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មន្ទីរអប់រំយុវជន និងកីឡាខេត្តកោះកុង លេខបន្ទប់ ៖..................

ប្រឡងប្រចាំខែ កុម្ភៈ លេខតុ ៖..................

មណ្ឌ លប្រឡង៖សាលារៀនកោះកុងអន្តរជាតិ
ហត្ថលេខាអនុរក្ស៖ នាមត្រកូល និងនាមខ្លួន ៖............................................
- ........................................ ថ្ងៃ ខែ ឆ្នាំកំណើ ត ៖ ........................................... អក្សរសម្ងា ត់
- ........................................ ហត្ថលេខា ៖ ...........................................
បេក្ខជនមិនត្រូវធ្វើសញ្ញា សម្គា ល់អ្វីមួយនៅលើសន្លឹកប្រឡងឡើយ។ សន្លឹកប្រឡងណា ដែលមានសញ្ញា សម្គា ល់នឹងត្រូវបានពិន្ទុសូន្យ។

វិញ្ញា សា៖ អង់គ្លេស (ពិន្ទុសរុប ៖ ៥០) អក្សរសម្ងា ត់
I. Tick (√) the correct answer. (15pts)
1 . Peter …………… a piano but he has a keyboard.
A. has B. have C. doesn’t have
2 . …………. they have sunglasses? No, they ………….
A. Do/don’t B. Does/don’t C. Do/does
3 . He doesn’t have …………. pens but I have …………. pens.
A. some/ some B. any/some C. some/any
4 . ………….. there a new table in our classroom? Yes, there ………….
A. is/is B. are/is C. is/isn’t
5 . …………. there any new students learning here? No, there ………….
A. Is/are B. Are/are C. Are/aren’t
II. Matching. (15pts)
1. Is there a football A. to the teacher. 1→
2. I talk to my partner B. No, he isn’t. 2→
3. They should listen C. when the teacher says. 3→
4. Is Din naughty? D. use quarter past? 4→
5. Which side do we E. field at their school? 5→
III. Use words in the box to fill in the gaps below and answer the questions. (20pts)
village there lesson microphone away
Hi! My name’s Jacky. I live in Australia. I live far (1) ……………… from the city, so I don’t go to school. I
Study at home. I use my computer and (2) ……………… to speak to my teacher. At 8.00 a.m., I sit in front of my
computer and wait for my teacher and classmates. Today’s (3) ……………… is math. I study math at 9.15. I love
math. I’m really good at it.
In January, all my friends go to a classroom in the city for one week. We meet our teacher (4) ……………… for
the first time. In October, we have ‘mini-school’. Our teacher comes to the (5) ……………… to stay with us for 3
days. We dance, sing and study together. We have so much fun.

Answer the questions

1. Where is Jacky from?

2. Why doesn’t she go to school?
3. What is her favourite subject?
4. When do all her friends go to a classroom in the city?
5. How long does her teacher come to visit the village?

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