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Haseeb Ur Rehman

Question 1: Explain how TechEon can incorporate ethical considerations into its
decisionmaking process regarding the expansion to Asiana. Provide four specific actions or
strategies that TechEon can implement to ensure ethical business practices in the new location.


1. Conduct Ethical Due Diligence: Engage stakeholders, assess labor practices, and ensure
compliance with international standards.

2. Implement Ethical Supply Chain Practices: Vet suppliers, monitor labor practices, and provide
support for improvement.

3. Foster Stakeholder Dialogue: Engage with workers, communities, NGOs, and government
agencies to address concerns.

4. Establish Ethical Performance Metrics: Define KPIs related to worker safety, labor rights, and
community impact.

Question 2: Discuss the potential consequences for TechEon if it prioritises profit over ethics in
its expansion to Asiana. Identify three negative outcomes that the company may face because of
disregarding ethical considerations


1. Reputational Damage: Loss of trust, negative publicity, and diminished brand value.

2. Legal and Regulatory Risks: Fines, lawsuits, and sanctions for labor violations or
environmental harm.

3. Stakeholder Backlash: Boycotts, protests, and shareholder activism challenging unethical


Question 3: Evaluate the role of stakeholders in influencing TechEon decision-making process

regarding the expansion to Asiana. Also, identify three key stakeholders who may have a vested
interest in the company's actions and explain how their prospects could impact TechEon’s ethical
considerations and strategic decisions.

Answer :

1. Workers and Labor Advocates: Advocate for fair labor practices and influence TechEon's
ethical decisions.

2. Investors and Shareholders: Demand ethical conduct to protect brand reputation and long-term

3. Local Communities and Government Authorities: Expect responsible corporate citizenship

and may impose regulations to enforce ethical standards.

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