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Appendix 1: Interview Guide

This interview is for the student teachers. It aims to collect information into understanding how women’s
unemployment affected their leaving. This will assist the researcher to gain in depth knowledge on how
unemployed women be assisted in their unemployment to improve their standard of living.

Part A. Structured Questionnaires

Personal Particulars
a. Name: ________________b. Gender: ______ c. Age: _____ d. Marital Status: _______
b. Home Province: ______________ Location: _________
c. Occupation: _______________Qualification: ________________

Part B. Structured/Unstructured Questionnaires

1. Do you employed? Yes/No
If No, please explain why?
2. Have you been to school? Yes/ No
If ‘Yes’, what is your highest level of education?
If ‘No’ why?
3. Why do you participate in the informal sector activities?
4. Now that you are in this situation or out of employment, how does this affected your life?
5. Do you have other plans after this informal sector? Yes/ No
If ‘Yes’, why?
6. Other comments

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Appendix 2: Letter to gate Keeper

26th of November, 2023


Dear Sir,

SUBJECT: Requesting approval to conduct Under Graduate research in your school.

I am a final year (4th year) student undertaking EDRM401 Research Methodology at Innovative University
of Enga. Am writing to seek your approval to conduct my research to the staff and the students of this
institution. The research data I wish to collect from the participants is based on the research project
titled, ______________________________________________________________________________

The participants sampled to involve in this study will be thirty (30) and it will be both staff and students.
There will be ten (10) staff members and twenty (20) pre-service students from year 2, 3 and 4. The ten
staff will be given filled in response while students will be selected for one-on-one interview scheduled on
their free times.

The information obtained from this research will remain confidential and upon successful completion of
my study will provide full report of my researched work.

Your consideration and assistance in this regard is highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Joe Blow

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Appendix 3: Consent form for students

Title of the study

A study into Factors causing Unemployment of Women in the informal sector of Goroka town.

Introduction and purpose

I, Joe Blow, an undergraduate student from the Primary Department at Innovative University of Enga, Irelya
campus. In this program, the course EDRM 401 Research Method requires students to collect data for a
small research project. I would like to invite you to take part in my research study, which concerns A study
into Factors causing Unemployment of Women in the informal sector of Goroka town. The questions will
allow you to explore further on its importance and benefits in improving informal sector to help
unemployed mothers


If you agree to participate in this research, I will conduct an interview with you at a time and location of
your choice. The interview will involve questions about A study into Factors causing Unemployment of
Women in the informal sector of Goroka town. You will be asked open ended questions only. With your
permission I will record and take notes during the interview. Recording is to accurately record the
information you provide and will be used for transcription purposes only. If you choose not to be recorded,
I will take notes instead.

It is hoped that the research will anticipate to explore further on its importance and benefits in improving
quality of the lives of the unemployed women. This will enable SME initiators to such as Elected Open
Member and others to partner and improve the lives of the unemployed women.

The research will not cause any harm to the participants. However, you are free to decline to answer any
questions you don’t wish to or to stop the interview at any time. As with all research, there is a chance that
confidentiality could be compromised. Therefore, I’m taking precaution to minimize this risk.

Your study data will be handled as confidentially as possible. If results of this study are published or
presented, individual names will remain anonymous.

I ………………………………………………………..voluntarily agree to participate in this research study.

Signature of Participant: ______________________ Date: ____/___/24
Signature of researcher: ______________________ Date: ____/___/24

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Appendix 4: Time frame

Year Month Activity/chapters Length of time

 
 
 

 
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 
 
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 

Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Anticipated budget for research project

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Revenue / Sources Expenditure
Materials / Services Cost
Personal – A4 papers 1 rim K 50.00
fortnightly salary Printer – Ink K 160.00
A4 size envelops x 2 K2.00
Small envelops x 30 K15.00
Biros/correctional fluid /other stationaries K50.00
Manila folders x 10 K10.00
Bus fares K50.00
Flex/Rait Cards K200.00
Lunch K100.00
Miscellaneous K300.00
Estimated total amount K937.00

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