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1. Introduction to ACID Properties:
 Briefly introduce the concept of ACID properties in DBMS.
 ACID properties are fundamental concepts in database management
systems (DBMS) that ensure reliability, consistency, and integrity of data.
 Explain the four properties: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
 ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

2. Setup:
 Ensure that MySQL database server is installed and running.

 Connect to the MySQL server using the client software.

3. Atomicity:
 Explain atomicity as the property that ensures that either all operations within a
transaction are completed successfully or none of them are.
 Atomicity ensures that either all operations within a transaction are
completed successfully, or none of them are. This property guarantees
that transactions are indivisible and maintain data integrity.
 Demonstrate atomicity using a simple transaction with multiple SQL statements.
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2);
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = new_value WHERE condition;
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
 Show how a failure in any part of the transaction rolls back all changes made by
the transaction.
4. Consistency:
 Discuss consistency as the property that ensures that the database remains in a
consistent state before and after the transaction.
 Consistency ensures that the database remains in a consistent state
before and after the transaction. It prevents the database from being left in
an incomplete or invalid state.
 Create a scenario where consistency is violated (e.g., violating a foreign key
 INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_id) VALUES (1, 1000);
INSERT INTO customers (customer_id, name) VALUES (1000, 'John
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_id) VALUES (1, 1000);
 Execute a transaction that maintains consistency and demonstrate how the
database remains in a consistent state.
5. Isolation:
 Explain isolation as the property that ensures that the execution of transactions
concurrently yields the same results as if they were executed serially.
 Isolation ensures that the execution of transactions concurrently yields the
same results as if they were executed serially. Different isolation levels in
the level of isolation and concurrency.
 Create multiple sessions or connections to the MySQL server.
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition FOR UPDATE;

UPDATE table_name SET column1 = new_value WHERE condition;
 Execute transactions concurrently that access the same data and demonstrate
isolation levels.
 Discuss different isolation levels supported by MySQL (e.g., READ
 This is the lowest isolation level where transactions can read
uncommitted changes made by other transactions.
 Transactions at this level are susceptible to dirty reads, meaning
they can read data that has been modified but not yet committed by
another transaction.
 MySQL allows this level but doesn't enforce strict isolation.
 In this isolation level, transactions can only read data that has been
committed by other transactions.
 This level prevents dirty reads but still allows non-repeatable reads
and phantom reads (i.e., reading new rows inserted by other
 This is the default isolation level for MySQL.
 In this isolation level, a transaction sees a consistent snapshot of
the database at the beginning of the transaction.
 This prevents non-repeatable reads, meaning if a transaction reads
a row once, it will get the same data if it reads the row again within
the same transaction.
 However, phantom reads are still possible, as new rows can be
inserted by other transactions.
 This is the default isolation level for InnoDB storage engine in
 This is the highest isolation level where transactions are completely
isolated from each other.
 It prevents dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads
by placing strict locks on all data read by a transaction until the
transaction is committed or rolled back.
 This level ensures that concurrent transactions do not interfere with
each other but can lead to increased contention and reduced
6. Durability:
 Describe durability as the property that ensures that once a transaction is
committed, its changes are permanent even in the event of a system failure.
 Durability guarantees that once a transaction is committed, its changes
are permanent, even in the event of a system failure. This property
ensures that committed data remains intact and recoverable.
 Execute a transaction that makes changes to the database and commits the


 Simulate a system failure (e.g., by restarting the MySQL server or terminating the

 Reconnect to the MySQL server and verify that the changes made by the
committed transaction are still present.
7. Conclusion:
 Summarize the key points learned about ACID properties in DBMS.
 ACID properties ensure data safety: They act like the guardians of your
data, making sure it doesn't get lost or corrupted.
 Atomicity keeps transactions all or nothing: It's like a "do or don't do" rule
for database changes, preventing half-done actions.
 Consistency is the data's sense of order: Imagine it as the conductor
making sure all instruments play in harmony.
 Isolation avoids transaction traffic jams: It's like giving each car on the
road its own lane to prevent accidents.
 Durability is like data's superglue: Once committed, changes stick around
even if the system takes a tumble.
 Discuss the importance of ACID properties in ensuring data integrity, reliability,
and consistency.
 ACID properties are essential for maintaining data integrity, reliability, and
consistency in DBMS. Understanding and implementing these properties
correctly are crucial for developing robust and dependable database
 Encourage further exploration and experimentation with ACID properties in
 Experimenting with different scenarios and isolation levels in MySQL can
provide valuable insights into how ACID properties function and their
impact on transaction management.

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