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Building a Small Group Budget

Rosemary Torres

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD-510: Education Finance

Dr. Mary Murray

May 8, 2024

Building a Small Group Budget

Small Group Budget

Saturday School Summary
BridgePrep Academy

Current Anticipated Income

Source Amount
School Budget $16,000.00
Intensive After-School Weekend Activity Grant $ 6,900.88

Total: $22,900.88
Anticipated Expenses
Line Item Amount
Snacks $ 384.56
Juice Pouches $ 219.56
Lunch $ 1,768.91
Teachers/Director of Program Salaries $ 12,320.00
Curriculum $ 1,000.00
Total: $ 15,693.03

Budget Surplus/Deficit $7,207.85

Small Group Budget

Saturday School Summary
BridgePrep Academy

Proposed Anticipated Income

Source Amount
School Budget $16,000.00
Intensive After-School Weekend Activity Grant $ 6,900.88
Additional Grant Funding $5,000.00

Total: $27,900.88
Anticipated Expenses
Line Item Amount
Snacks $ 384.56
Juice Pouches $ 219.56
Lunch $ 1,768.91
Teachers/Director of Program Salaries $ 12,320.00
Additional Curriculum $ 2,000.00
Curriculum $ 1,000.00
Total: $ 17,693.03

Budget Surplus/Deficit $10,207.85

Rationale for the Budget:

At BridgePrep Academy, our Saturday School program serves as an extension of our

school's mission and vision. Our aim is to enrich the educational experience beyond the

traditional classroom setting, fostering comprehensive student development.

The proposed budget reflects a strategic alignment with these goals. By enhancing our

Saturday School programs, we not only provide supplementary education, but also reinforce the

school's commitment to nurturing the diverse needs of our students. This budget prioritizes

academic excellence, student well-being, and continuous improvement. Increasing funding for

curriculum materials underscores our dedication to academic enrichment. By investing in high-

quality resources, we aim to cater to diverse learning styles and elevate instructional standards.

This not only supports our students' academic journey, but also contributes directly to the

school's objective of promoting continuous school improvement. Allocating resources for

nutritious snacks and meals reflects our commitment to keeping students focused while they

continue learning which will help close the achievement gaps. Research consistently highlights

the link between proper nutrition and academic performance. By offering nourishing

refreshments, we establish an environment conducive to both academic absorption and

comprehensive growth.

In the event that full funding is not secured, we will implement strategic adjustments to

prioritize essential expenditures, such as teacher salaries and core instructional materials. We

will explore alternative funding sources and cost-saving measures, ensuring minimal disruption

to program delivery.

To build organizational capacity and reduce reliance on school funding, we will actively

seek opportunities for resilience and growth. This includes diversifying revenue streams,

pursuing additional grant opportunities, and nurturing collaborations within the community. By

cultivating a culture of innovation and resourcefulness, we aim to ensure the long-term success

and impact of our Saturday School program on student achievement.

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