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The fourth period(第四课时)

Part B Let’s learn & Listen, match and say

▶ 教学内容与目标
课时教学内容 课时教学目标
 通过图片、课件等方式的学习,能够听、说、读、写单
词或短语“go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton”。
 能够熟练运用上述单词和短语,在情境中结合适当的
Let’s learn 句型“Before, I/he/she… couldn’t/didn’t like… Now,
 能够在教师的引导下梳理、归纳已学过的有关运动的
Listen, match and  能够完成 Listen, match and say 板块的任务,根据所
say 听到的信息进行匹配活动。
▶ 教学重点
▶ 教学难点
▶ 教学准备
1. 预习《状元大课堂》
《创优作业 100 分》
2. PPT 课件、课文音频、视频、单词卡片等。
▶ 教学过程
Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in①
1. Greetings.
2. Let’s sing—Seasons Song.
T: Let’s sing a very cheerful song—Seasons Song. I’m sure you’ll like it.(出示课
3. Lead-in.
Show the word cards of the four seasons.
T: Which season do you like best?
Ss: I like…best.
T: What can you do in…?
Ss: I can…
◆ Teaching purpose①
Step 2: Presentation②
1. Learn the phrase “go cycling”.
T: In different seasons, the weather is different. We can do lots of different
activities. Brainstorm the relative activities.
T: It’s warm in spring. What activities can you do?(课件出示:春天景色图)
Ss: I can fly a kite/have a picnic/plant trees/go hiking/go cycling/…(Write down
the relative phrases on the blackboard.)
Teach the word “cycle” and the phrase “go cycling”. When “cycle” performs as a
noun, it means “bike”. When it performs as a verb, it means “ride a bike”. And we can
also say “go cycling”. Let students read the phrase after the recording. (课件出示:
go cycling 的图片及音频)
2. Learn the phrase “play badminton”.
T: How do you feel in autumn, cool or cold? (课件出示:秋天景色图)
Ss: I feel cool.
T: Yes, the cool weather is very good for many sports. What sports can you do in
Ss: I can play ping-pong/basketball/football/badminton…
Teach the phrase “play badminton”. Lead students to read and memorize the
word “bad-min-ton” in syllables. Let students read the phrase after the recording. (课
件出示:play badminton 的图片及音频)
◆ Teaching purpose②
3. Learn the sentence structures “I didn’t…before. I thought it was…”③
T: Do you like swimming in autumn?Why?
Ss: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Because…
T: Wow, you are very brave. I think you must be very strong./I don’t like
swimming in autumn, either, because the water in autumn is a little cold.
T: When do you usually swim?
Ss: We often swim in summer.
T: Yes, because it’s too hot in summer. But swimming can make us feel very
cool. I didn’t like summer before. I thought it was too hot. But now I love summer,
because swimming is great fun. (课件出示:夏日海边图)
Teach the sentence patterns. Ask students to pay attention to the verb forms in
the simple past tense. (出示课件)
T: Did you like summer before?
Ss: Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t. I thought it was…
◆ Teaching purpose③
通过过去与现在喜好的变化,导入本课核心句型“I didn’t…before. I
thought it…”。 引导学生关注时态的变化和动词形式的使用,注意语言表达的准
4. Learn the word “ice-skate”.
T: What’s the opposite season of summer?
Ss: It’s winter. (课件出示:冬天景色图)
Present the picture of Wu Binbin. (课件出示:Wu Binbin 滑冰图)
T: Look! What’s Wu Binbin doing in winter?
Ss: He’s ice-skating.
Teach the word “ice-skate”. Lead students to pay attention to the combination
regulation of this word and know something about compound words. Ask students to
read the new words after the teacher. Let them read individually, in groups or in roles.
Make sure students can read “go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton” correctly, loudly
and clearly.
5. Let’s learn.④
Play the video of “Let’s learn”. (课件出示:Let’s learn 板块的视频) Let
students watch it and think about these two questions. Then check the answers.

◆ Teaching purpose④
Step 3: Practice
1. Practice the dialogue.
(1) Ask students to listen and read after the video. (出示课件)
(2) Let students read the dialogue in pairs.
(3) Let students read the dialogue in roles. Boys play the role of Wu Binbin.
Girls play the role of Mike.
2. Look and say.⑤
Ask students to complete the sentences according to the pictures. (出示课件)
Lead students to observe the pictures to find clues. Then let students fill in the

◆ Teaching purpose⑤
3. Free Talk.⑥
T: What season didn’t you like before? Why didn’t you like it? Do you like it
now? You can make free talks with your group partners. Work in groups and then
share your opinions.

◆ Teaching purpose⑥
Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑦
1. Listen, match and say.
(1) Lead students to look at the pictures and make a quick review of the relative
key words and phrases. (课件出示:Listen, match and say 板块的图片) Then ask
students to listen and match the pictures.
(2) Let students listen again and check the answers with the teacher.
(3) Let students read the listening materials after the recordings and pay attention
to their changes while listening. (出示课件)
2. Let’s say.
Students complete the sentences according to the pictures. Try to describe their
changes between the past and the present.
◆ Teaching purpose
▶ 板书设计

▶ 作业设计
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业 100 分》或《状
▶ 教学反思
1. 欢快的歌曲导入能迅速激发学生的注意力和学习兴趣,直观生动的图片
2. 通过创设情境呈现核心词汇和句型,层层递进,由词逐句,学习过程潜
3. 教学过程中以活动为导向,引导学生在不同的教学活动中体验语言知识,
4. 板书结构清晰明了,核心词汇和句型突出,能有效地帮助总结本课重点,

▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s learn
 Be able to listen, speak, read and write the word and phrases“go cycling, ice-
skate, play badminton”.
 Be able to skillfully use the sentence patterns “Before, I/he/she…couldn’t/didn’t
like… Now, I/he/she…”to describe the changes in someone’s likes or dislikes in
 Be able to arrange and summarize the sports relative words or phrases with the
teacher’s help of the teacher.
Listen, match and say
 Be able to complete the exercise of “Listen, match and say” and match the pictures
according to the listening materials.
▶ Teaching Priorities
 Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence patterns.
▶ Teaching Difficulties
 Be able to use the sentence patterns “Before, I/he/she… Now, I/he/she…” to
describe the changes in someone’s likes or dislikes in situations.
▶ Teaching Procedures
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Teaching Purposes
Lead in the lesson
through a cheerful

Warm-up 1. Greetings. song. Activate

& 1. Greetings. 2. Sing Seasons students’ attention and

Revision 2. Let’s sing. Song. participation in class.
& 3. Lead-in. 3. Talk about your Talk with students
Lead-in favourite season. about their favourite
seasons and lead in
the topic of this class.
Presentation 1. Teach the phrase Brainstorm the Creates a real scene to
“go cycling”. relative activities lead in the topic of
people can do in seasons, weather and
spring. activities. Activate
students’ vocabulary
of relevant activities.
2. Teach the Talk freely about
Lead in the new
phrase“play the activities we
words naturally and
badminton”. can do in autumn.
lead students to learn
the target language.
Learn the sentence Lead in the key
3. Teach the patterns “I didn’t… sentence patterns
sentence structures. before. I thought it through the changes
was…” in likes and dislikes
between the past and
Learn the new the present. Lead
4. Teach the word word through brief students to pay
“ice-skate”. talks with the attention to the tense
teacher. and the forms of
Presentation Watch the video of Use the questions to
“Let’s learn”. lead students to pay
Answer the two attention to the details
5. Let’s learn. questions. of the dialogue.
Deepen students’
understanding of the
Practice 1. Practice the (1) Listen and read. Make sure students
dialogue. (2) Read in pairs. can read the dialogue
(3) Read in roles. correctly, fluently and
Complete the Help students to
sentences practice the
2. Look and say.
according to the knowledge they’ve
pictures. learned in this class.
Help students to use
the words they’ve
learned to describe
their changes in likes
and dislikes between
Make free talks
3. Free talk. the past and the
with partners.
present. Promote
students’ ability of
applying the target
languages to real
Consolidation 1. Listen, match and Listen and match Consolidate the key
& say. the pictures. words and sentence
Extension 2. Let’s say. Complete the patterns of this class.
sentences Pay attention to the
according to the cultivation of
pictures and then listening strategies.
make new Lead students to learn
sentences. to predict the listening
content before
listening. Use the
post-listening exercise
to reconsolidate the
key points of this
class. Extend
students’ personal
expressions through a
Homework 1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Do the exercises.

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