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No. CIL/C-58/JBQCI-XVI. I. No. 6/118 Dated: 08.12.20?3


Chairman-Cum-Managing Director ECL Sanctoria
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director BCCL Dhanbad
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director CCL Ranchi
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director WCL Nagpur
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director SECL Bilaspur
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director NCL Singrauli
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director MCL Sambalpur
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director CMPDIL Ranchi
Sub: Leave and National./Festival Holidavs (Chapter-Yl of NCWA-XI)
The National Coal Wage Agreement (NCWA)-XI finalized by the JBCCI-XI on 20s May 2023 which
has come into force w.e.f. lst July,202l provides the following in respect of "Leave and
NationaUFestival Ho lidays " under Chapter-Vl : -
6.0 Annual Leave with Wages
6.1.0 Annual leave with wages will continued to be governed by the provisions of the Mines Act,1952.

Note: For the purpose of computation of attendance for determining the eligibility for
earned leave, all authorized paid leave (Sick Leave with full pay, Casual leave with pay,
Maternity leave with pay, Child Care leave days of absence on account of injury arising
out of employment or on account of occupational disease with pay, as well as paid holidays)
would be included. These paid leaves would, however, not earn any leave.

6.2.0 The prevalent practices in respect of Earned Leave, Casual leave and paid festival holidays
will, however, continue if more favourable.
6.3.0 Accumulation of Earned Leave/Annual Leave with Wages.
Accumulation of Eamed Leave/Annual Leave will be 150 days prospectively.

6.4.0 Encashment of Earned Leave.

The workmen willbe entitled to get encashment of eamed leave at the rate of 15 days per
year. On discontinuation of service due to death, retirement, superannuation and Retirement
Before Superannuation Scheme(RBS) /VRS, the balance leave or 150 days whichever is
less will be allowed for encashment.

6.5.0 Sick Leave and Special Leave

6.5.1 The existing provision relating to Sick Leave of l5 days with full pay in a calendar year will continue
Sick leave with full pay will accumulate up to 150 days prospectively.

6.5.2 Grant of Special Leave to employees suffering from Heart disease, TB, Cancer, Leprosy,
Paralysis, Renal diseases, H.l.V. and Brain disease/disorder.
Employees suffering from Heart disease, TB, Cancer, Leprosy and Paralysis, Renal
diseases, H.l.V. and Brain diseases/disorder shall be granted leave at 50% of
emoluments i.e. Basic Pay+VDA+SDA till they are declared fit by the Company
Medical Board or any other hospital to which the cases may be referred for
treatment by the Management duly vetted by the company Medical Board.

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6.6.0 Casual Leave with pay
Employees including trainees shall be entitled to a maximum of I I days of Casual Leave with
wages in a calendar year and those joining during the year shall be allowed to avail it as per OM
No. : CI L/C-5 B/JBccl-X/Standardization of Leaves/2 9 dated I I .02.2021.
6,7,0 Maternity Leave & Child Care Leave
As per the office order no. CILIC-1B1JBCCL1}77 dated 28.04.2016.
6.8.0 Paternity Leave
Paternity leave for 5 days shall be granted to eligible male employees for maximum two children
upto 6 months from the date of delivery of the child based on documentary evidence. In case the
leave is not availed, it will be treated as lapsed.
In terms of the deliberations held in the first meeting of Standardization Committee of JBCCI-XI
held on 14.11.2023 at New Delhi, following modalities were agreed for grant of paternity leave to
male Non-Executive Cadre employees: -
i. Permanent Non-Executive Cadre male employee(s) including trainee(s) may be granted
paternity leave on full pay for a maximum period of 5 days for maximum two deliveries
upto 6 months from the date of delivery of their child(ren), based on documentary
ii. The patemity leave of maximum period of 5 days would be granted in each delivery ofthe
child(ren) of male Non-Executive Cadre employees including trainee(s) for maximum two
iii. In case this leave is not availed within the stipulated time i.e. within 6 months from the
date of delivery of the child(ren), it will be treated as lapsed.

iv. The patemity leave shall be granted in one spell only and it can be availed with any other
leave except CL.

6.9.0 Study Leave

Study leave without pay for a maximum duration of 2 years shall be granted to eligible
employees for completion of Post Graduate Diploma in Management (equivalent to MBA) in
top five Indian Institute of Management (lIM) i.e. IIM Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Calcutta,
Indore, Lucknow.
In terms of the deliberations held in the first meeting of Standardization Committee of JBCCI-
XI held on l4.l 1.2023 at New Delhi, following modalities were agreed for grant of study leave
to Non-Executive Cadre employees: -
i. Only permanent, regular Non-Executive Cadre employees of Cll/Subsidiaries and
SCCL govemed under NCWA who have completed their initial training period after
getting employment, are entitled to avail Study Leave without pay for a maximum
period of two years.
ii. It shall only be granted to such Non-Executives who have obtained permission from
the competent authority before applying for study leave.
iii. The period of leave availed will count for the purpose of next promotion in the grade
as eligibility period. Study Leave would not be debited against the leave account and it
would be counted as service for promotion but not for earning leave.
iv. During the period of study leave, Performance Linked Reward (pLR) for the applicable
financial year shall not be payable.
v. If an employee is unable to complete the course and wishes to join the company during
the period of study leave, (s)he may be permitted to do so with approval of Oiiector
& IR), CIL.
vi. The grant of study leave is at the discretion of the Director (p & IR), C11
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6.10.0 Quarantine Leave
As per the certified standing orders of the establishment.

6.1 1.0 National/Festival Holidays

Employees covered under this agreement shall be entitled to avail 9 (nine) National/Festival
holidays with wages in a calendar year which includes paid holiday specifically for Dr. BR
AmbedakarJayanti i.e. l4n April.

In terms of the deliberations held in the first meeting of Standardization Committee of JBCCI-XI
held on 14.11.2023 at New Delhi, it was agreed that the additional ninth day of national/festival
holiday granted in NCWA-XI, shall exclusively be for Dr. BR Ambedakar's Jayanti i.e. for l4th
April. This will be effective from Calendar Year 2024 onwards.

This is being issued with approval of Director (P & IR), CllAvlember Secretary, JBCCI-XI.

You are requested to take necessary action to implement the above provisions.

General Manager (MP&IR) &
Co,ordinator, JBCCI. XI
Distribution: - @rg,
1. AII Members & Alternate Members of JBCCI-XI
2. Chairman, CIL, Kolkata
3. Chairman-MD, SCCL, P.O.-Kothagudem Collieries, Distt. Khammam, Telangana
4. Director (P & IR)/Director (Tech.)/ Director (BD/Fin.)/ Director (Mktg), CIL, Kolkata.
5. Director (Personnel) - ECL/BCCLICCL/WCL/SECLA{CLIMCL
7. Director (T/CRD) - CMPDIL
8. Director (P/A&W) - SCCL
9. Director (Finance) - SCCL
10. Chief Vigilance Officer - CIL
11. Executive Director (Coordination)/TS to Chairman- CIL, Kolkata.
12. Executive Director/FIOD - IICM
13. Executive Director (Finance) - CIL
14. Executive Director (ICT) - CIL
15. General Manager - NEC
16. HOD/Chief Manager (P/EE) - CIL
17. Head of Department - CIL, New Delhi.
18. Regional Sales Manager - Mumbai

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