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TITLE : User Depot Module

DEVELOPED BY: CRIS in 28th Sept -2020
TARGET AUDIENCE: Consignee/End User of user department.
OBJECTIVE: To digitize the material management transactions of end use/consignee
hence digitization of complete supply chain of railway stores.


● Admin: Responsible for Creation of organizational hierarchy and users.

● All officers will be assigned the role of admin.
● No officer can be assigned the role of User.
● Users: Group ‘C’ staff will be assigned the role of user. User is responsible to perform
transactions and is liable for Ledgers created by him. No user can be assigned the
role of Admin.
● User Roles :
1) Main Depot User/Main Consignee
2) Sub Depot User/ Sub Consignee
3) Secondary User
4) Look after Arrangement
● Admin as well users need to have DSC (either class- II or Class - III) in order to
perform transactions in UDM and shall be required to be mapped by respective
admins on to the UDM application.
● Users need to be mapped to their respective consignee code.
● Any number of users can be mapped to a single consignee code.
● The first user mapped to a particular consignee code will be treated as Main Depot
User/Main Consignee and subsequent users mapped to the same consignee code will
be treated as Sub Depot User/Sub Consignee.
● No difference between Main depot user and sub depot user. They work independently,
only consignee code is common between them.
● Secondary user will be acting as assistant to Main depot user/Sub depot user
● Look after arrangement role will be acting on behalf of Maindepot User/Sub depot
user/ Secondary user in their absence.
● Secondary user and Look after user can do all the transactions except stock
verification and stock sheet management.
● Eventhoug, the actual work is performed by a secondary user or by a look after user,
the entire ledger responsibility lies on Main depot user/Sub depot user only.
● Any employee assigned any role in UDM shall use his own DSC.
● Using others’ DSC is illegal as per IT Act-2000.
● The Admin are free to create Sections, Posts and assign functions to a particular post.
● Huge functions are available in UDM for users viz.,


⮚ Ledger

⮚ Receipt

⮚ Inspection

⮚ Accountal



⮚ Initial/Warranty Rejection

⮚ Requisition

⮚ Issue

⮚ Gate Pass

⮚ Non-Stock demand

⮚ Returned Stores (DS-8/ S-1539)

⮚ Stock Verification

⮚ Stock Sheet Management

⮚ Joint Inspection

⮚ Pink/White slip

⮚ Stocking Application Form

In addition to the above functions huge reports are available which can be downloaded in
excel format for further interpretation and analysis.

● Users are needed to create new ledgers for each item, as one time activity after
creation of ledger for a particular item user can do transactions on a permanent basis.
● UDM is integrated with other applications viz., - FMM, CMM, WISE, MU, SLAM, IPAS
and GeM. Free flow of data is allowed among these applications.
● All the users shall lodge warranty claims through UDM.
● Amounts equal to warranty claim will be withheld from the suppliers’ bill by any of the
Railways across the IR through CRR (Central Recovery Register), as UDM is
integrated with IPAS, hence better chances of getting replacement supplies or repairs
in case of Warranty Claims.
● Stock position of each and every user is available to the Railway Board on a real time
basis provided the user promptly updates the stock position in UDM.

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