Senior Carer Interview Questions and Answers - Tracked

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Q1. Tell me about yourself.
Sample Answer:
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed for this Senior Carer position with your
organization today. I am an excellent communicator, knowledgeable, experienced, and committed to
delivering first-class patient care. I have good organizational and supervisory skills and am focused on
implementing changes that improve patient care and service delivery. Over the years, I have worked in
various care positions where the need to work under pressure, respond to emergency situations, and
work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals has been essential. My personal life is stable; I
keep myself fit and active, meaning my energy and concentration levels are always high, and I take
personal responsibility for my professional development. If you hire me as a Senior Carer, I will uphold
the values of your organization, act as a positive role model, and supervise other carers to ensure
excellent patient-centred care is delivered.”

Q2. Why do you want to be a Senior Carer?
Sample Answer:
“I want to be a Senior Carer because of the level of responsibility that comes with the role. I have high
personal and professional standards. As a Senior Carer, I get to influence the people in my team to

deliver the standards of care my employer expects and our patients deserve. I also want to be a Senior
Carer because my strengths are suited to the job description. I enjoy delegating, organizing, prioritising

work and responding to difficult challenges and incidents to achieve a successful outcome.”

Q3. What are the most important skills and qualities needed to be a Senior Carer?
Sample Answer:

“To be a competent Senior Carer, you need exceptional organizing, communication, interpersonal,

leadership, and supervisory skills. You must be good at writing care plans, delivering patient-centered
care, completing patient records, and possessing a thorough working knowledge of policies, rules, and
procedures. You are responsible for everything that happens during your shift, and a heightened
awareness of your surroundings and what is happening within your care team are essential. Other critical
skills and qualities needed to be a Senior Carer include planning and delegating your work, keeping your
knowledge of care work up-to-date, and building positive relationships with carers, patients, patient's
families, and the senior management team.”

Q4. What does person-centred care mean?

Sample Answer:


“Person-centred care is focusing on the needs of the patient. It ensures that a patient’s needs, values,
and preferences are at the centre of all care decisions. Patient-centred care ensures all care provided is
respectful, applicable to the patient, and of a high standard. Evidence suggests that patient-centred care
leads to better patient outcomes and is more cost-effective to the healthcare system.”

Q5. What are your strengths?

Sample Answer:
“My strengths include my healthcare knowledge and experience which I can share with other carers in
my team. I am a strong decision-maker, not afraid to make unpopular decisions that are in the
organizations best interests, and I will run an organized and high-performing team of carers. Other
strengths include the fact I am totally focused on patient-centred care, am flexible meaning I can cover

extra shifts and emergency situations when needed, and I will always support the senior management to
ensure outstanding patient care is delivered consistently.”

Q6. What is your greatest weaknesses? 08

Sample Answer:
“My greatest weakness, which I am taking steps to improve, is the fact I have micromanaged too often in

the past. I believe this was down to the transition of becoming a Senior Carer and a having a genuine

passion for delivering the highest standards of care in my team. To improve on this weakness, I have
been practising giving thorough and clear briefs of what is expected of my team of carers, and then

monitoring their work periodically from afar.”


Q7. Why do you want to work for us as a Senior Carer?


Sample Answer:
“I want to work for you primarily because of your values, insistence on delivering first-class care, and
desire to improve. I have researched your organization and spoken to other carers and healthcare
professionals who have worked here. Everything points to the fact the management team will support me
in my work. Finally, I want to work here because I am seeking long-term employment, and I am confident
I can become an integral, long-term member of your senior care team.”

Q8. Tell me about a time when you worked under pressure.

Sample Answer:


“In my last care work position, two care assistants called in sick at the last minute before our shift was
due to start. To ensure standards of care were maintained, we got together as a team, assessed each
other’s workload, and allocated our sick co-worker's duties evenly and fairly. We agreed that if any of us
finished our work with time to spare, we would offer our assistance to other team members. During the
day, I completed my duties early, so I went to the newest member of our care team and offered my
support which she gladly accepted. By prioritizing the additional work, assessing each other’s strengths,
and supporting each other during the day, we could deliver the same high standards of care as normal.”

Q9. What are the duties and responsibilities of a Senior Carer?

Sample Answer:
“As a Senior Carer, I will supervise a team of care workers and assistants and ensure they focus on

delivering outstanding patient-centred care. I must write patient care plans, provide physical and
emotional support to individuals, complete patient care and medication records, and communicate with

patients' families to keep them updated on progress while their relatives are under our care. Other duties
and responsibilities include attending team meetings to discuss standards of care and future plans,
training and monitoring new staff members, and delegating work to carers to ensure service delivery
standards are maintained.”

Q10. Tell me about a time when you supported change in a healthcare team or organization.
Sample Answer:

“Whilst working in a previous care position, a new manager wanted to make improvements to working
practices, especially in respect of hygiene procedures and ongoing care assistant training. I volunteered

to help create a plan of action for implementing the changes, and I gave her my knowledge of how things

had been run previously, and the areas I felt it could be improved. In addition, I helped implement the
procedures once she had created a new plan of action, and assisted with the delivery of the new hygiene
policy training. I understand implementing and embracing change is an important aspect of being a
Senior Carer, and I believe I would find this enjoyable whilst working towards continuous improvement
and development.”

Q11. Tell me about a time when you delivered quality care.

Sample Answer:
“I was dealing with an elderly patient in a previous healthcare role who was suffering with dementia. A
member of their family was present providing them with support. It was my responsibility to create a


suitable patient care plan and I started off by explaining to both the patient and their family member what
was going to happen during the assessment. Whilst I was talking to the patient, I slowed down my pace
of communication, I showed empathy and understanding, and I gave them ample time to digest the
information that I was providing them with. I also asked the patient several simple questions to make sure
they fully understood everything that was going to happen to them, and that they were comfortable with
the process. A couple of times during the process the family member tried to speak for the patient, but I
wanted the patient to have the time to speak for themselves, so they felt involved in the creation of the
care plan. By being methodical, by following best practice guidelines, and by using effective
communication skills, I was able to create a robust plan that the patient and their family member were
comfortable with.”

Q12. How would you deal with a difficult patient?
Sample Answer:

“I would start by making sure my actions or the way I was communicating was not contributing to the
patient being difficult. I would maintain professionalism; I would follow my training and I would utilise
positive body language and an open body posture throughout . I would speak to the patient positively and
I would ask them questions to try and get to the bottom of the issue. I would let them speak, and I would

listen carefully whilst showing empathy when appropriate. I would try and see things from the patient’s

perspective, and I would seek to provide quality treatment and care once we had established a way
forward. At all times whilst dealing with the patient I would be confident; I would follow operational

guidelines and be in control of the situation.”


Q13. Why should we hire you as a Senior Carer?


Sample Answer:
“I feel the role of a Senior Carer is a perfect match for my experience, interpersonal skills, and career
aspirations. I am someone who very much enjoys my job, and having the ability to positively impact
people’s lives is something that gives me great satisfaction. I will make a competent Senior Carer
because I understand the values of this organization and will work extremely hard to embed them in
everything my team and I do. Finally, besides being confident in my abilities and resilient in difficult
situations, I am an excellent team worker. I have outstanding communication skills and will always act
with honesty, integrity, and loyalty while performing my duties as the Senior Carer.”


Q14. What are the values of this healthcare organization and give me a situation when you
demonstrated one of those values at work?
Sample Answer:
“I have studied the values of this healthcare organization/care home in detail during to ensure I can
uphold and deliver them in everything I do while supervising a team of carers. The values are respect
and dignity, a commitment to quality of care, compassion, improving lives, working together for patients,
and everyone counts. I can remember working in a previous care work position, and I always provided
advice to patients to help them live and lead healthier lives. It was essential to help patients conclude that
by taking responsibility for their health and making better life choices, their health could significantly
improve. While there was not much time to offer this advice, I always found the time to do so where
possible, as even my small contribution to helping improve their lives through wiser lifestyle choices can

reduce the stress the healthcare service is under.”

Q15. A patient under your care is struggling to understand you. How would you adapt your style
of communication?
Sample Answer:
“I would slow down my communication to match the pace they were comfortable with. I would

communicate clearly, concisely and naturally. I would never shout, and I would also take care not to

exaggerate my mouth movements as this could come across as demeaning or condescending. I would
consider using written text if that were to help them understand, and I would show empathy when the

time was right during conversations. Above all, I would be patient, considerate and respectful of their

Q16. How would you manage an underperforming care assistant in your team?
Sample Answer:
“I would first sit down with the carer and ask them questions to get to the root of the problem. Knowledge
is power, and if I understand what is causing them to underperform, I can resolve the situation quickly.
Once I knew the problem, I would implement a coaching and development plan to help them improve. If
something in their personal life is causing the problem, I can create a plan for them based on their needs.
However, if it is solely a performance-related issue, I would implement a plan to help coach and develop
them while showing empathy if required. I would then support them for the required period to ensure they
got back on track with their performance. Whatever the issue the team member had that was making


them underperform, I would get to the bottom of it quickly, support them, show empathy where
appropriate, and put them on track to get back to peak performance as soon as possible.”

Q17. How would you motivate a team of care workers?

Sample Answer:
“I would motivate the team of carers in three ways. First, I would get to know their strengths, weaknesses
and what drives them personally and professionally. Second, I would set goals and targets for each carer
to work towards and outline the standards and expectations of the healthcare organisation/care home.
Finally, I would praise and reward carers when they reached their goals or provided outstanding care.
People respond well to praise whenever it is deserved. If you fail to recognize the achievements your
carers are making, they will soon become demotivated and feel devalued.”

Q18. How would you deal with conflict between two carers?
Sample Answer:
“First, I would speak to both carers to find out what the issue was. There may be a specific reason for the
conflict, and I would encourage them to resolve the issue themselves amicably. While speaking to them, I
would explain how conflict can negatively impact the wider healthcare team, and we could all suffer as a

result. If they could not resolve the conflict themselves, I would provide guidance and instruction on what

I wanted them to do to moving forward.”

Q19. What is the professional duty of candour?


Sample Answer:

“The professional duty of candour means all care professionals must be open, honest and transparent

with their patients and the people under their care. If something goes wrong with their care, they must be
honest, inform them and take positive action to put things right.”

Q20. What is safeguarding?

Sample Answer:
“Safeguarding is a significant part of the nursing and care work as was highlighted in the 2014 Care Act.
It is in relation to the protection of a patient or client's health, wellbeing and human rights, whilst also
keeping them safe from harm, abuse and neglect. Patients and clients who receive care are, more often
than not, vulnerable, and protecting them through a robust framework is imperative. As a Senior Carer, it
would be my responsibility to ensure all staff adhered to the code of conduct surrounding safeguarding


and I would also need to provide/facilitate the appropriate training as and when a training need is

Q21. That’s the end of your Senior Carer interview. Do you have any questions you would like to
Sample Answer:
QUESTION – If I am successful, how could I help you within my role as a Senior Carer to help provide a
better service to your patients?
QUESTION – What are the major challenges you are currently facing within this healthcare
organization/care home?
QUESTION – Can you tell me more about the team of carers I would be responsible for in this role?

How to Use These Interview Questions and Answers:

These interview questions and answers are intended to guide you in your preparation for your job interview.
These questions have been picked by the PassMyInterview team because we believe that they are the
best representative of what you will face in your interview.

The sample answers in this resource are collated from years of experience and research in the recruitment

sector. The answers confidently display the appropriate qualities and competencies that the interviewer
expects from successful candidates.

Read the sample answers carefully, and take note of what skills and competencies they demonstrate. You

might notice that, when the question asks for examples, the answer uses the STAR method to construct

the response:

Situation. Start off your response to the interview question by explaining what the ‘situation’ was
and who was involved.
Task. Once you have detailed the situation, explain what the ‘task’ was, or what needed to be
Action. Now explain what ‘action’ you took, and what action others took. Also explain why you
took this particular course of action.


Result. Explain to the panel what you would do differently if the same situation arose again. It is
good to be reflective at the end of your responses. This demonstrates a level of maturity and it
will also show the panel that you are willing to learn from every experience.

In order to get the best possible results, apply this system to your own examples and experiences in
working life. These sample answers are intended to inspire you to create your own responses to the

PassMyInterview is not responsible for anyone failing any part of any selection process as a result of the
information contained within this resource. PassMyInterview and their authors cannot accept any

responsibility for any errors or omissions within this resource, however caused. No responsibility for loss
or damage occasioned by any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this
publication can be accepted by PassMyInterview.
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