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Thesis · February 2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35752.34566


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5 authors, including:

Allyson Mae Barce

Cavite State University


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MKTG 55A Market Research



Allyson Mae I. Barce

Ihya Casandra E. Baylon
Lorence R. Cabullo Jr.
Carl Rainiel S. Castro
Alayzah C. Torres

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management

Department of Management Studies
Cavite State University – CCAT Campus
Brgy. Tejeros Convention, Rosario, Cavite, Philippines


Evaluating customer satisfaction is crucial for businesses aiming to improve their

products and services. It provides valuable insights into the perceived level of service
performance by users and aids in assessing how effectively they meet customer satisfaction.
This study aimed to evaluate customer satisfaction with Vape Bros in Tejero, General Trias,
Cavite. The researchers utilized a descriptive-correlational research design in conducting this
study. The participants of the study were limited to 100 respondents who are customers of
Vape Bros in Tejero, General Trias, Cavite. The descriptive research design was used to
describe the socioeconomic profile of the respondents and customer satisfaction. Moreover,
the researchers used correlation design to determine the significant relationship between the
respondents' profiles and customer satisfaction. The survey showcased that the majority of the
participants were young adult males. The study also revealed that the majority of participants
were single and college undergraduates. Furthermore, most participants belong to a low-
income class with an average monthly household income of less than Php 10,000.
Additionally, The study found no significant relationship among all socioeconomic profiles of
the participants and customer satisfaction levels on Vape Bros, except in average monthly
household income and customer satisfaction in terms of price. This study recommended that
vape shops, particularly Vape Bros, should consistently enhance their product variety, pricing,
place, and promotion strategies, specifically on improving their physical locations.

Keywords: customer satisfaction, price, product, promotion, vape shops

1. Introduction

Due to the increasing use of cigarettes and their harmful effects, various programs are
being put in place to address this issue. One recent and widely promoted approach to reducing
cigarette smoking involves the use of E-cigarettes, commonly known as vaping. This method
is considered a safer alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes because it lacks tar and
cancer-causing chemicals, potentially making it a healthier option for consuming nicotine
(Teijlingen et al., 2019). People choose electronic cigarettes for various reasons, including as
an alternative to quitting smoking, to explore new flavors, to relieve stress, and to follow a
new smoking trend (Sapru et al., 2020). The rising popularity of vaping is shown by more
people buying e-cigarettes, like at Vape Bros. To keep up with the trend, vape stores must
offer good service and the right products to compete and maintain high customer satisfaction.

MKTG 55A Market Research

Ensuring customer satisfaction is a key objective for businesses. It affects how loyal
customers are and how well the company is seen in the market. As defined by Kim et al.
(2019), customer satisfaction refers to the state in which customers feel content, whether with
the product quality or the overall customer experience. Assessing customer satisfaction is vital
for companies seeking to enhance their products and services, offering valuable insights into
perceived level of service performance by users and helping them gauge how well they are
meeting customer satisfaction (Praseptianet al., 2022). However, some customers may be
disappointed when their purchases do not meet their expectations. In the vape industry, many
businesses fall short in pricing, product quality, convenience of location, and reliability,
leading to customer dissatisfaction. Although there have been several studies on the vaping
industry, there is a lack of in-depth exploration into customer satisfaction with particular
brands. It is crucial to fill this gap to customize marketing strategies and improve overall
customer satisfaction, especially within the Vape Bros. In this competitive environment, a
company's success depends largely on its ability to seize opportunities and identify specific
actions to maximize customer satisfaction (Nainggolan, 2022).

Thus, this study evaluated customer satisfaction with Vape Bros in Tejero, General
Trias, Cavite. Hence, this study may contribute to Vape Bros and relevant enterprises by
providing valuable insights. These insights can pinpoint specific areas that require
improvement and guide businesses in adjusting to enhance the quality of their products,
services, and overall customer experience.

1.1 Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine Customer Satisfaction with Vape Bros in Tejero, General
Trias, Cavite. Specifically, the researchers aimed to:

1. Determine the socioeconomic profile of the participants of the study in terms of:
a. age;
b. sex;
c. civil status;
d. highest educational attainment; and
e. average monthly household income.
2. Determine the satisfaction of the customers of Vape Bros towards the following:
a. product;
b. price;
c. place; and
d. promotion.
3. Determine the significant relationship between the socioeconomic profile of the
customers and their satisfaction; and
4. Craft marketing insight/s in improving the overall satisfaction of customers of Vape

1.2 Conceptual Framework

MKTG 55A Market Research

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of evaluating customer satisfaction towards Vape Bros.

The researcher used a framework shown in Figure 1. The conceptual framework
shows the process for gathering the needed data for the study. Firstly, the socioeconomic
profile of the respondents, including age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, and
average monthly household income, are the factors that influence the satisfaction of customers
towards Vape Bros, such as product, price, place, and promotion. On the other hand,
researchers evaluate the customer's satisfaction level. In addition, the researchers used a
correlational research design to analyze the relationship between the respondents' profiling
and the customers' satisfaction. Finally, the researchers analyzed data, interpretation, and
conclusion and crafted recommendations and marketing insights for the relevant enterprises to
improve their businesses.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Importance of customer satisfaction in a business
Talukder (2018) defines customer satisfaction as the emotional response or sense of
pleasure or disappointment that occurs after a purchase or consumption. Customers play an
important role in a business, acting as a source of profit, a central element in business strategy,
and a brand advocate (Basari, 2020). Hamzah and Shamsudin (2020) also stated that in the
21st century, it's not just about customers buying things; they play a big role in businesses.
Instead of seeing customers only as people who buy things for profit, businesses need to treat
them as partners. Because customers play a crucial role in the success of a business, the
company needs to prioritize ensuring customer satisfaction and fostering brand loyalty.
Furthermore, the significance of customer satisfaction extends to its impact on the financial
position of the organization and its positive influence on the overall public perception.
Consequently, companies must ensure customer satisfaction by providing high-quality
products, positive service experiences, and effective post-purchase solutions. Knowing what
makes customers satisfied helps build lasting relationships with customers and positively
impacts business growth. When customers are satisfied with the key factors identified in the
overall experience provided by services or products, there's a high chance of attracting repeat
visitors (Razak et al., 2019).
2.2. The 4P's of Marketing Strategy

MKTG 55A Market Research

The marketing mix strategy is a business approach to deliver high-quality products to

the intended customers at an affordable price. It involves implementing an efficient
promotional strategy and effective communication with distribution channels, resulting in the
successful creation and sale of products. (Kalogiannidis and Mavratzas, 2020) Companies
should strategize a focused approach on these four elements: Product, Price, Place, and
Promotion. A product encompasses both physical items and services consumers are willing to
pay for. This category includes tangible goods such as furniture, garments, grocery items, and
intangible services. Munggaran and Danial (2020) emphasize that product quality is defined
by the overall features determining its capacity to fulfill both stated and implied needs.
Enhancing purchasing decisions through product quality involves improving various aspects
such as performance, specification, reliability, consistency, longevity, functionality, and
aesthetics. The higher the quality of the products manufactured by the company, the greater
the increase in sales. (Mappesona et al., 2020). Another factor that affects decisions to buy a
product is price. Price is the sum of money required to purchase a specific quantity of
commodities, services, or both. (Suriatmadja and Setiawan, 2021). The choice of a specific
product will be abandoned if the price is reasonable and in line with customer purchasing
power. According to Dyatmika and Firdaus (2022), price is the sole component of the
marketing mix that generates revenue for the business.
Moreover, Dixit et al. (2019) defined place as various marketing activities that seek to
facilitate the distribution of products and services from producers to consumers. An
entrepreneur ought to choose a business location that maximizes resource utilization within a
specified budget or facilitates the attainment of projected goals with minimal expenses. For
businesses providing services at their premises, considerations include: accessibility for
customers to the service location, parking availability, public transportation accessibility,
building quality, and competition all matter (Chrobocinska, 2020). In addition, according to
Fachmi et al. (2021), effective social media promotion, viewed positively by consumers, can
impact purchasing decisions. However, various factors, including the reach of promotions, the
quality of social media updates, and the effectiveness of messages, influence purchasing
decisions. The future of social media in consumer behavior and marketing is crucial, as it has
become a vital communication channel for businesses, organizations, and institutions and is
culturally significant as a primary domain for information sharing. Social media helps us
communicate in a social world in an easy way. It promotes the marketers to use the future of
social media so they can easily reach the target consumers in businesses, etc. (Gil et al., 2019).

2.3. Satisfaction with E-cigarettes (Vape)

An electronic cigarette (e-cig) is a battery-operated nicotine delivery device that
vaporizes e-liquids to produce aerosols. It is a member of the class of devices known as
electronic alternatives to tobacco cigarettes (Protano et al., 2020). According to the research
of Chankaew et al. (2022), a majority of e-cigarette users are male. The motivations for using
e-cigarettes in Thailand vary between genders; females often use them out of curiosity, while
males use them as a smoking cessation aid, believing them to be less harmful than
conventional cigarettes. Males express higher satisfaction with e-cigarettes, citing reduced
cravings for traditional cigarettes, successful cessation, and decreased withdrawal symptoms.
Landry et al. (2019) also stated that the initiation of vaping is commonly associated with the
appeal of flavors, particularly among young adults aged 18–24. This demographic is inclined
to initiate vaping primarily because of flavors, particularly fruit flavors when contrasted with

MKTG 55A Market Research

adults aged 35–44. Individuals who use flavored e-cigarettes, especially those with
mint/menthol and non-tobacco flavors, tend to express higher satisfaction with vaping and
perceive themselves as more addicted to vaping than those who do not use flavored e-
3. Methods and Design
The researchers utilized a descriptive-correlational research design in conducting this
study. The descriptive research design was used to describe the socioeconomic profile of the
respondents and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the researchers used correlation design to
determine the significant relationship between the respondents' profiles and customer
satisfaction. In addition, the researchers utilized a purposive sampling technique by focusing
on selecting individuals from the customer base with equal access and availability. The study
participants were limited to 100 respondents who are customers of Vape Bros in Tejero,
General Trias, Cavite. The researchers collected primary data using a self-constructed survey
questionnaire administered face-to-face. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The
first part was composed of questions related to the socioeconomic profile of respondents, and
the second part is a 5-point Likert scale consisting of 4 categories regarding customer
satisfaction in terms of product, price, place, and promotion. On the other hand, the secondary
data were gathered from several sources, including published online journals, articles, related
literature, and books, to support and strengthen the study. Descriptive statistical tools such as
frequency, percentage distribution, and mean analysis were utilized to assess and analyze the
socioeconomic profile of the participants as well as the level of satisfaction. Moreover, the
Spearman rank correlation was utilized to determine the significant relationship between the
participants' socioeconomic profile and customer satisfaction.

3.2 Ethical Consideration

The researchers provided the target respondents with informed consent before
conducting the survey. The consent form outlined terms and conditions to ensure the
confidentiality and privacy of the respondents' information. Furthermore, the researchers
assured the participants that there was no physical, emotional, or social harm due to their
involvement in the study.

4. Results and Discussion

Table 1 presents the age of the participants. Table 1 shows the frequency and
percentage of participants by age. It reveals that 52% of the participants are young adults or
between the ages of 18 to 24. On the other hand, 5% of the participants are between the ages
of 39 and 45. Generally, the majority of respondents are between the ages of 18 and 24 or are
considered young adults. It was similar to the study of Resano et al. (2022), which stated that
most of the e-cigarette users are young adults. They may smoke or vape at their age due to
curiosity, enjoyment, and social influences from family, friends, and school. These factors
play a role in explaining their tobacco and e-cigarette use to some degree.

Table 1. Socio-economic profile of the participants in terms of age

18 to 24 years old 52 52.00
25 to 31 years old 26 26.00

MKTG 55A Market Research

32 to 38 years old 17 17.00

39 to 45 years old 5 5.00
TOTAL 100 100.00

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage of the participants' socio-economic

profile regarding sex. The table indicates that 75% of the participants were male, and the
number of female participants was 25%. Hence, the majority of the participants are male. This
is supported by the study of Perikleous et al. (2018), which states that the higher rate of
vaping among males could be due to marketing tactics, cultural factors, and current trends.
Typically, males are more likely to try new technology early on and have easier access to
vaping products.

Table 2. Socio-economic profile of the participants in terms of sex

Male 75 75.00
Female 25 25.00
TOTAL 100 100.00

Table 3 shows the percentage and frequency of participants' civil status. It shows that
81% of the participants are single, while 1% cohabitated. It reveals that the majority of
respondents are single. The study of Baeza et al. (2019) supports the study's findings, which
state that most vape users are single. It is revealed that individuals' behaviors, whether single
or married, may undergo changes over time. People often wonder if hobbies and habits, like
vaping, shift after marriage or having children. It is interesting to explore whether individuals
who vape continue this habit after settling down and starting a family.

Table 3. Socio-economic profile of the participants in terms of civil status

Single 81 81.00
Married 18 18.00
Cohabitation 1 1.00
TOTAL 100 100.00

Table 4 presents the socio-economic profile of the participants in terms of highest

educational attainment. It shows that 37.00% of the participants are college undergraduates.
On the other hand, 1.00% of the participants are post-graduate. Generally, the majority of the
participants are college undergraduates. The results are similar to the study of Liu et al. (2019)
in that the majority of the respondents are still students, particularly college students. They
conducted a meta-analysis on the relationship between SES and academic achievement based
on 215,649 students from 78 independent samples in the basic education stage to see if these
findings were discussed from the perspective of governmental policies on education.

MKTG 55A Market Research

Table 4. Socio-economic profile of the participants in terms of highest educational attainment

High School Undergraduate 10 10.00
High School Graduate 29 29.00
College Undergraduate 37 37.00
College Graduate 23 23.00
Post Graduate 1 1.00
TOTAL 100 100.00

Table 5 presents the socio-economic profile of the participants in terms of average

monthly household income. This shows that 39.00% of the participants have an average
monthly income of less than Php 10,957. In comparison, 1.00% of the participants have an
average monthly income of Php 131,484 to Php 219,140, and the other 1.00% of participants
have a monthly income of more than Php 219,140. Generally, the results reveal that most
participants belong to the low-income class, with an average income of less than Php 10,957.
The study's findings contradict the study of Wani (2019), which found that the majority of the
participants belong to the upper-income class with a monthly income of 52,734 rupees or
35,721.08 in Philippine pesos.

Table 5. Socio-economic profile of the participants in terms of average monthly household



Less than Php 10,957 39 39.00
Php 10,957 to Php 21,914 37 37.00
Php 21,914 to Php 43,828 11 11.00
Php 43, 828 to Php 76,669 8 8.00
Php 76,669 to Php 131,484 3 3.00
Php 131,484 to Php 219, 140 1 1.00
Php 219,140 and above 1 1.00
TOTAL 100 100.00

Table 6 presents the customer satisfaction level regarding product, price, place, and
promotion. The product got the highest mean of 4.72, Price and Promotion got the same mean
of 4.56, and Place got the lowest mean of 4.40. The results show that the customers are highly
satisfied. According to the study of Shahrokh et al. (2021), the 4Ps have an impact in terms of
the level of satisfaction of the customers. This is supported by the study of Diputra et al.
(2021), which indicates that higher product quality leads to increased customer satisfaction, as
it significantly influences consumers' desires. In addition, Kartikasari (2019) implies that if
the price of a product or service is reasonable and matches the quality and service provided, it
increases customer satisfaction. With regards to place, Zardi (2019) implies that the business

MKTG 55A Market Research

location influences customer satisfaction. If the location of a particular business is convenient

and accessible, it will lead to an increase in the satisfaction level of a customer. Moreover,
when promotions are appropriate or surpass the product's actual quality, it can also lead to
customer satisfaction towards the business (Sudari et al., 2019).

Table 6. Customer satisfaction level


Product 4.72 Highly Satisfied
Price 4.56 Highly Satisfied
Place 4.40 Highly Satisfied
Promotion 4.56 Highly Satisfied

Table 7 shows the significant relationship between age and the customer satisfaction
level. This reveals that there is no significant relationship between age and customer
satisfaction level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. The study by Singh (2018)
contradicts this study's findings. It mentioned that customer satisfaction with respect to
customers' age has significant differences. The reason behind this could be that the other age
groups are less aware of the latest trend, which makes them less satisfied compared to young

Table 7. Significant relationship between age and customer satisfaction level


Satisfaction Level - 0.150 0.145 Retain the null
Product hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.142 0.148 Retain the null
Price hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.604 0.053 Retain the null
Place hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.085 0.173 Retain the null
Promotion hypothesis

Table 8 shows the significant relationship between sex and the customer satisfaction
level. This reveals that there is no significant relationship between sex and the customer
satisfaction level. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. It is similar to the study of Palyama
and Tomasila (2022). It mentioned that there is no significant relationship between gender and
the level of satisfaction of the customers. In contrast, the study by Bhat and Darzi (2019)
revealed that there is an association between sex and satisfaction levels. Male customers hold
higher expectations than female customers.

Table 8. Significant relationship between sex and customer satisfaction level


MKTG 55A Market Research

Satisfaction Level - 0.406 0.084 Retain the null

Product hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.550 0.061 Retain the null
Price hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.592 0.054 Retain the null
Place hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.465 0.074 Retain the null
Promotion hypothesis

Table 9 shows the significant relationship between civil status and the customer
satisfaction level. This reveals that there is no significant relationship between civil status
and the customer satisfaction level, hence the null hypothesis is accepted. This is supported
by the study of Fernandez and Sruthi (2022), who mentioned that demographic variables like
marital status/civil status do not relate to customer satisfaction. In contrast, the study of
Nguyen and Homolka (2020) mentioned that when all items are considered, gender has a
positive and considerable impact on consumer satisfaction. This lends support to the

Table 9. Significant relationship between civil status and customer satisfaction level


Satisfaction Level - 0.956 -0.006 Retain the null
Product hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.238 0.119 Retain the null
Price hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.439 -0.078 Retain the null
Place hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.329 0.099 Retain the null
Promotion hypothesis

Table 10 shows the significant relationship between educational attainment and the
customer satisfaction. This reveals that there is no significant relationship between
educational attainment and customer satisfaction level in terms of product, price, place, and
promotion with P-values of 0.207, 0.260, 0.389, and 0.192. Hence, the null hypothesis is
accepted. In accordance with the research conducted by Santillan et al. (2023), it was
observed that there is no significant association between educational attainment and the level
of customer satisfaction. Moreover, from the study of Barrera et al. (2022), there is no
significant relationship between educational attainment and customer satisfaction. The
educational attainment of consumers may influence their satisfaction with a product within a
specific industry. Consumers are aware of ways to assess and share their opinions about how
satisfied they are.

MKTG 55A Market Research

Table 10. Significant relationship between highest educational attainment and customer
satisfaction level
Satisfaction Level - 0.207 0.127 Retain the null
Product hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.260 0.114 Retain the null
Price hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.389 0.087 Retain the null
Place hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.192 0.132 Retain the null
Promotion hypothesis

Table 11 shows the significant relationship between household monthly income and
the customer satisfaction level. This reveals that most of the variables under this study have
no significant relationship except between average monthly household income and customer
satisfaction in terms of price. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted in terms of product, place,
and promotion, while the null hypothesis is rejected in terms of price. It shows that in terms
of the price of the product, customers consider their income when purchasing a particular
product (Zhao et al., 2021). According to the study by Handbury (2021), high-income
households tend to be less sensitive to changes in price, while low-income households are
more price-sensitive. In addition, according to Malabarbas (2022), the higher the income, the
higher the impact on the customer's satisfaction level.

Table 11. Significant relationship between average monthly household income and customer
satisfaction level
Satisfaction Level - 0.131 0.152 Retain the null
Product hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.050 0.196 Reject the null
Price hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.473 0.073 Retain the null
Place hypothesis
Satisfaction Level - 0.743 0.033 Retain the null
Promotion hypothesis.

Marketing Insights

The study proposes that vape shops, focusing on establishments like Vape Bros,
should focus on continuous improvement of product, price, and promotion, especially on
physical location. Offering various products to meet customer satisfaction and regularly

MKTG 55A Market Research

updating inventory with new and trendy items can enhance customer engagement.
Additionally, providing educational resources, especially for beginners, is important. Vape
shops can also implement competitive pricing strategies, such as offering bundle deals and
discounts while justifying premium pricing for exclusive products. Owners must ensure that
product availability and pricing meet customer satisfaction, with readily available assistance
for providing detailed product information and maintaining an up-to-date price list.
Expanding the use of platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and others, as well as Facebook is
suggested to broaden the outreach for showcasing products and engaging customers through
vaping-related content and reviews. Focusing on the physical location, especially for Vape
Bros, highlights the significance of selecting a location that is accessible and convenient for
the customers. Recommending the provision of parking space, especially near a highway,
reflects a strategic consideration. Factors such as traffic patterns, visibility, and accessibility
should be carefully assessed.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1. Conclusion

The survey showcased the socioeconomic profile of the customers of Vape Bros in
Tejero, General Trias, Cavite. It showed that the majority of the participants were young adult
males. The study also revealed that the majority of participants were single and college
undergraduates. In addition, most participants have an average monthly household income of
Php 10,000 and below, which belongs to a low-income class. The study revealed that most of
the participants of Vape Bros were highly satisfied in terms of product, price, place, and
There was no significant relationship between all socioeconomic profiles of the
participants and customer satisfaction levels on Vape Bros. Nevertheless, an exception was
observed in the correlation between average monthly household income and customer
satisfaction in terms of pricing.
5.2. Recommendations
The study suggests that vape shops, particularly Vape Bros, should continuously
enhance their product variety, place, and promotion strategies, specifically in improving their
physical locations. Ensuring various products meet customer preferences and regularly
updating inventory with new and trendy items can enhance customer engagement.
Additionally, providing educational resources, especially for beginners, is important. Vape
shops can also adopt competitive pricing strategies, including bundle deals and discounts
while justifying premium pricing for exclusive products. Owners need to ensure that the
product's availability and pricing are satisfactory to customers and that assistance is readily
available in providing product details and an up-to-date price list. Utilizing platforms like
Instagram, TikTok, and others beyond Facebook can broaden the reach of showcasing
products and engaging customers with vaping-related content and reviews. Regarding the
physical location, particularly for Vape Bros, selecting an accessible and convenient location
for the target market is crucial. Providing parking space is recommended for Vape Bros, given
its proximity to a highway. Factors such as traffic flows, visibility, and accessibility should be
The researchers suggest that future researchers seek other variables aside from the 4 Ps
of the marketing mix that they could use to assess and evaluate customer satisfaction.

MKTG 55A Market Research

Furthermore, Future researchers may use this study to support their research by providing
citations. Future researchers may explore additional literature relevant to this study to enhance
the credibility and support of their research. This could involve thoroughly reviewing existing
scholarly works to strengthen the foundation and persuasiveness of their investigations.
Furthermore, this study can be improved and enhanced to be more accurate and precise to the
situation or problem in the future.

6. Acknowledgement

The completion and final result of this research required a lot of guidance and support
from many people who were always there. The researchers' accomplishments result from
competent leadership and assistance, for which they will be eternally grateful.
Nothing has been more important than thanking our almighty God. The researchers
would not have finished and obtained this research paper if they had not provided us with the
strength, knowledge, and wisdom to complete all of this ability to ask and gather more
suggestions, information, and ideas from others.
Researchers sincerely thank their instructor for his invaluable guidance, support, and
mentorship throughout the research process. His expertise, encouragement, and constructive
feedback have been instrumental in shaping this study.
The researchers are also immensely thankful to the participants of this study for their
time, cooperation, and willingness to share their insights, without which this research would
not have been possible. Their valuable contributions have enriched the findings and
implications of this work.
Researchers also express gratitude to their colleagues, friends, and family members for
their unwavering support, understanding, and encouragement during this research journey.
Lastly, researchers acknowledge the countless researchers, scholars, and authors
whose work has been a foundation and inspiration for this study. Their contributions to the
field have significantly influenced our research endeavors.

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