Brennan Eros Slides

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Zodiacal Releasing

• Hellenistic astrology only recovered in the past 20 years.

• Lost timing systems called “time-lord” techniques.
– Time the activation of latent potentials in the chart.
• Most powerful one is call zodiacal releasing (ZR).
– From Vettius Valens (2nd century).
• Divides the life into chapters and paragraphs.
– Originally developed for career and health matters.
• I discovered it could also be applied to relationships.
– First tested it in November of 2005.
“Lots” or Arabic Parts
• ZR uses the Arabic Parts as starting points.
• Originally known as “Lots,” like a lottery.
• Lot of Fortune, Lot of Spirit, and Lot of Eros.
• Lots are geometrical calculations.
• Resources:
• “The Theoretical Rationale Underlying the
Seven Hermetic Lots”
• Calculating the Lot of Fortune – YouTube
• Robert Hand, “The Lot or Part of Fortune”
Calculating the Lot of Fortune
• Day: Measure from the Sun to the Moon,
then the same distance from the Ascendant.
• Night: from the Moon to the Sun, then the
same distance from the Ascendant.

• Day: Fortune = Ascendant + Moon – Sun
• Night: Fortune = Ascendant + Sun - Moon
Fortune by Day: from the Sun to the Moon, and then the same distance from the ascendant.
(Easiest way visually is to measure the shortest distance, then go in the same direction from ASC.)
Fortune by Night: from the Moon to the Sun, and then the same distance from the ascendant.
Calculating the Lot of Spirit
• The reverse of the Lot of Fortune.

• Day: Measure from the Moon to the Sun, then the same
distance from the Ascendant.
• Night: from the Sun to the Moon, then the same distance from
the Ascendant.

• Day: Spirit = Ascendant + Sun - Moon
• Night: Spirit = Ascendant + Moon - Sun
Calculating the Lot of Eros
• Variant from Paul of Alexandria (4th century).
• From a lost text by Hermes that had seven planetary Lots.

• Day: Measure from the Lot of Spirit to Venus, then the same
distance from the Ascendant.
• Night: from Venus to the Lot of Spirit, then the same distance
from the Ascendant.

• Day: Eros = Ascendant + Venus – Lot of Spirit
• Night: Eros = Ascendant + Lot of Spirit – Venus
Meaning of Fortune, Spirit, and Eros
• Fortune signifies the body, and that which befalls the
native through chance.
– Circumstances.
– Health, bodily matters.
• Spirit represents the mind, intellect, and results of
personal volition.
– Choices.
– Career, life direction, intellectual focus.
• Eros represents love and the desire to form relationships.
– Paulus: It is associated with Venus, and it is said to signify
appetites (orexis), desires (epithumia) that arise by choice, as
well as friendship and favor (karitos).
– The word eros means “love” or “desire.”
– Eros was also the name of the Greek god of love, sexual desire,
and attraction, and is otherwise known in modern times
through his Roman counterpart, Cupid.
Lots in Software Programs
• Most software programs will calculate Spirit and Fortune.
• Just make sure they reverse the calculation for day & night.
• Free calculations at:
– Extended Chart Selection > chart drawing style > Astrodienst with
Arabic Points.
– They do not calculate Eros correctly at the moment.
– Will probably change in the future, so check the calculation.
• I made a Solar Fire page design that calculates all three lots.
– Google: “Installing Hellenistic Astrology Page Design in Solar Fire”
Calculating ZR from Eros Periods

• Start with sign that contains Lot of Eros.

• Each sign is given certain number of years.
• Count around the signs in zodiacal order.
• When years of one sign complete move to
next on in zodiacal order.
• From the Greek aphesis, where you “release”
a significator from its fixed position.
8 years
20 years Eros

25 years

19 years
30 years

27 years

12 years
15 years
Peak Periods
• Identify the four signs that are angular from the
sign containing the Lot of Fortune.
• 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th signs relative to Fortune.

• Start from Eros, and then count signs until you

reach an angle from Fortune.
• Periods of heightened importance & activity.
• Relative to love and relationships.
Angles From the Lot of Fortune
Prince William
• Born in 1982.
• Starts in 20 year Gemini period.
• Began Cancer for 25 years on March 8, 2002. 2002–2027
• Began dating Kate Middleton on March 27, 2002. 25 years
• Married on April 29, 2011.

20 years
Kurt Cobain
• Born in 1967.
• Starts in 25 year Cancer period. 1967–1991
• Moved into Leo for 19 years on October 12, 1991.
• Leo is 4th sign from Fortune, and thus angular. 25 years
• That night he began his relationship with
Courtney Love, who he later married.

19 years
Paul McCartney
• Born in 1942.
• Started in 25 year Cancer period.
• Began 19 year Leo period February 7, 1967.
• Met Linda McCartney on May 15, 1967
• Married March 12, 1969.
• She died in 1998, after he moved into 20 year Virgo

• Born in 1945.
• Starts out in 19 year Leo period.
• Meets husband and starts relationship with him at
age 18, right towards end of Leo period.
• Been married ever since.

8 years
1945–1964 1964–1984
19 years 20 years
• Born in 1947.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
• Starts in 12 year Sagittarius period.
• Married Maria Shriver April 26, 1986. 1986–2015
• Relationship ended May 9, 2011.
30 years

27 years

12 years
Angular Triads
• Signs can be broken up into four sets of three.
• Grouped around angles from Fortune.
• Each angular triad represents a sequence that
has a beginning, middle, and end.

1. Before angle: anticipatory, preparatory.

2. Angle: heightened activity & importance.
3. After angle: carrying forward previous themes,
and bringing them to completion.
End Begin

Begin End

Middle Middle

End Begin

Begin Middle End

• Relationship with Maria Schriver started in 1977.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
• During Capricorn buildup period.
• Married Maria Shriver April 26, 1986. 1986–2015
• Relationship ended May 9, 2011.

30 years
• Note that the relationship started prior to the
peak, but the marriage happened during the
peak period.
27 years

12 years
Paul McCartney
• Met future wife Linda in 1967.
• Start of 19 year Leo period
• 10th from Fortune.
• Married in 1969.
• Linda died in 1998.
• L1 Virgo
• Married Heather Mills in 2002.
• Separated 2006
• Divorced 2008
• Started dating Nancy Shevell 2007
• Married in 2011.
• L1 Libra & Scorpio

• Born in 1945.
• Starts out in 19 year Leo period.
• Meets husband and starts relationship with him at
age 18, right towards end of Leo period.
• Proposed during Leo period.
• Married early in Virgo period.

• Marriage started during peak period, but married

occurred during succedent period.

8 years
1945–1964 1964–1984
19 years 20 years
Angles from Benefics and Malefics

• Planets aspecting sign describe the quality of a period.

• Planets can aspect empty signs.
• Especially benefics and malefics.
• Focus on hard aspects.
– Conjunction, square, opposition.
• Benefics: positive, easy, preferable.
• Malefics: difficult, challenging, unpreferable.
Most Positive and Negative Planets
Identify Angular Signs from the Most
Positive and Negative Planets
• Leo period has Venus in a night chart.
• Libra period has Jupiter in a night chart, but also
Mars and Saturn squaring from Cancer.
• Husband got in trouble and was thrown in jail

8 years
1945–1964 1964–1984
19 years 20 years
• Relationship with Maria Schriver started in 1977.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
• During Capricorn buildup period.
• Married Maria Shriver April 26, 1986. 1986–2015
• Relationship ended May 9, 2011.

30 years
• Capricorn period is opposite Venus in night chart.
• Aquarius is opposite Saturn by night.
27 years

12 years

Night chart.
Married in 1986.
Maria Shriver
• Virgo, squaring Venus by night.
• Relationship ended May 9, 2011.
• Scorpio, conjunct Saturn by night.
• Within each of the general periods there are also
sub-periods of shorter duration.
• 360 day years.
• 30 day months (1/12 of 360 day year)
• Same interpretive principles apply.
– Angles from Fortunes are peaks, etc.

• Zodiacal releasing programs:

25 Year Cancer Period and Sub-periods
The Loosing of the Bond
• On any sublevel if the cycle comes back to
where it started, it jumps to the opposite sign.
– Rather than starting the cycle over again.
• Called the “loosing of the bond.”
• Only occurs in: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Capricorn and Aquarius.
– Any sign longer than 17 and ½ years.
• Often indicates a major transition in terms of
the person’s love life and relationships.
– Those not in relationships sometimes get into one,
and those in relationships sometimes leave.
Loosing of the Bond Diagram
30 years

27 years
8 years
20 years
Concluding Remarks
• There are many other facets of ZR we didn’t get to.
• My goal was to give you a taste of what this can do.
• For more on ZR check out my 18-hour lecture.
– Mainly on Spirit, but rules largely applicable for Eros.
• It also isn’t the only technique to pay attention to.
– Profections, transits, eclipses are also important.
• Techniques like this demonstrate the value of studying the
ancient astrological traditions.
– By looking back into the past…
• Published February 10, 2017.
• 696 pages
• Covers the history, philosophy, and
techniques of ancient astrology.
• Chapter on zodiacal releasing.
• Read the introduction or order online:
• Comprehensive course on the practice of
ancient astrology.
• Many lectures like this one with hundreds
of additional chart examples.
• Basic, intermediate, and advanced
techniques in video format.
• 90+ hours of lectures.
• 18 hour workshop on zodiacal releasing.
• Comes with a copy of my book.
• Sign up or find out more info at:

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