Table Format Code

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Sub SendCust_Email()

Dim ObjOutlook As Object

Set ObjOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim ObjEmail As Object
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim strAgentID As String

intRow = 2
strAgentID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("A" & intRow).Text

While (strAgentID <> "")

Set ObjEmail = ObjOutlook.CreateItem(0) ' 0 for olMailItem

Dim strMail_Subject As String

Dim strMail_Body As String
Dim strDay As String
Dim strName As String
Dim strEmail_Id As String
Dim Daily_AHT As Date
Dim Daily_CRM As Double
Dim Daily_ACW As Date
Dim Daily_HoldTime As Date
Dim MTD_AHT As Date
Dim MTD_CRM As Double
Dim MTD_ACW As Date
Dim MTD_HoldTime As Date
Dim MTD_ACD As Integer

strMail_Subject = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail_Details").Range("A2").Text
strDay = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Mail_Details").Range("C2").Text

strName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("B" & intRow).Text

strEmail_Id = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("C" & intRow).Text
Daily_AHT = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("D" & intRow).Value
Daily_CRM = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("E" & intRow).Value
Daily_ACW = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("F" & intRow).Value
Daily_HoldTime = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("G" &
MTD_AHT = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("H" & intRow).Value
MTD_CRM = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("I" & intRow).Value
MTD_ACW = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("J" & intRow).Value
MTD_HoldTime = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("K" & intRow).Value
MTD_ACD = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("L" & intRow).Value

' Format time values as h:mm:ss

FormattedDaily_AHT = Format(Daily_AHT, "h:mm:ss")
FormattedDaily_ACW = Format(Daily_ACW, "h:mm:ss")
FormattedDaily_HoldTime = Format(Daily_HoldTime, "h:mm:ss")
FormattedMTD_AHT = Format(MTD_AHT, "h:mm:ss")
FormattedMTD_ACW = Format(MTD_ACW, "h:mm:ss")
FormattedMTD_HoldTime = Format(MTD_HoldTime, "h:mm:ss")

strMail_Subject = Replace(strMail_Subject, "<AgentID>", strAgentID)

strMail_Body = "<html><body>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<p>Hi " & strName & ",</p>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<p>Please find below your daily and month-
to-date performance report:</p>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<table border='1' cellpadding='5'
strMail_Body = strMail_Body &
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<tr><td>Hold Time</td><td>" &
FormattedDaily_HoldTime & "</td><td>" & FormattedMTD_HoldTime & "</td></tr>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<tr><td>ACW</td><td>" & FormattedDaily_ACW &
"</td><td>" & FormattedMTD_ACW & "</td></tr>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<tr><td>AHT</td><td>" & FormattedDaily_AHT &
"</td><td>" & FormattedMTD_AHT & "</td></tr>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<tr><td>CRM Log</td><td>" &
Format(Daily_CRM, "0.00%") & "</td><td>" & Format(MTD_CRM, "0.00%") & "</td></tr>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<tr><td>ACD</td><td>-</td><td>" & MTD_ACD &
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "</table>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<p>Thank you.</p>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "<p>Regards,<br>xxx<br>"
strMail_Body = strMail_Body & "</body></html>"

With ObjEmail
.To = CStr(strEmail_Id)
.Subject = strMail_Subject
.HTMLBody = strMail_Body
End With

intRow = intRow + 1
strAgentID = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Agent_Data").Range("A" & intRow).Text


MsgBox "Done"

End Sub

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