Meet 10

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Nama : Jovent Faloynedda Aliim

NIM : 2131730091
Meet 10

In pairs, discuss what makes you feel uninterested in listening to a presentation
1. Lack Of Relevance
2. Monotone Delivery
3. No Clear Purpose
4. Unprepared Speaker
5. Unengaging Visual
6. Too Much Technical Jargon
7. No Opportunity For Interaction
8. Running Over Time
9. Recycled Material
10. Inappropriate Content

1. Lack Of Enthusiasm: G. Personality
2. Monotone Delivery: A. Voice
3. Excessive Reading From Slides: H. Visual Aids
4. Lack Of Relevance: I. Knowledge
5. Poor Organization: F. Clarity
6. Overly Technical Language: I. Knowledge
7. Lengthy Duration: F. Clarity
8. Lack Of Visual Aids: H. Visual Aids
9. Ineffective Storytelling: G. Personality
10. Disengagement With The Audience: C. Gestures/Body Language

Categorize your findings in exercise 5a in to the following categories
Order of Importance for Presentation Skills:

1. g. Personality & Enthusiasm: Captivates the audience and makes the presentation
2. f. Clarity & Conciseness: Ensures the message is understood by the audience.
3. j. Knowledge & Credibility: Establishes trust and allows for addressing questions
4. h. Well-Designed Visual Aids: Enhances understanding and keeps the audience

Medium Importance:
5. a. Voice Helps maintain audience interest.
6. b. Eye Contact: Builds connection with the audience.
7. c. Gestures & Body Language: Adds impact when used confidently and appropriately.

Lower Importance:
8. d. Posture: Professionalism is important, but minor movements are acceptable.
9. e. Physical Appearance: Confidence and stage presence matter more than clothing or


Certainly! Let’s analyze the slide and discuss its issues:

1. Slide Analysis:

 The slide is cluttered with multiple images and text boxes, which can be
overwhelming and distracting.
 There is a lack of clear structure or hierarchy, making it difficult to follow the
flow of information.
 The color scheme and background make the text hard to read.
 The use of different fonts and sizes lacks consistency.

2. Criteria for Effective PowerPoint Slides:

 Simplicity: Use a clean design with minimal text to convey the message
 Readability: Choose contrasting colors for background and text, and a font
size that’s easy to read from a distance.
 Consistency: Maintain consistent styling throughout the presentation.
 Focus: Each slide should focus on one main idea or concept

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