Pshe 5

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1. Explain what should you do with your blinker when you see this sign?



2. Explain what could happen if you don’t listen to this sign?




3. Describe your own safety road! You should explain what should be considered before

going out and when you are at the road!






4. Write what smoking can do to the:

a. Eyes: _________________________________________________________

b. Throat: _______________________________________________________

c. Lungs: ________________________________________________________

d. Teeth: ________________________________________________________

5. Write three reasons why people start smoking!



6. Write three dangerous substances that can be found in the cigarettes. Give a short
explanation about each substance.
a. _____________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________

7. What do you know about corona virus?







When you are done, make a mini-poster to show people good choices in coping with stress.
Hint also in the poster that they should not try coping with stress in a bad way. Use the
whole space.

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