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Many people today ask, "How does health affect our lives?

Hold on, I will share this topic from two perspectives of the physical health through diet and exercise. When it
comes to diet, we have a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle. In another way, a healthy lifestyle means good eating
Good eating habits are when we eat meat (such as fish, chicken, beef, and pork), fruit, vegetables, or grains, such as
bread and cereal. Rice is a food high in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. As a result, Asians in
general, and Vietnamese people in particular, often include this staple food in their daily meals.
Why do we need to eat this food in daily life? It may resist some diseases and cancer, help us live a healthy
life, or even have high life expectancy.
So, how do we obtain this healthy lifestyle? We need to eat more grains, fruit, and vegetables and less meat and
dairy products.
So, how about an unhealthy lifestyle? It involves consuming a lot of junk food, meat, salt, and sugar. The
reason leading us to bad eating habits is eating whatever we want, with no control, and this problem causes
many issues such as high rates of cancer and heart disease, also bringing a lot of diseases.

In addition, why do I have to mention two aspects of health before? I want to point out that good eating habits
will sharpen our memory, beat some stress, and prevent brain aging or diseases.
In terms of exercise, another way to have a healthy lifestyle, besides eating healthy food, is to exercise. Do exercises
at least three times a week for 20 minutes, such as swimming, walking, or working out. The first effect of
exercise is that it burns calories, helps our body stay in shape, and prevents some diseases and illnesses. It also
helps us balance our body, mind, and spirit.
In conclusion, health has a vital effect on our bodies, so let's love and take care of our bodies as much as we can.

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