours I promise I will reach out to you."
Katherine said on an impulse and Kolawole sighed.
"Okay ensure you call me."Kolawole said.
"I will. “Katherine retorted and kolawole handed her his phone number.
"Before you go have this."
Kolawole smiled and put a sum of fifty thousand naira in an envelope into
Katherine's hands in a flight.
"Ohh no please take this back."
Katherine pleaded when she realized what was in the envelope.
"Don't bother I have more in stock for you. Take care of you ."
Kolawole smiled and drove off while Katherine who was amazed by his
wonderful deed struggled to maintain her stance while walking.
Chapter Five

Helen felt nervous the more she waited along the roadside. She heaved a
huge sigh of relief when she saw Stephen approaching from afar.
"Hey babe you look so yummy today."
Stephen said with an enthusiastic smile on his face.
"Get off joorh you kept me waiting for too long and you know how much I
hate that."
"I'm so sorry dear. I forgot something at work so I had to go back to get
it. So for how long have you been waiting for me?"
Stephen asked curiously.
"One hour forty minutes."
Helen said and Stephen bursted into laughter.
"Whattt?? What's making you laugh like that?"
Helen queried.
"Babe you should know by now that you aren't good at lying."
Helen hissed.
"Oh! common babe I was just kidding around."
"Ohh well I know don't I?"
Helen smiled sheepishly.
" Wait there's something in your eyelid let me get it out."
Stephen said and stole a peck at the corner side.
"Common let's get out of here already to our favorite spot."
Helen winked and Stephen nodded his head.
The two walked further and they soon arrived at their favorite spot. The
spot was reserved and it had a guest house close to it.
Stephen cooed sweet words Into Helen's ears and Helen blushed
"You make me feel so good why didn't we end up together in the first
Helen said and sighed.
"Well you know the answer to that question my rose."
Stephen retorted nervously.
"Yeahh I messed things up and now I regret it a lot. Marriage is one hell
of a thing with someone you don't love and not even the least pity will
make you feel good in a loveless marriage most especially when the
supposed partner constantly annoys you."
"We had to learn the hard way right?"
Stephen responded with a concerned look on his face.
"Look I'm sorry Stephen I mean every bit of that word I said to you the
other day. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay babe I love you and that's all in the past."
Stephen smiled.
"Thank you I love you more."
Helen winked.
"Let's go into the guest house already I can't wait to have you in my
Helen blushed immediately Stephen said that. The beautiful moment they
had spent together in each other's arms the other day flashed back into
her mind at once.
Helen giggled and stood up while Stephen did the same.
The two lodged into the guest house and had the swell time of their
Helen and Stephen were in the act when Katherine's call came in.
It was getting darker and Katherine couldn't help but worry. Even though
the phone rang umpteenth times Stephen didn't pick it. He was lost in his
world of extreme pleasures.
Helen's moan kept on turning him on and on as he thrusted more in full
force to her delight.
After the two relieved themselves in the act and came off their high
horses they laid on the bed panting heavily and staring at each other.
"Damn!! You are so sweet."
Stephen muttered under his breath and Helen blushed.
"You rode me like a horse. I must have really been a good enhancer to
your skills ."
Helen winked.
"You aren't far from the truth baby."
Stephen said and smiled.
Helen stroke his back and stood up from the bed to get a shower in the
bathroom. After she was done Stephen forced himself up and did same. The
two dried themselves with towel and wore their clothes back.
"Thirty missed calls and three messages."
Stephen exclaimed when he got a hold of his phone.
"That must be from your wife."
Helen retorted and Stephen nodded his head.
"Yes it's her."
Stephen responded.
"Why do I suddenly feel guilty?"
"It's okay baby very soon you won't have to feel this way because you
will be officially my wife."
"And what becomes of her Stephen? I mean I haven't been able to sleep
comfortably when you brought the idea of divorce to my ears."
"We can't continue seeing in secret like this right? Moreover it's not
like we love any of our partners or willing to make it work so why stay
longer and keep hurting them?"
"Sometimes the lies are more pleasant than the truth. The truth can be
really harsh and unpleasant mistimes. Beyond a smiling face lies lots
of thoughts within."
Helen said and sighed.
That night when Stephen returned home he met his wife waiting for him
with a wide awake eye.
"Where are you coming from at this time of the day?"
Katherine said with a tensed eyebrow. It was 11:30 pm by the time Stephen
returned home and he was supposed to return around 7 or latest 8 as he
closes from work around 6pm.
Stephen had purposely branch another place and spent an hour plus to
Infuriate Katherine further.
"Nowhere in particular get a life and stop intruding in mine."
"Me an intruder?"
Katherine asked with a teary eye.
"Yes . Very soon I will save you the stress of having to keep an eye on
me. I will be giving you the desired freedom because it seems you are
getting weary of me."
Stephen said and left Katherine's sight.

Chapter Six

Helen woke up perplexed she and her husband had a heated argument last
night because she returned home late.
Maxwell had purposely come home early and through to his assumptions
Helen had not arrived home.

"Don't tell me you are now cheating on me Woman?"

Maxwell said out loud in rage when he observed that Helen didn't feel a
bit of remorse when he queried her about why she had returned home late.

"Don't tell me you are doing the same reason why you suspect me of such."
Helen fired back defensively.
She could no longer bear answering to Maxwell anymore and everything
about him was beginning to irritate her.
Maxwell was a well to do man his parents had affluence and that speeded
up his growth way too early in life.
Helen had met Maxwell when she travelled out of the country due to a rare
highly advantaged opportunity she got. Despite Stephen's pleas back then
Helen refused to see reasons with him why she should stay back.
Helen promised Stephen that she was going to stay in touch with him and
never forget him while in pursuit of her dreams in abroad.
Things changed and promises were unmet when Helen met Maxwell in the U.S
Maxwell was well to do and since he showed interest in Helen, she felt
she didn't have to struggle much to get the good things of life anymore
since Maxwell could meet up her needs.
Maxwell made his intentions clear to Helen right from the onset and
Helen led him on. Helen wanted the good things of life and was tired of
putting up with Stephen's financial status. Maxwell was enough for Helen
because he gave her everything she ever wanted even more than she
demanded. Maxwell offered Helen an accommodation in his abode to save her
expenses in the U.S and she accepted.

Later on, Maxwell and Helen got married abroad and Helen began to notice
Maxwell's flaws way too early in the marriage.
It was easy for Maxwell to convince Helen to leave her desired nursing
career course in abroad since he promised he had more opportunities in
stock for her in Lagos . Maxwell needed to return to his base and settle
down there. He had already made provisions for a soft life for him and
his wife in Lagos. Maxwell's parents had a company run by his elder
brother although Maxwell didn't have the plans of running the company
along with his elder brother when he returned to Lagos. He had a higher
plan of being a shareholder in a reputable company with a mouth watering
offer in Lagos. He felt the need to expand his visibility.
After they returned to Lagos Helen made a secret enquiry about where
Stephen was to no avail. Her efforts were abortive as it seemed Stephen
was no where to be found with no traces.

It was a shock to Helen the day she and Stephen bumped into each other.
Stephen who had not gotten over Helen yet but decided to marry Katherine
because she had something to offer and felt the future looked promising
with her decided to give things a trial since Helen was taking too long
to return .
Helen had lost Stephen's number abroad and Stephen didn't have her new
line in abroad as he never got a call from her.
Helen hugged Stephen tightly for some minutes when she recognized him
after they bumped into each other.
The moment was ruined when the two realized that they were both married.
In a way of eating their cakes and still having it they settled to being
secret lovers with the hope of finding a permanent solution to their
misery later on.

Helen got up from the bed lazily that morning and went into the bathroom
to take her bath. Maxwell had left the house way too early that morning
to a destination unrevealed. Helen who wasn't bothered about his
whereabouts didn't care to give him a call she got dressed up and made
for work.
Helen didn't get a call from Stephen all day long at work and that got
her extremely worried as Stephen didn't bother to return her missed calls
. Unknown to Helen Stephen had forgotten his phone at home due to an
outburst he and Katherine had in the morning. The rage contained made
Stephen dashed out of his house leaving the phone on the table.
Katherine wasn't at home as at the time the call kept on coming in so she
couldn't pick up the calls hence it was left unanswered.
When work closed for the day Helen went home after waiting on Stephen but
she didn't see him forthcoming. Stephen had went home with immediate
effect after work closed for the day due to an headache he suffered in
the afternoon at work. He didn't have his phone with him to communicate
to Helen else he would have reached out to her to avoid her being
When Helen returned home she heard some erotic sounds coming from the
library. Helen peeped and caught her husband masturbating immensely on a
video call. She opened her mouth in shock when she saw the person her
husband was engaged in the act in.
"A male."
Helen exclaimed and Maxwell dropped his phone on the table in
astonishment of realizing that Helen had caught him in the act.

Chapter Seven

Katherine laid on the bed pondering whether to give Kolawole a call or

not. It was late in the night and Stephen had chose to sleep in the guest
room. Stephen slept in the guest room under the excuse that he was tired
of Katherine's rants.
Katherine who was helpless and tired of Stephen's drama didn't give a
fuss when he insisted on sleeping in the guest room despite her pleas.
Katherine had often heard the phrase that the beginning of a break in
couple's romantic life was sleeping far from each other. It wasn't like
she had the privilege of enjoying Stephen's company even whenever he
slept in the bedroom.
Stephen would lie like a log of wood on the bed even when Katherine made
sexual advances at him he would pretend like he was deeply asleep. He had
one day pushed Katherine off him in anger when she went forward to lay on
him despite his refusal postures. Katherine and Stephen had not shared
intimacy with each other for six months despite sleeping on the same bed.
Stephen had been satisfying his sexual desires with his ex; Helen so he
never bothered if his wife needed his touch or not neither did he care if
she was sexually starved.
At first Stephen's excuse was that work was too task-ful and demanding
which Katherine tried her best to put up with him but as time goes on
Katherine realized that Stephen wasn't interested in sharing intimacy
with her again and his reason was not related to work-stress. However
Katherine refused to believe that her husband was cheating on her.
Katherine sighed continuously and went to check on Stephen in the guest
room to see if he was deeply asleep.
When she realized he was deeply asleep Katherine took hold of her phone
and dialed Kolawole's number.
At first her heart skipped when the phone rang and Kolawole didn't pick
it. The fear of Kolawole being married crept into Katherine's mind and
she dropped the phone at once.
"He might be having a lovely moment with his wife and I am here trying to
ruin it with my call. Let me just try and get sleep I feel so lonely
being here all by myself."
Katherine soliloquized.
Katherine took a novel she had in her wardrobe and started reading it
with the hope that she would fall asleep while on it. She had turned on
the bed several times and couldn't get sleep so she needed to get her
hands on something that would enable her fall asleep with time.
Katherine was still reading the novel when Kolawole's call came in.
Katherine's heart jumped for joy when Kolawole's call came in that she
wondered why. She waved her doubts and awkward thoughts aside then
picked-up the call when it rang the second time.
Kolawole said and Katherine responded with a smile on her face. It was
easy for Kolawole to recognize Katherine's voice as he had Katherine on
his mind ever since they met. Katherine's voice was mastered in his mind
and he could easily detect it was her. It was an extreme pleasure for
Kolawole to burst Katherine's bubble when she insisted on him guessing
who had given him a call.
"You must be lilly-pilly my own sweet Katherine."
Kolawole responded much to Katherine's amazement.
Katherine bursted into laughter and kept mute in confusion of what to say
next. Kolawole kept on singing her praises afterwards that she couldn't
help but blush.
Katherine was caught unguarded when Kolawole popped the question "why had
she not call him earlier?"
Not knowing what to say in her defense, Katherine swiftly changed the
topic and Kolawole played along. He felt that it wasn't cool pestering
Katherine if she didn't want to say the reason why she had not call him
earlier as she had promised.
That night Katherine and Kolawole gisted for more than thirty minutes.
They laughed their hearts ╤︕ out before Kolawole cut the call.
Katherine blushed and felt alive again in the bedroom. She felt good that
her happiness mattered to someone. The feeling was similar to the one she
felt when she began dating Stephen.
Katherine felt guilty when the vows she made with Stephen in front of the
altar came alive into her heart when she was lost in the reminiscence of
the beautiful moments she and Kolawole had shared.
Her mind became resolute when she remembered her friend's advice when she
went to pay her a visit in the day.
Katherine soon fell asleep with the thought of Kolawole on her mind and a
bit of guilt about her falling into the trap of breaking her wedding vows
if Stephen continued in his nonchalant acts.

The following day Helen left for work in a hurry with lots of questions
in her mind. Immediately she left the house she made a call across to
Stephen and told him she needed them to see when work closed for the day
after enquiring if he felt better . Stephen had reached out to Helen when
he reached home that he wasn't feeling well and that he had also
forgotten his phone at home in the morning reason why he didn't stay in
The way Helen sounded on call signified that all wasn't well with her.
After work closed for the day and the two met at their favorite spot
Helen revealed to Stephen that her husband was bisexual.
Stephen couldn't believe his ears . He shook his head and looked at Helen
in disbelief.
"You need to see the way he was licking his lips and calling him baby. I
could never have imagined in my wildest thoughts that I would have a male
as a rival in my marriage. I mean Maxwell isn't cheating on me with a
female but a male. His best friend precisely."
Helen said and folded her arms act
Chapter Eight

"But wait babe. It's not like you love him or care about what he does or
do you?"
Stephen asked with a raised eyebrow he was blinded with jealousy so much
that he failed to see beyond the reason why Helen was panicked and
extremely annoyed.
"And it never came across your mind that I had spent years sleeping with
a man who was bisexual someone who sleeps with a fellow man like him? The
risk of the sexual diseases he must have transmitted to me didn't come
across your thoughts right? How convenient."
Helen yelled amidst tears.
"Common babe you don't need to rub that in my face. Okay you know what
let us just get ourselves treated and we will be fine after all it's been
long you've denied him access to your body. Moreover if you and I have
contacted a sexual disease it would have reflected in our body system all
this while already."
Stephen said trying to ease the tensed atmosphere.
"What if the infections are hidden and already doing a great damage to my
body system? I can't believe I said "yes I do" to a man who takes
pleasure in sleeping with a fellow man. Thrusting into his anus it's a
wonder how his anus hasn't started leaking already. Gush!! What did I
ever sign up for ? Such a misery."
Helen sighed.
"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't forgotten me in the U.S. all
these mess would have been avoided ."
Stephen muttered under his breath.
"Oh!! now you are laying out all the blame on me? Hello, the last time I
checked you are still married to Katherine. You could have waited forever
for me if you were such a saint. Listen we both got married for our
selfish interests there's no difference between the two of us. Don't cast
the blame stone at me now."
Helen fired in rage.
"You shouldn't be acting this paranoid Helen. Fine, fine I'm not a saint
neither are you. We shouldn't let this discovery be a distraction to our
goals it should be a benefit instead. Think of it this way Maxwell being
a gay has made the ground for divorce more easier. All you need to do now
is pretend you are cool with his lifestyle but don't make it easier for
him either."
"I don't get you at all Stephen please be more specific. How do I make
him feel I'm cool about what he has done while at the same time wielding
my power of siege over him?"
Helen asked utterly confused.
"By just connecting the three dots. Camouflage, deceit and sympathy. You
just only need these three factors and boom the soup is ready."
"This is crazy it hasn't come across your mind that Maxwell is way too
smart to be deceived? He will see through the thin lines that crook guy
is absolutely unpredictable."
"Didn't you get him to do things for you under the guise that you love
him? Weren't you able to pretend within years of marriage that you were
in love with him?"
"Yes I was able to. But wait why do I have a feeling that Maxwell knew
that I never loved him but only played along? What if he married me so
he could cover his tracks? What if all this is a trap?"
"Listen Helen, you need to breath in and out now. Take a deep breathe
and think it through. Even if Maxwell had ulterior motives of marrying
you, you can still use the situation to your advantage by using the three
factors of siege. I hope I made a point?"
Maxwell said and Helen sighed she took a deep breath and paced around
then stood akimbo before replying Stephen.
"Let's get out of here already Stephen I have a headache trying so hard
to figure all this out."
Helen said with a morose look on her face.
"It's okay babe. Just act cool when you reach home and please think what
I said through."
Stephen retorted and Helen nodded her head.
The two left the spot and made for their respective homes.
Stephen acted too cool than usual when he returned at home. He was too
preoccupied with thoughts to spite Katherine as usual. He had a plan
mapped out carefully in favour of him and Helen.
Katherine seeing that her husband was cool than usual decided to use the
opportunity to win him back .
She beamed a smile to Stephen and contrary to her expectations, Stephen
returned it too. Katherine felt the need to go closer to Stephen and
since the way to a man's heart is through his stomach she went to the
kitchen to dish his portion out of the meal she had prepared.
Even though Stephen turned a blind eye to her cooking in the midst of
their rift, Katherine still ensured she included his portion whenever she
"This is delicious."
Stephen said in a mouthful and Katherine blushed.
After Stephen ate he went into the bathroom to take a shower. That night
he felt aroused than usual while in the bathroom. His level of being
aroused became more rigorous when he went into the bedroom and caught
Katherine rubbing a lotion on her exposed lap intensively with a lingerie
that shaped out her butts in it's lovely design.
Stephen tried his best to control the situation but Katherine was
determined than ever to get him to mate with her. She had long been
se.xually starved and couldn't waste her chances . Since Katherine didn't
know her stance yet in her marriage and wasn't willing to lose her home
she felt it was scandalous using Kolawole to satisfy her sex.ual needs
moreover the risk involved was far than the benefits in her envision.
It was extremely tempting in the day time for Katherine to hid her
nervousness when Kolawole beamed a smile at her in the cafeteria he had
arranged for them to meet.
Katherine had woken up in the morning exclusively desiring the touch of
her husband the gap Stephen had created between them made her extremely
scared to approach him moreover the scenario of how he had pushed her off
the other day made her scared to tell her needs in his presence. It was a
wish come true when Stephen came back from work all cool and relaxed than
usual. Katherine who felt it was the perfect timing to win her man back
didn't waste her chances.
The look on Stephen's face and the lustful look in his eyeballs gave
her the energy to carry on.
Katherine took off her lingerie and urged Stephen to come closer. Stephen
stood for a moment and shook his head . He looked in awe of the total
seduction he was entrapped in.
"She's still my wife after all one night wouldn't hurt that much."
Stephen soliloquized and went closer.
Chapter Nine

Katherine closed her eyes as her heart beat in rhythm of the blissful
moment. Stephen made good use of his hands on her sensitive spots while
wrapping her closely in his arms.
Katherine was left bemoaning under intense pleasures and the intrinsic
feeling that resulted as a result of the secretion that further developed
from every touch.
Stephen buried his head in Katherine's bosom and munched her lips to his
full satisfaction. He cupped Katherine's bo.obs with his palms and smiled
mischievously when she gave him an erotic look.
Katherine wished in her heart so badly that the beautiful moment wouldn't
be halted. Her whole being and soul had been aching badly for a touch
from her husband in so many days .
Beclouded in the exuberance of the massive bliss within the touches.
Katherine let out a moan that sparked an ignition in her brain cells. She
moaned softly when Stephen's hands reached for her petals stroking it
like his life depends on it. Her walls became badly wet as she envisaged
Stephen right inside of her.
"Make me yours already."
Katherine said and Stephen lay her on the bed kissing her right from head
to toe. He positioned her at the right spot he wanted and began thrusting
into her . Katherine looked at Stephen in the eyeballs closely and
caressed his head as he thrusted into her walls she felt so good than
ever in ages.
The look on Katherine's face as Stephen thrusted her harder proved that
she was going to cum at any moment. Eventually when she did, Stephen
stroked her hairs as he felt the bliss of his own Cumming. He closed one
eye within the outburst of his seedlings of which a portion of it landed
on Katherine's face. Katherine laid on the bed extremely exhausted as a
result of the intense lovemaking and she rubbed the portion on her skin
while smiling at Stephen .
Later she went into the bedroom to take a shower and soon fell asleep.

In the mid of the night Katherine jolted from her sleep as a result of
the yelling Stephen pulled across.
She yawned and looked at the time wondering why Stephen was yelling that
much. His face didn't look cool as at that time neither did he look a bit
of the man that had just made love to her.
Katherine looked at Stephen in astonishment and asked why he was yelling.
She was caught unguarded when Stephen responded to her with a hot slap in
her cheek that sent her sprawling to the floor from the bed.
"What in the devil’s name happened between us?"
Stephen yelled acting like what had happened was as a result of him being
enchanted much to Katherine's dismay.
"We made love. We had a sweet love making and we both enjoyed it ."
Katherine responded amidst tears.
"What do you mean by we? you messenger of the devil you know what you
just made the process more easier for me. I ha.te you the more for what
just happened between us. I can't believe I made love with a jinxed
fellow like you the thought of it irks me so much."
Stephen thundered and left the bedroom after kicking Katherine so hard on
the floor. He dashed into the bathroom and went to take a shower while
Katherine sobbed uncontrollably.
"When did it get to this? When did it get to this?"
Katherine sobbed. She never imagined that things would turn out that
way. Her fears were fast becoming reality and her second thought that
Stephen never loved her was fast coming into light.
Katherine managed to get up from the floor after falling several times as
a result of the heavy hit and landing from the bed. She went to take a
look at herself in the mirror and reminisced on her early days in
marriage before Stephen suddenly became a monster.
Katherine couldn't connect the dots as to what led to her husband sudden
change and even though the answer that her husband was cheating on her in
the marriage was gazing right at her face, she refused to believe it. She
chose to live in self pity and wallow in her misery instead.
Katherine was still brooding when she got a text message from Kolawole at
exactly 5:30 am in the morning. She hissed and threw the phone away in
anger when she checked and saw the text message was coming from Kolawole.
It was a way of transferring her aggression. Katherine's phone got
extremely cracked as a result of the way she threw it on the floor. The
screen of the phone looked bad and extremely terrible.
When Katherine felt better she took her phone from the floor and checked
the message. Kolawole had texted her that he would like them to see in
the cafeteria beside his place of work in the afternoon.
Katherine folded her arms and paced around the room after reading the
message. Kolawole had stated that her line was not going through reason
why he had not called her earlier. Katherine sighed and pondered on what
excuse to give Kolawole so they wouldn't see. She knew how persistent
Kolawole could be at times in getting to know the truth behind her
Her back was badly bruised as a result of the hit and her face looked way
too sore .
"No, I can't see him like this."
Katherine muttered under her breath.
Just when Katherine didn't expect it Kolawole gave her a call. He had
long been expecting her response to his message so he got alarmed when
Katherine didn't respond.
Katherine picked the call up grudgingly and thought within of what excuse
to feed Kolawole with.
"Good morning my lilly-pilly."
Kolawole sounded enthusiastically.
"Good morning Kay."
Katherine retorted in a low voice that almost seemed like a whisper.
"Your voice doesn’t sound lovely this morning."
Kolawole responded
"Yes I am not feeling well."
"Have you taken drugs?"
"Not yet, it just started this morning. I woke up with a pounding
headache probably it's malaria."
Katherine said.
"Probably? You know what babe don't self medicate. I will send you the
money you will use to care for yourself as soon as possible. Actually I
have a good news I wanted to share with you when we meet today but that
seems impossible so let me hold on with it."
Kolawole said with a concerned look on his face.
"What good news is that? Please share it with me already."
Katherine said on an impulse.
"Take care of yourself first babe I will share the good news with you
Kolawole said and cut the call. In few minutes time Katherine received an
alert of thirty thousand with an instant SMS that she should go to the
hospital to get herself treated as soon as possible.
Katherine felt guilty when she saw the SMS and the alert. She felt bad
that Kolawole was worried about her thinking that she had fallen sick
when in actual fact her husband was the architect of her misfortune.
"If only I had known better I wouldn't have done it ."
Katherine said to herself.
"And what did you do?"
A voice responded from the entrance and Katherine opened her mouth in awe
wondering what had made her husband come back home unexpectedly.
Chapter Ten

"ohh!! God it was just my imagination.'

Katherine gasped for breath.
She went closer to the mirror and sighed while checking on the bruise she
had sustained as a result of her husband's hit. Her face was growing
worse at each second. Her eyes had formed a big circle and it looked like
it was plunging out of it socket.
Stephen had hit her so hard like an animal.
Katherine dashed into the bathroom to take her bath. After she had
successfully taken her bath, she went to a neighbouring shop to get ice
block so as to tend to the swollen circle in her face.
Katherine was being attended to, when someone tapped her from behind. Her
mind had gone far when she felt the tap from the fear of who it was.
"Ooops babe it's you."
Katherine said in astonishment when she saw that the person who had
tapped her was her friend.
"Yes babe it's me. Why are you covering your face with a scarf like this?
Is this the new trend?"
Katherine's friend teased.
"Not really Vivian I just felt like.."
Katherine struggled with words.
"Felt like what? Moreover why aren't you looking at me in the eye?"
Vivian queried her nervous friend.
Katherine quickly gave the shop owner the money for the block and walked
further a bit.
She acted in a way that surprised her friend and proved that something
wrong was going on.
Vivian who couldn't contain her curiosity any longer when her eyes caught
sight of the swollen circle around Katherine's eyeballs removed the scarf
covering her head and face abruptly in a flash.
She exclaimed loudly when she behold what had become of her friend.
"Don't tell me that monster you call a husband did this to you?"
Vivian yelled aggressively.
"It's a long story babe. Please let's go in first."
Katherine pleaded and Vivian listened to her.
The two went in and Katherine explained what had happened with tears in
her eyelids uncontrollable tears that depicted immense sorrow.
Vivian sighed deeply when Katherine finished expressing herself.
"You mean Stephen hit you like this because you guys made love . Your
matrimonial right that he has been denying you of. This is the height of
Vivian thundered.
"It's my fault. I shouldn't have added the sex enhancer to his food now
look at the way it turned out."
"Here yourself out babe. Common try and repeat what you just said to your
hearing. A man starved you of your right in months and when you found a
way around it he turns around and becomes aggressive. It's not like he
did it while intoxicated with alcohol so what's the fuss? Listen babe,
you did nothing wrong and I think it's high time you take a bow if you
love your life dearly because it's obvious that Stephen doesn’t desire
you nor need you in his life anymore."
Katherine's friend resolved.
"I don't want my home broken Vivian. I don't want that for myself."
"Then what do we do since Stephen has proven to you several times that
he's no longer interested? We can't force a journey that two agreed to
embark on together to continue if the other partner is no longer willing.
Moreover it takes two to make it work and so far you've done your part.
Even if you can't observe it Kate, it clear you've lost yourself in a bid
to keep your home."
Vivian retorted .
"But what if he returns home remorseful for what he did?"
Katherine queried her friend and she shook her head.
"Is that what you are waiting for, his pity? Listen to me babe that man
has a lady he holds in high esteem outside reason why he's treating you
like trash the reason why he hasn't served you a divorce letter yet is
what I don't know but I assure you he will do it soon. If I were you, I
would brace up for the worst and stop wallowing in self pity."
"But what would you have me do babe? I was sexually starved and I needed
a touch from my man I only had to do the needful to satisfy my urge."
"Listen Kate I'm not blaming you for the action you exercised neither
will I turn the awful situation all around on you . I am only making you
open your eyes to the reality you refused to acknowledge . Kate, you are
alone in this marriage reason why your efforts have been abortive.
Moreover what stops you from having a man friend to satisfy your needs
since your husband is doing same? Take Kolawole for instance he would be
willing to do the needful and fill the vacuum pending the time you figure
how to carry on out."
Vivian said on an impulse.
"Babe I'm still married remember? It would be ridiculous when the egg
spills out that I got myself involved in such shameful act. Moreover
Kolawole hasn't brought up such interest towards me so far he has proven
that he only wants to be a friend and that's it."
"Friend indeed!! Keep on deceiving yourself I just hope that the idiot
hasn't infected you already?"
Vivian hissed .
"Infected? Common babe all these are just suspicions what if Stephen
isn't cheating on me probably that thought is just an assumption and not
the reality?"
Katherine responded and her friend shook her head.
"It's obvious that you are naive Katherine abusers chose their victim
well let me attend to your face before the block melts out."
Katherine's friend went closer to her and started tending to her wounds.
Katherine tried so hard to hid her pain while her friend attended to her.
In within, Vivian was annoyed that her friend wanted to keep on staying
to prove a point when it was obvious that all the cards on the table had
been taken in defeat. However, considering the way the love affair
between Katherine and her husband had started it wasn't far fetched why
her friend was utterly confused and dumbfounded of what to do next in the
unpalatable situation.
Vivian understood that she was saying because she believed that something
had gone wrong somewhere and she could still fix it. The fear of her
friend losing her sanity because of lying in her illusions for too long
to ease her pain dawned on her and she sighed.
After Vivian finished tending to Katherine's wounds and rubbing her a
healing balm she looked at her friend in the eyeball and forced a smile.
Katherine looked at her friend sheepishly and folded her arms. Vivian was
still trying so hard figuring out what next to tell her friend to make
her do the needful when suddenly a call came in on Katherine's phone.
It was Kolawole he had call to check up on Katherine. He was worried ever
since Katherine told him that she wasn't feeling well.
"Pick your call."
Vivian said to her absentminded friend.
Katherine jolted into consciousness and picked up her call. Vivian was
annoyed when she figured out from the conversation that transpired
between the two that her friend had lied that she wasn't feeling well.
"But why did you lie to him about what had happened to you?"
Katherine's friend asked fuming with anger.
"Would you rather prefer that Kolawole begins to feel responsible for me
as a result of pity? Moreover some things are best kept as a result of
boundary. I can't tell such to Kolawole I'm afraid that he won't take it
lightly and he will end up weeping than the bereaved."
Katherine sighed.
"What's stopping you from being with Kolawole if he's such a good guy?"
Vivian asked her friend.
"Stephen was a good guy before he turned into a monster what assures me
that Kolawole won't turn out the same way later?"
"At least you benefitted from Kolawole unlike Stephen who has never been
useful but ended up being ungrateful to your sacrifice and efforts."
Vivian fired in anger and Katherine kept mute.
"I got to go now babe we will see some other day. I decided to check on
you since I am off for work today. Please stay in your lane and don't
allow that man lay his filthy hands on you anymore."
Vivian said and left the room for her home while Katherine pondered on
what she had said.
Chapter Eleven

Katherine was pacing around the room holding the se.x enhancer in her
hands when suddenly she developed a runny stomach. She dropped the se.x
enhancer drug on the bed and ran into the toilet.
Soon, Stephen returned from work and Katherine who was still battling
with her runny stomach in the toilet didn't know he was already in the
bedroom as Stephen had gently opened the door because he didn't want
Katherine to notice his presence. The runny tap and the sound emitting
from the closet signified that Katherine was using the toilet . Stephen
made into the wardrobe gently to pick some clothes he didn't want to look
at Katherine in the eye for fear of breaking down and apologizing to her
contrary to his ego interests.
Stephen had picked up the clothes he needed when he caught sight of the
drug on the bed.
"S.ex enhancer for men?"
Stephen soliloquized.
He reminisced on everything that had transpired lastnight and remembered
that he had suddenly become aroused immediately he finished eating
Katherine's meal. Fuming with rage, Stephen stood still with the se.x
enhancer in his hands after reading the drug prescriptions in awaiting of
Katherine to step out of the toilet.
"You Delilah."
Stephen yelled when Katherine came out of the toilet . He dangled the sex
enhancer in his hands and Katherine went to her knees.
"I can explain."
Katherine said amidst sobs.
Stephen rushed Katherine with punches and she ran out of the room into
the library. She locked herself up in the library and continued sobbing
uncontrollably while Stephen banged the door aggressively.
Stephen banged the door so hard that his hands got peeled . He hissed and
went to get spirit and cotton wool to treat his sour hands after tending
to his wound Stephen went out to take a drink so as to calm his nerves.
He had it in mind that he would deal with Katherine for deceiving him
when he returned from the bar.
Fifteen minutes after he left, Katherine went out of the library and
dashed into the bedroom to take her phone and some other necessary items
with few clothes.
The rage in Stephen's eyeballs scared her so much that her heart almost
escaped out of it chest in envision of what would take place if he
Katherine was tempted to call Kolawole but she changed her mind after
giving it a second thought. She dialed her friend's line umpteenth times
but her friend didn't pick it up.
Katherine ran as fast as her leg could take her along the road . She
halted when she reached a spot and kept on trying her friend's number.
It was after thirty minutes that Vivian called Katherine back. Katherine
was sobbing on call and pleaded that her friend come to see her in the
spot she was in.
Vivian who was kept on the edge by the uneasiness in Katherine's voice
and the sound of her weeping demanded for the address of the spot she was
in and Katherine revealed it to her.
Vivian opened her mouth in awe when she saw Katherine's face battered and
looking sore than before.
Vivian fumed in anger when her friend related to her that it was
Stephen's handiwork.
"That guy deserves to rot in prison."
Vivian said out loud with a clenched fist.
"Just take me out of here."
Katherine sobbed and her friend did as told .
They left the spot and made to Vivian's abode. Vivian prepared a meal and
Katherine ate a little right after that she attended to the new bruises
on Katherine's face and gave her some body pain drugs to use.
Katherine soon fell asleep and Vivian looked over her with a bitter
"Kate doesn’t deserve this."
Vivian said almost giving way to tears.
Vivian was almost dozing off when a call came in on Katherine's phone.
She smiled when she saw that it was Kolawole calling.
Having been informed earlier by Katherine not to make Kolawole aware of
her plight and respecting her friend's decision Vivian decided not to
pick up the call so as not to arouse any form of suspicion In Kolawole's
At that time of the day, Katherine was meant to be in her home and not
Vivian decided to send Kolawole a text message so as to keep him relaxed
she knew Kolawole would think that Katherine was in an atmosphere where
she couldn't communicate with him.
When Stephen returned home he went straight into the library to see if
Katherine had opened the door. He smiled at himself when he met the door
of the library widely opened. Stephen dashed Into the library and
realized that Katherine wasn't inside. He hissed and searched the other
rooms and was shocked when he discovered that Katherine was nowhere to be
Vivian was still composing the right words to send to Kolawole when
Stephen's call came in. Vivian picked the call and refused to speak
despite how Stephen ranted.
Vivian said when Stephen cut the call.
"But where could she have gone to?"
Stephen soliloquized and laid on the bed.

Helen's calmness made Maxwell feel unease even though Helen was trying so
hard to act annoyed while at the same time unwilling to leave despite her
discovery Maxwell could sense from afar that it was all an act.
Maxwell knew right from the start that Helen never loved him. He was
aware that Helen had only come for the bag but it didn't matter to him as
long as Helen was a good shield to cover his tracks and save him from
public stunts leading to scandalous events. While Helen was dropping her
demands Maxwell was fulfilling her wishes knowing fully well that she
would serve a great purpose. The marriage proposal was based on getting
kids and having a woman in his abode because he had it mind that he
wouldn't be suspected of being a gay since he had a woman he could call
Maxwell played along with Helen and pretended he had been taken by her
web of deception. He had a hidden plan nursed in his heart incase Helen
attempts to do the unimaginable as a result of the secret she had
The scenario of how Maxwell had killed his ex girlfriend with his bare
hands flashed into his mind when he was preoccupied with thoughts.
"How about we eliminate her like we did to your ex?"
Maxwell's friends words crept into his heart and he sighed.

Chapter Twelve

Katherine was accommodated in her friend's abode and she began to heal
from the emotional hurt and the pain inflicted on her by Stephen.
Kolawole had found a job for her in a reputable company and she was being
paid well. Katherine hid her marital problems from Kolawole and kept on
with the act that she was still living with Stephen she did it because
she didn't want to ignite a fire at the wrong timing.
Katherine needed to recover fully well from the emotional trauma she had
gone through and upgrade her life a bit before engaging in emotional
stuffs moreover Kolawole had given her the impression so far that his
priority was seeing her smile and happy at no price or conditions he had
not opened his mouth to profess love to her or asked to be her secret
lover. Katherine thought that he was probably hiding his intentions
because he respected her status as a married woman.
As time goes on, Katherine and Kolawole got closer. Kolawole brought back
the sparkle in Katherine's heart and life things were getting rosier as
Katherine opened her life to a new phase until Katherine began noticing a
weird change in her body system which caused her a great discomfort. She
felt unease when the changes persisted and made to the hospital on a
Katherine felt tensed up when the doctor sighed heavily while trying to
keep up a smiling face at the same time with the laboratory report in his
"Have got good news and bad news ma'am which one should I disclose
The doctor said after the greetings and trying to ensure a calm
atmosphere to relate his message.
"The good news first."
Katherine said with a raised eyebrow.
"Ma'am you are three weeks pregnant."
The doctor said with a smile on his face.
"Three weeks pregnant? But why do I feel so much pain and discomfort at a
early stage?"
Katherine said on an impulse.
"Well that's the bad news side of it. The lab results proves that not
only are you pregnant there's also an unusual activity going on in your
body system due to a wide range of bacteria which has caused various
disorders and has the risk factor of putting your developing embryo at

The doctor said trying to speak explicit as possible to Katherine's

"What type of unusual activity are you hinting at Doctor please be
Katherine pleaded.
"This is what the lab results has shown so far. Now I need to collect
your blood sample and some other factors needed to get the actual fact of
the activity going on in your body system.
The doctor handed over the lab result showing Katherine being pregnant to
her. Katherine sighed in confusion of other terms written at the down of
the report.
"So if I give down the needed samples will I get the result today?"
Katherine queried.
"No , not today you will get the results in three days time. However
there's no need to worry you are in safe hands including you and the baby
in there."
The doctor said with a smile on his face.
"Thank you doctor."
Katherine responded trying to act sane as much as she could.
Various thoughts ran across Katherine's mind as the commercial bus moved.
She sighed umpteenth times and pondered why the pregnancy had to surface
at a time she didn't needed it. Katherine had long been waiting on the
fruit of the womb in her marriage with Stephen before things turn sour.
Not even when they had intimacy regularly did Katherine ever take in.
Katherine suffered near pregnancy symptoms at a particular time in her
marriage and at the exact point of her happiness her period surfaced
shattering her hope to pieces.
Stephen had not bothered Katherine about the whole thing or act worried
as Katherine expected him to be whenever her hope of being pregnant was
dashed. He had always been too cool about the whole thing.
Katherine felt fate was being judgmental and cruel to her as she never
expected that she could conceive at a wrong timing in her life when she
was trying to patch her broken pieces in the aim of moving forward. The
scars Stephen inflicted on Katherine became fresh at once and the
thought of abortion came into her mind but then at the rethink of how
much she had suffered expecting a bundle of joy for years she figured out
that she would find it difficult to flush out the seed growing in her
even if the father was a ill behaved man.
Katherine thought of how life as a single mother would be because it was
obvious that Stephen didn't want anything to do with her anymore. Stephen
had not bothered to call or message her after the other day and Katherine
felt it was best that way. She was certain that she wouldn't be able to
bear any more toxicity from Stephen in the name of marriage and giving
her baby a father figure so she wasn't going to go back pleading even if
she was pregnant.
When Katherine arrived at home she met Vivian in a rejoicing mood.
Katherine who was tensed up with the news she had received from the
hospital sat down on the sofa looking so unlively.
"Babe guess what best thing in the world just happened to you today?"
Vivian said with a smile on her face.
"There's nothing best that could ever have happened that can take away
the pain I feel right now away."
Katherine said almost in tears.
"What pain Kate? Did you get any heartbreaking result from the hospital?"
Vivian queried her friend.
"I'm pregnant Vivian. I am pregnant for the man I don't ever want to have
anything to do in the world with anymore. I'm pregnant for a man who
resents me with passion. A man whom my sanity is at risk if I had
continued living with him. Just when I thought it was getting better this
bond surfaces."
Katherine said rubbing her belly with her right hand.
Vivian folded her hands and gazed into Katherine's eye balls.
"How old is the pregnancy?"
Vivian asked.
"Three weeks old."
Katherine answered.
"It's still fresh."
"You know clearly I can't abort I have waited so long for the fruit of
the womb to do so."
Katherine responded on an impulse to the astonishment of her friend.
"Oops babe I never asked you to abort. It's just that I was happy for you
earlier thinking that you are on your path to freedom but apparently..."
Vivian said trying to find the right words to say to conclude her speech.
"What pathway to freedom are you talking about?"
"Stephen came today with a divorce paper in his hand seems he knew for a
long time that you were staying here. I had thought that you could start
life afresh with Kolawole by your side after you sign the divorce letter
which I am certain that you would do but now this news which is a bundle
of joy considering your days of expectation for it and at the same time a
total complicating event sorry to say I'm basically left speechless."
"Doctor said there's an unusual activity going on in my body system which
poses a great threat to my developing embryo. He told me he would pin
point the facts in three days time with the samples he got from me. Life
couldn't be more hard right ? "
Katherine said and shook her head.
Chapter Thirteen

Stephen and Helen had been on their toes in respect of their plans to
travel out of the country to start life afresh after Helen had
successfully extorted her husband to get the needed money for their goal.
Stephen was elated when Helen told him that very soon they would be out
of the country as her plans were going according as planned.
Stephen felt that it wasn't best to waste time in cutting the bond he had
with Katherine before traveling out of the country. He had never loved
her but had only given things a chance with her because he sensed that
she would be of great benefit to his growth. It was easy for Stephen to
arrange the divorce proceedings without giving it a second thought since
emotional feelings were not involved.
Unknown to Helen Maxwell had over-heard her when she was discussing with
Stephen on phone about their plans of leaving the country to start life
Maxwell had decided in his mind that he would teach Helen a lesson after
he over-heard her discussion on phone with Stephen. He implanted a chip
on Helen's phone to get a wind of her conversations and to monitor her
Through the chip Maxwell was able to get detailed information about
Helen's plans with Stephen as well as a wind of how it all started.
Maxwell swore in his heart that he would ensure that Helen pay with her
life for trying to pull a fast one on him.
He looked forward to the prefect timing to strike with all the venom he
had within.

Katherine struggled to have peace while anticipating to get the results

of what was going on in her body system. She heaved a huge sigh of relief
when the appointed day came and looked forward to unveiling the mystery.
Katherine decided that she wasn't going to the hospital alone for her
sanity sake. She needed someone to comfort her in case things go
inauspicious and that person was her trusted friend Vivian. Katherine
had given the excuse that she had a runny stomach so she wouldn't attend
work that day. Since she found it difficult to tell Kolawole the lies she
had cooked up within her she didn't make him aware that she would not
attend work rather she told him the opposite when he called her in the
Katherine tried her best to act cool when the doctor scanned through the
results from the lab and heaved heavily.
"Doctor speak already, the silence is killing me."
Katherine said to the doctor on an impulse.
"The results from the lab here states that you have an S.T.D disease
which appears deadly but can be treated because it was detected early.
However the source of the S.T.D Is a great concern as well as the
substance in your blood fluids which poses a grave threat of damaging
your kidney and urethra because of high dosage . Ma'am at this point in
time I need your honest responses as they would help alot in going about
the damages."
The doctor said out loud while holding the reports in his hands firmly.
"What sort of S.T.D do I have doctor? And what substances did you find in
Katherine said out loud.
"This question might sound offensive but I need to pull it across. Ma'am
did it happen that you were a sex worker in the past because only a sex
worker can have such a high dosage and level of damage due to the dosages
in your blood streams as a result of accumulation."
"Sex worker are you for real doctor? I was never a sex worker I never was
and will never be. Unravel this mystery already doctor instead of
spilling rubbish."
Katherine said in a rage.
"Sorry ma'am if I sounded rude it was due to the gravity of what I saw.
Ma'am check out these reports those where the bacteria induced in your
body system as a result of unusual activity. If I must say for how long
have you taken in last?"
"This is my first pregnancy doctor I have never taken in and for the
records I am not a sex worker infact I was married until recently I have
an issue with my husband that aside please spill the beans already."
"Some drugs with deadly venoms in form of interaction with your uterus as
a result of accumulated and prolonged usage are in demand of your general
well-being. In actual words some drugs were found in your blood streams
in form of quack and unsuitable family planning to prevent pregnancies
and the damage in your body system proves they were given in high dosage.
It's a pity that you have to battle with S.T.D along with these. You
have to undergo a therapy to save the developing embryo within you
however you might lose it eventually as it chances of survival is very
thin. The therapy process might take long depending on your body system
and you have to stay in the hospital while it goes on."
The doctor said with a stern look on his face.
"For God's sake how can I ever use drugs in high dosage to prevent a
pregnancy I have always wanted? This sounds strange to me ."
Katherine sobbed.
"The results from the lab proves otherwise. You've got a big job to do on
your system. The S.T.D detected is in the range of those involved in
homosexual acts I mean anus sex so ma'am there's a lot to amend
undercover. If you find these diagnosis strange and suspicious you can go
ahead to get yourself scanned in another hospital. I understand and I
feel your pain but I would advice that you embrace the truth and do the
needful so this doesn’t eat you up completely. "
The doctor said trying to sound explicit as much as he could.
Katherine sat down still on the chair unconscious as the doctor spoke.
Her mind flashed back to the days she lived with Stephen and she
reminisced on
what could have led to the reports she was hearing to her dismay.
Katherine folded her hands unconsciously while thinking aloud and alas
she got a clue. She remembered clearly the point in her marriage that she
had gotten near pregnancy symptoms and how Stephen had insisted that it
wasn't necessary going to the hospital. Katherine remembered that she had
always felt nauseous after taking the drugs Stephen gave to her back then
but he insisted that it was for her speedy recovery. It flashed back into
Katherine's thought the heavy flow she suffered after using the
medications given to her back then by Stephen.
Her thoughts were confirmed with no iota of doubts and the thought of the
cruelty melted on her for years swept her unguarded. Katherine shredded
tears and refused to listen to the doctor's consolation words. She
stumped out of the doctor's office with the reports in her hands
wondering where to start from.
Katherine's friend looked in awe when she saw the tears streaming down
her friend's cheek. She tried her best to get Katherine to talk but her
efforts were abortive as Katherine had made up her mind not to divulge
what was going within.
On their arrival at home, Katherine took the divorce paper and stared at
it in rage wondering what beast of a human she had sent years with in a
so called marriage.
Katherine went into the kitchen and took a knife in her hands. She
reflected at intervals on the decision she was set out to do and resolved
that it was the best way to end her pain.
"I am going to go straight to hell with the one who ever caused me
immense pain. Today hell will host two visitors."
Katherine said with a devilish smile on her face.
She dashed out of the room and ignored Vivian's yelling speeding off
like a mad woman.
Vivian ran as fast as her legs could to catch up with Katherine's pace
but it seems the fuel of vengeance had made Katherine suddenly develop an
extraordinary power.
Vivian didn't have an idea of the report Katherine had gotten in the
hospital but with the way Katherine stared at the divorce papers and the
dangerous weapon she had in her hands hinted her that Katherine was out
to get her pound of flesh from Stephen.
Vivian called on the only person she believed could help alleviate the
situation and hoped that he would come to her aid as soon as possible.

Chapter Fourteen

Katherine ran with all her might pulling her hairs with her hands while
on the go. She was smitten with rage and consumed with intense feeling of
dejection. Her heart raced heavily and her legs ached as she ran . She
wondered how far she could go as she had dashed out of her friend's house
without a transport fare in her hands to cater for a commercial bus ride.
Katherine paused at intervals pondering if she was about to make the
right decision. She shook her head and lamented about the misery fate had
dished out to her without mercy rendering her devastated and totally

Katherine stole a glance at the knife in her pocket and stamped her feet.
She pulled her hair slightly and paused thinking of how to carry out the
act. She had never gotten her hands stained with blood and now she
wondered if the amount of anger within her was enough to spill the venom
or the energy needed to commit the act.
Katherine weighed the bitterness within her . The imagination of killing
a man she had loved with her whole heart and was now carrying a seed for
tore her apart. She gasped for breath as adrenaline gushed all over her
body system signaling the intense velocity of her helplessness.
The thought of having the blood of a human in her hands irked Katherine
so much that she had to find a shade to sit and rethink carefully.
Katherine had lose so much energy from running and her aching knees and
back were not helping the situation either.
Katherine felt the sharp pain below her belly again and this time around
it knocked her off her feet that she sprawled unto the floor in a flash.
Katherine crawled helplessly on the floor trying to hold on firmly to the
bench she had sat on but she found herself sprawling unto her feet again.
Katherine felt dehydrated and totally exhausted the more she tried to get
unto her feet it was like she had developed a partial stroke overnight.
As at the time Katherine was struggling to get unto her feet Kolawole was
in his car driving with all the speed he could maximize . The thought of
Katherine being jailed for a bustard who wasn't worth the stress made him
develop extraordinary energy .
Vivian was praying in her heart in Kolawole's car that they get to
Katherine in time before she commits the unimaginable.
Kolawole was almost driving past Katherine when he halted on an impulse
as he watched helplessly how Katherine was struggling to get on her feet
from the floor.
Kolawole carried Katherine against her will and made for the car. Vivian
looked at Katherine with a teary eye and went into the car immediately
Kolawole took her in. Katherine was fast running out of breath due to
exhaustion and her health status. She was only lucky that Kolawole had
come home earlier that day than usual because he had to attend to an
official duty around his area .
Kolawole drove Katherine to the nearest hospital and heaved a huge sigh
of relieve when she was admitted into a ward. He was glad that Vivian had
reached out to him but mad at the same time that he had been kept in the
He shook his head when Vivian divulged the situation Katherine was in and
tried so hard to figure out what could have moved Katherine to want to
carry out such an unimaginable act. The Katherine Kolawole knew wouldn't
go so extreme if something had not triggered her. Katherine was such a
lovable soul and he couldn't find a reason enough to justify what had
prompt her.
Kolawole took his phone and reached out to his personal assistant that he
wouldn't be coming back to work as planned. He cut the call when he saw
the doctor coming out from Katherine's ward and rushed at him to get the
actual facts as to what was wrong with Katherine. He needed to know if
the exhaustion was as a result of the pregnancy because Katherine was in
her early stage. Vivian had hinted him that Katherine had went crazy
immediately she collected the final diagnosis after being told that she
was pregnant.
The doctor told Kolawole that he needed to see him in his office to
engage in a dialogue with him over Katherine's situation and Kolawole
heeded to him.
He followed the doctor to the office while Vivian waited at the
"If I may ask how is the patient to you?"
The doctor asked trying to sought out his clarifications.
"She's someone important."
Kolawole responded.
"Someone important? I mean her personal relationship with you? Are you
her husband?"
.the doctor queried.
"To be honest am not. She's having an issue with her husband currently
and he already served her a divorce letter. She's going through a hard
time currently and I am looking for best way possible to help her out.
Doctor please you can tell me anything I am her trusted friend ."
"Alright please sign this."
.the doctor gave Kolawole his pen and he signed to indicate that the
reports could be entrusted with him.
Kolawole was confused as he scanned through the results and wondered what
were the terms written in it.
"I don't get a thing here Sir. I'm seeing Std , bacteria induced activity
and there's so much crazy terms here."
Kolawole said on an impulse.
"Oh you aren't aware of the patient's status."
The doctor asked.
Kolawole felt stupid at the moment as the doctor bombarded him with
He gave an affirmative response to the doctor's questions and the doctor
revealed to him what was wrong with Katherine. It came as a shock to
Kolawole when he heard that Katherine was battling with such and wondered
how on earth such had happened to her.
"Sir when will she be discharged?"
Kolawole asked in his state of perplexity.
"Tomorrow in the evening . She only blacked out as a result of exhaustion
but I will advice that she comes back to do the appropriate treatment on
her body system as the symptoms will still reflect later."
"Alright doctor thanks."
Kolawole said and left the doctor's office.
He went out after an hour passed by to get something to hold him and
Vivian's stomach. His mind flashed back to the doctor's words as he ate.
He was glad that Katherine would be discharged tomorrow in the evening
that way he would get the answers to the rising questions in his heart.
Chapter Fifteen

Kolawole left the hospital in the early hours of the morning with the
intention to come back in the evening so as to go home with Katherine.
He told Vivian to call on him should in case anything pops up. Kolawole
had a lot to resolve in his office and couldn't afford to put things on
hold further. However, he had Katherine at heart with keen interest.
Vivian kept herself busy with her phone and soon started dozing off in
the reception. She was startled when she woke up and the time was 2pm.
With immediate effect, Vivian left the hospital to go home so she could
take her bath and change her clothes. The doctor had informed her that
Katherine was better and would be discharged in the evening as said.
Kolawole had not revealed what the doctor had diagnosed to Vivian because
he sensed that she wouldn't take it in good faith. Moreover he needed a
calm atmosphere to talk about his discovery and he didn't need any more
drama. The diagnosis the doctor had stated about Katherine left Kolawole
in total amusement that he couldn't believe it no matter how much he
tried .
"If what the doctor said is the truth then the reason why Katherine had
wanted to stain her hands with the blood of Stephen isn't far fetched.
Such level of cruelty sounds crazy."
Kolawole had soliloquized in his car while driving to the company.
Helen was dumbs trucked when she came home and met the gate unlocked. The
gateman wasn't at the duty post and the gate wasn't bolted. Alarmed,
Helen ran in wondering what had happened. She took her phone from her
hand bag and put it in recording mode that way she could click on the
send button should in case something bad happens to her because her
instincts told her that something odd was going on in the house.
Helen went into the room looking back and forward and being alerted she
searched around the house to check out what was happening but she
couldn't grab a hold of something suspicious.
Helen heard a loud moan coming from the toilet meant for the guest
downstairs while looking around the house. She went closer to the toilet
and tended her ears so as to figure out what was transpiring in it.
Helen hissed silently when she found out that it was her husband making
out with his friend. The two were engaged so much in the act that they
didn't hear Helen's footsteps. Helen shook her head wondering what sort
of man would prefer a dry ass hole over a juicy honey pot. It was obvious
that Maxwell had been in the act before he married her and was too
addicted to change sooner. Maxwell's friend had been made known to Helen
even in the U.S . Helen never suspected the closeness between the two as
something odd as she never brought herself to think towards that
direction. Helen concluded within that Maxwell had married her to cover
his tracks reason why he was in a hurry about the whole thing back then
In the U.S concerning the marriage plans. The reality didn't hurt her at
all rather she was glad that she wasn't the only one that entered into
the union with a sinister motive in heart. There were lots of motives
beyond I do right from time and hers wasn't exceptional . Motives could
either be good or bad and Helen had chosen the latter the smile that
swept through Helen's face and the huge feeling of relief that she wasn't
alone in besieging the web of deception couldn't be under emphasized.
Helen tended her ears to the wall ignoring the feeling of disgust she
felt while hearing the loud moaning that was emitting in the toilet so
she could know what the two was up to. She sensed that something was odd
because Maxwell had left for work in the morning before her and he
couldn't have arranged to meet with his lover in the house to share
intimacy if something wasn't odd.
Helen had not went to work as well as Maxwell she had went to see Stephen
at home instead so as to give him detailed information as to what to do
next in favour of their plan. Maxwell on the other hand knew that Helen
had not gone to work and he had purposely left earlier in the morning as
he had ulterior motives in his heart because he had known a day before
through the chip implanted in Helen's phone that she wouldn't go to work
. Maxwell had purposely left the gate opened and had sent the gateman on
an errand so he could carry out his evil act. He had it in mind to
incriminate the gateman for his devilish plans when he returned from the
errand he had sent him by making him pass out with the corpse of his wife
beside him.
Helen had walked into the lion's den unknown as planned. Maxwell and his
lover were waiting on Helen to return home so they could carry out the
act. Maxwell had hinted his friend that Helen would return home in
pretense that she had went to work the two got tired while waiting on
Helen and decided to have a swell time before she returned home.
Helen's heart throbbed heavily when Maxwell and his friend engaged in a
dialogue in the toilet about how the plan would be carried out. Helen
took some items in the bedroom and ran out of the house in full speed
with immediate effect.
She was practically gasping for breath when she arrived at Stephen's
house. Stephen who was alarmed by the stance Helen appeared before him
tried his best to get her to talk but it was to no avail until he told
Helen to relax a little after giving her a chilled water. It was then
that Helen slowly divulged what she had overheard. Helen told Stephen
that they could leave the country with the little she had gathered. She
pleaded Stephen that they leave his house to an hotel because her
instincts told her that it wasn't safe staying further.
Back in the house Maxwell and his friend had sensed Helen's presence
immediately they left the toilet. Helen's perfume gave her away and the
two were furious when it dawned on them that Helen had probably overheard
them reason why she ran away. All hope wasn't lost for the two as Maxwell
could still get a hold of Helen's whereabouts all thanks to the chip
implanted in her phone. Maxwell smiled mischievously and mocked Helen for
being so naive when he got a hold that the two were made out to lodge in
an hotel.
"We will do it the hard way then ."
Maxwell said and his friend stared at him with a dev.ilish grimace
expressed on his face.

Chapter Sixteen

Stephen was driving to the hotel he had in mind with Helen in his car
when he found out that were being trailed. He was confused as to how
Maxwell had gotten a hold of them when he discovered that it was him
through the mirror.
Stephen intensified his speed velocity but Maxwell soon match up with his
pace. His cloth was soaked in sweat as he behold the look on Helen's face
and a cold feeling swept him off the feet in his car signifying danger.
Helen who was scared to death as a result of what she had overheard and
an idea of what Maxwell was capable of beckoned on Stephen to drive
Stephen reversed from the direction he was set to before with the aim of
confusing Maxwell. He was excited at first when it seemed that Maxwell
had lost track of them but later his bright expression gave way to a
morose one when he saw Maxwell appeared again with his friend through the
Maxwell put his hand to his neck signifying to Stephen that he would end
up a dead meat when he gets hold of him. He knew that Stephen could see
him through his mirror as he wasn't far from his pace.
Stephen who was left with no choice drove roughly and ignored the red
signals his car emitted.
He opened his mouth widely when he behold a truck in front of him .
Stephen who had lost a hold of the steering as a result of tension
couldn't do his best to alleviate the dangerous situation.
He braced himself up and tried so hard to get a hold of himself speeding
away with intensified velocity in a bid not to collide with the truck.
Unfortunately one of his tires went bad due to the reckless driving and
he ended up bumping into a trailer at the front as a result of losing
control over his brake shortly after the tyre went bad.
Helen gave up the ghost immediately the accident happened . The injuries
she sustained were way too much and she was badly damaged. Stephen on the
other hand was struggling for his life in the car.
Maxwell and his friend backed out with immediate effect when the
accident happened with an intention of plan b in heart incase Stephen
and Helen survives the accident.
Unknown to Maxwell and his friend Helen had lost her life immediately in
the accident. They had not found out because they had not bothered to
check out the two when the accident happened as they were afraid of being

A passer-by watched in helplessness the lifeless body of Helen and was

deeply moved when Stephen was struggling for his life in the car the
occupants of the trailer Stephen had collide with were only badly
bruised in their hands and faces. The two men were left in shock after
the accident occurred which later resulted to them being unconscious. A
call was put across to the hospital and soon an ambulance arrived which
carried Stephen away coupled with the two men in the trailer after Helen
was declared dead. Helen's pulse had long dropped when the passer-by
placed his hand on her chest so he knew earlier that she had given up the
ghost. The passer-by soon went on his way lamenting about the horrible
Stephen was placed on an oxygen as he looked lifeless and deplorable
Stephen's forehead suffered a huge cut and other parts of his body were
deeply affected by the accident as well.

The following day Stephen slowly opened his eyes on the hospital bed. He
felt a spitting headache and everywhere looked dim. He wanted to get up
but he couldn't his legs felt like they were absent and he thought that
he was being delusional. Stephen was still in his state of helplessness
when a nurse came in.
Paranoid, as a result of the numbness he felt in his legs when he tried
to get up Stephen yelled continuously and refused to yield to the nurse .
He demanded for an explanation as to what had happened to his legs in an
authoritative voice. When the nurse saw that she couldn't do much to
control Stephen's yelling and aggressiveness she called on the doctor to
check out Stephen's legs.
After the doctor finished checking Stephen's legs he realized that he had
been paralyzed downwards hereby losing his legs as a result of the
accident. It was more like salt added to injury because the doctor had
gotten to know the very day Stephen was admitted that his reproductive
organ had been damaged beyond repair in the accident which made him go
Stephen later slept off after he was given a sedative. His yelling was
getting out of hand and he was way too aggressive. He didn't even give a
listening ear to the doctor when he tried to talk to him rather he closed
his ears utterly annoyed and confused.
The nurse sighed heavily as she watched Stephen give way to sleep. The
doctor had administered the sedative to Stephen and had left the ward to
attend to another patient. The nurse left the ward shortly after Stephen
slept off.
While Stephen was battling with the harsh reality on the hospital bed,
Katherine was whiling away in her sorrow as the fear of what lied ahead
was envisaged in her wildest imaginations.

Chapter Seventeen

Kolawole sat still staring at the piled documents he had to officiate in

front of his desk. The needed energy to attend to the documents seemed to
have gone on an exile as he reminisced on what had happened to Katherine.
The tears of Katherine became afresh in his memory so much that it irked
him without a pause. Kolawole banged the desk so hard trying to unleash
his pain. He pondered on the words he had said and wondered if he could
keep his hales.

Katherine had broken into tears immediately she arrived home after she
was discharged. The look on Kolawole's face when they arrived at home
betrayed him so much that she sensed that he had already become aware of
her health status. Her suspicions became right when Kolawole seemed to
gaze at her than necessary. Katherine broke the silence for her sanity
sake and the purpose of clearing the foggy weather. She related the
diagnosis the doctor had given her the day she went to the hospital three
days after it was declared that she was pregnant.
While Katherine spoke Kolawole was drowning in tears. He tried to control
the tears so as to act strong and pacify Katherine but it was to no avail
the tears flowed freely. As for Vivian she was utterly speechless and
thought that she was probably day dreaming or hallucinating. She didn't
believe a thing until Katherine showed her the reports together with the
one the doctor had handed over to Kolawole.
Vivian shook her head umpteenth times and stamped her feet on the floor.
She sat down at intervals and stared at Kolawole and Katherine. There was
no explainable feeling for what dawned on her after the revelation.
While Vivian was staring at the two she was pondering on why Katherine
had taken the step to taking her pound of flesh at Stephen then she
realized that the resentment her friend had felt as a result of the
betrayal was justified.
Vivian suggested that Katherine find a way of making Stephen go behind
bars for what he did to her but Katherine didn't give a response to her
friend's advice. She was still trying to maintain her stance at the
painful reality in front of her.
Kolawole was left in awe when Katherine sped into the room telling him to
get away from her because she would only cause him harm.
"Go away I don't need your pity anymore keep it for the less privileged."
Katherine had yelled when Kolawole tried consoling her when she was
lamenting about her grief.
Kolawole racked his brain trying to figure out if he was standing by
Katherine on an accord of love or pity. Kolawole brought himself to his
past and the scars inflicted on him became alive at once. There was only
one way to get clarifications on the feelings he had and that was to
bring Katherine to his past then reflect if there was still any source of
attraction he had left. For the pain Katherine had went through her
utterances were expected and it was only fair that he figured himself out
before professing his feelings that way he wouldn't wane out in the long
run amidst the up and down of the ride.
Kolawole officiated three documents then called it a day. He went into
his car and drove to his home in anticipation of what he had in mind.
Kolawole went straight into the bathroom after he returned from work and
took his shower. After he did that he hung a picture he had kept in his
gallery for years and smiled to himself after displaying several
portraits on the wall. Kolawole rethink if he was about to do the right
thing or set things ablaze he ended up arriving at the conclusion that he
was about to set things straight.
Kolawole took a bottle of wine in the fridge and poured it into a cup .
The past became alive than ever threatening to take away his peace as he
realized that he had long been in need of affection. Katherine had
brightened up his world again with her smiles and he couldn't afford to
see her in tears.
Nevertheless he could easily relate with Katherine's pain because he had
his own fair share of betrayal which almost claimed his life and sanity.
Kolawole put a call across to Katherine after he ensured that everywhere
around his house looked explicit to define his intentions. He felt bad
when his calls were ignored until a call came in from Katherine after he
had almost given up.
Katherine had ignored the calls because she felt that Kolawole was
staying by her side as a result of pity. She hated the fact that she was
considering future plans with him yet the future was way too bleak and
their chances of ending up together was way too slim.
Katherine felt that she was only overthinking things between her and
Kolawole in a bid of consolation from her pain. Moreover Kolawole had not
spoken up about what he felt towards her and that worsened her misery as
she didn't know where to place him yet.
Vivian who couldn't watch her friend ignore Kolawole's call further
called him back herself on Katherine's phone much to Katherine's
dissatisfaction. She ignored the awful look on Katherine's face and
dialed the number and when Kolawole picked it up she placed the phone on
her ears.
Katherine answered abruptly.
Kolawole replied her back and pleaded that she come around to his base.
He revealed that he had a taxi driver already booked down and would be
glad if she heed to him.
Katherine stared at her friend in the face at the request of Kolawole.
The call was put on speaker by Vivian so she heard everything Kolawole
was saying.
"Common babe. Go and see him already."
Vivian muttered under her breath. Vivian became elated when her friend
gave a yes to Kolawole's request and helped her dressed up after the call
was halted.
Katherine went to Kolawole's abode with the taxi driver that he had
arranged for her. Kolawole had transfered the taxi driver money to him so
he went on his way immediately he dropped Katherine.
Katherine was wowed at the magnificent of Kolawole's mansion. She had
never paid him a visit in his house so she had no idea how it looked
She knocked on the gate and the gateman opened it. Katherine felt highly
welcomed even by the gateman due to the countenance on his face when he
saw her. It appeared that Kolawole had made him aware that someone
extraordinary was coming around.
Katherine's heart skipped when Kolawole welcomed her at the entrance of
the dining room. She couldn't help but smile when Kolawole beamed a smile
at her. Katherine felt nervous as she gazed at Kolawole's eyeballs. She
felt sorry about the hurtful words she had said to him the other day. As
she was about to open her mouth to say sorry, her eyes caught sight of
different portraits on the wall and one picture particularly caught her
interest. It was the picture of Kolawole with a baby girl in his arms.
The look on Katherine's face suddenly changed at the next moment and she
looked at Kolawole with disbelief.
"Is this your daughter?"
Katherine said and kolawole nodded his head for a response.

Chapter Eighteen
"I can't believe this. Did you asked me to come here so you can rub it in
my face that you have a daughter or possibly married?"
Katherine said standing akimbo. She was trying so hard to control the
tears welling in her eyes.
"I never asked you to come here with the intentions of rubbing things in
your face. On the contrary I asked you to come here for something totally
Kolawole said trying to sound explicit.
"What do you intend to say? That you are married and you came close to me
out of pity? What was your intentions going so close to me like that? It
didn't ever come across your mind that your deeds would make you lovable
right? I know I might sound selfish right now because of the position you
met me, but at least you could have made me aware of this right from the
start I would have set things straight within. Now i am lost and totally
beclouded on the go. You coming to my life was based on pity there's no
suitable explanation for your support than pity."
Katherine said giving way to tears.
"Please listen to me, give me a listening ear. Give me the chance to
speak and be listened to. Don't make this harder for me Kate, please
"What do you want to say hunh!! What else is there to say?"
Katherine said leaving his presence.
"She was my daughter yes but she's late and I'm not a married man as you
assumed. At least not in the present."
Kolawole sobbed.
Katherine uttered looking astonished.
"Yes she's late."
"I'm so sorry Kay . I'm so sorry for your loss."
Katherine said returning to Kolawole's presence.
"It's okay. It's been years now she's passed away. Right now, I need you
to give me a listening ear I need all the courage in the world to say
this. I might break down but don't despair I will be fine."
Kolawole said forcing a smile through his face.
"Ok still I'm sorry for raising voice at you."
Katherine said feeling remorse.
"It's okay your reaction was expected. I'm sorry it took me so long to
gather courage to tell you about my past and I'm sorry that I didn't make
the setting in a polite way as possible."
Kolawole said holding Katherine's hands.
"But what happened to your daughter what led to her death? And her mother
Katherine asked curiously trying to find words to total her utterances.
Kolawole sighed and released his hands from Katherine's. Then he stood up
and cleared his throat. His eyes were sore and laid in tears as at that
"I was once a happily married man . My marriage was the best ever on
earth. It was rosy because I could afford basic things of life for my
wife and I believed that we both felt the same way for each other. Yes,
Rita was well to do and her parents were influential but that didn't stop
my rights I cared for her so much without any expectations in return. It
was my right after all. Few months in our marriage Rita took in and I was
the most happiest man on earth when she told me about it. The news came
on a day I was elated about a contract that had gotten signed in my
favor. You can imagine it was like honey mixed with sugar."
Kolawole said and sighed.
"Then what happened? What led you to being single?"
Katherine asked impatiently.
"Everything was wrong right from the onset. The I do on the altar wasn't
done with sincerity of heart they were just mere words fast withering
like a castle built on the sand. Like I was saying, the news of my wife
taking in was heard on an elated ground. I was so happy when she told me
about it. Nine months came, and my wife gave birth to a baby girl she was
named Beatrice not only was she bright, she was extremely beautiful as
well. Everything was all good, until that fateful day I had a fatal motor
accident my car capsized and gave way to fire. Luckily for me, I was
quickly rescued from getting totally burnt but too late, for my poor face
the other parts of my body only got little marks from the accident . My
face looked so terrible there was no difference even when I was
discharged from the hospital. When I returned from the hospital, I found
a total opposite of my wife. She wouldn't chat or eat with me. She found
it irritating to look at my face I didn't interest her anymore because of
my badly burnt face. In a bid to bring back my lovely home and to
resurrect the feelings my wife had back. I flew out of the states for a
surgery which failed woefully. The scars didn't seal up and my efforts
went abortive and to think the surgery was way too expensive but I didn't
look out for other options because of the goal I had in mind. Kate, I was
fast losing my wife with each passing day. With time , I hoped my wife
would accept the fact that what happened wasn't my fault and that she
would stop treating me like trash but my hopes were dashed when I found
out that she was involved in extra marital affairs and when I confronted
her about it, her response was heartbreaking."
Kolawole paused in a stance that maintained that he was trying to reflect
on the past event.
" Sorry, but did your wife say
when you confronted her."
"Her words were that that I irritate her every passing day and that I
didn't look a bit of the man she had vowed forever with in front of the
altar. Scar face, you might never heal and I don't have the strength to
bear your misfortune because I am not responsible for it. Moreover your
good looks is what made us compatible in the first place. There's no sign
of attraction left and I can't hid it anymore. It would be a pleasure to
walk out of this thing called marriage. I can't watch you continue
tarnishing my reputation imagine being recognized with a scar face man
who looks like a scarecrow. “That was all she said and my pleadings
didn't move her a bit. Her excuses was that she had lost all form of
attraction towards me."
"Ohh God!! That sounds terrible coming from someone who claimed to love
"She never did Kate, her actions proved that she never did. Well after
some days, Rita went on the divorce proceedings and served me the
divorce paper. I refused to sign it I was going cra.zy with pain and felt
it was all a dream but it wasn't. After Rita left, I became unstable to
take care of our daughter so I handed her over to my mom. Some days later
after my baby girl fell sick continuously in my mom's custody and she was
diagnosed of a heart disease when she was taken to the hospital. I didn't
have the funds to take her for an operation because I had spent all in
catering for the failed surgery my expectations were dashed because my
empire was going down the drain due to my absence and participation I had
to sell the company so I could raise the bills atleast to save my
daughter's life but no, life wasn't done with me. On the eve of traveling
to get the surgery done, she gave up the ghost diagnosis had it that
brooding complicated her illness I guess the signs were there but I
didn't notice it because of the trauma I was in. When my daughter died,
life became harder I struggled hard to find a reason to live everyday.
Thanks to my mom who consistently stood by me. I got up back and when I
was financially buoyant I went for a face surgery again because I was
tired of using mask to cover my scars luckily for me, the surgery was
successful and here I am."
Kolawole uttered.
"I'm left speechless I never knew or imagined that a sweet soul like you
has been through such hell. I'm extremely sorry Kay."
"It's okay it's not your fault you are one beautiful lady who helped in
making my life colourful again. You know when I met you that day, I
wanted to approach you but then when you raised your hands while brooding
, I realized that you were married I wanted to go on my way, but then you
were consistently in your thoughts so I decided to walk up to you when
you were about to cross the road my instincts predicted that I could be
of help. Even though I never thought that things would eventually end up
that sore between you and your husband, I found myself wishing every
night that you could be mine. Yes those thoughts were selfish based on
your status but they occurred. My Lilly -pilly I Know this is not the
right timing for this, but once all this is over, I will love to give
things a chance between us."
Kolawole said and Katherine forced a smile...
Chapter Nineteen

"I'm confused of what response to give you Kay. Even though what you just
requested for is what I have been yearning for, I still feel it's
unworthy of me. I'm unworthy of you Kay I'm not deserving of your love
neither a future with you. I have been damaged Kay the only thought that
gives me joy is the thought of revenge how can a damaged soul like me be
worthy of your love? How can I give you what I don't have and didn't have
the opportunity to experience the trueness of it?"
Katherine said while pacing around the dining room.
Kolawole put his hands on his lips gazing so hard at Katherine that her
heart throbbed.
"Don't decide for me. Let me be worthy of speaking for myself. You aren't
so insignificant that you are undeserving of my love and when I mean love
I mean it with true intentions . I love you Katherine there's no other
explanation for that remarkable feeling I feel when the thought of you
comes across my mind. I know it's not easy because of what you've been
through but don't shut me out please."
Kolawole said with a grin on his face.
"I don't know what the future holds but the reality remains that it way
too bleak for us. Right now, I feel like I am enrolled on a death roll.
This would have been sweet if we had met sooner. Kay, my womb is at risk
not only that, I am carrying a S.T.D that was gotten from an awkward
source. Does it not irk you that I am carrying a soul of another man's
seed in me. How can you love me with my visible imperfections? How can
you look at me and love me like this? It's sounds so inanimate to be
true? How can I trust that your feelings for me aren't birthed from
Katherine sobbed.
"What about me? Am I so perfect that there's no imperfections in me? Did
you just hear yourself out now Kate? Did you just see how you looked down
on yourself saying hurtful words to your sanity. How on earth can you
write yourself off over something curable? As for your baby it was
conceived in a matrimonial union how on earth is that your fault? Look I
am not raising hope based on the fact that the doctor said that your baby
chances of survival are thin. Even though it sounds stupid to you right
now, I deeply love you I'm not in control of my heart to control it's
attraction towards you and yes I'm willing to be the father of your
unborn child. God's willing the child lives to survives the torture
within. Look Kate, my intentions are pure there's no undertone in my
motive it might sound strange to you that I am willing to hold your hands
through the storm but I'm for real my Lilly -pilly. Please don't decide
for me by shutting me out because you feel you aren't worthy of me.
Kolawole pleaded and Katherine sighed.
He went closer and wiped Katherine's tears with his palms smiling at her
while holding her tender hands.
"There are no buts.."
Kolawole said shutting her up amidst a kiss.
Katherine gasped with an elated smile when Kolawole did that. She felt
her heart throbbed in excitement when Kolawole rested on her bosom after
they parted lips.
"Don't do more than you should something dangerous might happen here and
I don't want to inflict you."
Katherine said when Kolawole wouldn't let go of her so easily.
Kolawole said in defeat seeing her that the atmosphere was getting
Katherine later left Kolawole's apartment after giving an affirmative
response to his request.
Kolawole's heart jumped with joy as the kiss they shared flashed through
his mind.
"Ohh!! Mine I am taken for sure."
Kolawole muttered under his breath.
He had the intentions of helping Katherine out with the bill for the
therapy. Katherine trusted that she had his undying support and when he
made mention of the therapy to Katherine's hearing before she took her
leave, she assured him that she would begin it soon.
Kolawole went to bed that night extremely delighted than usual as for
Katherine she was held bound in bliss of what had happened. She had not
expected the kiss from Kolawole her heart skipped so much when she
reminisced on it. Even her friend had seen through her face that she had
a swell moment with Kolawole when she entered into the room.
"It sure went well."
Vivian had teased Katherine who was held bound in love.

The following day, Katherine was on her way to the hospital for the
commencement of the therapy when she came across Stephen's best friend.
Katherine had tried her best to ensure that the guy wouldn't get a sight
of her but he ended up seeing her while she was going sideways to avoid
The guy called Katherine In an enthusiastic voice when he caught sight of
her like he had been longing for a moment to speak with her.
Katherine guessed that the guy must have been aware that she wasn't with
Stephen anymore it was expected so, since he was Stephen's best friend.
"Good morning."
Katherine retorted with a wry look when the guy called her attention.
"Kate Kate, it's been a while I hope you are doing great?"
The guy asked and Katherine responded “yes in a clear voice.
" There's something I want to inform you about. Actually it's a request
from Stephen I'm glad I met you which makes things easier."
"Ohh Stephen? Is it that my ears are sounding funny or what?"
Katherine queried shockingly.
" Now please don't flare up I got a wind of what happened between you two
and I wasn't pleased with it. We are humans and we do make mistakes at
times, but let's not keep grudges even till the point of death please
"I don't know what you are pleading about? By the way what message did
that son of the devil asked you to pull across?"
Katherine said, sounding livid with impatience.
"Well Katherine please let's sit over there."
Stephen's best friend said using his hands to point to a spot.
Katherine hissed and follow him suit as he walked. When they sat under
the shade, Katherine urged Stephen's best friend to speak up as she
couldn't waste her time further. Nevertheless she was eager to hear what
stunt Stephen had pulled across again. Him having the nerves to request
something from her was the height of it.
"Kate, Stephen had a ghastly motor accident. As I speak now, he's laying
in the hospital bed seeking to see your face. I guess he wants to make
atonement for the hurt he has caused you. Please Kate promise me you will
go to see him."
Stephen's best friend pleaded much to Katherine's annoyance.
"And on what base should I care to see him?"
Katherine asked angrily.
"On the basis of humanity. On the basis of the love you guys had once
"Wait, it seems that Stephen didn't make you aware of the magnitude of
hurt that he had inflicted on me? Did Stephen ever make you aware that
all thanks to him I have an S.T.D now? did he ever make you aware that he
raised his hands on me did he tell you about so many other tortures he
inflicted on me? Or did he just brush things on the surface while
relating to you his deeds."
"To be honest, Stephen only informed me that things went sore between you
two and that led to separation he never told me these things you are
popping up now."
Stephen's best friend asked utterly confused and wondering why Stephen
had not given him full details of what had transpired between him and
Katherine. Stephen had only told him a little and pleaded that Katherine
wouldn't pick his call so he should help in talking to her on his behalf.
Stephen's best friend was still thinking of what convincing message to
compose to Katherine while on the go when he caught sight of her. He was
delighted when he saw Katherine in person.
"It was only courteous that he informed me of all this."
Stephen's best friend muttered under breath and shook his head.
"But still.."
Stephen's best friend struggled with words while trying to clear the
"Still what? Please John, I need to go I don't want to sound rude or
crazy but you wouldn't like my reaction next time you halt me to pull
things across about a beast in a human form."
Katherine said and walked away leaving Stephen's best friend on the seat.
John was confused than ever about Katherine's reaction and pondered on
the magnitude of hurt that could have prompted Katherine to be so
unconcerned about Stephen's plight.
Chapter Twenty

Katherine gasped for breath when she arrived at the entrance of the
hospital. She had walked so fast in a rage that her legs begin to ache
her. She regretted not taking a bike to further her journey to the
hospital because she felt the distance wasn't lengthy again and she could
use that as a form of exercise. She was angry getting a message from
Stephen and stupefied that her conscience pricked her so much with no
justifiable cause.
"This is the man that has caused me immense pain. Why do I feel I so
guilty about not giving a hoot about his plight? There was never any
Katherine muttered trying to justify her actions.
She cursed Stephen under her breath for making her go through so much
pain in a siege that he loved her. She had never imagined that she would
grow so cold as to not give a damn but her conscience wouldn't stop
performing its role.
Katherine paused and reflected on her actions .
"For the basis of humanity."
rang a bell in her head umpteenth times.
"Even if I want to see him, it's on the basis of humanity not love.
Stephen never loved me."
Katherine soliloquized and went further into the hospital.
She felt her heart skipped heavily when the doctor looked at her sternly
then her heart gave way to rest when the doctor smiled at her.
" The treatment will begin in the next two days. You must have a good
heart to have survived this. Hopefully the therapy will turn out well
ensure to come on the appointed day with the necessary documents and
other necessities."
The doctor uttered with a confident smile.
"Alright doctor. Thank you so much."
Katherine said and left the doctor's office.
Her legs kept on aching so badly that she had to pause a bit outside the
hospital gate. When she had regained her stance she walked on hoping to
sight a restaurant. Katherine was excited when she came across one. She
ordered for a plate of jollof rice with sufficient salad and a piece of
Katherine was munching the salad in a mouthful when a message popped up
on her phone. She ensured that she had cleared the meal she was served
before taking notes of the message. Katherine hissed when she discovered
that the text message was from John. He had texted the address of the
hospital Stephen was admitted in despite her blunt refusal. Katherine
paid the food bill and left the restaurant then headed for home to get a
sleep. She had not walked for a long distance yet her knees felt like it
was waning out from fatigue.
Katherine boarded a commercial bus and soon she was at the doorstep of
her home. She stared at the address John had sent to her once more then
she entered into the room. Katherine went into the bedroom with the hope
of getting sleep but that was to no avail as the words of John kept on
flashing through her thoughts.
She took the divorce letter from the drawer and fiddled with a pen in her
hands she soon dozed off with the divorce papers hanging around the bed.
Vivian had resume her work so she wasn't at home to keep Katherine

Stephen's friend went on his way to the hospital after work closed for
the day to inform Stephen about Katherine's response which caught him
unaware. He had been on the go to his house to get dressed up for work
when he met Katherine on the way. Regardless of how Katherine had
responded to him in the morning and the utter confusion he wallowed in,
he decided to press further by sending Katherine the address of the
hospital that Stephen was admitted in. He felt unease when Katherine
didn't reply the message or bother to give him a call. He concluded that
Katherine's was resolute with the words she had spoken in the morning and
wasn't willing to heed to his persistence. John hastily went on his way
to the hospital after he returned from work. He was perplexed as to
Katherine's reaction and yearned to get an explanation. He had not bother
to change his clothes rather he went ahead to the hospital. John was
shocked to his bone marrow when Stephen gave yield to his persistence
when he queried about what could have prompted the sweet Katherine he
knew not to give a damn about his pathetic situation.
Stephen retreated in defeat and began to reveal the events behind the
scenes. He even went ahead to make John aware of the drugs he had
inserted into Katherine's food from the onset to make it impossible for
her to conceive. John was drowning in tears at Stephen's revelations. The
magnitude of hurt Stephen had inflicted on Katherine pissed him off.
"Gush!!! How on earth could you have done that to such a sweet soul as
Katherine? Wait is Katherine aware about the birth control thing?"
Stephen's friend uttered in awe.
" I think she is and if she doesn't know yet, she will definitely get to
know later. The side effects of the drugs must have been telling on her
after she left. I had a hand of the control pills I injected Into her
food to aid the side effects before she left the house but then I didn't
take them in measures so the manipulation must have resurfaced. I know
you must think I am a beast right now but I need not put you in dark
further that way you wouldn't look stupid when next Katherine confronts
"No wonder!!! The Kate I knew wouldn't be so callous as to not give a
hoot about your condition you only briefed me about what had happened so
her actions put me in shock. Now that I have known the reasons for her
actions I do not condemn her anymore. Whatever has happened to you, and
whatever Katherine is doing right now, you deserve it. How could you
John said out loud.
"I know I deserve more but still I need to hear from Katherine. I need to
make atonement for my ways please don't give up on me John not at this
timing please."
"The problem with most humans is that they think they can do everything
and get away with it. We say words we don't mean with sinister motives in
heart forgetting that posterity will be the judge. Katherine was a sweet
soul, you would have grown to love her if your intentions were pure but
no, they were undertone from the onset reason why it was easy for you to
fall out because you had everything all planned . If only you had made
those vows with pure intentions then you and Katherine would have been
the best couple on the planet. But yeah, you had to be on the run like a
wild goose. Well enjoy the ride and fascinating thrill of your actions
the very words you said have haunted you down because Katherine did her
part in trueness of heart. I don't wish you hell but count me out of
persuading Katherine. "
John said and left the ward in anger.

The following day, Katherine went into the hospital to see Stephen. She
needed peace and the only way to get it, was to face her demon.
Stephen was dumbstruck when he behold her face. He looked at her in awe
and opened his mouth to plead about the hurts he had inflicted.
Katherine only smiled while Stephen spoke. She was caught unguarded when
Stephen pleaded that she give him a second chance to make atonements for
his mistakes after she revealed that she was pregnant with his baby.
"Let's give things a second chance Katherine at least for our baby sake
Stephen pleaded.
"You never loved me when you had your legs active while should I make
things work now that they are immobile? You sound so funny Stephen here
is the divorce papers I already signed them before coming here remember
you told me that day. "You would soon be giving me the freedom that I
deserve. " Thank you Stephen thank you for proving the beast that you are
way too early. Thank you for the pain you made me went through that
connected me to the man of my dreams. Hopefully we will meet soon perhaps
on my wedding day in your wheel chair. Kisses!!! I already forgave you."
Katherine said and left the hospital ward after throwing the divorce
papers on Stephen. Stephen sobbed like a baby immediately she left.
Chapter Twenty One

Maxwell was in the room taking a bottle of champagne when he got a call
from his friend informing him to speed off before the authorities get to
his house.
Maxwell ex-girlfriend's case had been revisited and some hidden incidents
were fast getting into light. Unknown to Maxwell the CCTV footage of the
crime scene had not been destroyed by the police officer like he had
thought. The police officer who didn't trust Maxwell enough decided to
entrust the CCTV footage in the hands of his brother incase things go
Maxwell had thought that everything was buried underground when he
ordered the assassination of the police officer. The brother of the
police officer who had been entrusted with the CCTV footage was scared at
first to bring the event to surface but his conscience wouldn't stop
haunting him. An Informant in the police cell hinted Maxwell's friend
that the authorities where on their way and that they should get ready to
leave the country.
Unfortunately for Maxwell and his friend their location was tracked down
and they were caught while anticipating to flee.
Maxwell's friend was gun down and he gave up the ghost when he attempted
to escape from the authorities. There was a downpour of tears when
Maxwell realized that his friend and lover had left him alone in the cold
world. A deep sense of rejection overflowed Maxwell and he surrendered
into the hands of the authorities.

On the appointed day , Katherine appeared in the hospital with Kolawole

beside her offering her his undying support there was a huge relief that
Katherine felt when the files were officiated and the therapy began.
Kolawole took his leave later on after getting the necessary information
from the doctor about the therapy with the promise to check up on
Katherine from time to time.
Three weeks passed by and the therapy worked faster than thought with
visible results. Katherine soon got healed and left the hospital with
strict instructions and medications to round up the healing process.
While on the healing process, Katherine lose her pregnancy. She
experienced a thick downpour of liquid that morning and a feeling of
dejection as she watched her seedlings wane out in pieces. Kolawole was
at home with her as that the time the incident happened. He had decided
not to go for work that day, so as to spend a day with Katherine.
Katherine constantly complained of a hurtful sensation below her belly
and Kolawole advice her to rest on his legs while he caressed her tummy
only for Katherine to observe later that her thighs were getting wet and
sticky. Katherine exclaimed loudly when she realized that she had lose
her pregnancy. Kolawole tried his best to console her he knew that
Katherine had waited for long before she took in but he had high hopes
that she was going conceive more seedlings in his abode.
Kolawole took Katherine to the hospital for womb cleansing due to the
miscarriage so that the remnants in her womb could be flushed out.
The doctor advice that Katherine wait for a year before thinking of
taking in for her medical safety as it was risky to take in so soon
because of the pathetic state of her womb.
Nevertheless Kolawole went on to wed Katherine as soon as the phase was
over with the consentient of waiting for as long as possible for
Katherine to heal before she takes in.
After a year and the half, Katherine took in and delivered triplets ( two
boys and a girl) after ten months passed by.
She was happy and glad that a man like Kolawole had come across her way.
Whenever Kolawole and Katherine had issues they resolved it that same
night. The two lived in affluence and equilibrium of peace. There was
money to balanced their needs and that made life more sweeter. Most
important of all was the undying love and the sincere intention to make
it work and work.
As for Vivian she gave relationship a chance with Stephen's best friend;
John the two had grown fond of each other within the time they spent
together. Katherine was the one who introduced John to Vivian the day he
came to pay her a visit on a weekend to consolate with the pain Stephen
had inflicted on her. He made Katherine aware that he didn't have an idea
of the scenes undertone until he pestered Stephen nevertheless, he
encouraged Katherine to chose her happiness at all cost with no
All events being balanced, Vivian and John continued with their dating
with the hope that their commitment would one day lead to the altar.
Marriage is a sweet journey ......
Most beautiful with purest intentions in heart never forget that the
words don't matter but the driving motive...
Of cos the utterances we make at the altar doesn’t count if the
intentions are senile. Beyond I do !!!

The end.

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