Kisi Kisi Inggris 2024

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KISI- KISI Bahasa Inggris Umum

1. Narrative text
Meaning : a type of text which tells an imaginative story / a modefied real life story through a
sequence of event that happent in the past.
Pupose -> to amuse / entertain the readers.

Type of narrative text:

Fairy tale (peri, penyihir)
Science fiction (pengetahuan & teknologi)
Folklore :
1. Folktale : cerita rakyat dari mulut ke mulut yang penuh dengan khayalan dan
tidak terjadi di dunia nyata (timun mas).
2. Legend : cerita rakyat ttg terbentuknya suatu tempat dan kebenarannya masih
belum bisa dipastikan (danau toba, malin kundang).
3. Myth : cerita takhayul/mitos yg berhubungan dengan budaya atau fenomena
alam. (dewi sri)
Structure :
 Orientation
 Complication
 Resolution
 Coda

Language feature :
 Adverb of time
 Past tense

 Reported speech
 Direct speech (kalimat langsung : ada tanda petik, pake present tenses)
 Indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung : ada tanda “that” pake past tense)
2. Past tense

3. Past perfect

4. moral value

5. Direct & Indirect speech

6. Procedure text : a text that give intructions on how to make / to do something

Sosial function -> to describe how something is make / done through a sewuence of steps

General structure :

 Goal / Heading (Title)

 Materials : Ingredients & tools
 Steps of directions

Language features :

1) Imperative sentences
 Kalimat perintah (simple present & selalu diawali verb, bukan subject)
Example : take out the bread carefully, fry each side for two minutes on the pan
2) Degrees of comparison
3) Technical terms : Istilah teknis adalah kata-kata khusus yang berhubungan dengan topik atau
bidang tertentu.
 "Sauté the onions until golden brown." ( sauté adalah istilah teknis dalam
memasak yang berarti menumis dengan sedikit minyak di atas api sedang).
4) Connective & conjuctions to indicate the sequences in order (adverv of sequence)
 First, second, then, after that, next, finally
5) Second-person voice : Menggunakan kata ganti orang kedua seperti "you" untuk membuat
instruksi lebih langsung dan personal.
 "You need to add two cups of water."
6) Factual language & tone : Menggunakan bahasa yang jelas dan langsung tanpa emosi atau
7) Simple present tense
8) Sometimes use maps, diagram, or photo
Read the following text
Living a Frugal Life: A Step-by-Step Guide
Living a frugal life is about making mindful choices to maximize resources and minimize waste. By
adopting frugal habits, you can save money, reduce your environmental impact, and lead a simpler, more
fulfilling life. Follow these steps to embrace frugality in your daily routine:
Step 1: Budget Planning
Before embarking on your frugal living journey, take the time to assess your current financial situation.
Create a detailed budget that outlines your income, expenses, and savings goals. Identify areas where you
can cut back on spending and allocate funds towards essential needs and long-term financial stability.
Step 2: Embrace Minimalism
Evaluate your possessions and declutter your living space. Embracing minimalism can help you
appreciate the things that truly matter and avoid unnecessary purchases. Consider selling or donating
items that you no longer need and focus on owning fewer, high-quality belongings.
Step 3: Smart Shopping
When making purchases, adopt a mindful approach. Compare prices, look for sales and discounts, and
consider buying second-hand or refurbished items. Prioritize essential purchases and avoid impulse
buying. Additionally, consider buying in bulk to take advantage of cost savings.
Step 4: Reduce Utility Costs
Find ways to lower your utility bills by conserving energy and water. Invest in energy-efficient
appliances, unplug electronics when not in use, and practice water-saving habits. Consider alternative
energy sources such as solar power to further decrease your reliance on traditional utilities.
Step 5: DIY and Repurposing
Explore do-it-yourself projects and repurpose items to extend their usefulness. From upcycling old
furniture to crafting homemade cleaning products, embracing DIY practices can save money and reduce
waste while nurturing your creativity.
Step 6: Meal Planning and Cooking
Plan your meals in advance to minimize food waste and save on grocery expenses. Embrace cooking at
home, experiment with affordable ingredients, and limit dining out. Consider growing your own produce
or participating in community gardens to further reduce food costs.
Step 7: Sustainable Transportation
Opt for eco-friendly transportation options such as walking, biking, carpooling, or using public transit
whenever possible. By reducing your reliance on personal vehicles, you can cut down on fuel expenses
and contribute to a cleaner environment.
Step 8: Financial Management
Regularly review your financial progress and adjust your budget as needed. Prioritize building an
emergency fund and long-term savings. Consider investing in opportunities that align with your frugal
lifestyle, such as sustainable and ethical financial instruments.
Embracing a frugal lifestyle is a journey that requires patience, discipline, and creativity. By following
these steps, you can cultivate a more intentional and sustainable way of living while achieving financial
freedom and peace of mind. Start small, stay committed, and enjoy the rewards of living a frugal life.

1. The guide presents frugality as a personal choice. How do societal pressures towards
consumerism influence attempts to live frugally? Can frugal living become a
mainstream cultural movement, or is it inherently counter-cultural?
2. The guide outlines steps to live frugally. Can frugal living be sustained over a lifetime,
or does it need to adapt to changing life circumstances (e.g., having children, needing
medical care)? How can frugality be adapted for different life stages?
3. True false
a. True/False: A frugal lifestyle is about spending as little money as possible, regardless
of your needs.
b. True/False: The first step to frugal living is to get rid of all your possessions.
c. True/False: Frugal living encourages buying new, high-tech appliances to save on
energy costs.
d. True/False: The guide recommends taking advantage of bulk discounts, even if you
don't necessarily need the items
e. True/False: Living a frugal life is only beneficial for your wallet.
f. True/False: The guide encourages growing your own food to reduce grocery
g. True/False: According to the passage, frugal living requires occasional adjustments to
your financial plan.
h. True/False: The guide recommends investing in any opportunity regardless of its
environmental or ethical impact.
4. Imagine you are poster designer. Design and create a poster based on the text
above? A poster consists of title, text (using imperative) and illustration.
5. There are some mistakes in using degree of comparison. Give a tick if the sentence is
true or false!
Sentence True False
a. Spending money is badder than saving it.
b. Shopping online is more convenient than
shopping in a store.
c. This is the cheapest shirt that I have ever
d. Mrs. Sandya is the most gorgeous person
that I have ever seen
e. Using Laptop is more easier than using
6. Compose a simple Procedure Text entitled “How to be a Successful student”
7. Write the suitable proverb based on the moral value of the following text!
My First Day of School
It was a bright and sunny morning when I woke up, feeling both excited
and nervous for my first day of school. I quickly got dressed in my new uniform
and had a hearty breakfast before my parents and I set off for the school. As we
approached the school gates, my heart began to race with anticipation.
I was greeted by the friendly faces of my classmates and the warm smiles
of my teachers. The school hall was abuzz with chatter and laughter as we all
got to know each other. I felt a little shy at first, but soon I found myself making
new friends and joining in the fun.
When the bell rang for our first lesson, I followed my classmates to the
classroom, eager to learn and explore. The day flew by with interesting lessons,
fun activities, and delicious lunchtime treats. By the time the final bell rang, I
couldn't believe how quickly the day had passed.
As I walked out of the school gates, I couldn't stop smiling. My first day of
school had been a wonderful adventure, and I couldn't wait to see what the rest
of the year had in store for me. I waved goodbye to my new friends and
teachers, already looking forward to the next day.
That first day of school will always hold a special place in my heart. It was
the beginning of an exciting journey filled with new experiences, lifelong
friendships, and endless opportunities for learning and growth.
8. Write the suitable proverb based on the moral value of the following text!
Once upon a time, in a seaside village in Padang, West Sumatra lived a widow called Mande
Rubayah with her only son, Malin Kundang. Mande Rubayah loved her son so much, which turned
Malin Kundang a spoiled child.
One day, Malin Kundang suffered a severe sickness, that his mother gave every cent of her life
savings to cure his illness.
Days, months, and years passed by, Malin Kundang turned adult and his mother an old woman.
Malin Kundang asked his mother to let him hitch a docked ship nearby and wander to the big cities
to get better fortunes for the family.
Mande denied his request and asked Malin to stay and take care of his mother instead.
“Mother, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. Not every year a ship this large docks
here. I want to take this opportunity to change our fate, please let me go,” Malin pleaded his mother.
With a sad heart, Mande finally accepted his plea.
“Please be back soon, my child. I will be waiting for you here,” Mande cried.
Days by days passed slowly while waiting for Malin. She prayed every single day for Malin to go
home safely. To every ship’s crews and captains, she asked for Malin’s whereabouts and did not get a
single answer nor message for her.
Many years full of waiting passed and Mande Rubayah grew older and weaker, while she heard
the news from a ship captain nearby that Malin married to a noble and rich woman from a big city.
“Mande, do you know that your son is now married to a beautiful woman, a daughter of a very rich
noble,” said the captain.
“Malin, my son. Please go home soon, I am already old and weak. Please be home soon,” his
mother prayed every single day to meet her long-awaited son.
Months later, another large ship docked near the village. It was the most luxurious and beautiful
ship Mande had ever seen. A pair of rich couples walked off the ship with lustrous and gold-
embroidered attires. Mande immediately recognized the couple, rushed through the crowds, and
hugged the rich man in the lustrous attire.
“Malin, my son. You’re back!” Mande broke her tears happily and relieved. “Why didn’t you send
me a message? I miss you, my child”.
Unexpectedly, Malin jolted and pushed Mande away from him. His wife also looked down on
Mande without any respect. Malin’s wife spat and shouted at Malin and Mande, “Is this rumpled old
woman your mother? Why would you lie to me, Malin? You said that your mother is also a
noblewoman like me?”
Hearing that, Malin became furious and pushed his mother to fall to the sand, “You mad
woman! I am not your son!” he snapped at his mother.
Mande Rubayah sunk in disbelief and hugged Malin’s feet. “Malin, oh Malin! I’ve been waiting
for you this long. Why would you do this to me, your mother?”
Full of anger, Malin kicked his mother away, “You are not my mother. You are ugly, poor, and
dirty,” yelled Malin.
Mande cried brokenheartedly. She felt weak, sad, and desperate while Malin and his wife turned
their backs and walked away to their ship.
The ship sailed away and the crowds left Mande alone by the shore. Mande cried and prayed,
“Oh, God. If he was not my son, I will forgive his actions to me. But if he is Malin Kundang, I ask you
for your righteousness!”
Immediately, the sky turned dark and the wind blew violently. The rain fell upon the earth with a
destructive storm.
The storm shook Malin’s ship, furious thunders hit the ship unforgivingly and blazed it into
The next morning, shipwrecks shored near the village with a kneeling man-shaped stone
between the debris. This stone was believed as the cursed form of Malin Kundang, kneeling for
forgiveness from his mother until today.
9. Find the Indirect speech in the “text ” from the Direct speech below:
a. Direct Speech: Malin Kundang asked his mother “let me hitch a docked ship
nearby and wander to the big cities to get better fortunes for the family.”
Indirect speech found in the text: ..........
b. Direct Speech: Mande denied his request and asked Malin “stay and take
care of you mother instead”
Indirect speech found in the text: ..........

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