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(other answers might be wrong, please do a research 😊)

Ikaw na next!!!
Quality improvement project – Find a problem
(what is the first step)
Seligiline – MAOI (for Parkinson) Avoid cheese, I will eat cheeseburger
Lead to ectopic pregnancy Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
Lysergic acid diethylene- Hallucinogen Schiz, Depression, Anxiety
Proton pump inhibitors (can cause) Osteoporosis
Oxytocin (computation) 6ml
SQ SC obese 90 degrees
Test for Congestive Heart Failure B-natriuretic peptides
MMR Vaccine (need to ff up/NFU) Allergy to Neomycin
Varicella vaccine (NFU) Hx of HIV/(+)HCG
Interdisciplinary Malignant hypertension
Implantable Cardioverter Defib (why need x- Pneumothorax
HT to correct relatives/parent regarding insulin DM 1 Lispro 30 minutes effect (dangerous)
Electroencephalogram (need to ask prior) If taken meds before procedure
Cardiac Cath (NFU) If with history of Renal failure (because of dye)
Post partum delivered Macrosomia baby Fundus (atony)
(monitor 1 hour)
Vincristine (Adverse effect/AE) Numbness and tingling toes - Neurotoxic
Diabetes Insipidus Decrease USG
SIADH (DOC) Demoxicycline
Cystic Fibrosis CPT
Dyspareunia (cause) Pt. using oral contraceptives
Stomatitis (avoid) Lemon glycerin swabs
OB to Ward (assign) Post op hysterectomy
LPN (understanding meds) Can give all except IV
UAP (assign) SATA Assist to CR
Prepare food tray
2 years old (car seat) SATA Rear facing
Do not put anything in between
45 degree angle
Teenage pregnancy (high risk) Anemia
Potassium wasting Furosemide – AE Tinnitus
Medicine not for pregnant Enalapril (ACE) and if vomiting do not give
Opiods (common SE) Constipation
Diet (taking Warfarin) to avoid Broccoli and spinach
Erythropoietin (indication) Decrease Hgb – if increase, question the doctor
Pt. high BP and pulse (BP drugs to give) Olols (BB) contraindicated to respi problems,
can cause bronchoconstriction
Congestive Heart Failure (BP drugs to give) Prils (ACE)
Nephroblastoma (what to do) Put sign outside “do not palpate abdomen”
Severe depression (took anti-depression meds) Suicide (2-3 weeks effect of meds), if sudden
high risk to? burst of energy
Manic attack Give ready to go/binge eating foods
Meningitis (prec) Droplet if Bacterial, Standard is Viral
Varicella (prec) Airborne
Clostridium difficile Contact-enteric
(prec) SATA Handwashing before and after
Throw disposables, Highly contagious
Hydrocephalous VP shunt
ECG (hypokalemia)

U wave
Hepa B (when to give) Birth to 1 month
Abdominal assessment (last to perform) Palpation
Pancreatitis (sn&sx) Bluish periumbilical area
Dialysis (labs to monitor) BUN CREA
HIV taking acyclovir (what to monitor) Viral load
Bulemia (SATA) Monitor after 30 minutes
Check if will vomit food
Ergonomics (lifting/transferring) Ask help from others
ROP in labor (mgt) Acupressure/counterpressure, starts from back
to front
Allopurinol (correct understanding) Medicine for gout, drink with full glass of water
Amphotericin (What to report) Urinary conditions/Kidney problems in the
exam is decrease urine output
Negligence Law suit (SATA) failure to place the pt in fall risk
failure to report to the HCP change in health
status of pt.
failure to observe confidentiality/privacy of pts.
First pt. to escort to private room TB (Airborne)
Cardiac Tamponade (mgt) Pericardiocentesis – to remove the fluids
Alzheimers 4As (meaning) – Amnesia, Alogia, Aphasia and
Apraxia (sometimes Anomia)
PROM 1 cm. dilated (essential to check) Temp q2hrs/FHT q1.5hrs
Ramipril (SE) Hypotension
Anthrax (DOC) Ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline, Vancomycin
Pertussis (DOC) Erythromycin
Lyme’s disease (meds not included) Acyclovir (Lymes is antibiotics not antivirals)
Proctosigmoidoscopy (negative) Positioning during procedure
Suspected child abuse 7y/o 3rd degree burn with scar on the ankle
Suspected child abuse with burn Treat the burn first before talking privately (to
Varicella Zoster (prevents) Shingles, do not choose Chikenpox!!!
Seasonal Affective Disorder (mgt) Light therapy
Multidisciplinary Stroke
Cohorting Salmonella and C-diff/Hepa B and Hepa D
Hepa C (how it infect others) Sharing utensils ??? because this is not fecal
Disorder with increase platelet Polycythemia Vera / Thrombocythemia
Patient died (Jewish) No to Autopsy/stay with the client
Scabies wash clothes and beddings with hot water and
2nd degree wound (dressing) Hydrocolloid
Cane (where to place) Unaffected leg
diverticulosis diet Food with wheat (should be high fiber)
Insulin patch (NFU) I will inject on my abdomen SQ – patch cannot
be injected because it is topical
pt may malala na sakit tas ung family member Veracity
ayaw ipaalam sa patient.. ano po ung nilabag n
principle kay pt
Amphotericin what to check urine output - Nephrotoxic
Mixing of insulin (who will perform) RN – how Regular then NPH
Carbamazepine (indication) Seizure
Tornado (what to do) Remove patient from the windows
Pregnant with bruises Bring to private room
Drugs for pregnant (to question the doctor) Warfarin – WALTSS VIRTIONA
Lithium (ff.up) Increase Sodium intake – should be maintain
Placenta Previa (what to avoid) Avoid internal exams
Doxycycline (what to avoid) Sun exposure
Corticosteroids (long term effect) SATA GOTCHA-B
Pre eclampsia taking MgSo4 (priority to check) Respiration
ECG (needs pacemaker)

Sinus Brady
Nasoduodenal tube insertion (position) Semi fowlers 30 degrees
Chlamydia (DOC) Azythro and Erythro
Tanner Stage (11 years old girl) Breast development – breast budding
Lithium (to ff up before giving) Diarrhea – AE
Lasix (given rapidly what will happen) Tinnitus
Contraception to prevent HIV transmission Female condom
SLE with sinus infection-what to avoid I’m tired and I need to finish my work within
the week
Schizophrenia (-) symptoms SATA A’s
All jaundice Hyperbilirubinemia
Home health visit to a month-old baby with Report to child protective service
open blisters on buttocks and legs
Diptheria vaccine (correct) Give 3 shots (DR.HIP SONG)
Lightning (impending) hair will go up/under the trees
Parkinson disease (correct documentation) Shuffling movements
Cryptosporidiosis-correct understanding From contaminated water
Lactose intolerance (non-modifiable) Race (common to Asians)
Post lumbar puncture (position) Supine – to apply pressure and avoid bleeding
Post iliac crest bone marrow biopsy (position) Prone during, supine after
CT tube drainage (what to report) 150ml bright red drainage – should be dark
STATINS (AE) Muscle injury, Muscle weakness, leg weakness,
leg pain, Rhabdomyolysis
Colostomy (what to report) Cramps more than 2 hours, vomiting pushing
up contents
Oxybutinin (indication) Overactive bladder WOF: dryness
HIV with Pneumocytis PN Droplet
Post Sphinctorotomy care (SATA) Repair of anal fissure to avoid pain, pressure
and bleeding
Factitious D/O Deceiving others by appearing sick/using other
members of the family (mgt:legal report)

All choices are correct 😊

WD-40 inhalant spray sn&sx (SATA)

Arterial line care (SATA) For accurate BP and blood extraction, risk for
infection as well
Peritoneal Dialysis (what to report) Cloudy dialysate
During transfer (how to prevent injury) Body mechanics – ask for help from others
when lifting
Dosimeter (-) Leave inside the room of the pt.
Acute pancreatitis (diagnostic) Amylase, lipase, alcohol
Tanner stage 2 10yrs old Breast development
GBS (affected part) Demyelination sheath/PNS
Bulimia (sn&sx) Russel sign
Disenfranchised grief Brother shot in the store due to theft
Non maleficence (nurse) Nurse alcohol intoxication
Breast Cancer Dimpling
Water seal negative statement continuous bubbling – should be intermittent
or tidaling
1 hour post-delivery may grimace 106 hr Give to mother for skin to skin
Brudzinki’s pic Batok
Kernigs pic Knee
Anhedonia Watching TV before, now not interested
Epoietin Alfa (for what) RBC production
Scarlet Fever (prec) 3 feet distance
ECG Sinus Tachy (first thing to do) Vagal Maneuver

Rotavirus Vaccine (route) Oral

Oral Polio Vaccine (route) Oral
Pneumonic Plague (prec) Standard
15 years old (Dev.Mil) Include in decision making prior surgery
Ventriculostomy Aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid inside the head
Bull’s eye rash (medicine) Antibiotic
Chronic Pancreatitis diet Avoid alcohol and triggers
2 years old safety SATA lock the cabinet
instruct your child that don’t enter the house
if the door is open
lock the guns and firearms
remove the digoxin meds on the table
UAP Delegation Check O2 sat
pregnancy (presumptive sign) Breast enlargement
Controlled meds to check by 2 RNs Alprazolam
tardive dyskinesia mouth and tongue movement, lip smacking
picture bulls eye rash precaution Standard
Herpes zoster vaccine prevents what Shingles
pedia nurse float to ms ward fracture more than 48 hrs
Taking in phase priority Mother
Pt. died (Orthodox) Family members stay at bedside
Glucose-6 phosphatase Protection for immature RBC to be destructed
(for Sickle Cell)
Coloectomy Removal of colon but the stomach will be
connected to small intestine, can still pass
waste but watery
PVT SATA Elevate
Water Seal (what to check) SATA Intermittent bubbling
Air leak
Fluctuation tidaling
3-sided sterile gauze
Priority DVT pt Due heparin
Evidence Based Practice Improve Care of Practice
Vasectomy when to resume sex 2 ejaculation 48hours/ needs to be checked in
the labs first
Hypovolemic Shock (position) T-BURG
TPN (WOF) SATA Hyperglycemia, Infection, Fluid and Electrolytes
Droplet Precaution SATA Surgical Mask, Private Room, 3-6 feet
Neutropenic Precaution Tell to Dietitian not to serve fresh fruits and
Selegiline Used in combination with Levodopa
Parkinson symptoms: Bradykinesia, Pill Rolling
Tremors, Shuffling Gait
Complication of Thoracotomy Pneumothorax
Parkland formula (purpose) fluid resuscitation
Reportable (SATA) sexual abuse
elderly abuse
selling illicit drugs to neighbours
Sex post MI foreplay
Cardiac tamponade manifestation SATA Hypotension, muffled heart sound, distended jv
ventriculectomy decrease cardiomyopathy
9 mons old milestone Pincer grasp
schizophrenia manic structured daily routine and safety
Myasthenia Gravis with low ACTH morning Gives medicine to start ADLs
prio presenting low grade fever anorexia night Airborne
sweats (prec)
mrsa transport cover the wound
Bucks’ traction, peroneal nerve affected (how Nerve conduction velocity, electromyography
to check) test
PVAD removal what sterile to use gauze
Co independencies sign that patient is ready to not covering up the mistake of partner
undergo therapy
negative pressure room
keep door closed

CVP insertion position via IJ Trendeleburg / Supine

Organ Donor (did not let the sex organ to sell) Non maleficence
TB client: 3 negative sputum tests Let the patient wear face mask when
transporting to another place/cleaning the
room with gloves
Ischemic Stroke patient what medication to IV Hypertonic solution
4years old (appropriate to discipline by mother) 20 mins time out/Set limits
C.diff UAP correct response Wash hand and with soap and water
2. Polyuria
3. Cold and clammy
4. Sweating
5. Irritable
What to hold for 48 hrs pt received ct scan biguanide (metformin or glucophage)
Pt history exposure of pesticides and herbicides Parkinsons
MUMPS infection control put mask on the pt if transporting
do not stop abruptly
effective if with increase mood
ZAFIRLUKAST health teaching 1 hr before meal and 2hrs after meal
DIGOXIN (what to check prior) apical pulse/name tag birthday
Multiple Sclerosis SATA Avoid hot temp
Priority is respiratory failure
Prevent contractures
Methamphetamine overdose Seizure
Heroin withdrawal Increased all VS
float nurse from MED-Surg to OB pt 48 hrs post CS
Dehydrated pt removed PVAD (what to do) Put another line
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (labs to WBC
CANCER prec neutropenia precautions
ESRD diet SATA Dec NA and Water, low potassium, inc CHO
Newly delivered baby (why need BF) Uterine contraction
Guthrie test tests for phenylketonuria in newborns—babies
should eat source of protein first
Phototherapy For Seasonal Affective Disorder
Lightning (what to teach) Hide under the trees
Internal radiation on the floor Pick with forceps
GERD diet Avoid triggers, spice, oily, fatty, acidic
Which is false (random) One artery (should be 2 arteries and 1 vein –
brudzinski sign (prec) seizure precaution
eye irrigation Expose conjunctiva and hold by non-dominant
IFC (uncircumcised) Retract foreskin
PEG Warm solution in room temperature
Proper trache care ( what to do first?) Clean the trache or Suction the trache
MS (bath) No to high temp
Triptan (effectiveness) (-) migraine
Opioid toxicity (expected) Pinpoint pupils
COPD diet Low CHO, high CHON and kcal, Vitamins
S1 sound (best heard) Apex
Syphillis (bf diagnosed) ff up. Gf have rashes on hands
Risk for Testicular Ca Cryptorchidism or undescended testes
Priority (random) Pink frothy sputum (pulmonary congestion)
Social worker (delegation) Pt needs shelter

GBS or Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating PNS
Polyradiculoneuropathy (CNS or PNS)
Borderline (regarding suicide) Directly ask “are you planning to commit
UAP (what to ff up) Feeding client with dysphagia
Peak flow meter Exhale forcefully
Incentive Spirometer Hold breath at the end of inspiration and exhale

Decreased CVP (drug) Vasopressin

MRSA with wound dressing Wear gown
ABG of Hyperventilation Respiratory Alkalosis
ABG of Diarrhea Metabolic Acidosis
Macular Degeneration Stay at the client’s side and guide her
Late Deceleration (position) Side lying
2nd stage of labor Delivery of the baby
bulimia nervosa DOC Fluoxetine
Non stress test Non reactive – problem, proceed to stress test
if positive problem – leads to CS
Psych Nurse receives involuntary admission refuse medication
2hrs ago SATA ask for legal counsel
refuse restraints
Baby delivered with blood Pseudomenstruation
Wrong prescription Enoxaparin 40,000 units
Pt taking MAOI drug- avoid tyramine banana and avocados
hepatic encephalopathy DOC Lactulose
Pt with oxygen in the house (the nurse should) petroleum jelly into nares
intact reddened area over the coccyx that does Stage 1
not blanch (what stage)
Oprevelkin (indication) Blood platelet production
Respiratory Distress Syndrome DOC Colfosceril
Drugs for Influenza (not for chronic cough) Benzonatate
Depression and Anxiety Trazadone
Trigeminal Neuralgia (DOC) Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
AIDS complication SATA
UTI DOC Pyridium (change in urine color normal)
NTG (application) 3x with 5 minutes interval
Pancreatitis DOC Meperidine (Demerol)
Clozapine toxicity Blood dyscrasias
Digoxin (labs to check prior) Digitalis and potassium
GERD DOC Aluminum Hydroxide
Filgastrim (indication) White platelet production
Early phase Chickenpox Papules, Vesicles and Crust all together
infant born to an HIV-positive mother DOC zidovudine
Failure to thrive falls below the fifth percentile for weight and
Mechanical soft diet SATA Boiled broccoli
Chocolate pudding
Scambled egg
Hep A Handwashing
Promote developmental motor for 3months let the baby play on the floor
Alzheimer’s safety needs to clarify my son remodel our house and cabinets
Toddler home safety need to clarity health he knows where the gun is but he dont know
teaching where’s the key
One hard stool in a day for infant, health continue breast feeding
Medication safety 3yrs old Lock all medication cabinets
Pt post radical mastectomy use deodorant after healing
Child to receive MMR, proper to check allergy of the child
Neurologic assessment (abnormal in adult) Babinski reflex
1st stage of labor correct documentation pain radiating s back, 4cm dilatation
Toilet training allowing 5-10mins in the toilet
Warfarin-labs PT and INR
Statins (action) Lowers LDL and increase HDL
Infant post circumcision petroleum jelly every after diaper changer
Interdisciplinary conference to initiate 4days hyperbilirubin
For surgery, patient states” i am anxious about I will stay with you until you become calmer”
my surgery”
Home safety health teaching installed bars in the toilet
Cushing’s (CBG) Hyperglycemia
Peripheral arterial dse apply ice pack
3yrs old saying: i can’t sleep i want my ipad Nurse will- accompany the child until child will
Colostomy change needs follow up Empty pouch 1/3 full every 8 hours
difficult swallowing
Speech therapy referral
Alcohol patient encourage the wife to monitor alcohol intake
6yrs old health teaching (cycling) The rider of the bicycle should stay on the flow
of traffic parallel to the cars
correct understanding when patient had MMR after taking MMR, I cannot get pregnant
Crutches SATA included flexion of elbow in measurement
Down with bad, up with good
Phlebostatic axis
Vasectomy when you can say that the client is after 2 tests (-) sperm
Mech vent what to assess for effectivity Tidaling RR
Cohorting (random) Hepa B and D
Float nurse from psych to emergency Pt took extra dose of drug (suicidal)
Spinirolactone positive statement avoid potassium rich foods
Conflict Management (4) Accommodating, Avoiding, Compromising,
Competing, Collaboration
Diet for dysphagia Mechanical
Foot care for DM SATA Apply lotion on dorsal surface of the foot
Wear cotton type of socks
Well-fitted shoes
Vaginal delivery 1 hour (what to report) Soft uterus
Laissez Faire
Patient on Oxygen therapy (what toy) Favorite stuff toy
Taking in phase (vaginal secretions) White
Latex allergy (how to assess) Allergy to banana and avocado
Cardiac cath for 10 years old (correct) Child should rest post op
True labor pain Back to front belly
ALS (pt will expect) Respiratory depression
External radiation (pt will not do) SATA don’t remove markings
clean with soap and water
Proper documentation (chart) Primary physician, diagnosis, meds
MRSA (what to expect door of room) Box of gloves and gown
Heparin HT Do not inject bubbles
Pt will undergo surgery but no consent Call HCP
Preschool will undergo surgery SATA Puppet
role playing
Passive ROM SATA
Bariatric (what nurse will tell to patient)
Prone to CAD and Thromboangitis Obliterans Smoking
Newborn Screening disorders SATA PKU, Hypothy, Galactosemia, Sickle,
UTI with Syphillis (why frequent UTI) Frequent bubble bath
Hypoparathyroidism DOC Calcitriol
Fetal demise Child dies in the womb after 20 weeks
3 Y/O patient during hospitalization Give favorite lego toy
Bipolar DOC Lithium
Wernicke’s Korsakoffs (indication) Confabulation
Varicocele A scrotum akin that
holds the testicle
Warfarin SATA anti coagulant to prevent blood clots
periodic INR
no green leafy
Severe Eclampsia - mgt. SATA anti hypertensive(Hydralazine)
anti convulsant (MgSO4)
Levothyroxine (indication) Hypothyroidism
Addisons (hallmark) Bronze skin
Vitamin K (action) Blood clotting
Seizure prec. SATA safety, turnsides, siderails up, O2, loosen
clothes, NPO
Bleeding prec. SATA heparin therapy, direct pressure
Mongolian spot Fades in 1 year
Dermal Melanocytosis (picture) Avoid sunlight exposure

ACE SE Angioedema
Extended release medication not for NGT
Pt with ESRD-wat labs to look out for WBC
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome SATA Anxiety, shakiness, sweating, vomiting, fast
heart rate
Amniocentesis Correct understanding chorionic villi sampling
Pt with T3 spinal injury - what to do first Elevate HOB
Malignant Hyperthermia. Correct post op extreme temp
understanding priority: muscle rigidity
DOC: Dantrolene Sodium
Wound dehiscence Knee chest position
Stump (when to perform) night
SLE SATA DOC Methotrexate
Bucks traction-WOF peritoneal palsy
Hepatic Encephalopathy (complication) asterixis
Radical neck dissection (affected part) Jawbone to collarbone
Autonomy post-op patient refuse to take a bath
Increase Osmolality, Decrease K
Increase HCT, Increase Na, Decrease Calcium
Patient with Alzheimer masturbates Offer blanket (provide privacy)
Esomeprazole (best taken when) Before meals
Clamydia DOC Azithromycin
Lyme’s disease DOC Ciprofloxacin
Metoprolol SATA Decrease heart rate
Decrease sexual dysfunction
Move slowly can cause dizziness
Can cause depression
Right sided stroke patient when to intervene UAP put the wheelchair in the right while
transferring pt
UAP what to delegate first ambulate post-surgery pt/offer bedpan
dependent patient
who to see first pt for BT hgb 8 g/dL
Long term pt refer to hospital what information Current status
to include
NPH insulin correct understanding store opened insulin at room temperature
SVT SATA Carotid massage
Valsalva maneuver
H.T contraception SATA
Behavioral facility pt for discharge state that Report to Supervisor
the night nurse is asking her to go for a date
80 y.o client statement what prio to ff.up Son is going on vacation, not informed me
Home visit priority
70 year old with Erectile dysfunction, what to Medication taking
post Abdominal Sx stated by the client what to “my heart feels like racing”
home health safety further teaching Fire extinguisher under the kitchen sink
Vardenafil (when to take) 1 hour prior
Iron rich food Shrimp
2 years old car seat Rear facing
Amniocentesis (why) Trisomy
IUD (risk for) Infection
ECT (HT) No anticonvulsant prior
Ethical Committee For realtives saying that they don’t like the
service of the doctor and nurse
Echolalia One…two…one…two…
neurofibromatosis rash cafe au lait spots
appropriate toy for motor devt stage of 3mos fisher price inside the crib of the baby
old baby
doffing correct understanding remove gloves then goggles
Mongolian Spot (other term) congenital dermal melanocytosis
Doxorubicin (action) Stops the growth of cancer cells
Mcburney's point description (location) LRQ of the abdomen (appendicitis), push pain
upon rebound
ECG Atrial Fib (DOC) Digoxin/Amniodarone

Snellen’ Chart (correct understanding) 20/20 is Normal vision

remove eyeglasses and contact lens during the
Herpes Simples prec. Contact
Proper instillation of ear drops to 2y/o child pull pinna down and back
Doxyrubicin Side effect with edema and SOB
Picture of ECG Asytole, patient on DNR with Comfort measures
abnormal K(high), what to do next?

Male psych pt, masturbate while pulling give blanket for privacy
Post kidney transplant (What to report) Blood in the urine
Patient taking furosemide (ECG)

U wave
Patient with shingles 2 months ago and Gabapentin
complaining of neuropathic pain (what to give)
ECG Ventricular tachycardia Valsalva Manuever

ECG Sinus bradycardia (not to give) Verapamil – because this is for Ventricular
Dysrrhytmias same as Diltiazem

omphalocele pre-op. SATA cover with saline gauze, NPO, iv Access for
Terazosin for BPH (HT) advice to move slowly from sitting to standing,
because this medication also cause
informed consent. Nurses role SATA witness
Call dr for concerns about procedure
Assess patient capability to sign the consent
Picture of pressure ulcer with eschar Unstageable

Calcitriol (what to follow up) OTC with Vitamin D supplement – do not take
with vitamin D
Post CS 1 hour ago (what to assess) Uterine fundus
nephrotic syndrome what lab to check Albumin
negative sign schizophrenia blunt affect & anhedonia
for laryngectomy patient stating that he wants misinformation related to operation outcome
to call his child to inform him about his
condition after the procedure. What nursing
patient hears voices that the someone in the explaining that nurses are here to help him, and
hospital is trying to hurt him no one is trying to harm him.
Incident report (medication) the nurse administered meds 4 hours earlier
than scheduled time.
male patient for IFC insertion negative Hold penis at 30 degrees down , should be up
proper transfer of patient found on the floor to use of assistive device
the bed. SATA Ask additional nurses for help
Bed is locked when transferring
patient in Motor vehicle accident. Needs Vomiting, Headache, Sleepiness
further assessment. SATA
risk for pulmonary emboli. SATA Obesity, DVT, Immobility, oral contraceptives
patient with TB. SATA private room, wear N95 mask, Offer surgical
mask to pt
psyche patient shouting, agitated. What to do? Assist patient to other room
pt receiving VINCRISTINE. Negative statement Patient can receive all vaccine.
Family with 10 months old safety (ff up) Stair has gate downstairs but open upstairs
(should be both with gate)
Arthroplasty HT SATA Buy high level toilet
Antibiotic for 1 month
Put abduction pillow (legs)
Arthroplasty (what to follow up) Taking enoxaparin and anticoagulant at the
same time
PVAD Site covered with occlusive dressing
Herpes Zoster (not communicable) If crusted
Patient with Ca had tracheostomy (sign of Bought scarf to cover her neck
Clostridium Difficile SATA wash hand with soap and water
Stethoscope stay in the client’s room
wear gown and gloves
Disease that produces too many platelets Thrombocythemia
Tadalafil correct understanding Report if more than 2 hrs erection
Pt from motor accident. What to do first? Assess neurological status
Child with metallic taste aura phase of seizure
CTT with intermittent bubbling in the water seal Document
chamber what to do
Adolescent, how to assess for STD What do you know about sex?
Informed consent SATA + and - outcome of the preferred operation
complication outcome of preferred operation
duration outcome of the preferred operation
Varicocele definition enlarged vein in scrotum
pic mole on shoulder uneven n irreg borders fam hx of skin cancer
What to ask pt SaTA
regular exposure to sunlight
MG correct understanding something to do with acetylcholine
MS nurse to Psych ward. Which patient to give bipolar with multiple self-inflicted lacerations
Staff educ prevent nosocomial infection hand washing
Toy for 18 months with oxygen Favorite teddy bear
Amniocentesis (position) Supine
Pertussis DOC Macrolide
Hemodialysis patient (priority side effect) Restlessness
Celiac disease diet No BROW – ok for cornflakes and puffed rice
Metabolic syndrome SATA low HDL, high Triglycerides, high FBS
Crutches 3 point gait up with the good, down with the bad
Bioterrorism SATA Plague Yersinia pestis
Anthrax - Bacillus anthracis
Botulism - Clostridium botulinum
Tularemia - Franciscella tularencis
Hemorrhagic (Ebola)
Purpose of BF
facilitate bonding
GERD diet SATA no coffee, carbonated beverages, chocolate;
avoid NSAIDS; low fat, high fiber; limit fluid
intake with meals
Pen G given monitor for 30 mins
Opiod toxicity (antidote) Naloxone
Syphilis what to report Used condom but had oral sex after
Gavage feeding SATA X-ray, residual check, positioning
Blood transfusion SATA Patient identifiers, 2 nurses to check, 2-4 hours
Cystic fibrosis with productive cough Postural drainage
Pancreatitis what to follow up Periumbilical discoloration
GBS (paralysis) Ascending
Levothyroxine for hypothyroid what to ff up bounding pulse
CABG correct understanding Nurse will check the site if + bleeding
Bipolar patient hugged Depressed patient Tell to patient that it is not allowed
advance directives. Negative statement Needs atty and family members to sign for him
DM patient negative statement regarding Give regular insulin now and eat later
Sublimation Channeling of unacceptable feelings into
something acceptable
Prioritization (random) SIADH with hyponatremia
PAD negative statement I will elevate my leg
85 years old hand over SATA current vital signs
current condition
with bedsore on sacral area
advance directive DNR
Pt. for lap chole then changed into open will be on clear liquids for the next 48hrs
surgery correct HT SATA will be on bed rest for 24hrs
longer hospital stay
will expect to take opioid analgesic for pain
Meningitis pt taking Amphotericin B IV what to decreased urine output
Pt with chronic pain attended pain I will still be in pain since I've been taking meds
management: correct understanding of for a very long time.
statement by the pt.
New Mother said that she can no longer do her
activities as before: initial plan

Infusion of PRBC, SATA check crossmatch and blood compatibility with

other nurse
infuse within 30min after getting from blood
infuse for 4hrs
normal saline, keep open rate
secure consent
GBS patient increased risk for developing Depression
Dyspareunia (what to use to avoid pain) KY jelly
Pancreatitis diet low fat, high protein
18 months play parallel play
Hypothyroidism (other term) Myxedema
Addisons SATA Hypoglycemia
Bronze skin
Weight loss
Proper auscultation of lungs-Auscultation of While the patient breathes normally with
Lungs mouth open, auscultate the lungs, making sure
to auscultate the apices and middle and lower
lung fields posteriorly, laterally, and anteriorly
ESRD diet Low purine
Trigeminal neuralgia (pain) severe pain radiates to ear, facial nerve pain
MS (paralysis) descending
picture ng linear rash priority Wash with soap and water and cover with

pt. W/ alzheimer na nasa hospital telling the I am your nurse, and you are in the hospital
nurse “I don’t like to be in this room, because
the ocean is near on my daughter’s room”
What is the best response of the nurse?
Picture shingles priority Private room w/ negative pressure

DIVERTICULITIS SATA Constipation, antibiotic, bowel rest

ECG SVT then pt tell now ok Assess and check vital signs
Mechvent With high pressure alarm what to do Obstruction
Emancipated minor SATA Living alone
Serving in the army
rheumatoid arthritis priority Firm mattress
insulin Withdrawal Clear then cloudy (regular then N)
Epipen here to inject leg
2nd stage of labor Cervical dilatation to expulsion of baby
Pernicious Anemia (vitamin to inject) Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine)
Cystic Fibrosis (DOC) Pancrealipase
Confused pt regarding the procedure in the Call HCP
Old age manifestation color blue is seen as green
Patient with wound MRSA when to intervene Stating family is allowed not to wear gown and
UAP glove if no plan to touch wound
UAP delegation Bathing in bed
ondansetron indication nausea and vomiting
ROM post stroke
9 y/o with sickle cell anemia (what activity) Watch TV (avoid activities high risk for bleeding,
Dehiscence (meaning) "Tearing feeling on the abdomen”
What to assess in Pt during moderate sedation? CBG, Vital signs, LOC, ECG
Adolescent HT Peer to peer interaction
"pril" meds, when to take 1 hr before or 2 hrs after meal
Digoxin (-) chronotropic
vas deferens health teaching infertility when 2 ejaculations
post abdominal surgery with rigidity what to Assess lungs
pain with palpation of gall bladder area cholecystitis
ecchymosis in umbilical area pancreatitis
pain in RLQ, Rebound tenderness in RLQ appendicitis
LLQ pain diverticulitis
CELIAC DISEASE (stool) Steatorrhea (Fatty Stools)
Dysphagia, constipation, oliguria, ataxia
Herbal risk for bleeding Garlic
Patient had epidural anesthesia Distended bladder
Cardiac cath pedia HT Increase OFI
IV pyelogram
SCA (priority) Fluids (if no oxygen)
Fluconazole (what to report) abdominal cramping
Acyclovir (indication for what disease) Varicella (description) itchy rash with small fluid
influenza vaccine SATA (not intranasal route) All except 2 months
schizophrenia positive sata Looseness of association
parotid gland
bulimia Nervosa sata Enamel

floating med surg to ob DVT receiving heparin

Ileostomy (what to report) stool Greenish color with blood
Prostatitis (manifestation) hematuria
Burns (computation) 27%
Pt verbalized “I ate my favorite food tuna and
negligence that you will see in the chart spinach”
documented -heparin plus warfarin
Osteoporosis taking calcium supplement HT Increase OFI
Cushing’s disease (contraindicated mgt) IV Fluids of PNSS
Ketogenic diet Rich in Fat
Bull’s eye rash (what stage) Stage 1 (bull’s eye rash + flu like symptoms)
Patient taking Metformin (labs to report) BUN 26 (only abnormal)
ECG Sinus Tachy cause Fever, Hyperthermia, increase body
T5 injury diaphoretic patient High fowlers position
Post lumbar tap complication Headache
OB with PROM wat order to clarify IE every hour
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy SATA OC, Panic attack, Anxiety
Prils what to report Angioedema, thickening of tongue
Beta blocker”lol” wat to check before giving Heart rate
Digoxin Labs BUN CREA K+
Epiglottitis with drooling and DOB (prepare) Trache set
Sengstaken Blakemore for Esophageal Varices Scissors
Prio (random) sicke cell crisis with hgb of 9
Immunization to hold Mother tell baby has rashes (possible varicella)
9 month old for examination allow child to play with stet
school age pt what play boardgames
impacted stool signs and sx-SATA melena
seepage of liquified stool
pt with explosive personality what to watch out Pt complaining that his magazine was always
for taken by someone
cranial nerve 5 how to assess puff pt cheeks then press
OB 10 cm--what to do allow pt to ambulate within the room
pt on mech vent what will the nurse educate to oral care with chlorhexidine
staff nurse
pt on walker-safe practice walker with affected leg followed by unaffected
reasons to file for Incident report before no consent
procedure SATA pt eat light meal before procedure
Who to report to social worker Elder for hospice care
Blood type (donate) patient’s case – B+ B+, B-, 0+, 0-
Cushing Manifestation SATA Moon face
Lithium Toxicity Headache (due to hyponatremia)
Most Risk Factor for Breast CA Sister with Breast CA
Risk factor ng Coronary Arterial Dse Smoking and Diabetes
Para Influenza Virus what to do: Remove PPE upon goin out to pt’s room
Fluconazole what to report frequent stool, Loose stool 4x
Picture lyme’s disease Flu like symptoms
CN 3, 4 6 test Penlight to nasal…..
Ketorolac (classification) NSAIDS
9 mons devt milestone pick up obj using thumb and point finger
5 yrs old what to report can’t dress himself
Pyloric stenosis explanation to pt narrowing something
bronchopulmonary dysplasia supplemental O2
OB constipation DOC Psyllium
OB nurse to ICU picture of ECG Normal Sinus Rhythm
Herpes Zoster Prio Pain meds
Vit B12 symptom that support the diagnosis Red tongue
Picture of wound (what to give – minerals) Zinc
patient with DOB (position) sitting position
Pt. on betametasone with prednisone (what to Clarify
Addisons dse that support the diagnoses hypotension
Acute Pancreatitis check blood sugar
Vit. B 1 disorder Wernickes Korsakoff
Epiglotittis Mgt prepare for intubation
DNR relatives wants to revive Talk to atty for changes
Major depression nurse needs to intervene Saying thank you to everyone
80 y/o patient deteriorating (what to check) Advance directives
acute pancreatitis (what to report) report + chovstek sign
Mantoux test (nurse need to call back) 9.9 mm induration
Infiltration cool to touch
Old pt. + bruises report
Braden scale SATA Sensory perception
Nutrition, Friction and shear
Atomoxetine (indication) ADHD
Pacemaker (signs of malfunctioning)
G and D 2yrs old Turns doorknob
Elderly with head trauma, what medication to ff Midazolam
Dypiridamole what to instruct patient Avoid dental flossing
Amiloride, correct instruction Avoid using salt substitute
Prio na ophtha prob Flashes of light
Prio psyche Shouting
Prio (random) T6 injury with constipation
SIADH, sign of effective therapy 800 intake, output of 3300ml in one day
Miscarriage at 10weeks, mother is RH- what Rhogam
order to expect?
Postpartum nurse to MS ward 6 hours Post appendectomy
OB: No variables, fhr decreases after peak Give O2
contraction, what to do? (Late deceleration)
OB: 1 day post nsd, what to ff up? Hurrying breastfeeding, removed nipple
Pheochromocytoma Increased HR

Illness related pic Diabetes (Acanthosis nigricans)

Carotid massage (other term) Czermak Hearing test
Renal biopsy (positioning) Pre – supine
During – prone
Post - supine
Bioterrorism precaution Standard
Vagal stimulation SATA Ice chips/ice pack over the face
Pursed lip breathing
Carotid sinus massage
Valsalva maneuver
Dislodged radiation implant on the floor (UAP UAP holding the implant with bare hands
needs further teaching)
Vincristine side effect SATA Anything about neuro, SOB
Colorectal Cancer (predisposing factor) Family history of peptic ulcer
30month old child on spica cast, what wooden blocks and let the mother sing with
activity/toys to give baby nursery rhymes
Cryptosporidiosis cause contaminated water or food
Cryptosporidiosis signs and symptoms SATA Diarrhea, vomiting, weigh loss, fluid volume
Husband of patient with metastatic lung cancer
about patient home management needs for
further teaching
Health teaching for the mother of 11 y/o obese
CTT abnormal findings Bright red blood output in drainage chamber
Regular insulin self-administration correct
understanding SATA
Schizophrenia negative symptom anhedonia and blunt affect
Furosemide rapid IV push adverse effect Ototoxicity/tinnitus
Immersion injury Priority nursing intervention remove clothing
Anorexia Nervosa (root cause) Perfectionism
Bulimia Nervosa Self-induced vomiting
Cushing Syndrome Everything goes up
Phenytoin side effect Gingival hyperplasia
Disenfranchised grief Loss of love one is experienced and cannot be
acknowledged openly or in a large group of
Normal grief DABDA
Anticipatory grief Terminal chronic illness, occur before the loss
of loved one
Dysfunctional grief Martyrs, prolonged emotional instability
Disseminates Intravascular Coagulation risk abruptio placenta, placenta previa or placenta
factor during pregnancy SATA accreta
Disseminates Intravascular Coagulation signs Bleeding and hypoxia
and symptoms
Disseminates Intravascular Coagulation (lab D-dimer
Post op Vasectomy HT Encourage to ejaculate until no more secretions
2x laboratory test revealing zero sperm
15-20 ejaculations at least 2 months
9 months developmental milestone (fine and Pincer grasp, crawling
Coronary Artery Disease risk factors SATA Increase cholesterol levels LDL and triglycerides
Hypovolemic shock SATA Hypotension
Bipolar disorder (food) On the go foods rich in CHO, CHON and fats
TPN complications SATA Infection, hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (position) right sims
UAP to intervene collecting urine output then doing bladder scan
Removal of foley catheter SATA Same procedure, just perform bladder scan
afterwards to check for residual
Iron deficiency anemia (manifestation) Gasping and panting for air pedia
Health teachings for pedia (random) Check temp 45 degrees
Acarbose (action) Inhibits the conversion of glucose on the liver
Endorsement ISBAR
Congestive Heart Failure DOC Digoxin
Dehydration while on treatment (what to 85 ml. of urine output only
Pancreatitis signs and symptom Cullen sign
Metabolic syndrome SATA Abdominal distention
High blood pressure
Impaired FBS
High triglycerides
Anticonvulsant SE Drowsiness
Complicated Vaginal delivery (when to resume 2 months
Peak flow meter (red zone) 50% Needs intervention

Green – 80-100%
Yellow – 50-79%

Haemophilia Joint bleeding / Hemarthrosis

child with haemophilia activity what to Let the child dive from the board pool
intervene SATA Avoid using helmet
obese teenager health teaching Provide motivation and do not deprive
Patient on methotrexate correct understanding Decrease pain and swelling
SATA Slow joint damage and disease progression
Nausea and vomiting side effects
Disaster, patient needs to be discharged to Stable
accommodate other patients
CHF left manifestations SATA Breathing and lung congestions
CHF right manifestations SATA Fluid retention in legs and other parts of the
Bad IV flow SATA
36 mons old, mother concerned the child is not It is normal
playing with others (nurse response)
GCS what to monitor SATA Eye, verbal, motor
moderate sedation what to monitor SATA
Priority (random) Patient with MG difficulty swallowing
Prio Neuro between Parkinsons, MG, MS, GBS MG due to possible choking
Float Med surg to Psych Choose depression
Alzheimers safety SATA Structured environment
Small frequent feedings
Reminisce therapy
Well-lit room, well fitted shoes
Peritoneal dialysis Always sterile technique
WOF for cloudy output
Peritoneal dialysis (preparation) Fill – preparing solutions
Dwell – treatment 30mins-8hours
Drain – output
Kidney damage (sensitive indicator) labs CREA
SLE SATA Dialysis
Butterfly rash/malar rash
Pericarditis (cause) Pericardial friction rub
Hypothyroidism DOC Levothyroxine
Levothyroxine AE Agranulocytosis
WOF: Myxedema coma
Hyperthyroidism DOC PTU (zole)
PTU AE Agranulocytosis
WOF: Thyroid storm – Cardiac arrest
Rheumatoid Arthritis SATA Autoimmune
Common in female elderlies
Swan neck deformity
DOC: DMARD Disease Modifying Drug Anti-
Rheumatic Drug (Methotrexate) and TNF
inhibitors Adalimumab and Infliximab
AIDS HIV SATA Other term is slippery recovery
flu like symptoms
DOC Zidovudine
HIV Awareness
Megace for increasing appetite
ELISA test and western blot
Kernig sign

Displacement Transferring one’s emotional burden or
reaction from one entity to another
Rape victim (what to do) offer clean gown
Nephrotic Syndrome (what is low in Labs) Albumin
Priority random Graves disease restless
Priority random DVT with left leg pain 7/10

Picture Brudzinski sign

88 y/o with meds what to report Furosemide with high dosage 2x a day (risk for
Dialysis (palpation with vibration) Thrill
ask the patient directly in private ask the patient directly in private
Herbal that causes bleeding Garlic
Computation: 2kcal/1ml, need to give 2000kcal 2000-1240= 760
but taken 1240kal already, how many ml/hr 760/2= 380
Warfarin HT Maintain green leafy vegetables
How to palpate thyroid SATA
How to guide a new blind patient
Breastfeeding for others Wet nursing
PAD disease SATA Buerger’s and Raynaud’s
Bipolar diet On the go
Abortion WOF Sepsis
Alzheimers DOC Donepezil, Memantine
Profuse bleeding what to do Report to HCP
OR – what to do if had the wrong incision site Resched or proceed
Pantoprazole (when to give) Before meals
Osteoporosis DOC Biphosphonates (Fosamax)
Urinary Tract Infection Management SATA Avoid bath tub
Increase OFI
Acid Ash Diet
Cotton underwears
Proper perineal hygiene (front to back)
Elderly abuse SATA Safety
Report to Authorities
Physiological needs (nutrition)
Serotonin Syndrome Combination of 2 antidepressants (TCA, SSRI,
Serotonin Syndrome DOC Dantrolene Sodium
15 years old with STD (consent) Call her parents to sign for her
Pedia with UTI and swollen genitals (what to report to authority
Heroin intoxication All downers
Advance directives for new patient SATA can change anytime by pt
pt will sign with his attorney
Lightning (manifestation) the hair will stand up when there is lightning
Atypical meds effect sore throat/fever
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (explanation) It is one of the extrapyramidal symptoms of
taking antipsychotics that can cause
tachycardia, tachypnea, arrythmia,
hyperthermia, stiffness, altered LOC,
hyper/hypotension and excessive sweating
Post op (effect of Fentanyl) Constipation
Priority (random) Post endoscopy under moderate sedation fr
pacu 30mins ago
First to check (random) persistent decrease of BP
Ward pt post endoscopic lit under moderate Clear liquids
sedation with gag reflex positive (hungry) what
to give
Myelogenous Leukemia cohorting SATA pt w/ acute agranulocytosis
pt w/ pharyngitis
pt w/ osteomyelitis
Patient post op 20% food intake (what to ff up Relatives will buy food outside
Second stage of labor Ready to push, crowning

1st – dilatation of cervix
2nd – delivery of baby
3rd – afterbirth, push out placenta
4th – recovery 2 hours after 3rd
Dehiscence (first thing to do) Apply sterile wet gauze on the site
UAP when to intervene to patient with MRSA UAP not wearing gloves
Medicare (people covered) SATA Elderly above 65y/o
65 y/o below with disabilities
Patient with ALS
Patient with Renal disease undergoing dialysis

Across the US
Federally funded
Medicaid (people covered) Low income

Varies for each state

State funded

67 y/o Asian with compact bone problem Ask if already in menopausal

Computation: Oxytocin 6ml
Computation of INPUT Just add
Frovatriptan (indication) Migraine
Symptoms of SIADH (labs) decrease serum osmolality
What vital sign to check to pt with Nephritis BP
How will you know if the mother already Attending church
recovered from loss SATA Giving the clothes of the deceased
What will you dispose in the sharps container Used ampule and syringes
Mammogram what to experience after Slight discomfort on the first 2 hours after the
TSE (when) After warm shower
Paracentesis (what to ask) When last voided
Psyche patient to be discharged and said “I’m Talk to nurse manager
going to have a date with the night nurse”
Medication to follow up (random) 20 meq potassium oral QID
Warfarin (patient wants to shave) Use electric razor
tracheostomy care put gauze under the tracheostomy
asthmatic pt triggers SATA Pet
Burning wood stove
Warfarin needs further teaching SATA straight razor
Diabetes sign of improvement HbA1c 7.5% will go down
Pedia nurse to Surgcal unit Hip Fracture (no further details)
Malignant hyperthemia SATA With muscle contraction
Dantrolene Sodium
Levothyroxine Stop if with hyper signs already
Rotavirus precaution Gown while performing shower and close the
ECG Sinus Tachycardia Vagal Maneuver
Brachytherapy needs further teaching SATA Change led apron in front of patient
Get the lead with barehands
UAP said that dorsimeter will lessen the
PAD with DM HT Do not scratch the insect bite
Manifestation of mild allergy SATA Itchy
Amniocentesis needs further teaching SATA Lithotomy position
Can diagnose GDM
Drink 3L of water

DM type 1 prio 0.9%NaCl

Tanner Stage 2 for 10 years old Breast budding enlarged nipple
Suicidal SATA Gunshot common cause in teenager
Giving personal belongings
Common and successful in male
Cystic Fibrosis- Pedia what to advice to mother Give vitamins
about nutrition
Addisons Disease-Hydrocortisone WOF Shock
Common in pregnancy Anemia
Liver Biopsy - RN when to intervene Other nurse positioned the patient into left side
lying post op (should be right avoid bleeding)
Post Vaginal delivery what to check? Check the FUNDUS (UTERINE ATONY)
CTT what is wrong Water seal continuous bubbling
C.Diff WOF Dehydration
ProctoSigmoidoscopy-PreOp what is not barium enema/rectal supp
Non-Maleficence Report patient chemically impaired
Enceph- Inc Ammonia give Lactulose
Suspected Partner Abuse accompanied by accompany to private room and make a safety
husband what to do? plan.
Measles breakout from camping of student: Report the case to school
Mother what to do SATA: Isolate the child
RN+UAP on duty for blood transfusion what Make sure supplies have enough for BT
should be delegated sa UAP? SATA Get initial VS prior BT and post BT
pt on BT had allergic reaction what to do SATA? Stop the infusion
Stay w/the pt
Check if with PRN Epinephrine and administer
Pt with edematous and heart failure on BED Check the Gluteal & Sacral Area
REST, what to check
Pediatric obese 13 y/o what to tell the child Different diet with the other family members
Continuous TPN what to do? Make sure to change the line every 24hours
Enoxaparin Administration Picture

Post partum delivery- delivered macrosomic Check for vaginal laceration
baby, what to check?
OB post op PRIO Post 24 hour delivery, agitated mother because
baby is not latching
Transferring Patient from ED-WARD what to Diagnosis, HCP Name, Labs
include SATA
Psych patient, he cut himself, what to ask? Are you planning to commit suicide?
SATA When you will do it?
Pt on IV Therapy via flow of gravity what to Pt’s Arm position
check? SATA Level of IVF Stand
Twisted IV Line
DM Foot Care SATA Daily inspection
Can apply LANOLIN Lotion except in the
Late Deceleration-Mngt STOP OXY
Suspect Meningitis what the nurse need to do Isolate the patient
EMR (wrong) SATA Doctor left the computer opened
Nurse checked patient’s data that she
transferred to other wards
Nurse checked medical record of her relative
Negligence SATA failure to place pt in fall risk
failure to document progress of tx and
failure to update kay HCP about changes sa
patients status with complications
failure to observed
Float nurse pedia to ICU (random) Patient with Asthma
Scrotal Exam (when to perform) After warm shower
Appendicitis (sign) +rebound tenderness
Post Hemodialysis (what to follow up) Headache and nausea
Narcolepsy (what to include) SATA Takes 3 naps a day
Patient can drive home
Do not work
Pt. with Borderline regarding bringing coffee at Tell that there is a consequence after bringing
the lounge the coffee
Patient with second degree burn (what to ESR
expect) SATA Elevated Creatinine
Elevated Albumin
6y/o for clean catch urine due to UTI and the Report to authority
nurse saw swelling on the perineal area
Nurse educating parents for appropriate toy for Plastic xylophone
a preschool who is in oxygen therapy
Assessing pregnant patients, who is at greater 2 months ago husband died and now is
risk for post-partum depression? experiencing anxiety
Atrial Fibrillation ECG other DOC Digoxin
Digoxin what to report Apical pulse less than 60
Diabetic Ketoacidosis intervention Fluids- 0.9% Sodium Chloride
Expected sign for anorexia SATA Weight loss of 10%
Distorted body image (thought)
Patient 17 y/o died and mother said it feels like I can assist you when you are ready to see the
a nightmare I can’t believe this happened. body
Nurse response
Patient diagnosed with terminal illness, family Veracity
requested - do not want to tell it to patient
Caring for pt with delution SATA 5 choices but only one is the answer:
Distracting the client with the activity during
Pt went to ER report having headache and Assess neurologic statu
blurred vision, what will you do?
SLE. Common manifestation Butterfly rash
Nurse is removing PPE, which is correct Remove gown first then gloves
Patient on Warfarin, foods to avoid SATA Broccoli, Licorice, purple turnips, swiss chard
Patient of partial colectomy PUD 2 days ago,
weak dizzy and vomiting everytime he eats,
what to tell SATA (regarding food to eat)
12 month old infant is scheduled for MRI,
correct understanding
Cardiac Catheterization SATA Use of contrast dye
Verify allergy to shellfish
Hold biguanides
Apply pressure to site (femoral artery)
Position supine after
Increase OFI to flush out the dye
Multiple Sclerosis SATA Demyelination disease
Descending paralysis, diplopia
Scanning speech, intentional tremors,
nystagmus, baclofen and Flexiril
TB SATA Fever, Anorexia, Night sweats
Airborne, RIPES
Client’s family question a nurse not to tell the What do you think will your child feels if he
client about terminal illness (response) finds out his diagnosis?
Risk for DIC (disseminated Intravascular Septicemia
Client “all nurses here are part of police that I hear you but the nurses here will not harm
will bring me to star wars” response you
Anosognosia Unaware of his diagnosis
Patient on chemotherapy and platelet of Rearrange furniture so hallway will be free from
20,000 SATA clutter
Soft bristle toothbrush
Use electric razor
Private room
Mastitis SATA May experience flu like symptoms
Stabbing pain and painful nipple is the earliest
Case of patient to delegate to UAP 7 years old admitted 4 hour hours ago needing
bathing with Atopic dermatitis
Deep labored breathing and other signs ABG Metabolic Acidosis
Computation dopamine 5mcg/kg/min patient is
82kg, stock is 200mcg/250ml – how many
SLE prio I always feel over fatigue and feel like having a
Popliteal bypass graft (what to watch out) Check for distal pulse
Peritoneal dialysis position Standing, walking, sitting: if occluded check
kinks then side to side
Patient Atrial fibrillation taking warfarin (needs Limit Vitamin K rick food and green leafy
further understanding) vegetables
Addison’s SATA All decrease except *Hyperkalemia and
Laryngotracheobronchitis child SATA Increase bronchial spasm
Increase water intake
Have dyspnea
Patient position taking pulmonary artery Low position (should be supine but not in the
pressure choices)
Francisella tularensis DOC Antibiotic (strep/genta/doxy/cipro)
Carbamazepine indication Seizure
Upon checking the ECG tracing showing
complete PQRS but distant to each other
Sinus bradycardia
Angiogram WOF Urine output
Collection of urine specimen from indwelling If nurse needs to wear sterile gloves
foley catheter
Which statement best describes an antisocial Not following instruction
ACE inhibitor, what to report? Tongue seems to be swollen
Rosuvastatin what to follow up Muscle pain
Quetiapine what to follow up Has fever and fatigue (fever is related to
Furosemide given to patient , what is the
adverse effect (look at the ECG strip)

U wave

When it comes to vital signs, what is common Bradycardia

to elderly
Congenital assessment SATA Phenylketonuria
Raynauds (blood extraction)
Developmental screening
ECG asystole, patient with DNR, what to do Offer comfort measure
Orthodox Judaism (post mortem care) Cover in black, preserve amputated parts
6 day old with cystic fibrosis what nutritional Increase breastmilk with additional formula
food high in protein
What would prompt the nurse to reschedule NPO 12 hours (because this test does not
OGTT? require fasting)
Pre Eclampsia SATA Hemolysis
Elevated liver enzymes
Low platelet count
Pre eclampsia DOC Magnesium sulfate
Chest tube drainage (water seal normal) Intermittent bubbling

Dehydration SATA
Pt with active TB with 3 consecutives negative Provide surgical mask
afb test (what to do if for transport)
Infant suffering from acute bacterial meningitis, UAP not wearing mask during patient care
which to follow up
HIV patient had cryptosporidiosis Contacted by ingesting contaminated water
Blood Transfusion SATA Check blood with other nurse
Infuse in 4 hours
Acute kidney injury what to report 85ml x 3 hours urine output or decrease USG
Craniotomy 12 hours post op with increasing Watch out for hypotension
ICP priority
ECT what to watch out
Lithium what prescription to clarify to HCP Administering loading dose
Picture of wound, how will you position patient Unaffected side
Why will you assign task to UAP To make UAP feel a sense of authority and
Patient diagnose with clostridium defficile, Leave BP apparatus in the hallway
which of the following needs follow up
Client reports her partner is syphilis positive. I have rashes on the palms of my hands
What statement of the client should be
reported to physician
Varicella SATA Private room with negative pressure
tell staff to always close the door
wear N95
Metabolic Syndrome SATA Increased triglyceride
Decreased HDL cholesterol
Increased fasting glucose
Late deceleration SATA Infuse bolus
Left side lying
Give oxygen
Position of patient in checking distended
jugular vein

semi fowlers – 45 degrees

Developmental milestone 5 months Encourage the child to reach the toy (palmar
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Focus on the patient’s thoughts and how it
affects their feelings and behaviors =
consequence and consciousness
Anxious patient what to advised Relaxation technique and deep breathing
Therapy for Depressed patient Reminisce therapy
Position of patient for auscultation of high Left Side lying
pitched murmur

Foot care for diabetic patient SATA Put lotion on the tip of the toes and sole
Cut nails straight across
Bioterrorism correct statement Report child to health department for
suspected smallpox exposure
During morning handover, senior nurse needs Patient is very demanding and uses the call bell
to intervene all the time
Metered dose inhaler health teaching Gargle with water after
Contact precaution Respiratory syncytial virus
Cane SATA Elbow flexion 30 degrees
Level of greater trochanter
6-10 inches antero lateral
Cane on unaffected leg
Rifampicin Drug for TB that causes change in urine color
and other secretions
No contact lens
Isoniazid Drug for TB (prophylactic)
Can cause peripheral neuritis
WOF tingling sensation
Best given with Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Pyrazinamide WOF for hyperuricemia that causes Gout
Ethambutol WOF for Optic neuritis CN2
blurring of vision and visual damage
Streptomycin WOF CN8 damage Ototoxicity
RIPES Liver toxic WOF RUQ pain
Sjogren Syndrome sign and symptoms SATA Dry mouth
Dry eyes
The nurse is teaching ergonomics, what should Valeo back belt
be included
Vaccines given to pregnant pt in 3rd trimester Influenza IM
Carbidopa – Levodopa (random) Should never be stopped abruptly
Postoperative TURP (what to expect in the Change to reddish pink to pink
Priority question which to assess first in the Patient with CBG of 270mg/dl will need insulin
morning administration
Interdisciplinary team (which patient) Patient requiring hospice care
Patient taking Ramipril, which patient requires Patient reports getting dizzy when immediately
ff up standing up
Best way to prevent spread of infection Use antimicrobial soap for handwashing
Highest risk for colorectal Forming of large size stools
Mandatory reporting SATA Abuse and neglect on pedia and elderly
Addisons disease correct statement Avoid stress
Suspected abuse with multiple fractures with Report to authorities
various healing stages
OB pt to assess first 24 weeks AOG complaining lower back pain
Who to call first (random) Patient reports no fetal movement since last
OB nurse assigned to medical surgical ward Patient undergone total abdominal
Medication administration correctly done Change syringe needle with needle filter when
Child pain assessment (toddler) FLACC scale
FLACC SCALE Face Legs Activity Cry Consolability
Evidenced Based Practice Result with the highest rate can be utilized into
Lumbar puncture SATA Supine position
Put pressure after procedure
Ask if patient is taking blood thinners
Consent signed
Early sign of multiple sclerosis Scotoma
Cardiac tamponade SATA Narrowed pulse
Distended neck veins
Patient delivered 10 minutes ago, what is the Expulsion of the placenta
priority after the stage 2 of labor
Nurse taking care of patient with meningocele Positioning the child on prone position with
which of the following shows correct head slightly elevated
Patient with mumps which of the following I will give patient mask when going out of the
shows correct understanding by the nurse room
Patient with c.difficile what the nurse Monitor the patient potassium level
Patient with MRSA which of the following I will wear gown and gloves going inside the
shows correct understanding patient’s room
Patient post right coronary angioplasty, which Patient complains of tingling of the right leg
of the following need follow up
Which of the following can contribute for the Patient always eating fast food every lunch
patient to have colorectal cancer
Patient with femoral catheter needs follow up Ice bag is leaking at my back (bleeding)
HIV patient taking medication (ff up) Make sure that there are no fresh fruits on the
Most important thing to do to avoid Hand washing
nosocomial infection
Phlebitis what to do first Notify the doctor, stop and remove
Ischemia management that requires Aspirin per orem 81 milligrams
verification from the doctor
Rubella precaution Wear mask
Patient need to be seen by audiologist Patient with defective hearing aid
For varicella vaccine, will not be given to Patient with HIV or with increase Hcg
Nicotine dependency teaching (positive Clients with cardiovascular disease has benefit
statement) in using nicotine patch because it does not
affect airway
2 days post op MI (when to have sex or what to Avoid having sex after a large meal
advise) not sure if MCQ or SATA Avoid engaging in foreplay because it will
increase heartrate
Have sex in comfortable position
Can tolerate 2 flights of stairs
Measles precaution Airborne
Psyche patient “help there are snakes on me, I I do not see snakes but this might be
remember seeing these snakes in Brinzo zoo” frightening for you
Displacement Blamed the girl in the parking lot, reason why
she’s late
Which patient is more likely to have dental 8 years old uses Magic mouthwash or patient
carries? with Cerebral Palsy
A family member verbalize “the nurse do not I’d be interested to know what make you feel
take care of my mother very well” that your family member is not being taken
care of
3rd degree pressure ulcer not healing which labs Albumin
to check SATA WBC
Image of decubitus ulcer, what dressing to Hydrogel
Digoxin (+) inotropic – force of contraction
(-) chronotropic –HR
Anthrax DOC Penicillin, Doxy, Cipro
Digoxin what to check first HR in 1 full minute
2 years old with diarrhea, last immunization We should give vaccination right now
was when the child was 6 months, mother “I
postponed immunization because my kid is
always sick, I don’t want her to get sicker” what
Bucks traction complication Inability to dorsiflex the foot
Right sided stroke (what type of exercise) Passive
Patient with Celiac disease diet Grilled steak, baked potato and steamed
Alprazolam, what to include Take with food if with stomach upset
Patient with hypotension, what needs to clarify Patient prescribed with Furosemide and
among the drugs Enalapril
Theracom Fetal demise SATA I feel sorry for your loss
That is so sad
Schizo about nurse will harm the patient I know that you are afraid, but nurses here will
not harm you
All burned patient, prio (random) Face and chest affected area
Pedia patients prio (random) 12 years old diaphoretic
All patients with pain, prio (random) 12 hours hysterectomy, with pain after falling in
the bathroom
Patient in ER, prio (random) Patient is drooling
Bioterrorism (random) Anthrax
Child safety (random) Store gun and ammunition in the cabinet out of
reach of children
Patient taking clozapine, what to check Blood (WBC if with agranulocytosis)
Patient is taking Bumetanide (Bumex) SATA This is potassium K+ (in has 6 choices, avoiding
potassium in the diet is not included as correct,
rest are correct like check I&O and monitor
electrolytes level
Patient taking Etanercept, what to follow up This is for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and has side
effect of sinus infection, in the choices pick pt.
complains of upper respiratory infection
Acute pancreatitis, what labs to check SATA Blood alcohol level
CT scan of the abdomen
Serum Amylase, Lipase
The nurse is caring for a client with Chronic Hemoglobin of 13.7 (this is normal and no need
Kidney Disease who is schedules for Epoetin for Epoetin alfa)
Alfa, which labs to hold and contact HCP
Suspected abuse 6 years old Report right away
Sexually abuse in the ER, what to do? Report to law authorities
COPD best position to breathe Tripod
Child using lots of fluoride, what to instruct the Buy non fluoride toothpaste then let the child
mother use lots of chloride
SLE, drug to expect Corticosteroid
Drug of choice for Anorexia Fluoxetine
IV infusion pump continually alarming after Inform biomedical team
taking the infusion pump out of the room, what
will you do
Family history
Caucasian race
Melanoma picture, risk factors SATA Advanced age
Overexposure to sunlight
DVT, best position Elevate above the level of the heart
Peritoneal dialysis what to report Cloudy dialysate
Alcohol withdrawal signs and symptoms SATA Just pick all that are hyper (because intoxication
is hypo)
Appropriate set up for 3 months old baby Put baby on the floor or put Fischer’s price toy
over the crib
Patient is on anticoagulant therapy; correct Garlic
understanding of herbs should not be taken
while on warfarin
Patient is bleeding with hypovolemic shock Place in modified Trendelenburg
what will you do first?
Where can S1 sound best heard? Apex of the heart
Patient on Tadalafil, which is the correct I should immediately go to the ER if my erection
statement? lasted for 2 hours
Thoracentesis, what to follow up Tell the client that he will feel a gentle pressure
during the procedure
Congestive Heart Failure confirmatory test B-type Natriuretic Peptide >100 (because below
result 100 is normal but more that 100 is considered
Proper way of position the patient in assessing 45 degrees or side lying or high fowlers ***not
loud heart murmur sure
Best position complaining of feeling like there is Bend knees (this is possible dehiscence or
“tearing stitches” evisceration)
ACE inhibitors (labs to check) Potassium (because this drug can increase K+
due to decrease Glomerular Filtration Rate
Betablockers, what to check Bronchoconstriction
Which of the following shows (-) sx of Schizo Pt with blunt affect and anhedonia
Infant to receive MMR, what to ask Anyone pregnant at home?
Chlamydia DOC Azithromycin
Scarlet fever correct intervention Wear surgical mask if within 3 meters
Impetigo SATA Prepare alcohol and handwashing
Wear gown
Clean gloves
Scarlet Fever precaution Droplet
Float MS nurse assigned to Psych Depressed
Health teaching to elderly with functional
Bone Marrow aspiration posterior iliac crest Prone position
SATA Put pressure at the site after needle injection
Check pre and post op laboratories
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s) I may soon develop decubitus ulcer once my
patient’s correct understanding SATA sensation fails
I will be needing gastrostomy tube for nutrition
Arterial Line correct understanding SATA After positioning patient, nurse need to do
levelling to phlebostatic axis
Zeroing and levelling
Assess for capillary refill
First step in quality improvement Selection of QI team
6 year old with DM and had seizure, what to do IV gluconate
Pressure ulcer in service for hospital staff SATA Apply moisture barrier cream to dry skin
Clean perineal area after incontinent episodes
Avoid massaging bony prominences
Place foam padded seat cushions on chairs
Reposition patient every 2 hours
SARS precaution N95 with goggles and gown
Breast cancer need to report Dimpling of lateral aspect of the breast
Metered dose inhaler SATA Inhale and exhale completely
Shake cannister vigorously
Seal lips tightly around the mouth piece

Post renal biopsy, what to report? Pain at the back and shoulder
Shoulder dystocia during delivery what to Should monitor for shoulder injury of infant
expect SATA Newborn at risk for brachial plexus injury
Infant safety (random) Fill the bath-tub with 8 cm water (8-10 cm is
ideal for newborn)
Patient with Lyme’s disease exhibiting heart Will provide IV antibiotics
and brain complications, what to teach
Patient with Alzheimers weight loss of 10% Give finger food that is high in calories
what diet to give (providing finger foods for Alzheimer’s)
Nurse visited the school of kindergarten, after Let them list in a piece of paper the health and
watching Kermit the frog, she needs to provide unhealthy behaviors
health activity, which of the ff
Health teachings to patient with Asthma Provide neilmed neti pot
Newborn safety (random) Make sure the space between the wood fence
is 2.5 inches or 6 meters long
Amphotericin SATA Decreases urine output
Monitor BUN, Crea
Monitor I&O
Nephrotoxic and Ototoxic
Can cause cardiac dysrhythmias
Patient has positive Brudzinski sign, what to Initiate droplet precaution
Parents called the nurse, the child at home has Father had lung transplant (post op,
measles, what to follow up? immunocompromised, pregnant are prone to
acquiring measles)
Pregnant adolescent, at higher risk? Hypertension
Thyroid storm what is priority? Check vital signs and notify the doctor
Serotonin syndrome SATA Tremors
Understaff ER what to do Activate emergency disaster plan
Patient is aggressive what to do Close all doors
When to intervene UAP in taking BP Deflate at 5mmHg/sec and inflate 30mmHg
more from assumed systolic pressure
Disenfranchised grief Brother died due to robbery
Heart failure Right affects other parts of the body and Left
focuses on the lungs
Which of the following is a fluoride free Oragel
Sulfur mustard exposure
IV administration SATA Give IV as piggyback with the primary IV
Give in PICC venous access
Give IM if intravenous is no IV route available
Calcium acetate is used to treat Kidney disease, Hypophosphatemia
what to expect labs
Calcitriol indication Hypoparathyroidism
Prochlorperazine SE Agranulocytosis
Estriol indication
Progestin indication
Mechanical soft diet SATA Banana
Scrambled egg
Chocolate pudding
NGT insertion measurement From the tip of the nose to earlobe to xiphoid
Nurse taking care of patient post colectomy and Position patient into semi fowlers with knees
calls the nurse saying, I feel like there is tearing slightly flexed (due to dehiscence)
on my stomach, which of the following is the
best intervention
3.8 lbs pregnant, too low wight for the entire Encourage to eat more (because they need to
pregnancy increase CHON and caloric intake)
Shingles DOC for pain Gabapentin
Post vaginal delivery 4 hours ago, mother wants Inform patient that some blood discharge post-
to ambulate. Upon assessment, with firm delivery is normal and expected
midline fundus, after standing there is blood on
the floor, what to do
Patient to refer to speech therapist Dysarthria (weak muscle used for speaking)
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) position

Left Sims
Client has history of frequently expose to Parkinsons
herbicides and pesticides, what condition
caused by this exposure
Administering lithium what to follow up Diarrhea (stomach flu)
Found patient unconscious, no pulse and no Give rescue breath via bag valve mask in 2-2.5
breathing inches deep with ration of 30:2
You saw patient lying in the floor SATA Use mechanical lift to lift patient
Have enough person to assist transfer back to
Check patient’s status
Installation of automatic gate/door on garage Keep the garage key remote inside the car
pedia safety
Prio (random) Asthma without wheezing (meaning lung
What to do during an argument with an angry Do not stand up in front of the patient
and aggressive patient SATA Avoid wearing dangling earrings
Speak clearly and firmly, Provide PRN meds
Digoxin function Increases heart contractility (inotropic)
Mandatory reporting SATA My brother won’t let me have eye check-up for
new eyeglasses
Parents abandoning child
How to avoid obesity in children HT Implement calorie deficit
9 years old post ventriculoperitoneal shunt Play board games
Diltiazem what to avoid SATA Lima beans
Cyclosporin drug
Ranitidine drug
Prio shingles (random) Manage pain
7mm light brown in newborn indicative of Café au lait spots
neurofibromastosis (decription not photo)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis, which of the following PNSS 1Lx1hr
prescription will you administer first
Infusion pump is alarming, how will you know if Still alarming even if unplugged
you need to bring or inform maintenance
Medication for Bulimia nervosa Fluoxetine
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (how to position) Neutral
How to resolve conflict Compromising or Collaboration
The patient has foley catheter diagnosed with Document (because the normal urine output in
fluid volume deficit. With 1L urine in 24 hours. 24 hrs is 800-2L)
What to do?
Nurse and Doctor proper communication May I suggest you to prescribe….
regarding patient with fluid retention
Negative statement that needs follow up My son gets money from my wallet when I ma
(verbalization from an elderly) not looking (sign of abuse)
Toddler safety (random) Put gates at the top and bottom of the staircase
3 month old to develop motor skills Put baby on the floor
MRSA correct statement The nurse washes hands using Meyer’s clean
day after caring for patient
Pharma exhibit showing allergy to Penicillin, Ampicillin 500mg (because the patient is allergy
what needs to clarify? to penicillin)
Patient with nephropathy, what need to clarify? Ibuprofen prescription (because this is
Tracheostomy care what to do first? Suction traches (patient first before procedure)
Charge nurse need follow up newly hired
Acute pancreatitis receiving TPN what to report Hyperglycemia
Bleeding AV fistula post dialysis management Apply pressure on the punctured site
Patient on Heparin, what to monitor Monitor the use of enoxaparin
Chest tube, what should be on the bedside Bottle of NSS (sterile gauze with 3 tapes is also
an answer, but not in the choices)
Nilutamide indication Prostate Cancer
Orlistat indication Can also be used for Bulimia
Atmoxetine indication ADHD
Patient to transfer to ICU, how to promote Use ISBAR
continuity of care
Acarbose mechanism of action Delay the digestion of carbs
Patient with highest risk of breast cancer History of breast cancer
CC SATA (no idea what is CC) Use of illegal drugs
OB patient at 8th month and gained 8 kilograms I need to eat more
since pregnancy, patient’s response teaching is
Nurse conducted a home visit to a patient and Refer patient to mental health and inform to
observe that everything is messy (hoarder), hire someone to clean the house
what to do?
How to better assess blood pressure internally Central venous pressure
Infant post circumcision, correct health Yellow exudate is expected or
teachings to parent Apply petroleum every diaper change
MRI for infant, choose wrong statement MRI uses radiation
History of substance abuse with panic disorder, 3 ER visits in a week complaining of backache
which among the following saying that there is
a relapse substance abuse
Taking care of newborn: negative 100ml/kg to run for 24 hours in a 3 day old
infant with depressed fontanels
Post lap cholecystectomy, what to assess first? Pruritus after administration of morphine
Nurse received the shift, who to assess first Exacerbation of MS 4 hours ago and has
Peripheral Artery Disease what to expect Reactive hyperemia
EGD outpatient Side rails up until the patient will be discharged
Nurse assess the client to provide client’s need. Nurses practice guidelines
Nurse’s action best describes as
Prio Vehicular accident (random) Patient with legs almost amputated
Prio needs to gome to accommodate incoming COPD patient with pco2 72, PICC line on
patients from disaster antibiotics on infected leg ulcer
4 years old – Erik Erikson Initiative versus Guilt
Prednisone WOF SATA Hyperglycemia
Weight gain
Glasgow Coma Scale SATA Eye movement
Movement of the extremities
(verbal as well but not in the choices)
Patient with Acute Kidney Injury for CT scan of Monitor urine output
abdomen, what to do
Assessing Alzheimer pt who is admitted to LTC, I plan to visit the church weekly
which statement indicates effective coping?
14 months old not feeding but no signs of Continue normal feeding
malnourishment. What to include in the HT?
GDM which is true? Should be on a specific calorie intake
Organ donation, prohibiting selling of organ Non-Maleficence
(what ethical principle)
Patient for CT Scan with contrast dye Remove any metal object
Child with BMI 39, how will you know if the Motivation to change
child is ready to lose weight
Calcitriol SATA Avoid high Calcium diet
Continue using OTC vitamin D supplement
Elderly pt with spinal injury at C6, what is the Patient stands without assistance
positive statement
Anorexia (random) Limit eating time
Diphenhydramine SE except (random) Insomia
Presumptive sign Breast enlargement
Syringe position to a toddler 4 y/o
Diet for patient with tracheostomy Thick liquid
Modifiable factor that is mostly associated with Hyperlipidimea or Hypertension
Chvostek sign picture, which food best to eat I should eat more spinach and kale

Patient taking lithium, what to avoid dehydration

Auditory hallucination, what to do first Determine what is in the hallucination
Exhibit: patient is taking Furosemide and HR is 60
Atenolol, what to follow up SATA Potassium level is 3.1
Picture of burn (what degree)

3rd degree
Pressure ulcer incorrect management Position patient in high fowlers
Post-partum bleeding correct statement
Patient with dysphagia but husband has CVA, Head tilt forward when swallowing
how to feed the patient by the husband HT
Instrument for Cystic Fibrosis

Flutter valve
Rhytidectomy expected after surgery SATA Swelling and bruising of face for 1-2 weeks
Condition will get worst before it gets better
May cause bruises on neck and chest due to
gravity pulling excess blood downward
Enema position which among the pictures

Hepa B titer If < 5mIU – negative

if >12mIU – protective
To check if you are immune either due to
vaccination or previous infection
Pneumonic plague Bioterrorism (correct Use N95
Ovarian Cancer risk 42 years old and has no children with
prescription of infertility pills
First time pregnant correct understanding Contraction starts at lower abdomen (from
regarding true labor uterus to side to back)
Warfarin teachings Teach common side effects including occasional
gum bleeding and nosebleeds
Client is receiving Magnesium sulfate. which of Seizure precaution (because MgSo4 is
the following prescription from the doctor anticonvulsant)
should the nurse question?
Celiac Disease diet Corn-starch and rice flour
6 years old for ketogenic diet, what food Pork spareribs with boiled spinach
Colon CA risk factors SATA Smoking
High Cholesterol
African American
Father died at 49 with colorectal CA
What to ff up regarding Rh Newborn (-) Rh 2 hours ago, mother is (+) Rh
6 years old expected developmental milestone Can follow commands and complete task
S1 heart sound AV valve
Newborn Screening SATA PKU
Medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase
3 days old baby for circumcision Give sucrose pacifier
The management notice that the number of Inform Quality Improvement team regarding
respiratory depression and complication has the situation
increased for patient using opiods post
operatively, what to do next?
What to avoid in patient with SIADH Desmopressin
Obese adolescent, Cognitive Therapy what to There is nothing I can do about my weight
follow up
Toilet training what are the guidelines Baby can sit, baby can say his needs, child is
physically and mentally prepared
Footcare SATA Check foot with mirror
Wear well fitted shoes
IJ cath insertion position 30 degrees or Trendelenburg
6 months with cystic fibrosis what to teach Pancreatic enzyme
Diaphragmatic breathing SATA Breath in the nose
Avoid using shoulder and chest when inhaling
Client is receiving MgSo4, what to ff up SATA Diminished tendon reflex
Decreased BP
(RR as well but in the question, RR is within
ECT need further instructions Not allowed for pregnant (because ECT is
allowed for pregnant)
Diet to limit patient with ESRD SATA Fluid, Sodium, Potassium
Anorexia Health teachings SATA Weight daily same time
Use same weight device
Encourage food diary
Family teaching about the patient and how to
Ramipril needs follow up I feel dizzy when I stand up quickly (orthostatic
Carbon monoxide description Colorless, inhaled gas
Anthrax related to Bioterrorism signs and Flu like symptoms
symptoms SATA Blisters
Stomach pain with nausea and vomiting
Penicillin 60 days
NGT feeding what to check except Check gastric residual every 6 hours (should be
4 hours)
Rhogam administration 28 weeks pregnant mother, Rh positive
Rhytidectomy what to follow up My cheekbones are still swollen
Anorexia Nervosa (effective method) Limit the time of eating
Laryngectomy signs of positive towards body Patient bought and use scarf to put around her
image neck
Sucking chest wound Initiate large bore IV
Catheterization Condom Drainage SATA Typically used by men who have urinary
Less invasive
Treatment for urinary incontinence, overactive
bladder and mobility issues
Less prone to UTI
Bipolar 1, which to follow up I don’t think everyone likes e being around here
Risk factors for Cervical Ca SATA HPV
Long term combined estrogen and
progesterone pills
More than 4 sex partners in the past
Increased platelets disease Thrombocythemia and DVT
Decreased platelets disease ThrombocytoPhenia and Idiopathic
Moderate sedation, expected for the nurse to Suction machine
prepare at bedside SATA Oxygen
IV fluids
Included in output SATA Coffee ground vomitus
Residual from NGT attached to low suction
Drains from a closed drainage of a post op
Laryngectomy signs of positive attitude SATA Wearing colourful scarf
Bringing pen and paper when going out

Cleft lip and Cleft palate priority question of the How will I feed my baby after the procedure
Epipen correct understanding Expect tremors SNS
Doxorubicin side effect to females Connected to pills
Pneumonia vaccine correct understanding Cover 13 types
What medication needs follow up Clozapine for Schizo patient with uncontrolled

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