Many Animals Have Become Endangered

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Many animals have become endangered? Why has this happened?

What can the

goverments do to stop this from continuing? Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays, many animal species in the world may soon no longer exist. It is a serious problem
that has been concerned by people. This essay will first indicate causes of this problem, and it
will then offer the best solutions that the government should do to prevent the extinction of
certain animal species.
One of the main cause of this phenomenon is population growth and increasing human needs.
Because it causes environmental pollution and global climate change leads to the destruction of
animal habitats. Moreover, the habitat of animals is narrowed by human encroachment in the
construction of houses, buildings, and cities. Another significant cause is hunting rare animals
issue. Claws and horns are often used as decorations and jewelry and are often sold at very high
prices. Besides that, some rare animals are captured to make expensive dishes for the wealthy.
Authorities should have strict policies to protect endangered animals. Firstly, the government
must prevent deforestation to build projects and encourage people to plant and protect forests.
Thereby helping to increase the habitat area of animals. In addition, it is necessary to control
environmental pollution to avoid causing diseases in animals. Secondly, for animals in danger of
extinction, authorities must try to protect and breed them in wildlife sanctuaries. Besides that,
the government needs to strictly punish those who violate the law prohibiting hunting of wild
In conclusion, the decline of individual of animal species is a serious problem that is a result of
habitat destruction and animal hunting. Therefor, the government needs to have policies to
prevent this from continuing to happen.

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