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(AC-S09) Week 09 - Task: Assignment - A success story

from Peru (TA2)

INGLES IV – Sección14708


Delgado Yzaguirre Jan Wilbert

Flores Velasquez Veliz
Gelver , Kimberly Valladolid


Cajo Charpentier, Mirian


Lima, mayo 2024

Title: Gastón Acurio: A Culinary
Maestro of Peru

Gastón Acurio is a renowned Peruvian chef and

Introduction: entrepreneur who has revolutionized Peruvian
cuisine and brought it to the global stage. His
innovative approach and passion for traditional
flavors have made him a prominent figure in the
culinary world.

Gastón Acurio was born in Lima, Peru, in 1967.

Early Life, Family & Initially, he pursued a career in law, studying in
Other Details: Madrid, Spain, but his true passion lay in the
culinary arts. He made a significant decision to
switch careers and enrolled in the prestigious Le
Cordon Bleu culinary school in Paris. His family has
been supportive of his career shift, which has been
instrumental in his success.

• Awards and Recognitions: Gastón Acurio

Achievements + has received numerous accolades throughout his
Reasons: career, including the Global Gastronomy Award
and recognition as one of the most influential
figures in Latin American cuisine. These awards
highlight his contribution to promoting Peruvian
food worldwide.
• Restaurant Chains: He has founded several
successful restaurant chains, including Astrid y
Gastón, La Mar, Panchita, and Tanta. Each of these
establishments showcases different aspects of
Peruvian cuisine, making it accessible to a wider
• Mistura Food Festival: Gastón Acurio
initiated the Mistura food festival, one of the
largest food festivals in Latin America. This festival
celebrates Peruvian gastronomy and has become a
major event that attracts food enthusiasts from
around the world.
• Social Projects: Acurio has also been
involved in social projects that aim to improve the
lives of underprivileged communities in Peru
through culinary education and employment
Gastón Acurio's dedication to promoting Peruvian
Conclusion: cuisine has not only brought him international
acclaim but also played a crucial role in elevating
Peru's culinary reputation on the global stage. His
innovative spirit, combined with a deep respect
for traditional flavors, continues to inspire chefs
and food lovers around the world. Through his
restaurants, festivals, and social initiatives, Acurio
has made an indelible mark on the culinary world,
making him a true ambassador of Peruvian
Title: Gastón Acurio: A Culinary Maestro of Peru


Gelver: Hey, have you guys heard of Gastón Acurio? He's this incredible Peruvian chef
and entrepreneur who's really made a name for himself by revolutionizing Peruvian
cuisine and bringing it to the global stage.

Kimberly: Oh, absolutely! I read about him recently. His approach to traditional flavors is
so innovative. It's no wonder he's such a prominent figure in the culinary world.

Jan: Yeah, his story is really inspiring. I mean, it's not every day you see someone make
such a significant impact in the food industry. What's his background like?

Early Life, Family & Other Details:

Gelver: Gastón Acurio was born in Lima, Peru, in 1967. He actually started out studying
law in Madrid, Spain. Can you believe it?

Kimberly: Wow, law? That's quite a switch. What made him change careers?

Jan: He realized his true passion was in the culinary arts. So, he made the big decision to
switch careers and enrolled in Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in Paris. Talk about a leap
of faith!

Gelver: And it seems like it was the right move. His family was really supportive of his
career shift, which obviously played a huge part in his success.
Achievements + Reasons:

Kimberly: He's definitely achieved a lot. For starters, he’s received numerous accolades,
including the Global Gastronomy Award. Being recognized as one of the most influential
figures in Latin American cuisine is no small feat.

Jan: And let’s not forget about his restaurant chains. He founded several successful
ones, like Astrid y Gastón, La Mar, Panchita, and Tanta. Each one highlights different
aspects of Peruvian cuisine, which helps make it accessible to a wider audience.

Gelver: Oh, and there's the Mistura food festival too! He initiated it, and it's one of the
largest food festivals in Latin America now. It really celebrates Peruvian gastronomy and
attracts food enthusiasts from all over the world.

Kimberly: He’s also involved in social projects. I think that's one of the most admirable
aspects of his career. He's worked on initiatives to improve the lives of underprivileged
communities in Peru through culinary education and employment opportunities.


Jan: Gastón Acurio's dedication to promoting Peruvian cuisine has not only earned him
international acclaim but also elevated Peru's culinary reputation globally. It’s amazing
how his innovative spirit, combined with a deep respect for traditional flavors, continues to
inspire so many people.

Gelver: Exactly. Through his restaurants, festivals, and social initiatives, he's really made
an indelible mark on the culinary world. He’s truly a fantastic ambassador of Peruvian

Kimberly: Totally agree. His journey is a great reminder of the impact one person can
have when they follow their passion and stay true to their roots.
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