Class Routines

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Class Rules

While having my field study observation, I’ve got to see different classroom rules
that were posted on one side of the board and on the other rooms, some were
posted on the corner where it is visible for everyone to read. Most classroom
rules were part of a new normal rules such as:
1. Please wear your face mask
1. Please clean your hands with
soap and hand sanitizer.
2. Practice social distancing at
least 2 meters away.
3. Please keep classroom neat
and clean.
4. Avoid touching your eyes,
nose, mouth, and face.
5. Don’t share personal items
with friends.

These classroom rules were mostly observed during the time of pandemic.
In an actual days of classes, I have observed that the teacher is very strict when
it comes to entering and going out of the room. When students enters the room,
they should pass on the “Entrance” door and when they go out, they should also
pass on “Exit” door. Which I find it very helpful when they will go to the mall or a
convenience where entrance and exit passage way matters. Teaching students
beyond the lesson is a great contribution a teacher can give to the students.
What’s more interesting with the implementation of these rules is that the teacher
acted as a role model to students who follows the rules regardless of their

One of the corners I am interested to share too is the Anti-Bullying

Corner. Most of the problems with students is that they might end up in either of
the two: they get bullied or they are the bully. There are bullies that are very
difficult to handle. They may have different reasons behind but the impact of their
actions to the bullied students might caused a trauma for a lifetime of a certain
kid. That is why I find this corner interesting as it will help the bullies to be aware
of what would be the result of their action and where it would take them to. Giving
awareness to students is a way of preventing a certain thing to occur.
Distributing Papers/Materials

During my observation in different classrooms of RRMCES II, I got to see

the same way of distributing papers/materials/modules. It is often a teacher-
centered way of distributing modules. Wherein the teacher personally distributes
the modules to each individual. However, I also consider the idea that the
teacher is conscious that the modules may not be enough to accommodate
everyone in the room. That’s is why he personally distribute the modules to
ensure that everyone will have a copy or the students can share with their
seatmates. But I find this method of distribution a time consuming. Instead of a
teacher distributing the modules, why not the students do the task. I might end up
considering that students are young and they might not be able to do the task as

However, this outlooks of mine changes when I got to observe the higher
level students - the Grade VI classroom to be specific. When the teacher would
like to utilize the books, he would call all the assigned leaders in each row to
distribute the books. Which I find it very helpful and the teacher could save time.
Same manner is applied when distributing modules. This way of distribution is
only effective and applicable when the students is capable of understanding the
tasks given to them and can easily follow instructions. And on the distribution of
test papers, the teacher would count how many students are there in a column
and then let the first person in front to distribute the test papers with the
instruction “get 1 and pass”. This does not only lessen the job of the teacher but
also making it more convenient and can immediately start the test.
Submissions of Papers/Outputs

The most common instructions when it comes to submitting papers are as


 Pass your paper in front at the count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. This way of collecting

papers is very crowded. Wherein, everyone will aim to go in front as fast as
they could as they are considering the counting of time. Doesn’t mind
anymore what they have stepped onto or sometimes their papers doesn’t
have their name at all.

 Pass your paper by row, first person in row, pass the paper at the
center. This way of submission is much convenient as it is a very organize
way of collecting papers wherein students are no longer required to stand up.
Instead they will just pass their paper forward to the person in front of them.
However, there are certain student who can’t follow a certain instruction.
When they are told to pass their paper forward, some still stands up and pass
the paper in front. This usually occurs when the students is unable to
comprehend the instruction given by the teacher.

 Collecting papers according to the scores. The teacher utilizes this

method of submission and collection of papers when the teacher has set the
limit of the passing scores. The teacher will have a call of scores from the
overall points for example, who got 10, 9, 8, and 7. And those who were
unable to reach the passing scores papers will not be accepted. It could be
that they will have no point/points for that certain activity/test/quiz. This way
of submission and collection of papers might have two possible impact to
students: the positive and negative effect. Positive in a way that students will
take it as a motivation to study well next time in order to pass or at least
reach the passing score. On the other hand, the negative impact is that
students might loss interest in trying hard again next time because even if
they tried though got a low score, their effort is not appreciated.
Checking of Attendance

Checking of attendance is one of the classroom routines. This is usually

done in a very quick way where the students simply confirm that they’re in the
room. Some teachers even do this silently, without the students knowing. Others
have a quick call and response system in which their students are required to say
something simple.

 The Use of Class List. The most common and a traditional way of checking
attendance is calling the names of students one-by-one and then the
students would say “present” as their names are called. The only difference
here is, the moment the teacher check the attendance, he would also check
the temperature of students. The teacher care so much about the wellness of
students and considering our country has been affected by pandemic. The
teacher wants to ensure that everyone who enters the room are well and is
ready to learn.

 Logbook. Another way of checking the attendance that I have seen during
my observation is through the logbook. This logbook has a double purpose.
This serves as their gate pass in order for them to enter the room and at the
same time the basis of their attendance. As I interview the teacher regarding
his way of checking the attendance, he mentioned that he utilizes this way of
checking the attendance in order for him to immediately start the class
without consuming much of the time.

Checking of Assignments

There are different ways of checking homework or assignments. Based on

my observation, the ways that are being utilized by the teacher are still the
traditional way. These are as follows but not limited to:

 Looking for volunteer student to answer specific question. The teacher

look for volunteer students to answer a specific question being asked. It
maybe done through written on the board or spoken. Written answering
allows students’ participation and an active flow of learning.

 Exchange paper with the seatmate/s. The teacher let the students
exchange paper with their seatmates. This way of checking opens for
comparisons of answers between their seatmates.

 Self-checking. The teacher may let the students check their own paper for
them to immediately know where they got wrong and it can be corrected
immediately. Doing this might be biased sometimes as other students might
erase their answers and replace it with the correct one in order to get a high
score. That is why the teacher reminded all the students to check their
papers honestly.

 The teacher is the one who checks the paper. When the teacher is in a
hurry for the lesson it might be that they are late, that is why they just let the
students pass their paper or notebook or where the assignment is written and
then they will be the one to check it later. Which is a very teacher-centered
way of checking. This also impedes the students from receiving immediate
feedback of their work.

Class Protocols

Late to Class

 Greet before you enter. The most common protocol when it comes to
late comers is when they are late, they have to say this first, “Good
morning ma’am, good morning classmates, I’m sorry I’m late. May I come
in?”. The students inside will also respond “Yes you may”.
 Have them wait outside. When the late comers arrive at the moment
where flag ceremony already started as they are having their flag
ceremony inside the room, they will have to wait outside and form their
own line until the flag ceremony is done.

Late Submission

 Deduction of points. The teacher still accepts late submission

considering the reasons why they are late to submit. However, there will
be a deduction of points as it will be unfair for those who submitted
ahead of time or on time.
 Deadline is deadline. Some teachers does not allow late submissions.
For them deadline is deadline. No considerations is given regardless of
the reasons behind.


 Excuse letter. When it comes to absences, it is very common even

during our times to have the excuse letter. Through this, the teacher
would be inform about the whereabouts of the student as to where he is
or what happen to him. This would lessen the worries of the teacher
especially if the student is having a continuous absences.
Classroom Methodologies

 ICT INTEGRATION. The advancement of technology in today’s generation

makes learning more varied and happens beyond the traditional reading on
books or written on board. The teacher utilizes ICT in making the discussion
more interesting and let the students see an actual image of something
without imagining things. This is very useful also when talking about history
wherein the teacher can easily play the video and let the students have a
glimpse of the past.

  TRADITIONAL WRITING ON THE BOARD. The traditional method used

by the teacher in teaching or delivering the lesson is through writing on the
board what they were about to discuss. Wherein the students copy what was
written on the board. Finished or unfinished the teacher will start discussing
the lesson by letting students raise their pens and put it down for them to fully
listen to the discussion.


GLOBE. I have observed that students are
more interested to listen when they can visibly
see and touch what the teacher is referring to.
Having a young minds, I find them curious of
things especially related to their lesson as to
how a certain globe and how can it be used to locate different places around
the world.

Classroom Methodologies


more active when a tiktok trend music play or wherever they heard it. That is
why one of my cooperating teachers downloaded a tiktok trend video or
connect to online on YouTube and play the video wherein students will do
what was played on the video. Having a warm-up exercise or motivation
before starting a formal class is very helpful as students will be more
motivated to listen and participate in class discussion.

 ENCOURAGING AUTONOMY. The most amazing part with young learners

is that they are much capable of understanding what it means by
responsibility. During the preliminary activities such as prayer down to
singing of Philippine national anthem, one student is tasked everyday to lead
the prayer in front. If no student will lead, everyone will recite the general
prayer especially the students from lower years. This helps boost the
confidence of students to stand up in front. Early in the morning when their
teacher is not yet around, everyone who comes early helps one another in
cleaning the surroundings. When the time is about to lunch break and their
teacher is not around, they know exactly what they should do. The president
of the class would decide to start cleaning already and then decide to dismiss
everyone. This gives students the freedom to decide on their own especially
when they encounter a scenario like this.

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