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10 Possible To Bussines In 2011

1. Childrens enrichment services Since school budgets have been severely cut, worried parents have turned to tutoring services to make sure their kids dont lose ground academically. Your biggest startup cost will be marketing word-of-mouth is the primary business driver. Work through local school systems and parent-teacher organizations. Try giving discounts to customers who direct other parents to your business. In some regions, specialization is key. Focus on specific subjects or grades. SAT tutors are in especially high demand these days. 2. Senior transition/relocation services As our population continues to age, these businesses which provide various services to seniors and their families will continue to thrive. The services are geared toward helping seniors move out of their homes and can provide assistance in any number of ways: finding a new home (assisted living, nursing home, etc.), packing and selling belongings, setting up a new home, and more. Youll likely find customers in your neighborhood, but also try approaching family advisers like financial planners, attorneys specializing in senior issues, and clergy. 3. Green consultant Green consultants usually concentrate on helping either consumers or businesses become more environmentally friendly. Industry-wide revenues currently top $18 billion. As for demand, consumers are thinking with their wallets and hoping to save money (and get possible tax breaks) by making their homes more energy efficient. Businesses are also looking for savings, as well as instructions on how to be a green company. Many consumers are demanding it but companies often lack the internal know-how or infrastructure to go green. 4. Translation services Translation services are in high demand, with revenues rising 18 percent industry-wide in the past year. Prime customers include the federal government, health care professionals and businesses interested in importing and exporting. Dont worry if you only speak one or two languages. You can hire people to do the translations either employees or independent contractors (even better). 5. Meals on wheels Dont think roach coach, TV dinners or a hot dog cart. Were talking food fit for a gourmand, like crme brle and Kobe beef burgers, or fancy versions of the stuff Mom used to make, like cupcakes and grilled cheese. Buying a new vehicle will likely cost you, so look for a used one you can trick out instead. Once youre operating, your costs are minimal (except for the food). Marketing through Twitter will create attention and bring customers, and your labor costs are almost nonexistent. An even lower-cost option is operating a food cart. Good food + right location (heavy foot traffic) = big profits. 6. Weddings The millennial generation is growing up and getting married. Starting in 1987, there were approximately 4 million kids born each year in the U.S. In 2011, those kids turn 24, and the average age women get married is 25. Do the math and youll see theres going to be a surge in businesses that cater to the wedding industry. There are many businesses that will benefit from the coming wedding boom, including:

- Retailers (clothing the bridal party) - Gift stores (gifts, invitations, stationery) - Restaurants, caterers and bakeries - Wedding planners - Travel agencies (planning destination weddings and honeymoons) - Flower shops - Videographers, photographers - Jewelry designers, jewelers 7. Handyman services It might seem old-fashioned, but handymen and -women are in demand as cash-strapped homeowners try to tackle small home improvement projects. You can even specialize: The senior market is promising, with elderly clients desiring to make homes (theirs or their kids) safer and more accessible. Or, you can target new homeowners. In 2009, nearly 25 percent of first-time homebuyers were single women. 8. Kids beauty products and services Unbelievably, by 2012, tweens and teens are expected to spend more than $8.5 billion on grooming and beauty products. Already, just among 6- to 9-year-old girls (per Experian market research): - 43 percent use lip gloss/lipstick - 38 percent use hairstyling products - 12 percent use other cosmetics Other ways to fill the demands of this market include starting kids hair salons, teen spas and gyms. 9. College consultants With incoming freshman classes breaking enrollment records (Pew Research says about 2.6 million kids enroll every year), its increasingly competitive to get into college. College consultants can be generalists or specialize in fields like college prep, applications, financial solutions and scholarships. In 2009, 26 percent of high-achieving seniors hired a private college counselor. 10. Cupcakes Dont believe the naysayers who say cupcakes are dead; theyre still mega hot and profitable. Cupcakes costing about 60 cents to produce can easily sell for $3 to $5. You can open a cupcakery, sell them in (or to) restaurants and bakeries, or even start a cart or mobile cupcake-mobile. As with every year, the name of the game is reading consumers feelings about the economy and spotting trends that tap into these sentiments.

10 best business which can be started with just $200

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sales and distribution Professional Service Home tutoring Bed and breakfast Consultancy Multi level marketing

7. 8. 9.

Local auction house DVD rental business Catering service

10. Wedding planner/Event planning company

1. Sales and distribution

Do you have the ability to sell a commodity? Are you able to meet and talk to people with confidence in any situation? If you have these abilities then it is advisable to start a sales and distribution company. There are different commodities available in market to start this business program.

How to start this business program?

Determine a particular commodity to start the business. Contact a whole sale dealer. Search yellow page directories of your city. Participate in business fairs. Not necessary to stock high quantity of commodity.

It is possible to determine the product by reading product catalogs and using samples. For motivation one best business is :

Corporate companies need gifts packed with their logo in high quantity, find such products. Prepare beautiful catalogs including their logos. Demonstrate these catalogs to the company and acquire orders from the company.

Main investment requires in preparing business cards, stationary, sample products, and tax registration. If suppliers trust you then they will lend products.

Expected Income
Income from the business depends on the margin obtained from sales. For each sale 10% to 30% will get as profit. Focus more on the commodities that can be sold out wholesale to a corporate firm. Normally $200 to $1000 will be earned per month. . A direct marketing company with many employees will get a profit in lacks. This will be a best business if you have interest in selling commodities. During starting stage use your house for the business and open an office when the business grows.

2. Professional Service
Service providing company can be started by a professional; if you are an accountant then this will be a best business. Book keeping, tax returns, balance sheet, financial reports and income statement can be done as services to other companies with a common fee.

How to start this business program?

Develop a business card and service brochure including the services you are able to provide. Meet companies who require additional financial services.

Advertisements are needed at starting stage. Brochure and business cards are necessary. When you meet companies ask them for more referrals. Getting respected is an important aspect in this business program. Provide good service and obtain positive feedbacks then only you can grow with this business.

Expected Income
Per month $200 to $1000 can be earned. When the no of clients increases post more employees to expand your company. For motivation one best business is: People who are experienced in web designing, graphic designing, educational consulting can start business in their own home.

3. Home tutoring
Home tutoring is a best business that requires little investment. If you have the ability to handle science, computer, mathematics in an efficient way then this is good business program.

How to start this business program?

Determine in which subject you are expertise. Make some small advertisements. Lend your services to private institutions.

Money is required to make small advertisement boards by self.

Expected Income
Per month $100 to $500 can be obtained. Dance, sports and music professionals can start a talent school in home itself. If you know aerobics or meditation techniques then it is advisable to start a coaching centre.

4. Bed and breakfast

If your house is near to a tourist place, hill or beach, then bed and breakfast is a best business to start.

How to start this business program?

Keep your bedroom and sanitation clean. Electricity and water should be available in plenty. Get connected with travel agencies and taxi drivers. Ask your neighbors also to do this business along with you. Check the identity details of your customers thoroughly. Provide tasty food and treat them in a good manner.

Money is needed for advertisements, arranging rooms and toilets.

Expected Income
Income depends on the number rooms given for rental. $100 to $600 can be earned per month.

5. Consultancy
Consultancy is a best business in real estate, automobile, career, matrimonial. Your success in this business program is determined by the data bank your are having about your particular consultancy field.

How to start this business program?

Collect data on the specific consultancy field. Do things differently and efficiently so people trust on you.

Main key in consulting is networking. Meet more people, take reference from them and tell them about your consultancy service. Provide effective advertisements.

Money is required more on giving advertisements in newspapers and classifieds. Advertisements bring more clients.

Expected Income
High rate of income is obtained in real estate, matrimonial, automobile and education consultancies because high rate of money exchange occurs in these fields. A hardworking consultant can earn $500 to $2000 per month.

6. Multi Level Marketing

Multi level marketing also known as network marketing is one of the top growing business program in the world. Before joining find more about the service, product and trust of the company in the market. Success in this business depends on your ability in mingling with others and joining more people to your network. You should have a trust in the company. You should demonstrate the products of the companies to clients and make them feel that they can more income from this business.

How to start this business program?

Join a reputed MLM company. Select a company having more attractive products.

Income will get generated only after some time, up to that work hard to expand your network. Each day you need to go to different sites and meet different people. Improve your communication ability to deal with clients.

Investment is totally depended on the company in which you are joining; it will be around $200.

Expected Income
If you are hard working then you can earn more than $2000 per month. Starting income will be less and it grows when you expand your network.

7. Local Auction house

Local auction house a best business to earn high income. You need to study well about the operating of an auction house before entering into auction house. Anything can be sold out through an auction house including fresh and second hand items.

How to start this business program?

Collect maximum items from your friends and neighbors. Create and distribute the list of items placed for auction. Collect commission as a specific percentage of the cost of sold item.

Start auction in your house or in your garage. Sometimes legal registration is needed to start auction house. Local advertisements is necessary expand the business. Minimum 50 to 100 people should be participated to make the business profit.

Expected Income
Auction should be conducted once in a week. A large scale auction house will earn $200 to $2000 pe month.

8. DVD rental business

This business program does not need an office or shop to start. You can do it in your own home. Distribute movie CD s to the costumers. For that only one delivery boy is needed.

How to start this business program?

Make a list of 1000 movies which can be given for rental. Ask the favorites of customers.

Make available the latest movies in market. Start per month schemes to rent DVDs. Collect an advance for membership.

At start buy 50 to 100 DVDs. Buy only original prints.

Expected Income
100 customers will bring $400 per month. Online service can be used while expanding the business.

9. Catering Services
If you are talented in cooking and able to cook delicious food then catering service is a best business for you.

How to start this business program?

Get orders from hostels, offices, factories. Give a menu card to customers. Supply lunch and other food items under quality packing. Make available phone-order services.

Initially money is needed to buy packing items and cooking items. To reduce cost cooking can be one inside your kitchen. Prepare copies of menu cards.

Expected Income
Delicious food will increase the business. Business can be expanded by taking order for big parties and marriages. Per month $500 to $2000 can be earned with this business program.

10. Wedding planner/ Event planning company

Event planning company to assist wedding, birthday, anniversaries, corporate parties is a profitable business program. You can do this inside home using your phone. Book reception venue, flower decoration, food, photo-videographer, hotel room for the particular date. You should be able to provide all services needed for an event. Give information to the client about the expenses for each service and different options.

How to start this business program?

Make a list of the services needed for particular events and make an estimate of the expenses. Find the best sources to obtain these services. You should be able to convince the client about cost effective services. Provide a satisfactory service; this will increase the number of customers.

Expense includes only for promotional techniques if you are working as a consultant.

Expected Income
Wedding itself is an expensive event, so 5% commission will be a good amount. $400 to $2000 can be earned per month. All these 10 best business requires only less investment which will gain a good profit. If you are dreaming to become a businessman and was hindered by financial trouble, then it is advisable to pick any one of these business programs. Only hard work and better techniques will improve your business. Think well and choose which one among these best business will suit you. BEBERAPA PENYEBAB UMUM KEGAGALAN USAHA YANG PERLU ANDA KETAHUI: 1. Kegagalan melakukan riset pasar. Banyak perusahaan, baik berbasis rumah atau perusahaan besar, gagal karena tidak ada pasar yang memadai untuk produk atau jasa mereka. Sebuah analisis yang komprehensif dari bisnis ini terutama penting bagi bisnis rumah, karena beberapa bisnis cocok untuk sebuah bisnis rumahan, sementara beberapa tidak. Jika bisnis Anda mengharuskan Anda untuk bertemu klien, Anda harus terlebih dahulu memeriksa bagaimana keluarga Anda (dan tetangga) akan bereaksi terhadap hilir mudiknya orang-orang di rumah Anda. Sebelum memulai bisnis apapun, perlu bahwa Anda melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh pasar dan analisis pasar. 2. Pasif. Jika anda pasif, Anda hanya cocok bekerja untuk orang lain. Kecuali anda dapat langsung mampu mempekerjakan karyawan. Sebagai tim tunggal, Anda berharap bisa melakukan semuanya sendirian dari menulis rencana bisnis, manufaktur produk, pemasaran dan penjualan produk dan jasa, melakukan tugas pembukuan, dan sejuta tugas lainnya! Ingat, Anda hanya mengandalkan diri sendiri! Tidak ada pelanggan berarti tidak ada bisnis! 3. Miskin manajemen waktu. Salah satu keuntungan bekerja di rumah adalah bahwa Anda bisa mengatur waktu Anda sendiri. Ini, bagaimanapun, menjadi sebuah dilema yang menarik: sulit untuk mengatur waktu Anda sendiri! manajemen waktu yang buruk, karena Anda sendirian dan tidak ada yang mengawasi Anda. Anda harus mampu mengatur dan memprioritaskan. Ada satu juta alasan untuk mengalihkan perhatian Anda dari menjadi produktif dan Anda perlu belajar untuk mengelola waktu Anda secara efektif! 4. Kurang serius mengelola bisnis. Anda mungkin tidak memiliki kantor mewah di pusat kota atau Anda mungkin tidak perlu memakai pakaian kerja, tetapi bisnis berbasis rumah perlu disamakan profesionalismenya seperti pekerjaan di kantor. Penghasilan Anda akan langsung berhubungan dengan jumlah waktu, tenaga, pikiran dan uang yang Anda masukkan ke dalam bisnis jauh berbeda dari hari-hari menjadi pekerja ketika Anda dibayar bahkan ketika Anda sedang di kantor tetapi tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan kantor. 5. Tidak mengikuti filosofi 80/20. 80 persen berasal dari bisnis Anda dan 20 persen berasal dari pelanggan Anda. Ingat, harganya dua kali lipat untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru daripada mempertahankan yang sudah ada. Mempertahankan supaya pelanggan Anda senang dan nyaman, jauh lebih murah dan lebih mudah daripada mencari pelanggan baru. Mendapatkan penjualan berulang dari pelanggan lama biaya pemasarannya lebih rendah dan keuntungan yang didapat lebih tinggi. 6. Tidak sering mempromosikan bisnis. Bisnis Anda sebagai ukuran pasar yang ingin Anda raih. Anda perlu agresif mempromosikan produk atau jasa Anda. Jangan anggap promosi sebagai beban yang tidak perlu daripada investasi. Promosi itu benar-benar penting.

7. Menghabiskan terlalu banyak modal. Selama tahap awal pengembangan bisnis, Anda mungkin akan dipenuhi dengan modal. Hindari kesalahan biaya mahal yang tidak perlu. Kecuali model bisnis Anda kuat dan Anda telah membangun aliran pendapatan, Anda tidak boleh menganggap bahwa Anda akan memiliki uang tunai dan modal kerja selamanya. Anda tidak perlu membeli peralatan kantor jika memang tidak diperlukan. Tanyakan kepada diri sendiri: Apakah Anda benar-benar membutuhkan kursi pijat yang mahal untuk Anda? Perencanaan keuangan yang buruk, kesalahan manajemen dana atau pengeluaran anggaran adalah penyebab umum kegagalan bisnis. 8. Tidak Membelanjakan uang dengan bijaksana. Pertama, Anda perlu memahami aturan utamanya usaha: uang melahirkan uang. Adakalanya Anda menghabiskan uang untuk menghasilkan uang. Misalnya, untuk mendapatkan nasihat hukum, Anda harus membayar pengacara. Mengirimkan press release sendiri memerlukan biaya komunikasi (fax, perangko, amplop, dll). Banyak pemilik bisnis rumah kehilangan peluang besar karena mereka menolak untuk melakukan investasi di mana yang diperlukan. Belanjakanlah uang Anda dengan bijaksana. 9. Tidak meminta bantuan bila Anda membutuhkannya. Anda harus tetap berada di jalan yang benar dan kembali ke jalan yang benar ketika bisnis Anda dirasa sudah tidak mampu dipertahankan. Anda membutuhkan saran dan nasihat dari ahlinya atau teman dan rekan bisnis yang berpengalaman.Ikuti diskusi di mailing list, menghadiri seminar, bertemu dengan sesama pengusaha lainnya. Hal ini akan membantu Anda memperbaiki bisnis Anda yang sudah mulai kehilangan arah. 10. Tidak memiliki rencana darurat untuk menghadapi masalah ekonomi yang sulit. Kesulitan dapat menekan bisnis pada waktu yang berbeda. Pengusaha rumah terkenal untuk terjun ke semua bisnis. Mereka tidak memiliki rencana darurat-kembali skenario awal saat jatuh. Mereka berpikir bahwa semuanya akan berjalan lancar, hanya jalan penuh dengan kesulitan dan tantangan saja. Bagian terpenting dari masalah ini adalah mengenali masalah dengan segera. Belajar untuk berhati-hati setiap saat, dan mempertajam orang-orang berpikir kreatif. Menjadi kreatif dalam pemikiran bisnis Anda bisa mengarahkan Anda pada arah yang lebih positif.

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