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NSS. 101120512004 / NPSN. 10808571
Alamat : Kampung Bina Bumi Kecamatan Meraksa Aji Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Kode Pos 34595

Nama : …………… Hari / Tanggal : .............................

Kelas : 2 (dua) Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
A. Please choose the correct a, b, and c to answer the question below!
1. I am . . . . . . and he wants to eat pizza.
a. Hungry b. Sleepy c. Bored
2. I am . . . . . . and i want to sleep.
a. Sleepy b. Tired c. Thirsty
3. Dini : Good morning dika.
Dika : good morning dini.
Dini : I am hungry . I want to _______
a. Drink b. Eat c. Take a bath
4. Risa : hallo dira , how are you ?
Dira : hallo risa, I am bored. I want _______
a. Play b. Sleep c. Cry
5. “Aku senang “. In English is . . . .
a. I am bored b. I am happy c. I am sleepy
6. Reni : “ I am not sad .”
What the meaning of i am not sad ?
a. Aku tidak sedih b. Aku sedih c. Aku bahagia

( Rumah ) ( besar ) how is the English of “rumah “ and “besar” ?

a. House = big b. House = small c. House = expensive

Based on the picture . what is he doing ?
He is ________

a. Eating b. Sleeping c. Reading

9. “Bangun” in English is . . . . . .
a. Wake up b. Take a bath c. Eating
Based the picture . what does he do ?
He _________

a. brush his teeth b. Wash his face c. Watch TV

11. The question will answer number 11, 12. Here is nana’s daily activities.
My daily activity
06.00 AM – i wake up
07.00 AM- I take a bath
08.00 AM – i study in the school
12.00 – i go home
What time does Nana wake up ?
a. 06.00 AM b. 12.00 AM c. 08.00 AM
12. What does nana do at 07.00 Am ?
a. She wakes up b. She takes a bath c. She goes gome
13. “Mobil” in English is . . .
a. Car b. Bcycle c. Airplane
14. Nana cooks in the . . . . . .
a. In the kitchen b. In the living room c. In the bath room
15. I sleep in the . . . . .
a. In the room b. In the bathroom c. In the kitchen
The car is . . . . . . the dog
a. Behind b. In front of c. Next to

Based on the picture . he is . . . .
a. Angry b. Sad c. Hungry

18. Based on the picture . the place is in the . . . .

a. In the bathroom b. In the kitchen c. In the living room

19. The picture show that Budi and Cika watch tv in the __________

a. Living room b. Bathroom c. In the kitchen

20. “Di depan” in English is . . . . .

a. Between b. Behind c. In front of

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