Assistant Prototype For TVS Motors: Hardware Components

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Assistant Prototype for TVS Motors

Socha nhi

Technical Stack
Hardware Components
• Microcontroller/Processor: Raspberry Pi 4
• Proximity Sensors: Infrared (IR) sensors for precise customer detection
• Touch Screen Interface: 7-inch touchscreen display
• Wireless Connectivity: ESP32 for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi integration

• Speaker System: High-quality wireless speakers

Software Components
• Voice Assistant Software:

– Speech Recognition: Google Cloud Speech-to-Text

– Natural Language Processing (NLP): Dialogflow
– Voice Synthesis: Google Text-to-Speech
• Multilingual Support: Utilization of language processing libraries for
vernacular languages
• Customizable Sensitivity Settings: Implementation through an intu-
itive touchscreen interface
• Wireless Connectivity: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi integration for seamless
device interaction
• Data Collection and Tracking: MySQL database for storing customer
interactions and usage metrics

• Content Updatability: Web-based interface for real-time updates of
device information
• Energy Efficiency: Optimization for power management and low-power

Development Phases
1. Conceptualization and Planning
Define project scope, objectives, and key features. Establish the technical and
functional requirements for the Interactive Dealership Assistant (IDA).

2. Hardware Design and Prototyping

Select and procure hardware components, considering compatibility and scal-
ability. Develop prototypes for the microcontroller, proximity sensors, touch-
screen interface, and wireless connectivity.

3. Software Development
Implement voice assistant software components using Google Cloud services
(Speech-to-Text, Dialogflow, Text-to-Speech). Integrate language processing li-
braries for multilingual support. Develop the web-based interface for content
updatability. Implement customizable sensitivity settings through the touch-
screen interface.

4. Integration and Testing

Integrate hardware and software components for seamless functionality. Con-
duct thorough testing, including proximity sensing, voice assistant interactions,
and wireless connectivity.

5. Data Management and Security

Set up a MySQL database for efficient data storage and retrieval. Implement
data encryption and secure communication protocols to ensure customer privacy.

6. Energy Efficiency Optimization

Optimize software algorithms for energy efficiency. Implement low-power states
during inactivity to conserve energy.

7. Pilot Deployment
Deploy the IDA in select TVS Motors dealerships for a pilot test. Gather
feedback from customers, dealership staff, and analyze performance metrics.

8. Refinement and Iteration
Iterate based on feedback, making necessary refinements to both hardware and
software components. Address any identified issues or enhancements to improve
the overall user experience.

9. Full-Scale Deployment
Roll out the finalized IDA solution across all TVS Motors dealerships. Provide
training and support to dealership staff for effective utilization.

10. Monitoring and Maintenance

Implement ongoing monitoring systems for device health, usage patterns, and
customer interactions. Provide regular updates and maintenance to ensure con-
tinued effectiveness and relevance.

Flowchart :

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