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Unit 1 Staff Training, Enriched Life Lesson 1 New Hire Training ©} After this lesson, you should be able to: ask for and confirm information about your new job. @) cove suey) © language Focus Business English 180 Situational Conversations intermediate "1 2 Warm-up (2 mins) Srme How do you usually get familiar with a new job? What does your new company do for new hire orientation? ‘©51Tak Proprietary and Confidedia. 2 2 Case study (9 mins) Setting (1 min) Dana is attending the new hire training on her first day at Super Star Company. When she arrives at the t center, she meets Steven, who is about to give a 2-hour training session to the new staff. ‘0a Proprietary and Coniontis 9 Xm Conversation (8 mins) (Before everyone has arrived, Dana greets Steven and asks him some questions about the training.) Dana: Good morning, I'm Dana. I'll be working for the Branding Department. It’s nice to meet you. Steven: Welcome aboard, Dana. I'm Steven, the trainer for today’s orientation. Dar Great. May | ask what topics will be covered in the orientation? Steven: This tral ig mainly focuses on our corporate culture and staff benefits. Dana: That's exciting, How many trainees will be here today? Steven: There will be 23 new staff members from all 10 departments attending, Here is the training manual. The name list is included. You may go ahead and look through it. What are the specific training subjects today? ‘©51Tak Proprietary and Confido 4 9 Xm (after every newcomer has arrived at the training room, Steven starts the training.) Steven: Hello, everyone. | hope today's training will prepare the ground for your work here. First, let's see how much you know about our company. Can anyone tell me our corporate values? Dana: As | can see from the training manual, our corporate values are “Gaining trust from clients, and growing with the company”. Steven: Good job. Any questions? Jade: Yes, could you please explain more about “growing with the company”? Steven: Sure. We are making efforts to build a pleasant working environment, where all the staff can achieve their full potential. Does that make sense? Good. We'll continue to explain our staff benefits after the break » x What's the importance of the training? ‘0a Proprietary and Coniontis 5 @ Language Focus (4 mins) ba Find a similar sentence from a-e to match sentences 1-5. | 1 Weare making efforts to create a ©) a:Youcan reach your full potential at your > - sattefying work environment || present job with the help of the training. : |_ 2 Theorlentation will prepare the ground for. rat will be included inthe training session? | © yourwor 1 1 | 3. will receive some training on corporate | Are training programson corporate culture | culture before I get to work? available before | get to work? } t 4, What will be covered in the training program? The training will pave the way for your work. ! | 5, Ourtraining aims to help you achieve your We are trying hard to create a good work 1 | fll potential at your present position. environment. a More vocabulary: Pre Piero poe en Se ae ees eter) 2 Practice (6 mins) Act out a conversation about asking for and confirming information about an new hire training session at Fantasy Company. Student -- Cathy 1. Atrainee from the Marketing Department; 2. Ask for the content of the orientation; 3, Answer questions and confirm information about the company, > 8 corporate values Teacher - Robert 1. Chief trainer of the HR Department; 2. Introduce the subject of the training: a profile of Fantasy Company; 3. Introduce the company’s background and composition, e.g, 8-year history, 3000 staff, 12 departments, 10 branches Everyone in Fantasy is a dream maker: ‘0a Proprietary and Coniontis ® Wrap-up (2 mins) % Read the following sentences in the chart and review how to ask for and confirm information about your new job. Greet the trainer Good morning, I’m Dana. I'll be working for the Branding Department, It’s nice to meet you. ‘Ask for information May | ask what topics will be covered in the orientation? How many trainees will be here today? Confirm information ‘As | can see from the training manual, our corporate values are .. Could you please explain more about ..? ‘©51Tak Proprietary and Confido

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