Oh!!! My Father!

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My father as written by Blessing Adewusi


● Chapter One
● Chapter Two
● Chapter Three
● Chapter Four
● Chapter Five
● Chapter Six
● Chapter Seven
● Chapter Eight
● Chapter Nine
● Chapter Ten
● Chapter Eleven
● Chapter Twelve
● Chapter Thirteen
● Chapter Fourteen
● Chapter Fifteen
● Chapter Sixteen
● Chapter Seventeen
● Chapter Eighteen
● Chapter Nineteen
● Chapter Twenty
● Chapter Twenty-One
● Chapter Twenty-Two
● Chapter Twenty-Three
● Chapter Twenty-Four
● Chapter Twenty-Five
● Chapter Twenty-Six
● Chapter Twenty-Seven
● Chapter Twenty-Eight
● Chapter Twenty-Nine
● Chapter Thirty
● Chapter Thirty-One
● Chapter Thirty -Two
● Chapter Thirty-Three
● Chapter Thirty-Four
● Finale
Oh! My father!

Chapter one

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

Maria was at the club rocking her body real hard with her lover when she got a call
from her dad. She became disturbed immediately she took her phone and realized
that it was her dad calling.

"That old man won't ever allow me to rest."

Maria muttered under breathe.

She ignored the call and continued dancing with her boyfriend.

Maria who was tired of staying at all home all home all day confined to the walls of
the home during the holidays was all shades of excitement when her boyfriend
invited her out for clubbing.

"Don't drink that too much."

Maria's boyfriend warned her , when she attempted to take the second drink and
she nodded her head.

"You are watching out for me darling. Thank you."

Maria pecked her boyfriend in the cheek and he caught her mouth in his. They
kissed at intervals while dancing with their body coming in contact with each other.

Later, Maria returned the phone call of her father after she was satisfied clubbing.

When Maria's father picked up the call, his voice was on a high pitched tone. He
seemed annoyed that she didn't pick up his earlier calls.
"Dad, I'm sorry. My phone was on silent so I didn't know you called."

Maria lied.

"Indeed!! Where did you go to and why aren't you home yet?"

Her father queried and Maria checked her wristwatch. It was already 9:20pm.

"Oops I didn't know that it was this late. Angela has a way of engaging me with gists
so much that I forget about home. I was bored being at home all day reason why I
went to her place."

Maria further lied.

"Why do I have a feeling that you aren't telling the truth Maria? Don't tell me that
you are hanging out with that noto rious boyfriend of yours again?"

Maria's father uttered lividly and she turned at her boyfriend who gave her a peck
on the cheek and softly nibbled on her neckline. She tapped him in a manner as if to
stop him from being
naug hty while she was on call.

"I swear on heavens that I'm at Angela's place and I'm about leaving there as at now.
We had a lot of gists reason why I'm still out here. I'm sorry pops."

Maria pleaded and her father cut the call.

"He won't ever allow you be?"

Maria's boyfriend uttered and she shook her head.

"Lover boy, sadly I have to rush home now. I will find a way to get in touch with you."

She smiled and winked at him.

Maria's boyfriend shrugged his shoulders when she waved him a goodbye and
requested that she stay with him a bit.

"Won't you give me a kiss?"

Maria asked her boyfriend when she moved a step and he didn't seem to come after
her to do the usual.

"Common James, I know you are angry that we barely get to spend time together
after I got admission to the university and I know we should be spending
uninterrupted hours together during the holidays but I have no choice. I got to do as
my p-man wants and besides I don't want to get you into trouble."

She expressed with a concerned look and James nodded his head. He looked into
Maria's eyeballs and kissed her in the lips passionately.

"I love you babe, always know that I do and always will."

James tilted her chin and planted kisses in her neckline. Then he let her leave after
he was satisfied getting all of her warmth.

Maria was a lady that James couldn't get enough of. He had met her the day he went
for shopping in a mall. Maria was busy picking items and was extremely occupied
that she didn't notice when he called her attention. As at then, Maria was nineteen
years old, but she had a big stature.

She was not in higher institution yet as at that time because her father insisted that
she get a bit mature before she goes into the university that way she would be able
to navigate her way through easily. Maria's father never failed to drum it into her
ears anytime he got the chance that she was his pride and that he had huge
favourable expectations from her.

There was always a smile from Maria's face each time her father told her that.
Although Maria appreciated her father's care and the fact that he never made her
miss her mother's abscence much but he could be totally annoying sometimes with
his bossy traits and controlling acts towards her. She was now twenty one but felt
like a toddler being paraded in the hands of her father. At first, she found it fun until
she got older and realized the importance of being allowed to make decisions for
herself too. Decisions like being able to have a lover without hiding or feeling
threatened about it and having to have a social life .

When James made his first approach at Maria she bluntly refused him. It was his
insistence that made her give him her contact at the mall that day, and she had the
intention of ignoring his calls if it came across.
Maria was able to successfully ignore the call that night after she left the mall.
Although she had not waited to get Jame's number, she sensed the number was his
when the call came in.Especially with the fact that the number was an unsaved one.
Jame's persistence call was given a win at last when Maria wasn't able to ignore it
anymore. She had tried to block his line but she couldn't bring herself to do that
anytime she attempted to.

When she picked up his call, he sounded cool so she agreed to his proposal for a

And that was it...

They kept seeing anytime they got the opportunity to due to the strict supervision
on Maria. When James asked Maria out, she made him realize that the strict terms
her father made her live on could affect their relationship. James who was desperate
for her to be his didn't pay attention to the strict terms mentioned. He responded
that he was ready to give it all it needed .

The two kept up with secret dates and made the relationship discreet that way
Maria's father wouldn't break them apart. Unfortunately for them, Maria's father
figured out the relationship when he observed some changes from his daughter and
tracked her moves. They had to go on break after he found out atleast to keep him
off their back.

To be continued....
Oh!! My father!

Chapter Two

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

When Maria returned home, she met a hostile face awaiting her at the entrance of
the sitting room.

"Common Pops, I'm no longer a toddler and you have to realize that. I'm fine and
here perfectly."

She hugged her dad and smiled at him.

"My worries never end, the more you grow, the more worried I get. I can't help but
feel this way each time you are out of my sight. You can't blame me....."

"Life has taught me a lesson in numerable ways. I don't want to make the same
mistake I made over and over again. It will be a shame on my part. You are my only
hope and where I draw my strength from. Don't dissappoint me Maria don't ever
break my heart into fragments and leave me empty."

Maria completed her father's wordings for him before the wordings came from his

Of cos the wordings had became an anthem that never changed in words or

"My words have become so familiar already isn't it?"

Her father queried and Maria smiled.

She sighed heavily and assured her father that she wouldn't disappoint him and that
he should be rest assured that she was going to make him proud at all times.
"I love you father."

She grinned at him.

"I love you too Maria always remember that. I might sound and behave controlling
but trust me I have your interests at heart. I can't afford or bear to make the same
mistakes I made with George again. I just can't."

"There we go again dad, I'm not George and what happened to him can't happen to
me. Please keep those horrid thoughts away. They hover around you and they emit
an aura of ill luck. I'm still suffering from mom's abscence over here as it is and I
wish day and night that she be sane again. Ever since George's death, she has been
sapped out emotionally and her sanity suffered from the shock. I really want us
present to head on and trust for the best. George's horrid death as his immediate
sister hit me too. Yes, I was little when it happened but it did hit me terribly."

Maria said amidst tears. She cleaned the tears with her palms before it developed
into a downpour hereby breaking her father's heart further.

"I'm sorry if I went down the sad memory lane but I can't help it. I had huge
expectations from George. Expectations that were left unfulfilled. At a point, I
figured him being a model for many generations. I imagined him several times
following my footsteps but it's alright. Everything happens for a purpose including
the bad events. I won't brood over it anymore, no matter how it hurts."

Maria's father voiced .

"Your virtue matters a lot Maria always remember that. No sweet words should give
you away or make you a toy in the hands of any man."

Her father warned and Maria nodded her head.

If only her father knew that she was already breaking the vows she made to him,
little by little. She had already sparkled the burning flames of passion in her heart
and it was only one step away she stand from being consumed by it.

"Do not let a man ever come close, Do not engage In filthy activities called kisses or
any form of romance. Those are high enablers of lust and fornication. You wouldn't
know when you would give yourself away if you engage in those acts."
Maria's father wordings came alive into her heart at the moment. She gave a beaded
smile in coverage of the arising tension that way her uneasiness would be

She remembered the torture she had went through, when she was younger and her
father had sighted her with a guy in her former neighbourhood heading out of the
junction after school hours. She had met the guy on the way while heading home
and he offered her a company. Since they lived around the same neighborhood and
she had no one to walk home with, she obliged to his request. They were gisting
while heading home, when her father sighted her.

Maria had to renew her vows to her father after he chastised her that day and he
warned her never to see her in close contact with any guy.

"I need to get a sleep now. I intend on paying mom a visit tomorrow in the

Maria feigned sleepiness. She yawned several times and stretched her arms.

Maria knew her father too well to not be familiar with how his wordings evolved into
epistles. They could probably be at that spot till dawn engaged in a dialogue.

"Sleep well dear."

Maria's father patted her in the back and she left his presence.

When she went into her room, she threw herself on the bed and reminisced on her
childhood and the present.

"I love you father, but my love for James has come to stay and nothing can't stand in

She soliloquized and shut the door.

Then she went ahead to take a shower in the bathroom and after logged in to see if
James was online.

When she checked, it read active 5 Mins ago.

"He must have gotten tired of waiting up on me. Let me text him."

She uttered to herself and sent him a SMS. Soon, James came online and they
chatted till 12:30 am .

The following day, Maria went to get her mother rose flowers before heading to the
psychiatric hospital. When her mother was sane and healthy before she became
mentally ill after her brother's missing body was discovered in a horrid manner, her
favourite flower was rose. She cherished them a lot. They had a way of lifting her
soul up.

"Hopefully mom will be excited to see me as I am excited to see her too."

Maria uttered while scenting the flowers at the flower shop.

To be continued.....
Oh!! My father!

Chapter Three

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

Maria felt extremely nervous as she approached the psychiatric hospital. The
thought of the present situation her mother could be in at the moment kind of
troubled her heart. To complicate issues, her father avoided the topic like plague.

Each time she tried to ask of her mother's current state, he would sigh and end up
changing the topic to another one. One thing that Maria had concluded was that her
father had not heal yet and would probably not heal until his mother regained her

It was just a pity that it all fell back on her . The high expectations, the hope of her
making it all right in her time. And the fact that she was to act an angel figure, a
human with no mistakes.

Maria breathe in and out after opening the gate. She greeted the gateman whom she
had become familiar with , and the health care workers too. When she was through
greeting them all, she queried about her mom and the ward she was presently in.
She had a lit of hope that atleast her category of ward would have been changed
and that was preceding changes.

"She keeps getting better. Hopefully the changes continue this way, she will be out
of here in no time if the changes are consistent."

One of the health care workers uttered and Maria nodded her head.

She grinned and went to the ward her mother was admitted in. In her hands, was a
dancing bunny who spoke and danced on her lap while she watched with keen
interest. Maria was the one who had given her mother the dancing bunny when the
psychiatrist prescribed that her mother be surrounded with things she was familiar
with, to help regain her sanity. He emphasized that being around things she once
was familiar with and stayed around her memories would come into light and In
turn help her sanity.
"Hello. Pretty woman. It's me Maria and I have come to pay you a visit."

Maria caressed her mother's hair and she smiled at her. She was wishing badly that
her mother would recognize her and atleast give her a warm hug. A warm hug she
had been craving for so long in her arms.

"Maria? Maria..... Maria...."

Her mother repeated and gazed into her eyeballs. Maria was broken hearted when
she couldn't recognize her but it kind of pleased her that she was now calm and
comely than the last time that she had paid a visit. There were numerable times she
had paid her mother a visit and she met her in an extremely pathetic state. Most
time she was deeply disturbed and unsettled that she feared to come close.

"It's okay if you can't remember me mom. I will be patient till you do, it's just that I
miss you a lot and I can't help but be in a hurry for your recovery."

"Oh! You called me mama. Did you hear that Julia?"

Her mother turned at a woman who kept grinning from ear to ear in the ward. The
woman smiled at Maria in an awkward manner that almost made her cringe. Maria
was used to the environment since it wasn't her first time visiting so she didn't give
in to fear. She knew that psychiatric patients could suffer an episode at any given
time , moreover a health-care worker was standby totally alert, so she was calm.

"Awwwwnnn. You look so cute. Thank you for calling me mama."

Maria's mother caressed her ears and fondled her skin. Maria smiled when she
played around her hair for some minutes and requested that she play with her hair
too. While that was going on, the healthcare worker watched with keen interest.
When Maria presented to her daughter the rose flower she brought along with her,
her mother was all shades of excitement. She scented the rose flower and buried
her head in it.

"You love it?"

Maria asked her mother and she nodded as a response. Then she scratched her hairs
and shook Maria's hands.
Maria had a difficult time leaving the ward because of her emotional her mother
became with her presence. She wished she had more chances to spend more time
with her and was determined to make good use of the holiday for that.

When Maria left the psychiatrist hospital, she returned home. Home was more or
less a prison whereby her activities and social life were questioned and ridiculously
time aiding her confinement to the four walls.

When it was evening after it was thirty minutes that Maria's father was out, Maria
dressed up so she could see her lover. She had fixed a date with him while chatting
him in the night. At first, the gateman refused letting her out which wasn't his
orders but him acting on her father's instructions. Maria had to plead with him and
assured him that she would return in time. She was feeling lonely and where she and
her lover had arranged was bubbly.

When James was coming from a slight distance, Maria sensed that he wasn't as
excited as she was. His face kind of looked gloomy and stressed out.

"Preharps work was tough today."

Maria reasoned.

She ran from where she stood and hugged him tightly.

"My love."

James gave her a smile and played with her ears

"What's wrong with you James you don't look a bit of excited? Was work hectic

Maria asked.

"There wasn't any work today. I lost my job Maria. The manager made it clear that
the company was running on loss and so some staffs had to be laid off to help with
the financial pressure."

James explained and Maria sighed.

"I'm sorry about that. So what to do now?"

Maria asked.

"I don't know, look for another job and start from scratch I think."

James responded.

To be continued.....
Oh!! My father!

Chapter Four

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

James and Maria walked hands in hands . They kept staring into each other's
eyeballs and their faces depicted the brightest smile of all.

"My own Maria."

James played around her hair and she smiled. He had grown nau ghty over the days
teasing her with her earlobes and watching her bemoan in cheer pleasure.

"Lover boy."

Maria winked at him.

She held his hands and they stopped walking. It was amazing how she could keep his
pains away with just a single smile. Maria hugged James tightly and requested that
they walk further later. James was engrossed in the hug that he found it difficult at
first to release her from the warm embrace.

"All bills on me today baby."

She beaded a smile at him when they sat down at the table in the restaurant.

"No babe, I haven't run out on funds. I will be sure to get another job in no time. You
don't need to worry about me. Just save the money for another thing you need."

James uttered but Maria was persistent.

"Stubborn girl. You win."

James gave in when Maria insisted.

They both gave their order after looking at the menu. It was only a slight difference
they had in the meal they had selected. While James couldn't play with plantain,
Maria cherished salads. Maria ordered for a plate of jollof rice with salad and
kitchen. James did same but the difference was the plantain as he didn't cherish
salad as Maria. When they were done eating, they gisted over a plate of pepper soup.
Maria paid the bills after they were done and they headed out.

"So how's mom? You said you were going to pay her a visit yesterday on chat."

James uttered.

Maria paused and looked at him with a fixated look then sighed.

"How's mom? How's mom?"

She muttered under breathe, finding the perfect word to say.

"Mom is fine. Atleast better than when I saw her last. I was told that if the positive
change persists she will be out of there in no time. Truth is that I don't know how
long that will take and I can't help but bother my head with it. It just feels so painful
that my mom is in that state. I mean she doesn't even recognize me as her daughter

Maria uttered outloud. She was getting emotional and vulnerable.

"She will recognize you as time goes on Maria, she will. Just keep paying her a visit
and don't forget to always put her in prayers. I have full hope that she will be sane
and healthy on our wedding day."

James flashed a smile across and Maria bursted into laughter.

"How can you be so charming like this, when you just lost your job."

Maria uttered and James gave her a dramatic look.

"You wouldn't ki ll yourself if you were in my shoes. Life hits us hard when we least
expect it, but we've got to head on. Although it hurts which I must admit but I know
it will all go well."

James stated.
"I got to return home now. I promised the gateman that I won't take too long."

Maria uttered at the next moment after checking her wristwatch. She loved
spending time with James but she was being time conscious so as not to put the
gateman who had helped her out in trouble. That way he would not find it difficult
coming to her aid again whenever her dad restrict her movement.

"What time is it ?"

James asked.

"It's 8:10pm. Pops will return home in forty minutes. I don't want to put the gateman
in trouble. He was the one who helped me today. It wouldn't have been possible to
see your face, if he didn't yield to my pleadings."

"Don't tell me that your daddy restricted your movement again?"

James queried.

"He did."

Maria responded.

"But why does your daddy do these things. I mean what he does. Him restricting
your movement and all that."

James asked displeased.

"He's my father and he wants the best for me. It's just a pity that he's going
overboard with his care and protection. It's justified though, I'm a female and he
probably doesn't want me to drag his name into the mud. Kind of like maintaining
his status as a Godly father training a Godly child. I mean he went through he ll
gaining the attention of people back after my brother's event and all that followed it.
I can put myself in his shoes, it's so hard. Yeah, it's unfair that he pours it all out on
me but that's the way it is."

Maria uttered.
"It's still unfair though, nobody should strive hard to be the perfection of another.
Really no one should ever fit into that shoes. It wasn't your fault that your brother
chose the part that led to his downfall."

James said to Maria.

"Yeah, it can be draining. Now enough of my problems and all that . Give me a kiss

At Maria's wordings, James took her mouth into his and they had a one last hug
before their departure.

Luckily for Maria her father had not arrived home as predicted so she wasn't caught.

When James returned home, his brother who had being out for long told him about
a vacancy in their work place after he told him about him being laid off at work.

"Don't worry, I will talk to the manager myself tomorrow. I have full hope that you
will be hired. We need more hands on deck as it is."

James's brother responded.

"Alright bro. But what is the job all about?"

James queried.

His brother could be funny atimes with his secretive way of life. He had always
maintained privacy about his work place so he was surprised that he was willing to
help him out.


His brother answered abruptly and cut him short when he attempted to ask more

To be continued......
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Five

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

The following day, Jame's brother left for work in the early hours of the morning
after assuring his brother that he would give him a call once he discuss with the

"Make sure your phone remains on. I will give you a call at any timing."

His brother had said before he left for work.

Although James was uncomfortable with the way his brother cut his questions short,
he was expectant because he needed a job real fast. Especially with the future plans
he had with Maria and was willing to do all it takes to put it into effect.

"Thank you bro."

James had said to his brother after his wordings that morning.

He went to wash his used clothes and after sorting out his early morning meal, he
took a bath and began chatting Maria. He and Maria chatted till the afternoon. They
so much love medium that fosters their relationship and most times weren't time
conscious whenever they had time together. There was a beautiful magical feeling
that spiralled across each time they gisted. Ever wonder why time goes by without
them being aware.

It was when James's brother called him up that he knew time had passed by that

"Babe, I will chat you up later. My brother call just came in."

James texted Maria and went offline to pick his brother's call .
" Congratulations bro. The manager said you should come alongside your
bio-data and your credentials tomorrow. I will give you more updates when I return
home. From all indications it's certain you will get the job. I'm ecstatic about that."

James's brother uttered on call .

James gave him a hearty thanks and after the call was ended, he went ahead to tell
Maria about the news.

📱I just hope I'm qualified for the job."


James texted Maria.

" I'm certain that you will be qualified provided you meet the requirements.
Moreover you have a connection through your brother over there and that boosts
your level of getting the job. Your brother has spent years doing the job so I'm sure
that he will guide you and that will aid your efficiency at it."

Maria replied his chat.

" I just hope it works out. I'm ecstatic about getting a new job. But I don't like how
my brother snubs the questions I ask concerning the job."

"📱Oh!! He does that?"

" 📱Yes, he does and it's begining to make me get scared of how tough the work
could be."

" Maybe he dosen't want to scare you away that's why he's hiding the details.
Whichever way, he's your brother and I'm certain that he can't put you in harm's
way. You know he's been like a father ever since you both lost your dad. I might not
know him because I've never gotten the privilege to but from the way you talk about
him I'm certain that he's got your best interest at heart. So shake your doubts off
and put on a big smile. Infact I want a selfie of you with a big smile right away."

" Oh! Maria, what would I do without you? Only you makes my world complete
and worthwhile. I love you babe."

James texted and sent a selfie of him smiling to Maria. Maria reacted love on the
selfie and ended the chat on the note that she needed to take her bath.
📱 Dirty girl, so you haven't taken a bath?"

James had teased Maria before the chat ended.

Maria who didn't want to prolong the chat reacted with a laughing emoji and went

"I can picture you all over and again close to my heart. You are one magic that makes
the world beautiful without a wand. I love you now and will forever."

James uttered to himself while holding unto the pendance that Maria had gifted him
on the birthday he celebrated last.

He went to bed with his hands holding unto the pendance and held one of Maria's
pictures he had in his wardrobe to his chest. He was smiling at himself feeling all
loved up when he slept off.

"Lover boy."

James's brother woke his brother up with a tap on his shoulders. James yawned and
quickly took the pictures off his chest then he gave a quick smile to his brother as if
to cut him short. Not that he didn't fancy telling his brother about the woman he
loved but he knew how unemotional his brother could be atimes concerning matters
of the heart so he wasn't looking forward to get dissapointed having big hopes in
him regarding that aspect.

James's brother only grinned when his brother put the picture in his wardrobe. He
wasn't concerned about whoever was making him act like a toddler given a melted
candy but about giving him an update on the job he was to resume. James's brother
didn't rate anything called love or relationship. He had watch his own mother
abandon them at a tender age in their father's hand during a time of difficulty. For
him, love didn't exist and wasn't in his dictionary. He was grateful that his brother
didn't expect much from him regarding that aspect and never bothered his ears with
his lovey dovey stuff .
James's brother told James about the documents needed and how to appear at the
office the following day .

"My boss loves confident and smart people so ensure to do your best in impressing
him with your appearance tomorrow."

He said with a smile on his face and James assured him that he would do his best.

Eventually after presenting his bio-data and credentials, James was offered the job.
The great news was celebrated by James and Maria at a restaurant . Maria was
excited for James and wished him good luck.

First day at work wasn't so tough until the days after. One thing that James observed
about the dispatch delivery services was secrecy and extreme discreetness . He
didn't find that odd at first because all companies had rules guiding their work until
he began finding the status of the company questionable. What gave him deepest
concern was the faces of the people he had delivered to most times which looked
the word danger itself.

To be continued......
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Six

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"Don't snoop into that."

A supervisor uttered to James who peeped at the package given to him to deliver to
a customer. James was peeping at the package at a corner side when the supervisor
caught him.

James who felt the package was unusual had decided to peep into it atleast to check
out what he was meant to deliver since he wasn't in awareness of the nature of the
business in the company. All he knew was that his job was to deliver but what he was
delivering exactly was what he didn't know.

"I'm sorry sir."

James pleaded to the supervisor with a sober reflection.

"Over here, customer's privacy are respected. You shouldn't peep into a customer's
package no matter what."

The supervisor warned.

"But sir, there's nothing here. It's just a paper laced in a carton. Probably a mistake."

James innocently uttered.

When he had peeped, he realized that the stuff given to him was empty which
surprised him.

"Ohhh!! You mean there's nothing in there."

The supervisor uttered feigning amazement.

"Yes Sir, it felt light reason why I checked."

"It's okay. But still you shouldn't have peeped into it. The customer himself would
have reported back to us. Part of what you signed before working in here was
respect to customer's privacy and discreetness. You shouldn't break it."

The supervisor stated and James nodded his head.

"Now, let me have that."

The man collected the carton from James and left his presence. James struggled to
keep up with his pace. He felt that he was angry reason why he sped off his sight.

"Don't go beyond there."

Another supervisor ordered James when he attempted to take a step forward to the
supervisor who had collected the carton from him office. James sighed and did as
told. He had it in mind that if the weird treatment continued he was sure to resign

"I just have to hold in here for just a month atleast to collect my payment before I go

He muttered under breathe.

At the supervisor's office, James's elder brother was called in. He was at a different
section from James when he was called.


He smiled at the supervisor.

"Keep the boss. Your brother failed the first test."

"He failed? That silly boy."

James's brother snapped.

"Wait Boss how did he fail exactly?"

James's brother queried and his boss grinned.

"I'm afraid your brother is going to be a trouble. He's way too nosy. Just check this."

The supervisor handed over the carton to James's brother.

"What's with this?"

James's brother queried and the supervisor shook his head.

"Take a look at it, what do you observe?"

The supervisor asked.

"Nothing boss. Except that it's empty as planned."

"You sure?"


James's brother paused and take a look at the carton once more.

"Oops. The paper laced with the carton was tampered by him right?"

James's brother asked impulsively.

"Yes, it was. Observing how nosy your brother could be, the plan was a perfect one
and as predicted, he didn't dissappoint."

"I plead for mercy on his behalf boss. I'm going to sensitize him more on the job
once we head home."

James's brother pleaded on his behalf.

"You know I accepted your brother working over here because of you. If he acts well
he's going to enjoy working here real good but if he does the opposite he might live
to regret it. Curiosity the last time I checked only
ki lls the cat ."
The boss warned and James's brother left his presence .

He was annoyed with James and the fact that he failed as his boss had predicted.

"All that he needed to do was to stop being curious and obey the rules. If he isn't
found worthy how will the oath taking to the next level be ever achieved?"

James's brother soliloquized and hissed.

He walked to the section he was called from and continued working.

Meanwhile James had to spend close to an hour standing before the supervisor gave
him another package and told him to go and deliver it.

"Remember the customer's privacy must be respected at all cost."

The supervisor uttered sternly and James replied yes sir before leaving his presence.

When James left the supervisor's presence, he breathe in and out and moved
forward. He was about operating his motorcycle when Maria's call came in.

James smiled when he checked the screen and realized that it was Maria. He drove
past the office before picking up the call so as not to get into trouble with the weird
terms associated with the job.

Maria sounded excited on call . Her birthday was close by and James knew how
much Maria cherished celebrating her birthday. One beautiful thing about her
birthday was that it fell an eve to the lover's day, precisely valentine. Maria was
birthed February 13 which was an eve to the lover's day.

Although James tried to flow along with the conversation, Maria could easily sense
that he was heavily distracted and worried. The way he sounded off in the
conversation was noticable to her even though he tried hard to conceal it. When
Maria asked what was wrong with him, James gave an excuse that he was stressed

James had to end the call sooner so as to meet up with time. He assured Maria that
he would give her a call once he returns home which was few hours away.
James was about to speed off with his motorcycle after halting the call when a police
officer stopped him. He became afraid when he was asked some questions,
particularly with the fact that he wasn't in full awareness of the job he was doing and
the package he had with him. However scared he was, he dodged majority of the
questions pushed at him.

"You may go."

The police officer suddenly said to him and James went on his way.

"That was weird."

He said to himself the moment he flashed through how the police officer had
showed him his identity card with an intimidating look.

When James was done delivering the package, he heaved a huge sigh of relief and
was grateful when he was released earlier at work. There was no fixed time for his
closing at work yet , the supervisor had said.

To James's advantage, his brother was still at work when he was done for the day. So
he fixed a place him and Maria could meet over the phone to discuss.

To be continued.....
Oh!! My father!

Chapter Seven

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"You don't look good."

Maria uttered when James came closer. They had been soulmates for a long time for
her not to know when he was tensed or deeply troubled.

"It's work stress. I guess I'm just getting used to the job preharps that's why I look

James quickly uttered.

He didn't want to get Maria worried with his uncertain doubts.

"Why do I have a strong feeling that it's beyond work stress? There's something
definitely troubling your heart and I feel I'm the right person you can share it with."

Maria said with a concerned look expressed on her face.

"You worry too much about me Maria. Don't worry I'm fine. Moreover we didn't
come here to discuss about me but to have a nice time. Common let's go have fun

James held Maria's hands fast cutting her short of further questions and entered
into a bar.

He ordered two plates of point and ki ll and Maria and him ate over a dialogue.

"I can't wait to have you all to myself. Sharing moments with you without difficulty
of any kind. waking up next to you the love of my wife and my woman. Nurturing
and raising our kids together. Everything, I imagine it all every single day with you.
Only you!!"
James said with an affectionate smile to Maria.

"Soon , my love. Soon enough."

She kissed his palms.

"So how are we celebrating your birthday this time around? I didn't get to spend
time with you the last one because you were in school. I'm pretty sure that Dad has
plans for you that day so how do I navigate through?"

James asked .

"We will talk about it. I feel nervous thinking of how to celebrate it already."

Maria retorted.

"Do I still send chills down your spines with a glance?"

James teased.

"Errmmm... Just a little."

Maria responded and he bursted into laughter.

They went on gisting and engaging in lengthy dialogues till they were exhausted.
Soon they left the bar and walked through the ends of the streets holding hands
together. When Maria saw that the time her father would return home was fast
approaching she bid James goodbye and walked home after they parted ways.

As at the time James returned home, his brother had returned. His face looked
ferocious like one beaten by the fiercest sun.

"Where are you coming from?"

He thundered and James looked at him in amazement.

"Where I'm I coming from? "

James repeated.
"You heard me loud and clear and you had better start talking now."

He ordered.

"Look bro, I'm not a kid and I don't deserve to be shouted at like this. Talk to me
nicely and you will get a good response."

He uttered to his brother.

James's brother who was at the peak of annoyance went forward and attempted to
hit him in the face. His attempt was however halted by James who was at alert.

"What's wrong with you tonight bro? You've never been like this with me so what's
the problem?"

He asked and his brother sighed heavily.

"You've been drinking again? I see, I will rather avoid you than exchange words with
you at this point."

James uttered.

His brother could be much of a trouble whenever he takes hard drink.

"James I bet you don't know what you signed up for. If I were you, I will stop acting
like Mr too know and start doing as told."

"Ohh I see where this is coming from. I can't believe this outrage is all about work.
Moreover me and the supervisor sorted it out already so why is he involving you in

He asked.

"I introduced you to the job. It's only likely feedbacks be given to me."

"I really don't know what's the supervisor and yours problem, all I know is that
everything about the so called job is questionable. If I had a choice ,I would have
resigned straight away."
"You wouldn't dare do that. I will make sure you live to regret it if you dent my image
at work through your carelessness."

James's brother threatened.

"It's no use exchanging words with you."

James left his brother's presence abruptly while he was ranting.

That night, James had a nightmare that made him rethink about resuming work but
he did after a rethought.

"I will hold in till month end. Just a month end and seventy thousand goes into my
account. Them I'm off."

James said to himself that morning beside the mirror while he was preparing for

When he arrived at work, he met happy faces than usual. His brother had went out
of the house before he got up from bed that morning. One of the doubts he had
about the job. He didn't understand his brother schedules regarding the job as it
wasn't specified or fixated to an equilibrium point.


The supervisor patted James on the shoulder with a grin on his face.

"You have alot of orders awaiting you today. Go get changed so you can set for

The supervisor stated and James nodded his head. After he changed his dress, he
took the first package for the day and headed out to deliver it.

When he arrived at the place he was to deliver the package he felt something odd.
His instinct warned him not to go in but he had no choice as time was fast running
out of hand while he had a rethought. When James entered into the building a
repulsive smell surrounded him.

"Is anyone in here?"

He asked when he didn't observe a soul present in the house. The house was still
and extremely calm.

Suddenly when he wanted to turn back as a result of fear, three men appeared at his
back with masks covering their faces. They carried him with force after blindfolding
his eyes with a piece of cloth then they headed to a room that was as dark as night.
There was no light entering into the room as there was no window in it and all
means for light to penetrate in was sealed.

James was dropped on the floor like a bag of beans and he winced in pain. When his
eyes was opened, the sight he saw was horrific. He was about screaming out his
lungs in horror when his brother came in.


He shouted when he saw a red cloth and a blade in his hands inside a muddy plate.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Eight

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"Please don't John."

James pleaded when his brother attempted to pierce his skin with a blade.

"It won't hurt much."

His brother smiled at him mischievously and he shook his head.

"This is what I do for a living James, actually this was long overdue. Atleast now you
get to know why I'm a coldhearted individual. You see, ever since our daddy left the
world he handed you over to my care. Since mother never cared to surface or look
back to ask of us, I had to continue struggling with you. During the course of my
struggles I met these men who changed my life."

James's brother pointed at the supervisor and two unfamiliar faces.

"When you got your first job, my initial plan was to get you to work with me.
Unfortunately my efforts were thwarted when you got a job ahead of my proposal. I
didn't want you to do this way before but your curiosity was what spiralled this. We
were willing to wait and have you go through the process the right way but you
were way too nosy. Even if we leave you to do the job in peace without taking an
oath you will definitely find out what we do in the long run because you are ever
nosy. The oath taking wasn't meant to be forced but you left us with no choice. We
can't afford you leaving us in the open once you figure us out."

James's brother uttered and James cringed on the floor when he behold the body
parts of humans staring at him in the face.

"So this is where you fed me as a teenager and take care of the house expenses
He queried shakily.

"Yes, James, this is where I get the money to take care and sort out expenses. You
belong here this is home."

"No, I do not belong to a God forsaken structure."

James cussed.

"I know you are a tough guy. We came prepared too."

John uttered.

"Guys hold him."

One of the unfamiliar faces ordered and James was carried in their arms. John cut
James in the finger and put his blood into the plate. Then he tied it with the red

They took the blood in turns after adding theirs to his and forcing James's portion
down his throat.

"I will never forgive you for doing this to me."

James uttered angrily.

"You now have a covenant with us so you are binded to our wish. It dosen't matter if
you forgive me or not forgiveness isn't of man anyways.."

He expressed a devuulish grimace on his face. James cussed hard at high voice and
John bursted into laughter.

"Brotherly code."

John sniffed at the plate and put it on the table.

"You've got a first assignment."

The supervisor uttered and John shook his head.

"Hey, it's better you pay attention or you risk your life being wasted and I'm guessing
you still need your life ."

The supervisor threatened.

"It's better I diiiie than join hands in doing evuuul."

John thundered.

"We leave you to it then. Just remember you can't say a word of what happened to
you in here else you will drop dead."

"He dare not. Timothy's death was witnessed by him. And incase you don't know
James, I introduced Timothy to this job when he complained about being idle. After
taking an oath, he developed cold feet and attempted to betray me which led to his
death. If you remember, you will realize he was insisting on confessing before he
went off with blood oozing from his nose."

Immediately John said that, James's heart skipped. The scene flashed across his
mind and he closed his ears. He went flat unto the floor in fear.

"That's your first assignment. You are to clear this mess."

The table with blood stains and human parts was shown to James. He was shown
where to package the body parts into and he was to face a penalty if he didn't do as
ordered. Left with no choice, James sprang into action. His brother and the men left
while he stared at them viciously.

When he was through packaging the body parts, he handed them over to the man
on guard and went to take a bath in the bathroom erected in the building.

While he scrubbed his body hard with soap in pure irritation, Maria's face flashed
into his mind.

He pressed his hands on his lips and began crying.

"I do not deserve you anymore my Maria. I've got my hands stained."

He knelt unto the floor and cussed his brother who inflicted the pain upon his soul.
After James left the building, he was traumatized. He refused resuming work the
following day. Since John was around him, the men didn't give into doubts. They
resolved he would come around their terms and learn to accept his fate. Their work
was a fraternity and their was no going back for those who started.

James began drifting apart from Maria. He didn't call nor chat. He avoided Maria's
calls and refused to reply her text. He began seeing himself as an abomination to
Maria. Maria who didn't know what was going on began to worry about him. The last
text she sent online was filled with various sad emojis . Her birthday was two days
close, yet James had not given her a call which was unlike him. When Maria tried to
reach James to no avail, she decided to visit him at home. She went to his house in
the evening. A time she guessed he would be around. James as at the time she came
visiting was just returning home after going to take a hard drink in a bar to while
away his sorrows.


Maria shouted when she saw him from afar. She ran to hug him when he didn't move
a bit after sighting her.

"How can you get me so worried James? I was sick with fear when you refused to
pick up my calls and reply my chats. Are you alright?"

Maria queried and James bursted into tears while holding unto Maria's hands.

"Let's leave here."

He pleaded knowing fully well that his brother might arrive at any time soon.

He didn't want Maria to be involved in his mess or used as a bait to get him to do the
unimaginable. What he didn't know was that Maria was a victim as much as him.

"What is it my love?"

Maria asked him when he rested his head on her bosom after they arrived at a spot.
James looked into her eyeballs and tried to give a response but he couldn't. If only he
could turn back the hands of time, he would never have accepted the job.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father

Chapter Nine

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"You know I love you right and will always do."

James uttered while looking deep into Maria's eyeballs.

Maria had missed him but she didn't realize the extreme length she had missed him until
she had him close again.

"I know you love and adore me and I feel same way too. But you don't look okay to me so
tell me what's the problem."

Maria uttered.

"I'm just afraid I will lose you in the long run Maria. I'm not at the status I wish to be at the
moment. You are getting older and soon prospective suitors will come to approach you.
Will I stand a chance at my current point with no place to call my own yet and no car of my

"You are being silly James. Why are these words coming at this moment? I thought that we
have discussed about this before. Look I love you a whole lot and you are the only one my
heart beats for."

Maria rubbed his head hard on her bosom. The way he stared hard into her eyes make her
body ache in pure desperation. She couldn't get enough of him. Everyday her love gets
renewed and waxed stronger.

"James, you know I love you irregardless of your status and regarding my father, when that
phase comes we will pass through the tests in the eyes of the furnace. What matters is we
love each other. Besides you are working so hard and I believe you will get to where you
desire pretty soon."

She said to James and he nodded his head.

"So is that why you've been avoiding me?"

She asked him and he bowed down.

"You sure act weird atimes. There must have been something that prompted these
thoughts. Wait, did daddy harass you again?"

Maria asked and James shook his head.

"It must have been what he stated in the headline about me recently. Don't worry that his
terms and not mine."

Maria said.

James who didn't understand a thing only nodded his head so as to avoid more questions.
However fufilled he felt being close to Maria, he felt horrible for hiding something of such
gravity from her.

On Maria's birthday, James was the first person to call her in the early hours of the
morning. After he wished her on call , he sent her a text with a location he had in mind
incase she gets a chance to step out.

Maria was all shades of excitement because her father was not around and she could get to
spend time with him as much as she wanted. Her father had been called into a ministerial
assignment a day before her birthday. He had apologized before packing what he needed
for the journey and told Maria he would make it up to her. For Maria who longed to spend
the moment with James, it was a prayer answered.

Maria responded to the text in delight that her father wasn't around, so she was free. It was
set, James left work immediately he was through and took a shower after he returned
home. He had accepted his fate. He had it in mind to save up as much as he can then travel
out of the country with Maria. How he was to go about it was what he didn't know yet.

"My love ."

James hugged Maria and took her to the place he had prepared for them.

Maria was wowed at the beauty of the environment he had arranged for them to meet. The
serene environment, the beautiful atmosphere and the face of the man she loved was such
a delightful combo.

Maria screamed in excitement.

"Are we going camping?"

She teased him while looking at the decorated environment.

"I wish we could."

James uttered with a fixated look.

He went closer to Maria and kissed her passionately for a minute. They took turns kissing
each other and whiling in the beauty of the moment with their eyes merging into each

"How much do you love me?"

James asked Maria and she replied him a lot.

He asked Maria to close her eyes and he wore her a pendance then he put his In Her hands
and asked she do the same.

The pendance was customized with Jame's name in a love circle. His name was keyed into it
and same was done to the one he gave to Maria.

"Now and forever more, I'm making a covenant to you that it's you and no one else till I die
and my last breathe be taken. I make a promise today and forever more to cherish you till I

He expressed after Maria wore him the pendance. Maria did same.

Let's go over there.

James pointed at a spot with a building almost looking like a tent.

Maria was overwhelmed and highly emotional at that moment. All that flashed through her
thoughts was making love to the man she ever loved. Maria was a virgin and had made a
promise to her father that her husband would be the one to deflower her but if she broke
her promise, her father wouldn't know. ( She reasoned)
Maria pressed her body on James and allowed him touch places she would have restricted
him from on a normal day. James felt she was only being casual with him considering her
status until she unravelled her beauty and shape by making her body nude after taking off
her clothing.

"I want you to make love to me over here. I want to create a beautiful memory and make
the stars our witness."

Maria expressed and James looked at her with eyes filled with doubts.

To be continued....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Ten

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

Contains sensitive descriptions

"We can't do this now."

James said gripping a hold of himself. He picked up Maria's clothes and pleaded that she
wear them back but Maria was adamant and insistent.

"Why can't we? We are adults for crying out loud. Today I marked 22 and you are going to
mark 30 at June. So tell me what's stopping us when we love each other so much?"


James tried to utter some words but he couldn't. His system had began to work on their
own ranging from his pulsating heart and the chills that flashed across his system. He soon
developed a phallus and he was so trying hard to resist jumping at Maria that moment.

"Lie to my face, that you haven't imagined this several times with me."

Maria uttered while wriggling around his body.

"I can't lie that I haven't. I have imagined having a beautiful moment as such with you times
without number. But I never imagined doing it this way. I wanted us to make it to the altar
and do it the way I imagined you would love. You know it's most virgin's wish to have their
husbands deflower them."

James retorted and Maria smiled.

"Either on a wedding night or not, what matters is I did it with the man I have ever loved. I
say this without any doubt . I only want us to commune with our souls , Just do this and
make me a woman. Make me yours already and have me buried in your soul. Be my first
man and make me a woman I've ever dreamnt of."
"What if you get pregnant?"

James answered out of the blues trying to make Maria realize that there was no form of
protection for intimacy.

"On a first time segz?"

"Common Maria, you know a first time can lead to pregnancy too."

He uttered.

"If that happens, we will sort it out. I just want to be all yours now and that's what matters.
Moreover wouldn't you be glad if I conceive your seed?"

"I will be the happiest man in the world but I don't want to ruin your academics."

"Shhhh... You worry too much."

Maria responded and went to the button of his jeans's trouser then she opened it. She put
her hands in his crotch and he bemoaned in delight. She soon had him giving a way into her
system when she surrounded his face with her olives. James took one in his mouth at first
and fondled it then he began teasing her apex while gently circling his finger tips around it
and making her whole ache in pure ecstacy. He bent Maria over his knee and reached out
for her tiny waist then he let his body a bit above her and savored in her perfume.

"You taste like heavens."

He uttered with his hands tilting her chin up.

Maria was ever ready, she kissed him wildly and passionately. She was wet like a tsunami,
her walls were totally moist down to her tulips and her clitoris throbbed like it had a heart
of its own. Soon, her clitoris began rubbing hard on James's thighs as he bent her over and
her juices were slightly splitting out on his skin causing a friction that drove her wildly.

James wouldn't stop taking her in little and watching her itch badly to do that which she
wanted. He pressed his head on her temple and kissed her walls, then he took her close to
his chest and gently thrust in her seeing how moisty her pathway to bliss was. He
maintained a gently tempo , slowly gliding in and out, then fast he became after some
minutes as that of a horse. Maria was taken in cheer fantasy and pleasure mixed with pain
because it was her first time. When James's juices came into her temple after he had
cuuum, she moaned loudly .

James fell unto her chest and held unto her olives. At that moment nothing else seemed to
matter in the world anymore. They stayed at that position with their heart in close contact
with each other and the pure bliss of their hearts throbbing for each other's warmth.

"Promise me you will never leave me."

Maria uttered while rubbing James head.

"You know I never will. The only thing that can do us apart now is death. That is the only
force I can't control. My fear is it coming sooner. If I could control it I want to live
equivalently to the years you live on earth. That way I can fantasize and delight in your
beauty over and over again."

James kissed her in the chest. He was smiling while mesmerized in the beauty of her nudity.

"Right now, I will fight death if it tries to separate us."

Maria said with seriousness and James blushed.

"How did you feel? I mean did you enjoy it? I hope I didn't hurt you while making my way

James asked and Maria closed her eyes in shyness.

"It was beautiful. Although I felt a little pain which is expected because it's my first time."

"I will forever love you Maria."

He kissed her from head to toe and Maria held unto the pendance he had gifted her while
fixating her look into his eyeballs.

Meanwhile the two were caught up in their lovey dovey , somewhere in an office, Maria's
father was having a meeting with some ministers on how to make progress in the church of
God. The old man was making his own contribution when he felt something twitch within
Maria's father tried to regain his stance but the feeling came running down on him in

"Excuse me."

Maria's father said and left the table.

He had left with the excuse that he was feeling pressed. He was still pacing around trying to
figure out what was wrong when he saw a reflection of an earthen pot break into pieces.

"Oh!! Maria what have you done?"

Maria's father shook his head and stamped his feet in anger.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father

Chapter Eleven

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"I need to return home as soon as possible."

Maria's father soliloquized.

He paced around and stamped his feet. Maria's father felt a burning anger within him and
his energy was filled up with spite.

When he returned to the meeting his face was dead pale as that of a phantom. His outrage
and fright had started reflecting on his facial expressions .

"Is there anything wrong?"

One of the ministers asked and Maria's father shook his head.

"There's nothing wrong. I got a call from my daughter after I went to the toilet and she gave
me some information about my wife which got me worried. You all know about her ill state
and how much efforts have made concerning her recovery."

Maria's father lied.

He needed an excuse to get home as soon as he could before the situation got messy and

All the people present at the meeting were all aware of his wife's condition and they knew a
news about her could get Maria's father shaky and tensed.

"Concerning your wife, don't you think it's high time you take her to another hospital? I
mean why don't you change the hospital if you don't see any improvement."

Another man in the meeting uttered.

"It's not that easy. Moreover I observed some visible changes the last time I paid her a visit.
Just that atimes her case is unpredictable. Sometimes it goes on well, another it turns the
worse. Please you all shouldn't stop assisting me in prayers."

He pleaded.

"You have our support sir. We won't stop and by God's grace it will be a testimony."

"Thank you all for your understanding. I will be heading home as soon as I can tomorrow. I
hope you all don't mind."

"It's okay. We already did all the official presentations. The rest are manageable
presentations we can handle without your help. Don't worry it's fine with us."

Maria's father was given a go ahead response.

The following day, he drove himself home at the early hours of the morning and
immediately he arrived at home, he went to Maria's room. When he entered Maria's room,
she was fast asleep. It was 7:30 am as at the time he returned home.

"Maria, what have you done?"

Maria's father uttered under breathe while checking his daughter.

Maria who was deeply asleep after spending a beautiful moment with James and the
lengthy chat at night after she returned home, didn't notice her father's presence. She had
been so exhausted after she and James parted to their respective homes, that she forgot to
lock the door.

Maria's father went out of the room with tears in his eyeballs and went to a room only him
was familiar with in the house. Nobody knew about the room neither did they bother to
check in there because he rarely made use of it when anyone was around and when people
were around, Maria's father was always careful before going into the room. The room held
his deepest secrets and it was always locked.

When Maria's father entered the secret room, he realized that the white gown he had used
to complete the riiituual on Maria was heavily stained. The earthen pot that had flashed
into his mind was broken as well and the secret room was almost in disarray.

"Maria has finished me by doing the abominable."

Maria's father uttered.

A voice loud and audible to Maria's father only, spoke in outrage while Maria's father
lamented .

"He who does the unimaginable bears the unimaginable. The one who beats a drum dances
to the tune of the drum."

The voice echoed.

"Show me the man who put me in this misery. Show me the man who took my daughter's
virginity and I shall present his blood as an appeasement to you as demanded."

"James, his name his James."

A picture of James was shown to Maria's father in the oracle and he bursted in outrage
filled with venom when he saw his face.

"That idiiiot. To think I warned him off my daughter yet he had the nerve to commit such
sacrilege. Well he who does the unimaginable bears the brunt of his actions."

"To the gods, lord of riches and wealth, I apologize. I will do the needful and get you your
appeasement soon as possible."

Maria's father bowed his head to the graven idol in the secret room and took his leave.

He began the search for James and soon got an information that he was working in his
company where he was the underground owner. Majority of the people who worked in the
company didn't know he was the leader of the operation except a trusted person who he
made act in his stead to cover his tracks which was no other than the manager.

Discovering the fact that James was working in the organization made things easier for
him. All the information pertaining to James was disclosed particularly how he started
working in the company through his brother .

"The gods sure never dissappoints. They always make the sacrifice reachable."

Maria's father grinned.

He planned with the manager how to execute his plans without leaving any tracks related
to him.

The following day after work closed for the day, James was heading home when the
unfortunate incident befell him. Maria and him had not planned meeting up and his brother
had been delayed at work to attend to some duties . All the proceedings to the execution of
the plan was only known to the manager. The orders he gave out was only followed by the
supervisor innocently.

James was around his neighbourhood when he realized that the street lights around the
area were acting funny. He was looking around when a stone was thrown at his head from
nowhere and he was knocked off his feet. Immediately he fell flat unto the floor, the
manager came out of his car and took James into the deep of a nearby spot that people
hardly pass in the night with Maria's father's boys that worked underground for him .

There, James was heavily slayed and his blood was left spilling on the floor after the needed
was taken into a calabash. His eyeballs were almost plucked out of it's socket, everything
about him was out of shape. Only a close look would make one realize James was what was
left of him. James gave into the cold hands of death with the name of his lover on his lips.


He had uttered before breathing his last.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!!

Chapter Twelve

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

Maria was at the sitting room watching a telenovela when James breathed his last. She felt a
sense of frightening awakening to her nerves when the pendance that James had gifted her
fell from her neck. It was suspicious because James had keyed it well, and she hadn't taken
it off ever since he had gifted it to her. Luckily enough, her father didn't notice the
pendance and even if he did, she had planned what to give him as a response.

Maria's heart pounded in terror and the night she and James had spent flashed across her
thoughts several times. An aura of ill luck filled the air and Maria became overwhelmed
with fear something was definitely wrong, her instincts dawned that on her repeatedly.

James's spirit was at unrest, he hovered around and soon Maria felt his presence. It was an
unexplainable feeling, a connection between two soul's experience.


Maria shouted unconsciously when she felt him so close.

She left the sitting room and went into the bedroom to get her phone so as to call James
up. When Maria called, James's number was unreachable. She tried the first, second and to
the fourth still his line was unavailable. Maria proceeded to all social platforms to see if he
was present but he wasn't. His profiles read seen last 16hrs ago..

"That's strange. Does it mean James hasn't come around on his social media handles today?
If he wasn't going to stay in touch today, he could have notified me atleast. I hope he's not
being silly again?"

Maria queried herself without hopes of getting answers from anyone but herself.

Eventually, Maria went to bed that night after taking her shower. She had resolved that she
was going to get across to James the following day and if he did before her, she was sure to
express how he had made her worry about him once again. He would apologize and she
would probably tease him about doing such again she thought.

Maria's sleep was shortened when she had a nightmare about James shouting and calling
on her name for help. In the nightmare she could hear him clearly but her hands were tied
to go to his rescue.


Maria woke up from the dream with her hands on her chest. She was extremely frightened
and her heart pounded constantly in utmost terror.

"Now I'm sure James is in danger."

Maria gave in to her gut feeling.

James's face kept flashing into her mind and the more it flashed, the more her heart
throbbed heavily.

Maria couldn't sleep after the nightmare she had. She patiently awaited the early hours of
the morning on her bed.

When it was morning, Maria called James up but his line still wasn't going through. She
began losing her patience and decided that she couldn't fold her arms and watch being in
suspense of a matter that threatened her sanity.

James's brother which was John did not have a peaceful sleep too. At first he thought that
James had decided to spend a night out with his babe which he didn't bother to know at
first in tranquility reason why he had switched off his phone but when James didn't reach
out to him till the early hours of the morning, he began to worry deeply.

John began to search James's belongings when he called his number to no avail. It was
during his search he saw Maria's picture . Completely desperate at the moment and
worried, with no other option coming into his thoughts, he logged in his Facebook account
and checked his brother's posts to see if he could see a trace of Maria. It wasn't hard for
him locating Maria on his brother's post because she kept up regularly with reactions on
his post even though she didn't comment as much as she reacts.

John sent Maria a friend request and she accepted it. Maria who had seen he was a mutual
friend of James gave his request an approval immediately he sent it . Right after exchanging
pleasantries and introducing himself as James's brother, John pleaded that Maria give him
her number because he needed to reach out to her.

Maria gave him her number and he called her up. When she picked up the call, John asked
if Maria and his younger brother had being in touch the previous day. The question came as
a shock to Maria who was expecting James's brother to be aware of his whereabouts. Maria
panickedly made John aware that James had not been active on his social media handles
and he had not reached out to her which was unlike him.

John dropped the call abruptly when he didn't get a positive response and called at work
that his brother had went missing. It wasn't advisable that he go into the police station to
file a complaint because doing so would put him in Jeopardy as everything relating to his
brother would be tracked including his work place which he feared being in the open.

What he didn't know was that the manager had acted fast to frame up the death and make
it look like it was that of a mob break out .

When John waited till afternoon and James didn't come home, he went to his working place
and asked for help. He knew it would be easy tracking James whereabouts as they were
familiar with such at work. James's movements was successfully tracked and the sad news
of what happened to him lastnight was made known to John.

John couldn't believe the news until he saw with his eyes what had happened to his brother.

" It was a angry mob case unfortunately James fell into their hands while on his way home."

The guy who helped in tracking James's movement reported.

"I thought it was an enemy tracking us down at first case."

The supervisor heaved a huge sigh of relief.

Later, John left his working place with two guys around to the scene his brother was killed.
There he swore that he was going to fish out the killers and take revenge.

To be continued......
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Thirteen

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

John was extremely overwhelmed by his pain that it didn't come across his mind to inform
Maria of what had happened to his brother. Maria who was still uneased and tensed by
James's abscence, called him up but he didn't pick up his calls.

As at the time Maria was calling John he was still sobbing over his brother's death. As soon
as Maria's father closed his eyes, Maria sneaked out. The gateman was asleep at his duty
post so she made use of that opportunity to sneak out without waking him up. It was
getting darker but Maria needed to know what was going on with James. She had a bad
feeling about him not staying in touch but it never occured to her mind that he was dead.

Maria decided to wait at the junction leading to James's house to see if she could get to see
James's brother.

Before James's tragic death, he had made Maria realize that his brother often returned late
from work.

Maria waited for over thirty minutes but John wasn't forthcoming.

"Preharps I came late and he already headed home"( she reasoned.)

She walked further to James's abode. Since she knew the address, it wasn't difficult for her
to locate the house in the neighborhood.

Maria introduced herself to a neighbor who cared to give her a listening ear and asked if
John had returned. The neighbour gave her an echoing "No" and Maria thanked him for his

After Maria left James's house she went wandering into the street to see if she could get a
hold of herself. It was while she was wandering that she sighted John and the two guys that
accompanied him. Since the crime was committed at the centre of a site in a spot people
hardly pass by, John's body wasn't noticable to all yet and those who saw it were afraid to
speak a word.

When Maria sighted them from afar, she figured out that something was wrong, so she
walked speedily to the spot they were.

Maria suddenly froze when she saw the tears in John's eyeballs dripping down his face. She
heard him call James repeatedly and the guys beside him where consoling him real hard.

"You gat to take heart bro. This won't go unpunished."

They tapped John in the chest.

Maria shook her head when she realized that the body that laid on the bare earth, in
shambles looked like that of James.

"It can't be, no it can't be."

She breathed heavily.

"Who is she?"

The guys asked at once.

"My brother's girlfriend."

"Woow. Your brother sure has eyes for good things before his death. May his soul rest in

"Death? Who is dead?"

Maria asked utterly perplexed.

Even though the truth was staring at her right in the eye, she refused to believe was she
was seeing.

"James. My brother is dead Maria this is what is left of him."

John knelt down and wiped his face with his palm. Maria looked at John in disbelief
"James ... No, no, this can't be true."

Maria took her phone and on the torch.

When she did, James's popped up eyes became visible to her and his body that looked
extremely pitiable. Maria's heart cringed to her body and she went to her knees close to
James's body lying on the floor.

"James.. baby , you need to wake up. You can't do this to me."

She yelled and shook James's corpse. No matter how she shook the body, James couldn't
respond because he was dead.

It was unbelievable, her whole was tore apart. She bursted into uncontrollable tears and
rolled on the floor.

"This can't be you James, no , no I refuse to believe that you left me this way. James you
need to wake up and stop this nonsense. Wake up now already".

she yelled at him.

James's spirit that was still wandering around watched Maria in tears and shook his head.
He stood close to her wishing he could wipe the tears beading in her eyeballs. He was sad
that the death he feared came sooner and that he left without saying goodbye to the
woman he had always loved.

"What happened to him ? How did he end up like this? Somebody tell me something before
I lose my mind."

Maria uttered in misery but there was no response only pitiful looks.

Maria's heart sank in sorrows and bled heavily.

John braced up with the help of the guys that accompanied him and they headed to the
mortuary so they could preserve James's body before the arrangements for his burial was

It was when they took James to the mortuary that it occured to Maria that he was dead and
gone to the beyond. She had not accepted it as a reality before, it all felt like a bad dream.
Maria realized that James must have suffered enormous pain before his death. The
countenance on his face depicted the agony inflicted on him before his death.

The guys who accompanied John left the mortuary after sympathizing with John and
bidding him their farewell.

It was 10pm yet Maria refused to go home. She sat on the floor and begged for death. The
pain was way too much.

"Maria, you need to go home now. It's late already and I don't want you to get into trouble
at home ."

John tried to raise Maria up but she was adamant. It didn't seem like she heard a thing he
was saying. Her mind was far away.

John sighed and gripped Maria with his whole strength. He shook her and pleaded she
listen to him.

"Look at me Maria my brother is gone and it hurts me so badly. As sad as the news maybe,
you need to head home because staying here won't raise him up."

"Don't say a word, I will wait till he wakes up. He must be in a deep sleep right now. ( Maria
resumed to her delusions)"

"Only dead people are brought here. James is dead and we need to leave here now because
it's getting late. I know you and my brother loved each other so much before his death and
it hurts. I assure you that his death will get the justice it deserved. Please don't give yourself
away like this."

"No, no.... You don't know a thing. James is gone with a whole of me. A whole of me lives in
him. I can't imagine heading on in life without him. How do I survive? How do I live without
him? He took a whole of me in him . He can't be gone like that not without saying a goodbye
atleast. That wasn't our promise to each other. James betrayed his promise by doing this to
me. He couldn't have gone like that leaving me empty. He couldn't have."

Maria rolled on the floor and wept profusely. John who was trying hard not to break into
tears at the moment eyes became teary too.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Fourteen

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

Eventually John was able to take Maria out of the mortuary. It took a lot of efforts,
consolation and persuasion to do that. John had never experienced what was called love
because he denied himself anything relating to it.

Ever since their mother left them at a tender age because his father lost a job that earned
him six figures to seven figures monthly and resumed a job with lesser payment, problem
began in the home. He would see his father and his mother get into arguments most of the
time about finances in the home.

Their arguments were minimal when his mother was pregnant with James. Atleast they
would argue and settle it in a day. John thought with time they would find a way around
what brought issues to their marriages but no, it became worse after their mother birthed

She began nagging at her utmost voice and all his father's pleading to make her understand
that he wasn't in the position he was to pamper her like before was all in vain. He had even
once heard his father advised his mother to look for a job after James was seven months
but she refused.

When James was eight years old, their mother left the house. He had heard her yell on his
father that he wasn't worth her anymore and she couldn't continue living and wallowing in

It felt like a dream at first when his mother left the house and he thought that preharps she
would return later, probably it was only a misunderstanding which would be resolved.

Days grew into days, weeks into weeks, months into months and years into years but his
mother refused to return. Eventually John accepted fate when he realized that she wasn't
going to ever be present in their lives.
Before John's father's death he had often lamented about how women could change within
days if things moved from being rosy to messy. John denoted from his mother's behaviour
that women were deadly snakes which were not to be trusted.

That was his strong conviction that helped him deny or desire love and anything pertaining
to it. As he grew older his love for money waxed stronger as he believed that was what
makes a man a man. It was his strong conviction that made him survive in the cruel world
and helped him sustain his position in the hostile job.

However John's strong conviction was threatened preceding Maria's reaction to James's
death. John never knew that his brother mattered that much to anyone much less a lady
that wasn't in his caliber. For once in his life he felt so emotionally minded and his heart of
sympathy resumed it's office.

As John accompanied Maria home in that state, the word "he has taken a whole of me with
him" Wouldn't stop playing in his head.

When John was close to Maria's house, Maria told him to stop and go to his home. She
thanked him and walked sluggishly to her house. John had to look backwards several times
while on the go to his house. It was 11:05 pm and he was still outside. The thought of going
to a bar to while his sorrows had first crept into his mind but he changed his thought and
decided to head home.

John knew that his life wouldn't remain the same after James's death. Although he wasn't
much of an amazing brother because he could sometimes act cold and demanding but he
loved his brother still and had his interest at heart. He was sad that he didn't get to do
things right with his brother and for exposing him to a lifestyle he wasn't familiar to before
his death, he felt extremely sorry .

When the gateman opened the gate after Maria knocked he felt concerned when he
noticed her countenance. His anger at the odd time she returned gave way into fear when
he saw her state.

"Maria why do you look like this? What happened to you?"

The gateman asked at once but Maria wouldn't give a response.

She acted like a dunce that was unaware of her environment and left his presence to the
sitting room. When Maria's father sighted her he tried to get her to talk to no avail. Since
Maria's father was the perpetrator he was aware of the reason behind his daughter's misery
. His questions only came as an act of disclosing his deeds. Maria's father had sensed that
his daughter would get to be aware of what had happened to James but he didn't sense that
it would be that soon.

"She will get over it."

He uttered to himself and went into the bedroom.

In the night when Maria was asleep on the couch, Maria's father went to the secret room to
make appeasement to the gods with James's blood . After he was done with the
appeasement riiituals, the gods gave him instructions on how to proceed to the final step.

The lord of riches and wealth which Maria's father submitted to had instructed him to be
the person to take his daughter's virginity precisely the age of twenty five. Since James had
break the covenant his blood had to be used to an appeasement.

"Now that you have appeased the lord of riches and wealth. You have to proceed by mating
with your daughter."

The voice echoed and Maria's father bowed at the feet of the lord of riches and wealth.

"You will have to give it time though. Do not mate with her when James's spirit is still at it's
fresh hovering around. You need to perform some riiituals which dosen't involve blood shed
before doing the needful. It could take a month or some couple of days but the signal to go
ahead will be communicated to you."

The voice uttered.

Maria's father left the secret room after bowing to the lord of riches and wealth. He payed
homage to the guide of the lord of riches and wealth which was the voice the mouthpiece
of the idol he cherished and had confidence in.

Maria's father looked at his daughter where she laid on the couch after leaving the secret
room and reminisced on the next procedures.

A month later, Maria was heading out to get an item in a shopping mall when she felt dizzy.
She fell unto the ground and was admitted to the hospital.

There it was diagnosed that she had conceived and needed a bed rest for some couple of
days in the hospital because she was delicate at the moment.
To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father

Chapter Fifteen

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

The news of Maria being pregnant was disturbing to Maria's father's hearing . He was
through with the riiituals demanded of the gods already and was awaiting a signal when the
turn in events occurred.

"Even in his death, he still won't stop causing chaos."

Maria's father cussed when he heard the news. He was infuriated and his desperacy
worsened after he heard the news.

According to the doctor, Maria was to stay in the hospital for a month to get the needed
rest for her delicate body system. The symptoms that followed the pregnancy were way too
complicated for Maria reason why the rest was needed.

When the doctor left Maria's ward, Maria's father requested to see him in private because
he needed to discuss something important with him. The doctor granted Maria's father
audience when he came to meet in and they went to the office so they could discuss.

Maria's father who had already prepared the drama to persuade the doctor to do his
bidding in his mind broke into tears as soon as the doctor offered him a seat in his office.
He sat down with a folded arms and depicted a look of sadness and misery. When Maria's
father got into details of what he wanted, the doctor objected to it.

"Maria is my only pride left after my son died in a tragic incidence some years ago . What
do you think will become of me and my ministry if the pregnancy is kept? How will I handle
the shame when her tummy starts protruding? To think the guy that got her pregnant out
of wedlock is six fts under. Please help me with this I'm willing to pay any amount. I don't
want my daughter's future ruined by this. Her academic is at stake if she keeps the

Maria's father sobbed on his seat . He was trying so hard to persuade the doctor who
sermonized him about the side effects of terminating a pregnancy.
"Please Sir, what you are asking me to do is unprofessional. Moreover Maria's pregnancy
has put her in a delicate state. Taking her through that rigorous exercise called abort ion
will harm her alot. We are talking about a life here which is above reputation. What will you
gain if you daughter loses her life after the abor tion?"

The doctor retorted.

"I see you aren't interested in helping me. It's no problem, just prepare to discharge my
daughter as soon as possible."

Maria's father uttered.

"Sir, I wouldn't drag the right to make decisions over your daughter's life with you. If what
you said about the father of the baby being dead is true, don't you think that this is more
like an opportunity for your daughter to console herself from the loss. Moreover you
yourself said she's your only pride left, letting the pregnancy be means you will have a
grand child soon and I believe you should await that with a happy heart."

"You don't seem to understand a thing. I go on the pulpit everyday preaching against
immorality I'm a strong advocate of being chaste and I have a platform for it. So many
people have turned from their ways of segzual immorality to pure holiness all thanks to my
preaching. And now, my daughter who is supposed to be a good example and show the
world my evidence of sermons takes the wrrrrnmmgg......"

Maria's father stammered and cried harder.

The doctor reasoned along with him but he still maintained his stance. He showed Maria's
father the test results of his daughter and made him realize that Maria was at a delicate
state and wasn't advisable to go through such thing as abort ion.

"Please hearken to me Sir, it's in your best interest. What would it profit me to accept your
mouth watering offer and end up taking a soul which is against my core motive to save

The doctor stated .

At his wordings, Maria's father left the hospital with the test results and proceeded to make
findings in another hospital he made use of for his underground runnings. It was at the
hospital some of the boys he sent on risky errands were treated. He was familiar with the
doctor and most times the doctor responded in time whenever he needed home services
for his underground workers.

When the test results were checked by the doctor, the response was still the same. The
doctor made it clear that it wasn't advisable. When Maria's father heard the second verdict,
he went and cried to the lord of riches and wealth for options because he knew the grave
consequences that followed him not taking the orders.

"Since Maria is pregnant and it's an abomination for you to mate with her in that state. You
will have to commune with Maria's soul in another form to keep the covenant."

"Mouthpiece of the lord of riches and wealth, you speak in parables, speak in clear terms."

Maria's father uttered.

"A pregnant woman. Prepare to mate with a pregnant woman and offer her thereafter to
the lord of riches and wealth and only then can the final appeasement be made."

The voice echoed.

"It's a done deal".

Maria's father bowed his head and left the room. He had a deviliish grimace expressed on
his face. of cos he didn't have to get worked up because he had someone in mind.

To be continued....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Sixteen

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

At the early hours of the morning on Sunday, Maria's father moved from angles to angles in
the church. He had a mischievous smile on his face as he stared at sister happiness who
was brother Matthew's wife. The newly wedded couples had been taken into holy
matrimony in the church by him and not too long after their wedding the wife took in. Her
protruding belly was visible for all to see.

"Let's bless the name of the Lord, for his mercy endureth forever more and hallowed be his
holy name. Only him sitteth on the throne in the heavens yet oversees the happenings of
the earth. His name alone is forever to be praised for he is the one who declares it over and
it's over. He declares it started and it's started. Let's praise, let's praise with in one accord
with a heart filled with praise."

Maria's father uttered and the choir led by a special number . The whole church went into
praises and In oneness of heart , some souls were seen trembling with utmost respect to
the name of the most high. It looked like the hosts of heaven had come down to worship
with them.

While they danced and worship at the feet of the Lord, Maria's father scanned through the
belly of sister happiness. He had a plan in mind and he was figuring out to activate it within.

When the service was over, Maria's father prayed for the pregnant women as usual . After
he was done praying, he asked sister happiness to wait behind.

"Ma, you need to be In fasting and prayer for three days. I see a vision concerning you and I
pray the plans of the enemies over your seedling will not come to pass."

He uttered with his eyes closed and sister happiness responded amen and took her leave
later after some instructions.

Maria's father had told sister happiness that he would keep in touch with her with bible
verses and prayer points for the days of the fasting.
He had convinced sister happiness that she wasn't fasting alone and that he was fasting
with her. Sister happiness husband was a business man, he travelled around states to states
for transactions both international and local .

On the third day of the fasting, as directed by Maria's father, sister happiness went to see
Maria's father in his office after she was through fasting . As at then, Maria was still on a
bed rest and had not returned from the hospital.

After Maria's father was through praying for sister happiness and declared some messages
regarding her, they went into a lengthy discussion. While they were talking, sister
happiness began to act like she was enchanted. She was all over Maria's father at the next
moment and soon Maria's father got her in his bed.

When Maria's father was through mating with sister happiness, he took a white clothe and
cleaned her private part with it. Then he kept the clothe under the bed. After he was done
with sister happiness, he ordered her to go. He had no fears because he had used a charm
that would make her forget whatever happened between them.

After sister happiness took her leave, Maria's father dashed into the secret room and
presented the white clothe to the lord of riches and wealth.

"Congratulate yourself lucky one, for the final appeasement has been made. Now and
forever more, sister happiness's spirit including that of the child in her will be made to
serve you. Offer the lords of riches and wealth the necessary rites two days after today.
Something big will happen after the sacrifice has been made, when it does, do not worry or
give into fear. What you are to do is to do the needful which the lords of riches and wealth
will be your guide."

The mouthpiece of the lord of riches and wealth uttered and Maria's father bowed his head
In appreciation.

Two days after, Maria's father went to get the items for the rites through his boys who
worked underground for him. For his caliber of person, it wasn't wise seeing with the items
listed by the mouthpiece of the lord of riches and wealth.

After Maria's father underground boys who worked for him and helped him perpetrate
sinister acts had gotten him all needed for the rite, he proceeded to make the sacrifice. At
midnight, he heard a weird sound and he was led to the secret room. There, he saw sister
happiness kneeling down with her her two fingers on her left hands in her mouth.
"It's done. She's the bond holding the covenant made between you and your daughter. You
must adore and worship her from now on. Not only that, you are to mate with her as long
as she wants any day her spirit demands for it. Her spirit and that of her child is now at
your disposal."

The voice thundered.

Maria's father felt a little bit shaken for the first time. Sister happiness's eyes stared at him
coldly and her protruding belly remained the same. He knew the deed that had been done
and now more than ever nobody was to discover the secret room or he will be doomed.

Meanwhile the scenario unfolding, sister happiness's husband was deeply worried about
her as he could not stay in touch with her for over two days. Ever since the encounter with
Maria's father, sister happiness had become a dunce until the final incidence that broke the
camel's back.

Bro Matthew booked an immediate flight home to see what was wrong with his wife . He
was shocked when he arrived in the afternoon and he didn't see his wife at home.

Where she had gone was unknown to the neighbours. Nobody had idea of what had
happened. When bro Matthew tried to call his wife's phone again, her line was unavailable.
It was when he searched the house that he realized that his wife's battery had went flat
reason why he couldn't get through to her.

"If her luggages are at home and there's no sign she left the house? Then what could have
went wrong?"

Brother Matthew sobbed as he searched the house further for his wife to no avail.

To be continued ......
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Seventeen

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

Bro Matthew proceeded into the streets after searching for his wife in the room to no avail.
He had his hands on his head as he moved from places to places querying about his wife's

It was during his questions around the neighborhood it was made known to him that his
wife did not step outside the house within those two days. Even her customer around the
neighborhood that she patronized a fruit juice regularly from her didn't sight her around.

Bro Matthew was advised to take the matter up to the authorities because it seemed odd
and fishy.

When Bro Matthew arrived at the police station, he made his complaint and reported his
wife missing. He was asked some questions believed to help out with the case before he
took his leave.

People in the compound were questioned by the police one after the other the next day
and everyone was ordered not to travel or go anywhere outside the state because that
would serve as a form of suspicion.

The case dived into weeks, yet no one was penalized or found guilty of what had happened.
The case was rather a very trickish one than the former cases of former disapperances to
the police .
There was no sign whatsoever that bro Matthew's wife had left the house. Her phone was
within the house and there was no sign that she had been drugged or forcefully led out of
the house.

That discovery alone was scary to the hearings of the neighborhood and sister happiness's
relatives. Phone calls were tracked around and within but none helped in the case. It was as
if sister happiness had disappeared into thin air. At some point, even brother Matthew
sounded fishy and they began to track his movements. At the end of the day, the authorities
discovered that he had nothing to do with what had happened.
The case was eventually suspended when there was no positive response or feedbacks
leading to the clarity of what had really happened. Bro Matthew had to live on with the pain
and had it mind that one day he would come into contact with his wife and preharps the
unborn child.

Bro Matthew was in tears the day he related what had happened to Maria's father. Maria's
father spent a lengthy time consoling him and referring him to Bible passages that referred
to what he was experiencing.

During the troubling moments , Maria's father didn't stop staying in touch with bro
Matthew and sermonizing him about keeping his hope and faith in God in the face of

It was tough for bro Matthew to stop sulking on what had happened . It was hard keeping
his thoughts away from the memories of his wife and how they had anticipated the birth of
the baby in her womb. It was a tough moment for him, a moment he found difficult to

As time went on, with the happenings fast turning to a mirage in an attempt to override the
pain, he left the neighborhood for another . The day he went packing, he took few assets
that belonged to him and offered majority to charity. Majority of his clothings matched
with his wife which he couldn't bear sighting anymore. Everything in the house was a
memory of his wife. So as to move on and maintain his stability he had to pack out.

The day that bro Matthew moved into the new neighbourhood, he went into the bar to
while away his sorrows after putting all he had with him into place in the new apartment.
Bro Matthew kept on drinking till he was heavily drunk that he couldn't go home himself.

It was John that came to his rescue, it happened that bro Matthew had rented an
apartment in John's neighborhood. John who had come into the bar to drink up suspended
his aim when he saw bro Matthew in that state. Bro Matthew was ushered out by the
bartender as soon as he started constituting a nuisance to the place.

John cautioned the bartender and chastised him about letting Bro Matthew drink up to that
state. He had to find a cab that would take them away from the bar since bro Matthew had
not come drive in the bar with his car.

John had it in mind that he would let bro Matthew stay in his house for a while and then
when he was sober, he would return home himself the next day. John had not walked far
into the neighborhood when a neighbour of bro Matthew saw bro Matthew with him and
queried what had happened. After John gave a vivid explanation, the neighbour made him
aware of who he was and bro Matthew's house address. John discovered that bro
Matthew's house wasn't far from his so he headed to the apartment of bro Matthew with
the neighbour leading the way.

"He's a new tenant."

The neighbour had uttered while shaking his head.

John helped bro Matthew into his room and left after ensuring he was fine. Although bro
Matthew was heavily drunk, he knew that someone had helped him home and the face that
reflected wasn't familiar. It wasn't a good impression to the neighbours for a house he
newly rented, so he cautioned himself against such repeating itself again.

Bro Matthew was driving past a shopping mall when he sighted John who was just through
with his day's work and heading home. John's face looked familiar so bro Matthew honked
at him . He looked a reflection of the face that had helped him home when he was drunk.

John's whose mind was troubled and far away in thoughts because he couldn't come to a
conclusion yet regarding his brother's murderers and he wasn't getting enough support at
his working place regarding the incidence yet didn't hear the car horning. Bro Matthew had
to halt the car and run to approach him.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but your face rings a bell."

Bro Matthew uttered with his eyeballs staring deeply into that of John's.


John meant to say but stopped after he recollected what had happened.

"You are the drunk guy from the bar."

He stated and bro Matthew held his face in shyness.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Eighteen

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"You had to remind me of that. Sounds funny ."

Bro Matthew laughed and John smiled

"I guess you are over it now?"

John asked bro Matthew innocently.

He had sensed that he met him in that state in the bar, because he was trying to drown
away his sorrows. The countenance on his face and the way he was downcast made him
have a feeling that something had went wrong with him.

Moreover the night that John had helped bro Matthew home he repeated that "life had
taken away all that he had." That he said constantly almost making John's ear ache.

John's question sent a chill across bro Matthew's spine and he sighed heavily.

"If you don't mind, can I give you a ride home in my car?"

Bro Matthew asked John and he replied yes.

John knew better than to insist on a response on the question that he had pushed across.

While bro Matthew was driving, John observed that he had a wedding ring on.

That was strange because the night he helped him home, he didn't see any sign that
someone else lived with him.

"Please drop me at the royal's restaurant. I need to fill my tummy before heading home."

John said with a smile on his face.

"Oh!! Great. I need to do same too. Preharps I can eat better if we go there together."
Bro Matthew uttered and John nodded his head.

When they arrived at the restaurant after bro Matthew had parked his car, John and bro
Matthew made an order after checking the menu.

Soon they were served what they had ordered for and they began eating. What bro
Matthew had ordered for was his favourite and his wife cooked it for him time to time
before her disappearance. Most times he returned early from work he would join her in the
cooking and tease her that the meal tastes better with his touch.

"Everything tasted perfect until her disappearance."

Bro Matthew muttered under his breathe.

He stopped eating after taking a second bite and proceeded to stirring the food with his
spoon. He did that while lost in thoughts unconsciously and his eyes became frozen in
horror while reminsicing on what had happened in the yester-tide.

"You won't eat anymore?"

John asked bro Matthew who was still deeply lost in thought. He didn't give a response, so
John went further to tap him in the back.

Immediately John tapped bro Matthew in the back he snapped out of his heavy thoughts
and he depicted a look of surprise with an exclamatory "ooops!!"

"What did you just ask me?"

Bro Matthew queried John and he shook his head.

"It's obvious something is eating you up."

John stated and bro Matthew folded his arms .

"Yes , I'm beaten up over and over again thinking about a sad incidence."

"Is it something you can't share?"

"No, I can actually share it. Just that it sounds weird more than ever , thinking about it."
"If it's something you can share, why not cough it out? A problem shared afterall is a
problem half solved."

"I wish it's a problem solved over a dialogue. Unfortunately it isn't. I'm done with this meal.
Once we leave here, I will summon courage and share it all with you."

Bro Matthew drank his fruit juice and stopped eating.

"Eat more, you can't waste all that."

John insisted.

Bro Matthew heeded to him and took five spoons more. He left the remaining coconut rice
in the plate after eating the mutton.

When John was done eating bro Matthew settled all the bills and they went into his car.

"I have an idea of a place we can discuss without interruptions".

John uttered to break the silence that ensued in the car.

"Alright, let's give it a shot then."

Bro Matthew responded and he drove as directed.

The spot that John had directed him to was serene and cool, they could easily discuss there
without any form of distractions . Exactly that which bro Matthew needed to convey his

"Let's sit over here."

John pointed at a seat and they sat.

Bro Matthew's face went pale as he opened his mouth to utter some wordings .

" I lost something dear to me, I feel incomplete, so incomplete. I Have been incomplete,
ever since I lost my wife and my unborn child. It's been weeks now and I doubt I will ever
get over it."

Bro Matthew uttered and John sighed.

He never knew or guessed that him and bro Matthew could have something in common.

"I see we are both misery in companies."

John retorted.

"Oops , you lost a loved one too?"

"Yeah, I lost my brother , my younger brother precisely. Mine has been a month now and It
feels like yesterday. It deeply hurts each time I reflect on his sad departure. One can never
tell how important people are when they are around until they aren't. I wish I could turn
the hands of time, I would have been a better brother."

John sobbed.

"I'm sorry I brought a memory you didn't want to remember."

Bro Matthew patted John in the back.

"No, it's okay. We are here to discuss about your pain and not mine. I'm sorry I butt in your
plight with mine. Pardon me, how did you lose your wife ? From what you said , she was
pregnant. Did she die during her delivery or what?"

"You wouldn't believe your ears if I tell you what happened."

Bro Matthew responded.

"Spit out, it can't be worse than what I experienced with my brother."

John stated.

"After I travelled for business proposal abroad, I couldn't communicate with my wife for
two good days. I had to schedule the nearest flight home and when I returned my wife was
nowhere to be seen. It looked like she had dissapeared into thin air and all the authorities's
efforts to get her whereabouts were futile. Strange thing was her clothes were intact,
including her phone. We never had a quarrel , if we had I would have resolved that she went
packing on her own accord. Before her disappearance we had anticipated the arrival of the
baby with keen interest. I had to give out the baby clothes to charity I just couldn't bear
anything that left the memories in the open. Reason why I left to this area."
Bro Matthew said.

"Yours is worse then. Atleast I got to see my brother's body even though it was an eyesore."

"An eyesore?"

"Did someone mur der him?"

"Yes, he fell victim of some mobs in the streets."

John shook his head.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Nineteen

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"Mob in the streets? How come your late brother fell victim of that?"

Bro Matthew asked utterly confused.

"I can't give an answer to that mystery yet. It's funny how I can't even trace those who did
the act. Everything seems blank and meaningless."

"Did you involve the authorities? If you did, what was their response?"

John smiled when bro Matthew asked that and stood up from his seat.

His voice became hardened at the next moment. He was trying so hard to restrain his
emotions that way he wouldn't regret revealing too much than needed later.

"A stranger could be anything but trustworthy"( He reasoned)

"I couldn't involve the authorities in his death. It would be exposing his death to ridicule
and danger as it is."

John answered.

"Exposing his death to ridicule and danger? I don't understand what you mean by that. But
what I do know is that involving the authorities will help in getting the justice you need.
Although you will be chastised for involving them too late. I've got contacts incase you want
to take that step though. Except you are afraid which you shouldn't be."

"Of cos I'm not afraid. Did you get any help with your wife when you involved the

John uttered in a bid to swerve the dialogue.

"Like I said earlier the investigations didn't point out my wife's whereabouts. It's a mystery
up till date. Only God knows what happened but our cases are different. For me, I didn't get
to see my wife's body if at all she's dead but you saw yours and you have an idea of what led
to his death. It's two different case. Provided your brother wasn't guilty of what led to his
death or had a bad record you should have involved the police. I still suggest you do that
though that's if you are keen on getting justice."

"I would have , I definitely would have if only just if only.... His records were clear."

"Was your brother involved in shady deals before his death? Even at that, the mob case is a
different one and he already paid with his life. I know it's corky getting exposed to the
headlight with a tag from one's departed brother whose soul should be resting in peace but
it's worth a trial. Just think of it..."

Bro Matthew responded smartly to John and he told him that he would think about it.

They went into the car after relaxing themselves a bit and got to their respective homes
after a departure.

The following day, John went into the Manager's office to see if he could get a positive
response from him regarding his brother's unresolved case. His response had been
disappointing but he was hoping to convince him that morning with the way he presented
his words. Unfortunately he got a defiant no as a response and this time around the
manager sounded mean and resolute.

"All I ask is justice for my brother's death which I can't do on my own and I've being turned
down several times. For God's sake I've spent my youth dedicated to this hood and if there's
any place I can run to it should be here. Please boss, you've got the resources to help me
out on this. Don't let my brother die in vain. Just please don't. I can't involve the authorities
and you know why."

John sobbed.

"Out there in the street, it's fishes eating fishes . It's not like I don't intend on helping you
but there's way too much on desk to add what you are asking for. I know it hurts man but
you need to be calm you will get my help but definitely not now."

John's manager stated.

"Why not now? It's close to a month James was slayed by some couple of
de mons in the street. If not now when? Is it until the records are cleared by the criminals
and there's no evidence to nail them to the cross? Moreover we aren't involving the
authorities all I need is just to know who did the act and make them go straight to he ll
right where they Truely belong."

John uttered coldly.

"You know what John, I will think about it. Don't worry your brother will get the justice he
deserves you can trust me that his death won't be in vain."

The manager said.

When John turned his back, the manager wore a devi llish grimace on his face.

"He's becoming more of a nui sance."

The manager muttered under breathe.

He called Maria's father up after John had left the office.

"Seems John is still insistent on getting to the root of his brother's death and that's
dangerous if he discovers what really happened. He knows way too much to be against us."

The manager related to Maria's father on call.

"Us? that's the funniest thing I've ever heard this year. John dosen't know me, but he knows
you. And I think you should know what to do. A toddler like John shouldn't be much of a
trouble. Since he's stubborn activate delete."

Maria's father responded.

"I don't intend on opposing your opinion boss but John has been very useful. His abscence
will be deeply felt."

"There's always a replacement for everyone in the world and John isn't exempted. Find a
way to get rid of him and please do it soon."

Maria's father finalized and cut the call.

"If boss wants it that way, then I've got no other option. Be ready for a long rideeeee ever

The manager uttered.

To be continued......
Oh!!! My father

Chapter Twenty

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

After John left the Manager's office, the constant thought on his head was getting the
perpetrators of his brother's death and having to take the pleasure of sniffing life out of the
kill ers one by one.

John took a dagger at the table where he was packaging some body parts and threw it at a
desk in anger.

"Cuss those people. I cuss those people that inflicted this pain on me."

He uttered lividly catching up with the heavy panting of his heart.

He took a book and wrote all done for today, then he headed out of the company in the
mid-afternoon exactly at 4 Pm. He would have taken a break off work to rest his brain for
some while but he needed money badly so he couldn't ask for a break although his body
system needed it.

John was practically limping when he walked home. He had not had a healthy rest or sleep
after his brother's death and the only thought that kept him going was the thirst of

"Help!!!! Help!!!!".

A lady shouted when John fell unto the floor while walking. The lady's yellings attracted the
attention of passerbys and they went to her aid .

A hospital was called and an ambulance was brought. Soon, John was admitted into an
hospital. When John opened his eyes after some hours, he was confused of where he was.

"Where I'm I?"

He asked the nurse that came in to check up on him .

"In a hospital. You fell on the streets."

The nurse responded.


John uttered while trying to figure out what had happened to him.

"Yes, your diagnosis shows you haven't been resting well. Currently your blood pressure is
at a high rate . You almost suffered a heart attack if not for the timely intervention of the
Samaritan lady who brought you here."

"I was exhausted while walking home. I badly needed a rest."

John recollected.

"But how about my heart? Is it damaged already?"

John asked.

"No, it isn't but it stands at risk if you don't stop taking unhealthy substances like hard
drinks and hard drugs. When a blood test was carried out , they were found in your blood
streams and that's a whole lot for your blood streams to take in."

The nurse said with an affectionate look expressed on her face.

"Wish it was easy quitting it. No matter how I try I definitely return into it."

"If you are determined, why not? You just need a counselor and you will be fine."

"That's if I take it serious."

John sounded outright.

"Do you take the stuffs in to while away your thoughts because it's obvious that you have
been thinking a lot."

The nurse said .

John sighed heavily and looked at the nurse in the eye.

"My intake of the hard stuffs increased after I lost my younger brother. It was the only way
I could live with the pain. Once I'm high at home, the thought barely comes to mind."

"I'm deeply sorry. I know how much that hurts but it should never be an excuse to
jeopardize your health..I'm sure your late brother wouldn't want you digging your own
grave because you are mourning him."

The nurse counselled.

John smiled at her and said a hearty thanks for her care.

"I wish I could get words of consolations like this often, my life would have been a better

John uttered with a grin on his face.

"Surround yourself with loved ones . You will get lovable words often."

"I've got no loved ones around. No woman, a late father, and a mother who abandoned my
late brother and I ever since we were young. Up till now she hasn't showed up and I doubt
that she ever will. I'm so lonely reason why I miss James so much."

"Is that the name of your late brother?"

"Yes, his name was James and I'm John. James and John, John and James."

He grinned.

"Sorry about your loss. I don't mind giving you my contact that way we can communicate
once you are out of here. Please take what I've said to heart. When the doctor comes in to
check up on you, he will say the same thing. You are still young to lose your life."

The nurse stated.

"Thank you so much, you will make a good doctor."

John expressed.
The nurse beaded up a smile and left the ward after attending to him.

John was told that he would be discharged within five days and that was precisely the date
of Maria's dischargement . John was permitted to make a phone call to his working place in
order to inform them of what happened to him.

When the manager was informed, he felt bad because he knew that his plans would be

"Why didn't he fall to his death?"

The manager had cussed under breathe after John ended the call.

While in the hospital, John reflected on the advices from the nurse and the doctor and he
was determined to do it right. He needed a life afterall to take revenge on those who had
taken his brother's life. John used the opportunity of what had happened to inform his boss
at work that he needed a leave to recuperate his health .

Amazingly, he was granted the leave and a huge sum of money was sent to him.

The arrangement was made by the management who had another plan in mind preceding
John's dischargement as a goodbye payment. John who didn't have an idea of his sinister
moves had innocently made him aware of the day he would be discharged. The plan of the
manager was to get rid of John the day of his dischargement with no traces. How he was to
penetrate through his schemes and all he needed had already been arranged.

When John was discharged, he had gotten the nurse's number a day to his dischargement.
John was heading out of the ward when he caught sight of Maria and her father .
Immediately he saw them, it dawned on him that he had not been in touch with Maria, after
they left the mortuary. He had been so embedded in his rage for revenge that he forgot
other things that mattered.

John resolved within that he would call Maria and figure out why she had been admitted
into the hospital. Because John felt uneased by Maria's father accompanying her, he
decided to wait a bit till they left to the car. After they went into the car, he speedily went
to get a cab that would take him home. His aim was however aborted by Bro Matthew's call
that came in at the next moment.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty-One

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

John was not allowed to operate on his phone in the hospital so he had not been in touch
with bro Matthew.

During his stay in the hospital, bro Matthew had tried his phone several times to no avail.
Each day bro Matthew tried getting across to John his line was always unavailable. That got
bro Matthew worried because there was no other way he could reach out to John except
his house which he had went to and he wasn't there.

With no other option in mind, bro Matthew decided that he would keep on calling till the
line go through.

He was happy that day when the call went through and John picked it up.

"Hey dude! Where have you been?"

He asked John excitedly.

John sighed and asked that bro Matthew keep the call on hold so he could cross the other
side of the road. When he did, they continued their dialogue.

Bro Matthew was shocked when John made him aware of what had happened to him.

"How about we meet up right now? I've got no work and I'm bored over here."

Bro Matthew uttered to John and he agreed.

Unknowingly to John, he was being traced by the people that the manager had assigned to
eliminate him.

The assigned people had been on guard ever since John left the hospital . They were
watching his movements and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
John was about to take a cab when he got a call from bro Matthew that he was already
heading at the spot he was. Bro Matthew was out when John and him communicated so he
decided to pick John up as to save him the stress of going around.

John had to branch at a spot where people buzzled around during the day. When bro
Matthew texted him where he had packed his car, he started heading out.

The men who had been assigned to eliminate him followed suit. They retraced their steps
when they sighted Bro Matthew. Instantly, it dawned on them that John wasn't alone and it
wasn't the right moment to get rid of him yet.

John went into Bro Matthew's car and he drove him off. They went to a lodge that bro
Matthew made use of to relax his nerves whenever he was stressed out.

At the lodge, they discussed at length and John began dozing off due to the sedatives
administered on him before he was discharged. The drugs administered on him in the
hospital had not weared off his system.

The doctor had even prescribed some drugs for him to use after he was discharged. When
the assigned men waited outside without any sign of John coming out, they decided to
report to their boss who had sent them on an assignment.

"Leave there already. That way you wouldn't arose suspicions. There's always a perfect
timing to strike and that is soon."

The manager uttered on call and the men left the surroundings of the lodge.

After John woke up, bro Matthew wasn't in sight. He had left the lodge to get the drugs
prescribed for John. For brother Matthew, there was a sort of connection connecting him
and John in within their pain shared.

John was walking around the lodge when brother Matthew came in.

"I didn't see you when I woke up."

He said while yawning and bro Matthew smiled.

"I went out to get you the prescribed drugs in the hospital you told me about. I didn't do
much getting it around the pharmacy close to this place."
He showed John the drugs and gave him the paper that the doctor had written the
prescribed drugs.

"What good did I ever do in my past to deserve this level of kindness? Thank you so much."

John uttered affectionately and hugged bro Matthew.

"It's nothing bro, feel free to relate with me. I know we don't know each other from
anywhere but you won my heart over the day you helped me at the bar. Since I don't have a
sibling I regard you as one atleast with you around, I get to think less of my wife's

Bro Matthew retorted and John smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you for caring about me this much. It means a lot to me at this point in time. I
appreciate your comeliness gestures it's highly appreciated and never taken for granted."

John said to him.

Bro Matthew gave him an handshake and they headed to his apartment after they left the
lodge. At bro Matthew's apartment, John remembered that he had not called Maria up after
he saw her in the hospital he was administered in.

Immediately he remembered, he took his phone and called Maria up. At the time he was
calling, Bro Matthew had went into the bathroom to take a shower.

When the phone rang the second time, Maria picked it up. Maria was surprised and
delighted at the same time to hear John's voice. The call came at a time she needed it most.

Maria's father countenance and attitudes at the hospital was all an act. He became hostile
to Maria immediately they arrived home and wouldn't stop chastising her for breaking the
promise that she made to him.

"Who will train the child of ridicule conceived in your womb?"

Maria's father had asked her when they arrived at home.

Maria was downcast and her heart was heavy when John's call came in.
John apologized for not staying in touch and promised to call more often. Somehow during
the call, John realized that Maria didn't sound her usual self so he queried about what was

"I'm pregnant."

Maria responded when John asked her what was wrong.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty -Two

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"You are pregnant?"

John asked Maria outloud.

"Yes, I am".

"For who?"

John asked trying to be sure of what he heard.

"Your late brother James, I had no other man except him."

"I'm shocked by this news but thrilled at the same time. I mean you are pregnant for my late
brother and a part of him is growing inside of you. This is the best news I have heard this

John voiced happily but Maria didn't seem to match the rhythm of his happiness on call

"You don't seem happy that you are pregnant for my late brother or are my assumptions

John asked Maria and she sighed.

"My father is against the pregnancy especially with the fact that the father is late. He's been
cold ever since we returned from the hospital turns out his earlier countenance and
gestures were all an act. I did dream of being a mother but not like this, not this way. It
hurts I'm going to face this alone . There won't be a father figure for my child and that saps."

"You talk like I was dead. Common Maria, I wouldn't allow you raise that child alone most
especially when it's that of my late brother's."
John uttered.

"If only I could raise the dead, just if only I could. Now I'm going to miss James more than

Maria sobbed.

"Please don't sound like this Maria . I know I haven't been much of a good guy to you. Ever
since we departed at the mortuary I ought to have stayed in touch but I was way too
embedded with my problems that I forgot yours. Please trust me when I say you aren't
raising that child alone. I'm going to stand in as the father and treat the child the same way
I'm sure James would have when he was alive."

"Thank you for your kind words . I need to hang up now before my father comes in. I don't
want to get into trouble with him."

Maria uttered.

"Alright, I will stay in touch with you. Please alert me of any development at home. I will
arrange a place we can meet up tomorrow."

John said.

"I can't meet up with you for now, his attention is all on me. Once I'm free I will let you
know. We can chat for now pending the time he will be calmer."

Maria responded.

"Okay take care then. Have a sweet dream both you and the baby ."

John cut the call.


John jumped up and fell unto the bed in excitement.

"I see you are going to be a father."

Bro Matthew said when he came into the room just after John and Maria had finished

"You were eavesdropping?"

John asked in a low tone.

"I wasn't really. I just heard few words when I was in the inner room. I observed that you
were on phone call so I didn't want to interrupt. I was extremely surprised when I heard I'm
going to be a father."

"Yes I'm indeed going to be a father . But I'm not the biological father of the baby on the

"Pardon, this sounds confusing. If you aren't then who is? and why are you so excited for a
baby that isn't yours?"

"I'm excited because it's my late brother's. James got his girlfriend pregnant before he died.
It's beautiful I'm going to be an uncle and that a part of my brother lives on."

"Wow that's such a great news..I'm. Happy to hear this, it calls for a toast."

"Yes, it does. I can't drink alcohol for now though."

John warned.

"I'm not toasting with alcohol either. You sound like I were an addict."

Bro Matthew teased.

John tapped him in the butts and he did same.

"You could be such a big head atimes bro."

John uttered.

Bro Matthew gave him a mischievous smile and left his presence.

Then he returned with a fruit wine in his hands.

"Cheers to a great news and to the bundle of joy on the way."

Bro Matthew spoke.

"Yeah, lengthy cheers."

John said.

The wine was poured into a cup by bro Matthew and the two toasted.

They drank and soon they retired to bed.

The following day, in the mid-afternoon, John was checking up his messages on Whatsapp
when he saw the nurse's contact that he had saved. He peeped in her dp and smiled to
himself like a toddler given a candy laced with honey.

"She's beautiful, more beautiful with smiles on."

John muttered under breathe.

The way he blushed attracted Bro Matthew's attention and he called his name .

"Seems someone is keeping you occupied John ."

Bro Matthew teased him.

"Not really, just admiring a work of art."..

John said.

"Let me see."

Bro Matthew snatched the phone from him and saw the picture that John was admiring.

"She's your woman? I see you've eventually given into love."

"No, she isn't. She's a nurse, I knew her at the hospital I was admitted in. She was so
friendly and extremely nice. I never knew the contact I got from her was her WhatsApp
"It seems you like her?"

Bro Matthew told John.

"Like? Stop playing, I don't do those stuffs. I've got way too many thoughts occupying my
head. Moreover I wouldn't be her spec I'm sure I'm far from the qualities her dream spec
should possess."

"Keep denying all you want. You sounded sweet yesterday while relating how you were
treated in the hospital. Now I know the hidden details behind your beautiful smile.
Moreover, why did you get her contact if you aren't interested?"

Bro Matthew teased him further.

"I got it for a different purpose. You know that I don't have time for matters of the heart
stuff but you are just being nasty."

John left his presence and went into the kitchen to dish the remnant food in the pot into
his plate. While dishing the food, he put his hand on his chest to feel his heart beat. Then
he stared at the nurse's picture with a smile on his face.

"Only the stooopids fall in love, the tough don't."

He shook his thought off and locked his phone.

To be continued .....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty-Three

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

When John unlocked his phone later in the day, he realized that he had new messages on
Whatsapp. He opened his WhatsApp and checked in.

He was dumbfounded when he saw a hi amongst the messages and it was from the nurse.

"How do I reply her?"

He shook his head, unsure of what to type.

📱Good evening ma."


John eventually texted.

📱How are you doing now?"


The nurse replied

📱I'm perfectly fine."


John responded with a smile emoji.

📱How about what we discussed at the hospital are you taking any step about it?"

The nurse asked.

" Sure, Now more than ever I have more reasons to live and I want to get a counselor or a
psychologist if possible."

📱You sound excited now, unlike how you were in the hospital."
" Yes , I am. I think I reflected on my life enough and realized there's no need being in
that hole again."

John texted.

The nurse knew he was referring to mourning his brother so she replied him with a hug

📱Thank you for everything. I appreciate."


John responded.

The nurse reacted to his message and went offline.

John wanted to ask that they meet the following day after she closed from work, but he
couldn't find the courage to. He kept on staring at the chat over and over again.

"All I'm doing is a step towards my sanity and I'm doing it solely for the fact that I have
more reasons to live now."

John soliloquized to himself.

He ended up dropping the phone without texting the nurse about anything.

The following day in the evening the nurse texted John after she closed from work. She
made John aware that she had contacted a counselor she knew and was certain that he has
the onions in his field.

When they chatted that evening, John developed the courage to ask her out on a date.

📱Where are you?"


John had asked.

" Just a few step away from the hospital. I'm chatting you at a spot close to a super

The nurse had replied.

"Can we meet up? I'm bored over here and I need to have a bit of fresh air. If you don't
mind, can we?"

" If not around here, why not? It would be lovely seeing your face. We can as well get to
chat about other things that matters I mean a session with the counselor and all that."

" Alright, thanks for finding my request worthy to honor. How about we meet up at tasty
delight restaurant? Their meals tastes great, and it's a mile away from the hospital."

" No problem, it's still around my axis.
I will be waiting for you over there. Just don't take too long."

The nurse texted.

📱 I won't, I promise that I won't."


John replied and went into the bathroom to take a shower. He dressed his best and headed
out with a smile on his face.

Bro Matthew was asleep as at the time John headed out, so John had written a letter and
dropped it at the table before he took his leave, that way he wouldn't get him worried.

When Bro Matthew woke up and saw the letter, he smiled to himself.

📱 Somebody's son is in love."


Bro Matthew uttered to himself after he read the letter.

He went into the kitchen to prepare a meal for the evening. He was tired of eating out. Bro
Matthew had a particular meal in mind.

He had seen the recipe on YouTube so he went ahead to get the recipes at a shopping mall
close by. When he did, he dashed into the kitchen and started preparing the meal with the
help of the video from the YouTube.

After he was done, he dished his portion alongside a fruit juice and started eating. Bro
Matthew had left a portion in the pot Incase John felt like eating a little when he returned.

At the restaurant, John and the nurse ate to their satisfaction and when they were done,
they headed out to discuss while strolling around the streets.
John observed that the nurse was looking sideways while they walked. He wanted to ask
her what was wrong at first but he changed his mind.

"You are being followed."

The nurse said to John in a low tone.

"Followed? How?"

John asked and the nurse gestured at him to stop talking.

They branched at a spot where people buzzled at late hours in the day and mingled in the
crowd. Soon they became unnoticeable and the men following John lost track of them.

John's heart was panting as at the time him and the nurse found a way out of the streets.

"We need to enter a public bus."

The nurse uttered after they left the crowd and John agreed.

They entered a public bus to their respective homes and arrived to their destination safely.
When John arrived at home, he went into the bathroom to take a shower. Never had he
been that scared in his lifetime. John's countenance when he returned got bro Matthew

"What's wrong, you look tensed."

Bro Matthew asked John and he replied him that it was nothing serious, then he went into
the bathroom.

After John was done taking a shower, he sat on a couch and related to Bro Matthew why he
had returned tensed.

" I got a call from my boss today regarding an unresolved stuff in the company while on a
date and that kind of ruined my evening. When I'm I going to get off work?"

John uttered and shook his head.

"It's okay bro. Most bosses are selfish when it comes to the management of their business.
It's healthy you let your boss know that you need your rest and need to keep your mind off
work. Moreover you are on a leave so they should allow you enjoy it in peace . Just the
normal way it should be."

"My work isn't like that. You work even on a leave."

John stated.

"How about I get you another work?"

Bro Matthew asked and John smiled at him

"I will think about it. Thanks bro."

He uttered and left Bro Matthew's presence.

When John went into the bedroom, he opened his WhatsApp to ask the nurse what went
wrong because she had cut him short when he asked and he was unsure of what had made
her asked they exit the street that way. The countenance on the nurse's face still got John

When John opened his WhatsApp the nurse had already texted him.

"Are you interested in knowing the perpetrators of your brother's death?"

The nurse had texted.

John looked at the text in disbelief unsure whether to type yes or ask the nurse who she
really was.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty -Four

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"Who are you?"

John texted the nurse.

His response sounded awkward but he just couldn't bring his nerves to ask other than that.

"You want to know who I am."

The nurse replied with a smile emoji and sent John a video.

John's hands were shaky when he clicked on the video and downloaded it. After he was
done, he played the video in his phone with a earphone.

He was out of words when he watched the beginning of the video. It was cruel and horrid.

"Oh God!!!"

He muttered under breathe in tears.

John didn't know whether to continue watching how his brother was slayed in the video but
he needed to watch till the end to see if atleast he could get a hint of who the perpetrators
were. When the perpetrators committed the act, they were on mask.

One of the voices in the video sounded familiar. It sounded like that of the manager but
John refused to believe his ears because of the trust he had in him.

However hard John refused to believe it was him, the walking steps of the manager and the
wristwatch he had on gave him away.

"What in the world is happening?"

John asked himself seeking for an answer.

"When you are done watching alert me. You need to see some pictures to give you the
actual clarifications you need."

The nurse's message popped up while John was watching the video.

John forwarded the video to the end in cheer desperacy and was shocked when he saw his
brother's blood taken into a calabash.

"What's the meaning of this ? Who the he ll are these people?"

John chatted the nurse and she sent him some pictures.

John's shaky hands went to the pictures and he was shocked beyond words.The eyes of
betrayal was staring at him right in the face and he felt pained.

"I took their pictures after they left the scene that night. The idiiiiiots took offed their
masks and gloves after they were done. Do they look familiar?"

The nurse asked John.

John sulked and shook his head.

"This hurts a lot."

He muttered under breathe.

"Do they look familiar?"

The nurse asked again.

"I can only recognize one among them the rest faces look unfamiliar. The older man in the
picture is my manager. I can't believe he could do this but why? Why in the world did he do
this to my brother? What for?"

John asked.

"Did he need to have a reason?"

The nurse asked him.

"I just told you that he's my manager. He knows my brother too. So I'm shocked that he
could stab me in the back like this. I don't deserve this not after serving him and being loyal
for years. He just couldn't have done this to me."

"Well he fvking did. It's in your best interest to keep this information discreet as much as
you can. If possible you need to vacate the premises you are in currently to a safer place.
From all indications you are being followed and where you live will soon be traced if not
already traced."

"But you haven't told me who are you and why you are revealing this? Did you come into
this incidence by chance or you know this men?"

"Why are you insistent on knowing who I am. I'm still a nurse isn't it?"

"You know what I'm asking about. Did you come into this by chance or what?"

"By chance no? A bit involved yes."

"You mean you are involved with these criminals? If you are, then why are you giving them

"I'm not talking about that kind of involvement dummy. These fvking criminals did a huge
harm to my soul years back. You have a brother to avenge, while I have a sister to avenge."

The nurse sent him a voice note.

"Was your sister mur dered by these men too?"

John asked.

"Yes, she was. I watched her with my two eyes butchered into pieces like a cow while I
watched helplessly. I couldn't do a thing back then but right now I'm willing to do all it
takes to get the justice my dead sister deserved."

"Did you involve the authorities in yours case because I couldn't in mine stance due to
some reasons."
"I did, but nothing was done. The evidences were staring at them right in the face, but they
discarded it. I trusted the wrong people with my life. I never knew that the Dpo would give
into bribery. A day after I gave my compliants and presented the evidences, my house was
traced. I only escaped death by hair's breathe. I had to leave the surroundings for my sanity
and to do some underground findings. Luckily for me, I got to find out that they weren't
alone but on orders."

"Whose orders?"

John asked curiously.

"Their boss's order . My poor sister dated him before her death. It was after she found out
about his secret that he ordered her death. That venomous man is evuuuul and the death

"Please solve the mystery? Who is he?"

"Before I answer that question I want to know why you are working with the manager?
What made you venture into that kind of job in the first place?"

The nurse queried.

To be continued .....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty-Five

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

📱I guess you found out already about the kind of job I do, so there's no need telling lies."

John texted and sighed.

" Yes, I do. It's disappointing that a young man like you would ever settle for such. There
are so many opportunities for young men like you but you chose that path. It's such a pity!!"

"📱Before you judge me, hear from me. Please don't judge me yet."
"📱My ears are wide open. Spill the beans already."

"📱When I newly started the job, I didn't have an idea of what it entailed. All I was told is
that it's a dispatch delivery job and I held their words for it. Though in the long run, I found
their services and discreetness fishy but what was I to do their payment was mouth
watering and I had James to take care of. I had promised dad I was going to take good care
of him in his sick bed. I had no one to run to or seek for advices so I fell helplessly into the
wrong hands."

John texted.

"📱So you knew nothing about the job at first?"

"📱I swear on my papa's grave that I didn't know anything at first."

"📱When you knew why didn't you exit?"

The nurse asked.

" Exiting the dark hood isn't a case of popcorn and groundnut. It's a tough one. Moreover
when I found out their secret they made me take an oath of loyalty. I guess they made me
walk into their secret on purpose when they saw how diligent I was at work. It felt terrible
doing such a kind of job at first but what was i to do ?"

" If you felt that horrible, then why did you introduce your brother into that kind of
world? When I did my findings, I figured out that you yourself introduced him to the job."

" I felt lonely. They were going to discover he was my younger brother in the long run and
probably order me to bring him into the hood."

" What assured you that they didn't know about your brother for years you worked in the
hood? Provided your late brother didn't do a thing against them he was safe. It was your
duty to protect him yet you introduced him to that harsh world that helped sniffed life out
of him. Moreover he didn't know about them because you kept that part of your life secret.
Nothing would have happened in the long run if you didn't take that step. Your case
compared to your brother was different . You fell into the wrong hands but in your
brother's case, you took him to the wrong hands. With the level of pain you felt back then, I
believed you should never have wished it for anyone much more your blood. It's such a
shame you are that damaged."

" I'm sorry. I reflect on my acts daily and I feel extremely ashamed of myself. I didn't know
it would be my brother's end it never came to mind. I want to make things right, I want to,
I just don't know how yet."

" You have a lot of pleadings to do to the dead, not me. I'm not James your late brother.
He died in a horrid manner and he didn't deserve it. I was there watching how he pleaded
for mercy but he wasn't heard. He must have really loved the woman's name he had on his
lips. Maria, Maria he kept on saying till his death. Even though it came in a low tone almost
like mutterings I felt his pain. My heart cringed to my tummy at the sight of that horrid
scene. Till now I shed tears whenever I remember that scene."

" Yes, he loved Maria so much. She meant everything to him and she did love him too.
They meant everything to each other. Everything!! I was never a witness of their love when
my brother was alive because I didn't butt into it but what I knew was that my brother
always behaved like a toddler given a laced candy each time they communicated. Those two
were so much in love!!"

" It's okay. You can still make things right. James deserves the justice he can get in his
death and it's your duty to ensure that the perpetrators are unfolded and put to book."

📱How do I do that all by myself?"

" You are not alone, I'm here standing in. Back then, I didn't have a back up but this time
around I do. If it isn't going to work the law way, the other way will be used. I just don't
want it going that way because my hands are too pretty to have blood stains on it."

The nurse texted.

" At this moment, I want to know who is the boss already. Who is he and for what reasons
did he order my brother's death?"

" You don't want to know who the boss is. It's saddening that a figure like him is highly
respected in the society. He penetrates his acts through desperate men and then remains
the saint in the eyes of the world. You might have felt huge pain when you found out about
your brother's death, but you will feel more worse when you find out who is behind it."

"📱 Please reveal him already."

"📱 It's someone you've seen."


John asked utterly perplexed

📱Yes, he was right at your nose in the hospital. That's him."


The nurse sent a photo.

📱Wait, this is........ This is Maria's father."


John texted absolutely dumbfounded.

To be continued .....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty- Six

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"📱Yes, he is. He's the underground boss and the brain behind those operations."
"📱But how? He's a pastor and a renowned one for God's sake."

"📱 You weren't as shocked as me when I found out the truth. That horrible man knows
how to cover his tracks well. I wish he was the one admitted into the hospital. I would have
injected him to death and ran out of the country before discovered but on a second
thought, if wouldn't have been pleasant because that would have been an easy way and I
don't want it the easy way. I want him to be ridiculed with his face to the earth, pleading for
mercy and make him suffer the same desperation he put me through years back."

The nurse texted.

"📱Does Maria know about his identity?"

"📱Do you think Maria would still be living in the same house with him if she knew he was
the brain behind her lover's death? If she knew his movements she would have alerted
James beforehand but unfortunately she didn't."

" I'm not talking about James' death, I'm talking about his underground business and the
fact that his ministerial work is a cover up. Does Maria know about that?"

" Maria dosen't, I'm certain about that. Clearly, the poor girl dosen't know a thing about
her father's identity. You know I didn't know she was his daughter until she was admitted
into the hospital. The day he came in with her and I found out he was the father of Maria I
was shocked beyond words. Maria was never present in his dark world. I made my findings

📱 I don't know how to feel or what to feel now. My head feels so fvked up."
" It's okay for you to feel fvked up. Afterall you had a level of trust in the manager and he
betrayed it. I would feel hurt if I were in your shoes too. It hurts when the people you've
spent years being loyal to, stab you in the back just like that without remorse."

"📱But why ? Why did Maria's father order the death of my younger brother?"
"📱 I don't have the answer to that question yet. But there must be a a big reason other
than the fact that his daughter and James were dating each other. It dosen't make sense to
me that he would order your brother's death just because he found out that he was dating
his daughter."

" I don't know what to think right now. I can't arrive at any conclusion as to why my
brother's death was ordered yet. Regarding leaving this environment, I'm confused because
I'm not living alone. Right now, I'm living with a person who helped and take me in while I
was downcast. If I flee what assures me that he won't be harmed?"

" Oops you sure have a way of dragging people into your mess. What's going to happen

The nurse texted

" I didn't drag him into my mess. Until when you alerted me, I didn't have an idea that I
was being followed. If I did, I wouldn't have accepted his help at all. Trust me I'm not that
selfish when it comes to other's interest especially those who have my wellbeing in check."

" It's okay . What you have now is two options. Vacate that area without letting the man
know what's up with you and stand the guilt of another innocent blood wasted, or you
relate with him what's happening and you both be safe."

"📱 How do you think I would sound if I tell him the kind of job I'm involved in?"
"📱You don't need to tell him all. Afterall your brother's death was camouflaged by a mob
breakout. Just tell the dude that those who kill ed your brother are after your life as well
and he could be in danger too if he dosen't leave the house with you."

"📱What would i say was the reason and how did they find me?"
"📱I don't know, just tell him they found you out when you began your findings and they
decided to play a fast one on you before you strike."
"📱I just hope my words are convincing enough and that he believes me."
"📱Well, he will. About Maria we need her help. We can't do this on our own so we need
allies as much as we can and I'm positive that Maria will be of good use to her father's
downfall. She's an insider and can easily penetrate than us."

📱 Maria? Do you think that she will ever agree to the downfall of her own father?"

John asked unconvinced.

"📱She will . You will do the convincing. I'm positive that she will yield to your wordings."

"📱Yes, you."

"📱What power do you think I have to wield that?"

John asked dumbfoundedly

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty - Seven

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

After John and the nurse were done chatting, he went to the bed with a heavy heart. There
were lots of thoughts that ran through his head and his mind was heavily at unrest.

"I've been such a phool my whole life."

John lamented bitterly.

The pillow on the bed was soaked in tears of regret and anguish.

The video John had watched tormented him the whole night and he couldn't get a sleep.
Bro Matthew who had a separate room from his didn't know what was happening.

The following day, the nurse and John met as arranged in the evening. They had a lengthy
discussion as to the next step to be taken. John had already figured out how to present his
wordings in a convincing manner to bro Matthew. He had enough funds with him to stay as
far as he could.

The nurse had even offered to help him with funds incase the one he had was insufficient.
John couldn't help but be grateful to the nurse for her kindness even though he knew she
did it on the term they were allies.

When John returned home after him and the nurse discussed, bro Matthew had not

There was a deep sense of panic that emitted from John's nerves when bro Matthew didn't
return home in time and it was fast running late into the night. Before he took his leave, bro
Matthew had made him aware that he had a transaction within an axis close to a bar they
made use of whenever they wanted to have fun.

John had expected that he would have returned home before him . He didn't give in to
worry until it began heading late into the night.
"I just hope they haven't gotten hold of him yet?"

John soliloquized.

His fear increased when he called bro Matthew's lines but they were unavailable.

"Oh!! My God!!! What the hvll has happened? I won't be able to forgive myself if anything
happens to him."

John paced around the room.

Eventually, John decided that he couldn't continue awaiting his return, so he changed the
clothe he wore and dashed into the street. He had a shirt on with a face cap in his bag just
in case those who were trailing him discovers him.

John had not went far into the street, when he noticed that he was being followed. He
walked quickly with speed and went into a spot people buzzled around at odd hours of the
day. He looked around and offed the shirt he had on.

Since he had a polo he had tucked into the shirt, his chest wasn't left bare. The face cap he
had with him came as a handy. He began walking along with some people moving around
the area and soon he found a place he could stay low till he found out what had happened
to brother Matthew.

John's hands were on his phone when he heard a gunshot. The gunshot sent people
scattering from both wide and near.

It was a tactic, a panic tactic to get him trailed.

Immediately John heard the gunshot, he ran along with the people running. He was careful
while running not to fall into the hands of his enemies. He knew that they would be among
the crowd running for their lives and he could easily be taken in a frenzy if not watchful.

When the whole place was calm and the panic that went into the street was eased, John
headed out of the restaurant he went in a guise of taking a meal to find out where brother
Matthew was.

He had two fears.....

Bro Matthew being traced and already in the hands of the perpetrators or bro Matthew
returning home to his doom. At that point, he knew the men were desperate and ready to
take extreme measures.

John checked into his WhatsApp and texted the nurse that he was being followed . He had
do that so she could be on the guard and come to his rescue incase things go haywire.

Unfortunately for John, the nurse wasn't online as at the time he messaged . When he
called, he realized that her battery had went flat.

"Shvt, the whole universe is against me."

John uttered while making his hands into a fist in annoyance.

John tried Bro Matthew's line again but if didn't go through. He had given up hopes so he
took a public bus headed to the lodge brother Matthew had taken him to when he returned
from the hospital.

He would have returned home to find out if brother Matthew was already home but that
was way too risky. Since the men had lost track of him, he was certain that they would give
the returns to the route he took home. He couldn't assume that they didn't know where he
was living newly already .

John was asking the receptionist some questions when he caught sight of brother Matthew.
He looked disturbed and totally uneased.


Brother Matthew yelled when he saw him.

"Bro, you are here."

John retorted and brother Matthew nodded his head.

They headed to the room brother Matthew had fixed for the night to discuss.

"You gave me a fright. You could have called to tell me you wanted to have a nice time."

John uttered immediately they went into the room.

"I didn't plan to lodge in here tonight. No, I didn't at first."

"What happened bro?, you are scaring me"

John asked observing how his heart beat frantically.

"They almost got me. I swear I was almost in their claws. They looked the word horror, their
faces meant terror. My escape was only a miracle. A miracle."

Bro Matthew uttered in fright.

To be continued ....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty - Eight

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"Who almost got you?"

John asked brother Matthew outloud.

"Shhhh... Be quiet, someone might hear you."

Bro Matthew cautioned him.

"Someone might hear what? You are acting strange. Did something happen to you that I
don't know of?"

John queried further.

Brother Matthew who was breathing heavily and trying to get a hold of himself as the
incidence flashed across his thoughts only looked at him without uttering any word.

John tapped him and he flinched from the bed.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk but atleast say a thing that way my mind will be at rest."

John pleaded.

Bro Matthew heaved a huge sigh and sat on the bed.

"After the business transaction I told you about, I headed to the bar we make use of for
refreshment just to refresh my system. While on the way, I felt like I was being followed. I
had that strong instinct so I kept on turning back but I couldn't see anyone I was practically
left with wild imaginations. When I almost got to the bar, a sharp object was hurled towards
my direction but it missed it target. The person who threw it must have thrown it with the
intention of knocking me into unconsciousness because the rate at which the object went
splattering down was at a high voltage. Instantly that happened, I looked backwards to
figure out who was after me. I was about moving forward when I didn't see a figure when
someone appeared right in my face almost like a magic. I was lost of words so I.. i I..I. ......"

Bro Matthew stammered.

"Please speak on."

John uttered .

"I was lost of words, so I just stared at the person in the face. Looking closely, he looked like
the word horror himself. I attempted to move past him but he blocked my way."

"Where do you think you are going?"

"He asked, and I shook my head. With just a clap, three other men joined him. They looked
mean, cold and calculating as well. It dawned on me in no time that I was in trouble.
Noticing how scared I was, they began tormenting me with their laughter. I made to run
while they were at it, but one held me with a dagger in his hand.

"if you move an inch, you end up a dead meat." "He said in a thundering voice."

"At his statement, I flinched and prayed for a miracle seeing I was all surrounded. Later , a
drunkard came passing by at the moment, he was heavily drunk, so he staggered while
walking. He was heading towards our direction. The men ordered him to pass the other
route but he disobeyed. He was heavily drunk, so he lost his sense of reasoning. Unlike the
passerbys who had fled when they saw the men holding me forcefully with the weapons in
their hands at a threat point, the drunkard maintained his stance. He had shouted, "What
are you guys doing with the weapons in your hands?"

"At first, he was ignored but when his voice came in uproars resulting into nuisance , one of
the men pinned him down with a dagger in his hands in rage. At my presence, he was
stabbed in several places. He shouted till his last breathe. His yelling attracted some thugs
around the area and they started approaching the scene. The men almost fled with me I
was only lucky to use the opportunity of them being distracted to escape when they lost
track of me, I could see the rage in their eyes . I can't make a thing of what happened and
why they wanted to hold me hostage. I've got no beef with anyone, I'm a man of peace. Up
till now, it dosen't make any sense to me."

"It's them."

Matthew muttered under breathe.

He was strongly convinced that it was the manager and the underground boys Maria's
father used to penetrate his sinister acts.

"It's only a miracle that you escaped. Your narrow escape was only a miracle."

John expressed.

"My escape came as a miracle but someone died in my stead. It was horrific sighting that
drunkard being pinned down like that. My legs and nerves almost went limb. After I ran
away from that scene I almost lost posture. I couldn't even wait to say thank you to the
thugs around the area. They weren't to be trusted either I just had that thought in my mind
that they could easily get them to negotiate with them so when I saw how panicked the
men were when they sighted them coming in numbers I made my way out of the mess."

"You made the right decision, thugs around the areas are abettors of evul too. They don't do
any good without a recompense. They would probably have given in if they got hold of the
men and they offered them good amount of money. I'm just glad you made it out alive even
though it was at another's life expense which you aren't guilty of. God just has a way of
saving us."

John stated .

" Yes, he does. But what I don't understand is that your name was mentioned. I can
remember clearly that one of the men mentioned your name . He uttered that I was the
bait to get you in their den. At first I ignored my thoughts towards the person being you but
I've got no John in my life except you. I can't remember having any friends in the past
bearing that name either and this came of a recent. I'm not insinuating anything but do you
have a beef with anyone before? Let me know who are against me."

Bro Matthew said.

"You aren't mistaken, the John the men talked about was indeed me. I ought to have told
you earlier about this but I couldn't find the right timing. I'm being trailed too."

John retorted.

"You are being trailed too. Meaning your enemies are against me as well?"

Bro Matthew uttered astonished and John nodded his head.

To be continued....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Twenty -Nine

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"How come I inherited your enemies? "

Bro Matthew uttered in fright.

"It's a long story. A very long one."

"Then cut it short and spill the beans already. Those men meant business I wonder how
long the've known you with me. How did you come into contact with them? And why are
they after me too? I need answers!"

"The moment you came into contact with me and gave me a place of comfort, you inherited
them as enemies. I didn't mean to drag you into this mess. The revelation came as a shock
to me. We have today and tomorrow to leave this vicinity for our safety. If not our lives is
on the edge of death."

"Quit speaking in parables, I don't grab a thing. Did you offend them? Moreover why didn't
you make me aware that you are being trailed I would have easily informed the police."

"There you again with the police. Police are only your friends when your hands are clean,
and mine is not."

John uttered.

"You are scaring me right now. This is the same stance you maintained when I tried to
convince you about involving the police in your brother's case. Hope it's not what I'm
thinking? Are you involved in something illegal?"

Bro Matthew asked .

"Yes, I am. I belong to a dark force, and my horrid acts are now in turn haunting me."
John sobbed.

"What are those guys into? Drugs?, cartels? Money laundering? Common tell me

"None, we are into something much worse."

"And that is...."

"Transaction on human parts of all kinds. I've been working with them for years, I'm sorry I
didn't tell you this part of my life when you attempted to come close but it wasn't
something to take pride in."

John sighed .

"What in heaven's name did you just say? Why in hvll would you do such thing? So you
mean of all jobs you could do, you chose to trade a fellow human part. A living being as you.
Total height of wvckedness."

Bro Matthew hit his fist on the wall.

"I was desperate and needy as at the time I joined them but I swear on my father's grave
that I didn't have an idea of what the hood was all about when I started the job at first."

"What stopped you from resigning when you found them out?"

"It's complicated. You wouldn't understand until I go into details. Now what's important is
us getting out of this area as soon as it's dawn tomorrow. Although this came abruptly I've
planned it all out earlier."

"You mean you made a plan for us without making me aware, this must be a great joke!
Moreover why are your folks after your life? Did you leave them under the guise of a leave
or what ? Is that the reason why they are after your life because it seems you aren't
interested anymore?"

"They kvlled my brother, my only brother. They are after my life too because I want to get
justice for his death."

"Thought you said your brother died during a mob breakout."

Bro Matthew shook his head and sighed. John wordings felt like a dream to him. He had a
mixture of anxiety filled with regret and anger for not getting to know all about John's
identity before associating with him.

"That was what I was made to believe until the truth was unveiled. I got to know recently
that my brother's death was ordered and the act was perpetrated through someone I had
trusted my whole life in the hood."

"Let me get things right. Your brother wasn't involved in what you are doing right?"

"Sadly, he was before his death. I dragged him in. He was out of job and I offered him one at
my working place. I made him took a oath forcefully and I regret my decision every single

John sobbed.

"You are a bea st in a human form. How could you? You led your own brother to his

"I didn't know things would end up that way. I had no idea I was dealing with traitors.
There's no demeaning word you say to me that I'm not deserving of right now. But I deserve
to make things right and that's to bring justice to my brother's death. If it's the only thing
I'm to do in my lifetime then it's fine by me."

"Directly or indirectly, I'm now involved in your mess. How did my good acts turn to this?
What was I thinking accommodating you just like that without knowing you in and out. My
life is now in danger and I have to abandon all that concerns me for a course I know
nothing of. Why in hvll name was I not thinking straight? I should have become suspicious
when you sounded and acted sneaky atimes. I couldn't have gotten myself into this mess."

"I ha te the fact that I got you into this mess and if I had my way, I would undo that. But as
it is now, there's nothing much I can do except offer you refuge till the needful is done.
After that you can detach from me if you wish."

"It's that easy for you to say. We are going to be on the run and what assures you that you
will conquer those men? My life is going to be on a pause for your own battle and that's
cool. I don't even want to dive deep into the magnitude of danger I'm in now all thanks to
you John."

Bro Matthew hissed loudly.

"I'm sorry but that's the only solution for now. Please accept my sincere apologies. I never
knew the hood would turn on me like this."

John pleaded on his knees.

Bro Matthew ignored him at first . He was embedded in rage and despite.

"Hold on, you said your brother was kvlled by the hood? Did he steal something from them
or betrayed the oath before his death?"

"If he had betrayed the oath, he would have died on his own but his death was ordered on
an unjust course. I got to know the hood had an underground boss only the manager knew
about . It was the boss who ordered his death, reason is unknown to me yet."

"Who is the boss? And why did he chose to be on the cover?"

Bro Matthew asked astonishedly.

John was about showing him the picture on his phone when he heard a footstep fast
approaching the door.


John signalled at Bro Matthew who kept mute in panic.

To be continued.......
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Thirty

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"Who could that be? I didn't order for anything."

John uttered when he heard a knock on the door. When the knock came persistently almost
threatening to uproot the door, He took the gun he had in his bag ready to defend himself
and opened the door.

John was surprised to see a smile on a room service attendant's face. Instantly he hid the
gun and talked to her.

"Sorry I didn't order for anything."

John said when the room service attendant offered him the food in a plate.

"Ooops you didn't?"

The room service attendant asked

"Yes, I didn't. Did you order for anything before we came into this room?"

John turned at brother Matthew who seemed far away in thoughts.

"I didn't."

Brother Matthew answered half conscious when John came closer.

"Probably it's a mistake."

The room attendant uttered and went away.

When the room attendant left, John resumed into what him and brother Matthew was
discussing about.
"Like I was saying earlier before the distraction, here is the picture of the underground
boss, the one who ordered the death of my younger brother."

John showed the picture to brother Matthew.

Bro Matthew who couldn't believe his eyes collected the phone from him and stared at the

"There must be a mistake somewhere. This is a renowned pastor for God's sake. He can't be
found doing something unholy as taking someone's life or familiar with those cold blooded

Bro Matthew yelled.

"I thought it was a mistake at first but it's the reality. He's the underground boss and the
owner of the hood I worked for several years. I never saw his face , I never met him until I
was admitted to the hospital. It was there I knew he was Maria's father the lady who took in
for my late brother. It's complicated and twisted. I mean Maria is going to birth a seed from
the legacy that got my brother into 6fts. Even if I hvte how it sounds Maria is a offspring of
the man that ordered my brother's death and brought about his tragic end."

"So all his preachings on humanity. The ministerial foundations, the non profit
organizations for humanity were all acts on ground of deceits. I can't believe that the man I
looked up to as a counselor and a guidance up till now is nothing but a cold hearted
criminal not only that a pure pretender . This hurts! I've been fooled for long!"

Bro Matthew lamented.

"You sound like you knew him in a lifetime."

John said.

"Yes, I do. He wedded me and my missing wife. He has been a spiritual father and a guide.
Infact he stood as a refuge and an arm of consolation after my wife went missing. His care
during those trying moments cannot be under emphasized. Even after I moved over here I
still communicate with him on phone. Now I feel all my belief about him was all nothing
but a lie."
"It was indeed a lie. He's into the business for long. The hood I worked for years isn't the
only firm he's heading for same operations. He's into money laundering as well a cover for
criminals and all form of bad vices. His acts of miracles are all under questions too. I
wouldn't be surprised if a deity is behind it."

John stated.

"I don't know why his wife keeps flashing into my head at this minute . Could it be what I'm

Bro Matthew said.

"What's that? Spit it out. Any clue can help in this journey."

"It's nothing serious but I'm just thinking about his wife who has been insa ne for years now.
She's been in the same psychiatric hospital for years and has never been referred to
another. One time there's hope that she's getting healed and going to leave the psychiatric
hospital soon. Another time she's all down, back to square one. I'm just wondering right
now after reflecting on all if he's responsible."

Bro Matthew uttered.

"He could be and probably not. What matters right now is getting Maria on our side and
with that we will get all the personal revelations we need about him."

John responded.

"Maria! You mean we need to get his daughter on our side?"

Bro Matthew asked.


John nodded his head.

"Wow!!! That's the most crvzy thing I have ever heard in years. You mean Maria will help
bring down her father. Oh! Common no child would agree to such no matter the
"Sounds impossible but it's possible. Maria loved my brother to a fault and her father was
the one who ordered her death. It's only fair that she helps out after we give her the
evidences. There are so many lives in danger as at now and many more would be if actions
aren't taken. I know I'm not a saint but I need to do things just right for once."

"Talking about doing things right. Putting Maria's father into the light can get you into
prison for a lifetime unless you aren't going about it the legal way and that is something I
would never be a part of."

Bro Matthew stated.

"We intend on doing it the legal way but if left with no choice we might have to exert our
self effort In maximizing justice. Just that the legal way is the top of our choice. As for me, I
won't be brought into light. Efforts are being made to erase my records with the firm i will
probably be out of the country when the case is in court. Maria will do all the necessary I
already paid enough with my brother's life."

"Is it going to work? I mean everything you just stated."

"It will."

John said and sat on the bed.

He logged into his WhatsApp and saw a message from the nurse. She had sent it 30mins
ago. Instantly he opened the message and was wowed at the discovery.

"He is responsible for his son's death too. Gush!!!"

John expressed in shock and brother Matthew turned around to ask him what was wrong.

John was about replying brother Matthew when the nurse dropped another message. It
seemed she was online and realized the message was marked seen.

"See this pregnant woman. Can you recognize her amongst Maria's father audience?"

John asked brother Matthew.

"Yes, she's my wife. The one I told you went missing."

Bro Matthew uttered.

To be continued....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Thirty-One

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

After bro Matthew said that, John turned around and shook his head. He sighed countless
times while staring at his phone.

"Did you find her?"

Bro Matthew asked John out of the blues.


John asked absentmindedly.

"My missing wife. You just showed me her picture."

"No, I didn't find her. I ........."

John made to complete his speech when Bro Matthew interrupted him.

"Wait how did you get my wife's picture?"

Bro Matthew asked him

"To enable the downfall of Maria's father we are looking into everything about him
including his past and present. You said you and your wife attended his church before you
relocated here right?"

"Yes, we did and what about that?"

Bro Matthew asked abruptly. He was loosing his patience as the time passed by.
"Well, it might interest you to know that your wife paid Maria's father a visit before her
dissaperance. I'm not sure yet if he's responsible for her dissaperance though."

John uttered.

"He did tell me the last time I saw him that he had a scary revelation concerning my wife
before her dissaperance. He said that he instructed her to pray and fast about his revelation
and she followed it up. He said those words when I was loosing it and asking God why he
had deserted me. Maria's father assured me that God must have hidden my wife away from
an impending danger but with each passing day, his prophecy seems like a mirage."

"Do you still trust the wordings from that man's mouth? He's the devuul himself."

"I just hope he has nothing to do with my wife's dissaperance. Else I will take him down

"More reason we need Maria on our side. We can't fight this out on our own. Maria will be
more than delighted to help us out."

John stated.

"Why don't you reach out to her already?"

Bro Matthew asked him.

"We are being trailed as at now. It's risky to contact Maria. As soon as we are out of here
and secured I'm going to do that before we travel out. I had an idea of doing it over the
phone before but it's best I do it personal . I mean straight from the horse's mouth."

"When are we leaving here?"

"As early as dawn of the day tomorrow. We will leave. I have a safe location we can stay
before we travel out. I just need to contact Maria first and convince her before taking my

"Sounds like a good idea. I'm with you on this bro. If everything about Maria's father is true
then his sinister acts needs to be brought to the light of the day . I just hope my wife isn't in
his custody. I pray with my whole heart that she is just lost in the middle of a nowhere."

Bro Matthew stated.

The following day at the early hour of the morning, Bro Matthew and John took their leave
from the lodge.

John had his eyes darting from angles to angles. He was at alert and extremely conscious of
happenings around him.


John signalled at bro Matthew suddenly.

"Someone is following us."

John said to him.


Bro Matthew asked outloud and John warned him to stop shouting.

"There was something sneaky about this lady."

John uttered under breathe when he caught sight of the room service attendant spying at
their direction. She swiftly took her phone out of her pocket and set to make a call.

"I hvte to do this , but I have to right now."

John uttered and pull the trigger.

The room service attendant went down on the floor wincing in cheer pain. John had aimed
the trigger at the ankle of her left leg.

"Let's run. She could have communicated with them already when we left the lodge."

John said to brother Matthew and they ran as much as they could. When the men who were
trailing bro Matthew and John came to the direction the room service attendant was after
looking for her hopelessly at the lodge, John and bro Matthew had went far out of sight.

The room service attendant was fast losing a lot of blood and her pulse rate was becoming
weak. She had her hand on her ankle and begged the men to come to her aid.
"Damn. I bet John gunned her down."

"Bid yourself bye to a fairy tale land brownie. You couldn't even do a simple thing as spying
on two ãss hōlês properly."

One of the men said and shot her in the brain. The room service attendant's brain went
splattering on the floor with her face depicting horror and her mouth wide opened.

"Why did you do that?"

One of the men yelled at him.

"We can't afford to help her because we can't be seen with her. Moreover what we needed
her for was to help us spy on John and his friend in the lodge that way we get them down
but she didn't do that successfully.

It's use less keeping her she would do a harm when she spills the bean about how she got
shot. The black guys ( police) has a way of digging in things and their root."

"Let's leave here already before we lost them completely."

Another said and they left the scene after thrashing the room service attendant's corpse.

John and bro Matthew fortunately were able to arrive at the secured space John had in
mind. After John arrived at the building. He logged in on his Facebook and coincidentally,
Maria was online.

Immediately he chatted her up and asked that they meet up the following day because he
had something extremely important to pass out to her.

Maria was worried when John sounded urgent but since she couldn't get him to talk despite
her persistence she had to wait till the following day. After Maria stood up and was about
to go into the bedroom she caught her father peeping on her his face looked mean and
aggressive and that made her extremely worried.

To be continued....
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Thirty-Two

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"Dad!!! You've been there for long?"

Maria sounded awkwardly.

Her father smiled sheepishly at her and went out of the way, totally avoiding her questions.

Maria sighed and went into the bedroom. Before she settled on the bed, she went to take
her shower in the bathroom . While bathing she kept on rubbing her belly it kind of thrilled
her that she was going to be a mom someday and that her womb housed the baby of the
man she had ever loved.

Scars within were hard to erase, Maria could only learn to live with the pain. Each time she
thought of being a mom she wished she had the power to get James out of the grave that
way he could be on the journey with her but that wish was more like a delusion. After Maria
was done taking a shower she went to sleep on the bed.

Later in the day the next day, Maria went to the location that John had fixed for them to
meet. It was a secluded environment where they could talk without distractions or
interruptions. At first, Maria found it odd when John instructed her to be extremely
discreet about their meetup.

He also told her that she shouldn't bother to chat him up again but he would communicate
with her through SMS and she should do same. With the level of trust Maria had in John
she followed all his instructions.

Maria who was excited to see John hugged him when she sighted him at the spot he had
arranged for them to meet.

"It's been a while bro."

Maria uttered amidst the hug.

"You look so cute Marie."

John uttered with a smiley face and Maria bursted into laughter.

"Thank you!!"

Maria uttered amidst chuckles

"Let's snack on this while we discuss."

John uttered with a plate of tasty chops in his hands and a bottle of fruit juice. Maria
thanked him heartily and began munching on what John had given her. While she was
halfway eating, John fixed his eyeballs at her atleast to get her attention.

"What's wrong John? You are making me nervous with your stares."

Maria uttered when she observed John staring deep into her eyeballs while she ate. When
she looked up at him she realized that he had only ate a little and his face looked tensed
like one who was trying to find the right atmosphere to reveal something.

"It's nothing. You just keep on eating, I ate too much at home so I'm kind of filled."

John uttered to Maria and she smiled.

"I wouldn't say no because I love this chops pretty much but you can have more if you wish
to I'm going to be filled in a matter of no time soon."

Maria beamed a smile across.

"What if the truth is nearer than you think, and you are the solution to the problem at

John uttered to Maria when she continued eating.

"I don't get you."

Maria stopped eating and focused on him.

"Recently some revelations that changed my existence were revealed. Though it's hard to
say right now but I just have to let you aware of what's happening it's only fair after what
you've been through."

John uttered to Maria.

Maria who was getting tensed by the way he perambulated around his wordings urged him
to speak in clear terms.

John sighed and spoke further.

"What if I told you that I already found the culprits behind my brother's tragic death?"

John said.

"You mean you already know those who are responsible for the death of James in the mob
break out right? Because I remembered you told me he was a victim of a mob breakout and
that led to his death."

Maria uttered.

"Yes, I'm aware of the people behind it. It's not a mob break out though turns out that was a
lie to distract me from the obvious truth."

"Really!!! Then what are you waiting for? Expose them to the authorities and have them
dance to the music they played."

Maria uttered with tears in her eyes.

"If it were that easy , I would have done the needful by now. It hurts a lot thinking about it ."

John uttered.

"Who are the perpetrators? Can I have their pictures and see for myself those responsible
for my man's death?"

Maria asked him.

"Here they are."

John showed Maria the pictures.

"Gush!! They look so cold and mean. Wait are they influential in the society, reason why it
hard to present their case in court?"

Maria asked.

"No they are not. They are minute compared to their leader."

John responded .

"You mean there's a brain behind their actions?"

Maria asked astonishedly.

"Yes, there is. They didn't do this on their own. They did it based on orders."

John responded.

"And who could their leader be?"

Maria asked.

"You wouldn't believe your ears if I told you who the leader is."

John responded.

"Reveal who the person is already. I want to see the soul behind my misfortune. The very
one who rendered my baby fatherless."

Maria sounded lividly and John turned his back then he spoke.

"I'm sorry but here he is. The brain behind your lover's death and the one who rendered
your unborn seed fatherless."

John said with his back facing Maria. He offered Maria his phone with his hands backward
and Maria opened her mouth in shock when she saw the picture.
Maria made John face her and looked at him in the eyeball. She shook her head and blinked
several times. Her legs and hands kept waning thin at the next moment and she became so

"Tell me you are joking right now."

Maria uttered in shock .

"It's not a joke Maria. Your very own father ordered the death of my brother. As hard as it
sounds that's the pure truth."

"My father couldn't have possibly kvlled a soul. I know he can be strict but he isn't
inhumane. This has got to be a mistake."

Maria yelled at John.

"Maybe this will clear your doubts."

John showed Maria a picture in which Maria's father was interacting with the manager in a
hideout. Maria's father dressed perfect up to a disguise in the picture and she observed in
the picture that they seemed to be talking in low tones.

To be continued......
Oh!!! My father!

Chapter Thirty-Three

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

"What is my father doing with a criminal in this type of building? Someone who is
responsible for the death of the man I ever loved for Christ sake! There must be a mistake
somewhere, there must be. My father can't be the man in this picture it's probably a mix up
somewhere. The man who nurtured me up till this stage can't do such a inhumane thing as
shedding the blood of a soul. No, he can't do such!!"

Maria bursted into tears.

John held her at the shoulder and tilted her chin up.

"Listen, it's hard to swallow but that's the harsh reality. Although I can't pin point the
reason why your father ordered the death of my brother yet but the fact that he's the brain
behind it remains nothing but the truth."

"I was aware that he hvted James ever since he found out that we were dating. He was
protective of me so that wasn't an issue but going ahead to order his death seems
overboard. Why on earth did he do that? What in the world could be a reason enough for
such treacherous act?"

Maria sobbed.

"Reasons best known to him probably same reasons he ordered his son's death or the
reasons differs."

John said.

"His son's death? I don't understand what you mean by that. My brother messed with the
wrong people and that led to his death. My father was never responsible."

"That was what you were made to believe. Same way I was made to believe that James died
in a mob breakout. It was all a game of deceit pulled up to hid the factual truth. Your
brother wasn't a member of any cult or dark-hood in school he remained a good child that
uphold the upbringing of his parents. George was one of the victims of your father's
schemes. On Thursday, 20th of July 1992 precisely your father ordered the death of your
brother and pulled the stunt he associated with the dark-hood which in turn led to his
death. All the riot break out and events led to made believe his death was as a result of the
people he associated with was all a lie planned and made into a reality by your father. Yes
he went that far so as to cover his tracks."


Maria shouted with her heart cringing to her chest. She looked at John with eyes filled up
with disbelief and shook her head umpteenth times.

"No!! No!!!! Nooooooooooooooooo...."

Maria closed her ears.

"I hvte that you have to discover the truth this way but have got no choice. As we speak, my
life is under threat too. Your father ordered my death and that's why I'm on the run. I know
you must have been wondering why I chose for us to meet up here. Well that's the reason.
I'm being trailed and my life is in danger. Well not only me, there's a lot of people's lives and
many more would be in danger if your father's excesses isn't curbed ."

"Oh heavens!!! What in the world is this?"

Maria held her head in anxiety.

She looked at John in the eyeball and sat on a seat. Maria didn't know if to cry or unleash
her anger at no one in particular. Even if she refused to believe what John said the
evidences were all there opposing hard her belief about him.

"When did you find out about all this?"

Maria asked with her face buried in her palms.

"Recently!! I found out about it recently..I'm sorry you had to find out this way too. I was
hurt being the brother of the victim not to talk of you a greater victim to your father's

"It was all a lie then. My father hid that part of his life so well. To me and everyone else
around him he's nothing but a saint. He's been deceiving souls. Sadly, he's good at it. I can't
imagine so much more he has up his sleeves. What In the world is my father? a brutal man
who goes ahead ordering people's death without a reason."

Maria yelled.

"He's more than that. He owns lots of illegal establishments. Many that have damaged lives
and rendered souls use less. The manager is more like his PA. His right hand tool and he's
aware of most of his schemes if not all. They aren't seen together in the public their
relationship is private."

"I'm such a phool..I never suspected him for anything, I never did. I always had this believe
that he was a saint and I maintained that stance for years. Not even when some of his
actions were questionable did I raise a eyebrow. Never for once did I ."

"I wouldn't blame you. I found it difficult to believe at first too considering his status in the
society and all it's hard to believe. We are talking about a renowned man of God one who
has raised different souls for christ. It's a hard thing to believe but it's the reality. There are
still some hidden facts about your father that needs to be brought to the light of the day
and that's why I need your help."

"How do I come in? My hands are feeble and tied."

Maria said.

"They aren't. One or two hidden facts about your father is the key to our investigations. You
are In and it's easier for you to come to our aid. With you on our side we have more than an

John encouraged her.

Maria sulked and buried her face in her palm.

"I will think about it. I just hope I will be able to look at him with a straight face when I get
home . Right now I feel like killing him with my bare hands."

Maria squeezed her palm In rage.

"I need you to be calm as much as you can. Your father can do and undo. In as much as I
made you aware of this, your safety is my responsibility. Please just follow my lead and you
won't get into trouble. When you get home just go straight into your bedroom if you know
you will go overboard at his sight. The first weapon of the enemy against his opponent is

John patted Maria on the back and she nodded her head.

Later they parted ways and returned to their respective abode.

When Maria returned home, she almost went to her father in rage. Luckily, John's call came
in at the moment. John had called to keep Maria in check because he knew she was at the
peak of her emotions.

Immediately John's call came in, Maria dashed into the bedroom breathing heavily.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father

Chapter Thirty-Four

As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

With time, Maria learnt to move on with the shock that arose from the discovery of who
her father was. It wasn't easy doing that but for her sanity sake and safety measures, it was
better not to confront him. While Maria was at her worst and the peak of her emotions,
John stood as her guide.

He would call to communicate and if calling wasn't possible he would use other means to
ensure she was doing just fine.

After several critical thinking, Maria gave in to John's requests. It was only wise that she
was on his side because she feared the greater harm her father would cause in the future if
not stopped. Worse was he had hurt people that ever mattered to her world.

Each time Maria gazed at George and John's picture, it broke her heart that their lives were
cut short by her father. Maria felt a raging sense of feeling awaken her nerves each time she
watched him preached on the altar after the revelation.

Most times Maria had to control herself from breaking out in front of the congregations
and telling them that her father wasn't who they thought he was.

While on the watch for days, Maria didn't fish out anything suspicious about her father's
activities. There was nothing odd or out of order about him. It seemed like someone had
warned him to retrace his steps and lie low for the main time.

Maria was almost giving up hope and on the verge of telling John that she couldn't carry on
because she didn't seem to find anything suspicious to nail her father of when the secret
room her father went into came to her notice a fateful day.

Maria observed that most times he went into the room he tiptoed to avoid attention and
she discovered that the room was always locked . When Maria couldn't figure out an idea to
get into the secret room she called John's attention to it and told him of her suspicions
towards the room.
John made Maria realize that it wasn't hard gaining her entrance into the room provided
she followed his idea.

All she needed to do was to drug her father to get hold of the key and duplicate it. Then she
gets into the room whenever her father wasn't around.

The plan seemed pleasant to the ears but scary to actualize so Maria had to think about it
before going ahead.

When she was ready, John provided her with a sedative that could induce sleep for eight
hours. He instructed her the quantity to use and not to go overboard with it usage. Maria
was to call John after she had got hold of the key and he would handle the rest.

The day the plan was made into effect, Maria's father had just returned from a ministerial
meeting. He was the word exhausted and the fine lines on his face became way too
noticable due to the pressure exerted on his system.

Maria sat down beside her father and began gisting with him after he returned. The old
man stretched and yawned on his couch. He looked feeble and worn out. The meeting must
have weared him out because he couldn't stop yawning while they gist. While Maria's father
kept yawning, Maria stood up and went to get a fruit juice from the fridge. Her father's
favourite exactly. Fortunately for her, her father didn't suspect a thing so he drank the fruit
juice immediately she served him.

After Maria was sure he was asleep, she proceeded to search his bag. During her
observations she realized that her father went with the key to the secret room anywhere be
goes even if it was just a stone throw.

Maria searched for the key in her father's bag to no avail for more than thirty minutes.
Angrily, she arranged the items she found in the bag and returned it exactly the way her
father had positioned it.

Maria heaved a huge sigh of anxiousness when she couldn't pinpoint where her father
could have kept the key. It was use less searching his room for it because she had done that
before and realized that her father never forgot to maintain his stance about going out with
the key wherever he goes.

Maria eyes were fixed on the wall clock for some minutes resulting into hours she was
about going into her bedroom so her father wouldn't find her stay suspicious when he
wakes up after the sedative weared out. Maria had not moved an inch when she caught
sight of the key glittering on her father's round neck. He wore it on a double chain like a
pendance and keyed it to his neck.

Most times Maria's father went out, he had his collar on and most of his clothing covered
his neck to the top. After Maria's father had returned from the meeting, he had loosed his
button because he felt stuffy and exhausted. Maria who was only after getting him sedated
at first didn't notice the key.

When Maria saw the key her heart burst out with excitement. However her joy was cut
short when the thought of how she would get it off his neck crept into her mind. She knew
for sure that it was going to be hard getting the key even while he was sedated. Her father
was an individual that had the ability of being a little conscious on a reflex action if
triggered under sedative. A doctor had once made her aware of it when he was admitted
into the hospital after he suffered a shock from her mom's sanity illness.

" It isn't bad giving it a trial though."

( Maria thought.)

She peeped around to be sure the gateman was on his seat and wouldn't come in to
interrupt her plans. There were times the gateman had to report to her father at odd hours
of the day and Maria knew that if he didn't hear from her father he would certainly come in.
Locking the door to get the job done wasn't an option either because the gateman would
constitute a nuisance with the heavy questions he would pull across.

"I'm so confused right now."

Maria uttered to herself.

She took hold of her phone and made to call John to see if she could get an idea of how to
approach the situation.

To be continued.....
Oh!!! My father!


As written by author blessing adewusi stories ✍️✍️

When John returned the call, it was late in the night. Maria had already went into the
bedroom when he didn't pick up the calls at first. Before Maria took her leave to the
bedroom, she had cleared the table and locked the door to the sitting room.

Maria was thinking of how to get the key from the chain on her father's neck and wear it
back without him suspecting a thing when he wakes up when John's call came in.

"I've been expecting you to call back since but you didn't."

Maria voiced when she picked up the call.

"I'm sorry dear, I slept off. Do you have the key already?"

John asked Maria.

"No I don't . Getting the key seems like entering into a lion's den. The fact is I either come
out unhurt or butchered."

"I don't get you please."

John retorted.

"The damn key is hung around his neck just like a pendance. How do I get that thing off his
neck and wear it back without him moving a hoot or suspecting a thing when he wakes up?"

Maria asked shakily.

"He keeps it around his neck? Wow!! That's crvzy . The key must be of so much importance.
Whichever ways, just go ahead and remove the key from his neck. I have the instrument
needed to get the key duplicated right now in my hands. Just a call and I'm right there."
John sounded as if its easy.

He had stayed around in a hotel to come to Maria's aid if need be and to get the plan

"You think this is like eating cheese and bread right? What if he wakes up while I'm at it?
What if I don't get to return the key before he wakes up? Just what if....???"

"You don't know the ifs ... Until you give it a trial. Just do it slowly, I gave you a strong
sedative since you made me realize that a doctor had once said it's hard to get your father
sedated the day he was admitted into the hospital from the shock he suffered after your
mom lose her mind. I'm positive that all the answers to our unending questions lies in that
room so please give it all your best."

John cheered Maria up.

Maria braced up , and went into the sitting room. She let her father's shirt slid a bit at the
left side and got hold of the chain when her hands were on the chain, her father moved a
bit In response to her touch. Maria's heart went into frenzy when he did that. Swiftly, she
took the key from his neck. It was hard getting it done because she had to pause at
intervals and then proceed before getting her aim.

When Maria got hold of the key, she called John as instructed and John soon came around.
When John was around, he beeped Maria and she tiptoed out of the room to the gate. The
gateman had locked the gate and was fast asleep. Maria had the extra key in her hands, so
she gently opened the gate and gave John the key. John placed the key in the instrument
he needed in getting the duplicate done and cut out the perfect shape of the key. When he
was done, he returned it to Maria's hands. Since John knew how risky the task he had given
to Maria was he stood around even after Maria had done what was requested of her.

"Go ahead and return the key to his neck. Do it carefully."

John told Maria and she nodded her head.

"He moved in response to my touch while I was getting the key off his neck. I'm afraid
returning it because it's going to be hard wearing it on him."

Maria said .
John patted her on the shoulder and urged her to throw away her doubts then embrace
boldness. At his wordings, Maria bid him good-bye and returned to the room. Gently with a
slow tempo, she returned the key.

Four days after, John contacted Maria and made her realized that he had made a duplicate
of the key.

Maria told him when she would be available to get the key from him. When Maria's father
went out for a birthday celebration of a superintendent, Maria utilized the opportunity and
got the key from John after making him aware that her father wasn't around.

When Maria and John departed after she collected the key duplicated, Maria made to the
secret room with the key in her hands after she returned home.

Maria's heart raced heavily as she drew nearer.

She tried opening the door to no avail because she was shaky and afraid of what she would
discover inside. Eventually, she was able to open the door after so many attempts. When
Maria opened the door, she peeped in the room. A foul stench overwhelmed her
immediately she let the door open a bit. Maria was taken over by fear when a strong
appalling aura welcomed her at a glimpse of the room.

She had to breathe in and out heavily before entering in. When she did, she was shocked
beyond words at the graven images that stared at her right in the eye. She looked further
into the corners of the large room step by step and there unexpectedly she sighted bro
Matthew's wife with a calabash on her head one hand was supporting the calabash and
another was in her lips.

Maria made to say a word but found none. At the center where bro Matthew's wife was
there were pictures cancelled with blood marks. Maria gazed at the picture and saw that of
George's, James and some other faces she couldn't recognize. It was confirmed now beyond
doubts that her father was indeed a cold hearted mur derer

"Oh!!!! My father!"

Maria sobbed.

Shakily, Maria took hold of her phone and snapped all she could in the room. That was her
weapon against her father and all his abominable acts . The secret room housed some
documents containing details of his illegal transactions and other horrific scenes that
weren't befitting for a man of standard. After Maria got all she could, she locked up the
room and went into her room then sent all she had got with immediate effect to John to
make copies of it.

John thanked her for a job well done and they made to proceed to the next of their plans.
Somehow, Maria felt that her father had a hand in her mother's state but she couldn't lay
hold of her claims yet. When Maria's father returned, Maria was in her bed pretending to be
ill as she had presented herself to him that afternoon before he took his leave for the
birthday party. When Maria's father went in, he headed to the secret room he has not been
himself in the birthday celebration and he had a strong instinct that all wasn't going on well
at home.

The only place he could get the answer to his doubts was the secret room so he headed to
it. Immediately Maria texted John where her father had went to when he returned, John
told her to be on the guard because he knew how diabolical her father could be.

Maria's father sensed someone had went into the room in his abscence. He looked around
for traits to his suspicions and finally he had his confirmations when the oracle revealed to
him what had happened in his absence.


He yelled in anger.

At the sound of her name, Maria dashed out of the corner she stood to know what was
going on . It was 10pm in the night as at that time. She ran with all the strength in her with
her phone in her hands.

"He found me out already."

Maria texted John while on the run.

John came to her rescue and eventually she began living with him. They planned day and
night with the nurse and of course brother Matthew who had full grounds in relation to
their aims.

It was hard getting Maria's father down even with all the evidences they had. The
authorities by passed the evidences presented and the case was never taken to court
instead the evidences were traded away. Thankfully!! They had copies of them.
Maria with her allies soon were on the run as the underground men who worked for
Maria's father began to trail after them. In order to get their revenge John , Maria , brother
Matthew with the nurse made plans to paste the evidences against Maria's father on walls
in all the streets they could lay hold of.

They did this relentlessly and soon their efforts came to the limelight attracting the
attentions of the public hereby leading to the discoveries of more secrets. It was during the
discoveries Maria got to know that her mother had lose her mind after she found out that
her husband was responsible for her son's death and that her father had maintained her
instability with the help of a nurse in the psychiatric hospital who injected her mom with
the wrong dosage each time she was on the verge of regaining her sanity.

The doom was near, but Maria's father wouldn't give in to a fall so he made to leave the
country and transferred all the assets he had to an unreachable account. On the eve to his
escape he gave an order for Maria and her ally to be captured that was the way he could
have the bliss fulfilment he desired. Since he was now sought after by the authorities Who
had no choice after his acts came to the light of the day he gave the orders out through his
underground men and his manager because they had not been discovered yet.

Maria and her allies were wiser so he couldn't get them down hence he decided to do it on
his own. He had the perfect opportunity to strike the day Maria and her allies were
returning from a social gathering. Maria's father was discovered while trailing them and
soon he was on the run by the authorities who had discovered him as well. A hot chase
began and unfortunately it ended in a ghastly motor accident as the car went up in flames.

When it did, Maria jumped out of the car and yelled. Before the fire men came into the
rescue, the worst had happened Maria's father was terribly burnt and his life was on the
thin end. He was said to breathe his last by the doctor that attended to him while being
wheeled into the theatre.

The end . ..

Story continues in season two....

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